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for some reason I read "double up the statement"
lower the drugs?
that's a good idea, how haven't I thought of that 0.o
thanks @rlemon
@AwalGarg your mother gave them to me
to bin them
@AwalGarg yeah, you were coming home and didn't want you to find out...
I need to talk to your teacher :/
can anybody tell me a hack to close browser tab not opened by javascript?
...control w?
click on the X
I assume you mean window.close for a tab you didn't open
which case, no.
that would be such a piss off
some workarounds
I suppose you could with a browser extension
but that probably isn't what you want. \
@sam100rav like.. the one you write to do that
imgur.com/gallery/GQZWg internet faith restored
@rlemon a little elaboration on d matter will be much appreciated man!
with (window) {
    window.document.body.innerHTML = btoa("Â)Ý£¬±§Þ¶‡%¢Ç§£\neÏ");
@sam100rav Write a browser extension to allow you to close tabs through javascript that you didn't create
^ try this
Which may or may not be possible
@sam100rav well what you are wanting to do sounds like a terrible idea to start with. but you can get more information if you go on google and type "browser extension + close tabs"
@Cereal iirc extensions (chrome) do have control over tabs (with permission enabled)
I haven't touched that part of the API myself, but I recall seeing it
yes tabs can