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syntactic sugar. Alias. Synonym, etc
@MadaraUchiha yes, sugar for people who wanna program like him. :P
he's the target market, it isn't bad news. it is good news. JS is holding his hand and adding class
it is bad news for the rest of us :P
Good point
Can you not continue to program how you like?
But what I'm saying is that classes don't have anything new over prototypes
not when I have to maintain a project that is all class-y
You still can't have, say, private methods or fields.
@MadaraUchiha looks prettier?
and the argument can be made, it will help a whole new set of people "understand" better when writing larger JS applications
albeit a broken understanding
Java programmer would definitely prefer class based paradigm(if provided in javascript), am actually not aware of proto paradigm.
@overexchange But JavaScript is not Java
And if you try to write JavaScript like Java, you're going to have a bad, bad time.
These dudes are good at explaining prototypal inheritance youtube.com/watch?v=Yvf_kUBZmXg
That's like comparing a slice of ham to a slice of hamster
For java, class is a conceptual model
They might both be an object but you just killed a hamster
Ever have one of those days you can't get comfortable in your chair
@Cereal every second of every day of my life
what @overexchange meant to say was: the approach we use to convert the class/sequence diagrams in to java code, it is same thought that am trying to seek from JavaScript
May be am bad in English.
no, just JavaScript !== java script
at the very least, at least write "javascript"
Which is entirely unintuitive
there is no space.
Is it not OOP programming approach using javascript? where you model realworld/conceptual objects of a system that you model?
@overexchange Yes and no
JavaScript is a lot more flexible than Java
So most of the things you'll see out of necessity in Java, you won't see in JavaScript
(SomethingInterface, SomethingImpl, SomethingUtils)
'use strict';

var funcs = (function () {
    return ['abc'].map(function (item) {
        return function () {
            return this;

Not everything has to be under an object in JavaScript
You can have functions that stand on their own just fine
Why am I getting the function object itself? I was expecting undefined
@ApathyBear Those guys were using office conf rooms to teach JS, right? source decoded, but nice lecture, I know about these lectures
public class HasThisTypePatternTriedToSneakInSomeGenericOrParameterizedTypePatternMatchingStuffAnywhereVisitor extends AbstractPatternNodeVisitor { ..
@rlemon You forgot the generics
@MadaraUchiha that is actually in the Spring source code
> boolean ohYesItHas = false;
is even better
finding funny java class names is fun
47	public boolean wellHasItThen/*?*/() {
48		return ohYesItHas;
Java devs. y u so silly?
In python, we use dispatch dictionary approach to write abstractions using function objects. am not sure what above code does? funcs[0]?
@MadaraUchiha is that you accepting people?
if so, how u do so fast? notifications of the request?
@rlemon Sent that to a coworker, his response was
> java is the german of programming languages
@MadaraUchiha interface and abstract class are discovered entities while you design, If you do not requrie, do not use it
@overexchange that's not right at all
you write the interface, then the tests, then the implementation
the interface can change, but it comes before the implementation and is pretty necessary
I think you are talking about contracts(list of methods that one can access) making available to external users using your module(or package).
Interfaces are contracts.
Plus, contracts within your package are just as important.
@ssube We had some discussion on this here: programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/262706/… where I got some inside story here programmers.stackexchange.com/a/262949/131582
@ssube interfaces are the third-person singular simple present inters, but for faces.
It's well-known that ransom-seeking hostage takers shoot in the torso and move on to the next hostage if that fails. — Relaxed yesterday
@overexchange That answer is very wrong. Interface methods allow multiply-inherited behavior, not state, which is the basis of many wonderful patterns.
@overexchange programmers.stackexchange.com/a/262710/6865 is a much better answer
One good example why interface is contract, interface ServletContext provides some methods as contract as per JEE spec, because multiple vendors can implement it.tomcat/glassfish/
Abstract classes are only useful in the very very limited situation where you need a basic structure with no behavior and want to add onto it.
@rlemon Yeah, and I get mailed about it too
It's pretty annoying.
@overexchange lol
I think I've had a legitimate use for abstract classes maybe twice, both when it was a data structure and the subclass had to provide behavior.
Show me one production Java program without interfaces or abstract classes
@MadaraUchiha damn, I have no notifications come through
class HelloWorldApp {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Hello World!");
@rlemon vOv
@MadaraUchiha I'll poke around the settings (you should as well. clearly there is a way to not get those :P I don't)
^ this
click on it to turn them off
@ssube I would give least marks for that answer, interface is used for multiple inheritance? Now I can't talk more on this..
It would make sense to me, If one contradict to the points I mentioned in my question
Instead of giving such reasons for using interface
While we're on the topic.
@rlemon There's a notification toggle
I'm reading up on polymorphism, and I saw the phrase that generally describes it is "One interface, multiple methods." Is this literal? Meaning all interfaces are polymorphic objects (would this include abstract classes as well, since they are defined by the subclass?
What @akaRash posted
@overexchange Well, you certainly can't use classes for multiple inheritance, or you end up with the diamond problem. Interfaces, esp. in languages where an interface can implement methods, can provide multiple inheritance of behavior but not state, avoiding the problem while supporting mixins and traits.
@SterlingArcher neat, so you're giving a talk on polymorphism then?
Contracts extending another contract and providing some behavior is the base of mixins.
@SterlingArcher Interfaces are a tool for polymorphism
@rlemon I barely understand it D:
They don't need to have multiple methods
so become pro
then teach everyone else.
das de idea dog
lol Runnable sends me the same spam email every single day // cc @SomeKittens
Consider the follwing
How long do I have?
@SterlingArcher Interfaces are the public contract of an object. Polymorphism doesn't matter, since you don't know or care about the implementation, only the contract.
Can it be in Java?
@Jhawins it isn't every day, more like once a week
at least, for me :P
I think what joshua bloch says about interface and what you do while introducing interface during UML design are in alignment. his point is very strong point!!!
I assume we get the same spam
interface Logger {
    public void log(Logger.Severity severity, String message);
Haha you get that one too? It's every few days
Abstract contracts allow polymorphism, but don't require it.
It;s always bragging about the same feature
The logger interface defines a contract that all implementing objects must fullfil.
worst is I have two email clients on my phone
so I get it twice.
An object that implements Logger must have a public method log that has no return value and accepts these two parameters
@ssube what do you mean by public contract?
lol I'm just gonna unsub or mark it as spam now.
@SterlingArcher I'm explaining :P
@SomeKittens do you still work there? Is the project still alive?
@SterlingArcher @MadaraUchiha is explaining
Watch Babel Repository on github
Email flooded so bad now i have a tag called babel
Seems like it's the same ole "don't complain, it's a beta!"
@MadaraUchiha sorry im slow reading today
@SterlingArcher @ssube is trying to tell you @MadaraUchiha is explaining
@SterlingArcher just listen to @MadaraUchiha explaining (@rlemon @ssube cc)
oh shut up xD
And you still have to click "Sign Up" to get to the "Login" link hahahaha
that is annoying
@ssube he says Interfaces are ideal for defining mixins this itself says more than enough. coming to contract, thats a different aspect of using interface where I gave you an example of interface ServletContext
An interface is a legal paper contract without any of the blanks filled in or signed. The contract, the printer, and the lawyer don't give a shit who is going to sign it or what for, they only care about the general subject and the public laws related to it.
Now consider a method/function that uses that logger
public void doSomething(Logger logger) {
    // snip
    logger.log(Logger.Severity.INFO, "I did something!");
@MadaraUchiha right, that's the concept of abstract methods (nodding, go on)
doSomething wants an object that implements Logger
I deposited a paycheck into my new bank account Friday... They still won't let me access the funds.
It doesn't care which Logger it is, and you can switch them very easily in compile time without changing the code
This $20 keeps seeming like less and less every day...
@SterlingArcher read what @MadaraUchiha is telling you ffs
class FileLogger {
   // accepts file in constructor and...

   public void log(Severity severity, String message) {
       file.write(severity.toString() + ": " + message);
@FlorianMargaine omfg
@FlorianMargaine make sure @akaRash knows to tell @rlemon that I'm trying to get @SterlingArcher to read what @MadaraUchiha is saying
@SterlingArcher just checking in to make sure you took @FlorianMargaine and @ssube's advice and are in fact paying attention to @MadaraUchiha and his words of wisdom. also @akaRash smells
@rlemon check in again tomorrow and we'll start calling you runnablemon
@MadaraUchiha is that a legal override, since the abstract log method was defined with a Logger in the param?
class DBLogger implements Logger {
    // accepts DB connection in constructor and...

    public void log(Severity severity, String message) {
(or is this a different example?)
class DevNullLogger implements Logger {
    // noop. For tests
    public void log(Severity severity, String message) {}
hahaha @MadaraUchiha, @SterlingArcher didn't understand :D
Don't laugh :(
@FlorianMargaine that is funny. re: "hahaha @MadaraUchiha, @SterlingArcher didn't understand :D"
Gods @SterlingArcher, it's like you weren't even listening at all.
It's not you, don't worry
We told you so many times...
@SterlingArcher you are not paying attention to what @MadaraUchiha is telling you cc @ssube @rlemon @FlorianMargaine
@ssube Firstly, I would like to know, why interface methods(say List) are used as contracts instead of public access methods within your public access classes(say ArrayList LinkedList) from collection package
I like that we're trolling Jordan and Dor is taking the brunt of it
I will start kicking
@SterlingArcher do you know duck typing?
I know the general concept
var bronto = root.bronto = root.bronto || {}; This just checks if root.bronto exists, and if it does sets bronto to root.bronto or else both to {} right?
@FlorianMargaine did you hear that @SterlingArcher isn't listening to @ssube or @MadaraUchiha or @akaRash
@SterlingArcher can you explain it?
@overexchange All interface methods are public.
okay I'm done now.
@SterlingArcher Any of those loggers can be plugged where Logger was requested
@rlemon meh, let's stop it now
@FlorianMargaine Duck typing is like duck face: the kids think it's cool, but there are older and more effective ways of getting the same result (strong typing instead of duck typing or taking your clothes off instead of duck face).
The main difference between an interface and an abstract class, although functionally similar, is that a. you can only extend once, and implement however many interfaces you want (at least in most languages)
@FlorianMargaine kinda. It's something about how objects behave in a method, versus how they are typed as
Is that right?
@ssube yes thy are public, please read my question again. am not sure, If my English is bad
@MadaraUchiha all sane languages. Lookin at you, C++.
And b. Extending a class indicactes an is-a relationship between base and extender
@MadaraUchiha sorry, I didn't see the extends Logger. That makes sense
Whereas implementing an interface is more of a "I can do that"
implements Logger -> I can log! I have the log method!
@overexchange Using interfaces is using public methods. Why would you use a public method on the implementation when you can have a published contract?
An interface is, like many have said, about a contract
In fact, you can make a good argument that for testing purposes, every method should be public but you should only access them through the interface (contract).
When I get a Logger instance, regardless of what instance that is, I know for a fact that it has the log method with the signature I'm expecting.
@Loktar > "Is he like breeding old keyboard or something?"
The reaction to your new keycaps just now lol
I only care about what, and not how. That's polymorphism.
@ssube Assume there is not contract using interface concept in this world as of now. Now can't I make a contract with external users without providing interface?
@MadaraUchiha I've never seen it explained that way. It sounds like Duck Typing is almost an alias for polymorphism.
It is worth noting how the logging class/interface/methods are pretty much perfect to explain most of the OOP concepts.
My book explained it like a steering wheel. Doesn't matter what kind, all you know is when you turn the wheel, the car will turn.
@SterlingArcher duck typing is an interface without the explicit declaration of it implements Logger
Duck typing dictates that if an object has the log method with the proper signature, it implements Logger without having to declare it.
@overexchange The interface is your contract. It's separated from the implementation for abstraction purposes.
@ssube And Java shat all over that concept by introducing methods to interfaces XD XD XD
@SterlingArcher Duck typing is runtime polymorphism (I like to call it undocumented polymorphism, but that's because I don't like it)
@ssube By just creating interface name and collecting some common public method names of multiple implementations does not mean it as abstraction
@MadaraUchiha not entirely. Interfaces can't have state, but they can provide behavior. That doesn't make them an implementation, it just allows mixing in.
@overexchange interfaces as they are properly used, are definitely a tool for abstraction
I do think they should have added an interface type called mixin that allowed default methods and prevent them in normal interfaces, but meh...
Why is it when I bring up a topic, shit gets so intense that I barely understand anything :(
@overexchange Interfaces force abstraction because they can't contain state.
@SterlingArcher You understand the difference between state and behavior, right?
interface type called mixin? what does that mean?
@ssube That said, a 60 method god interface isn't very helpful.

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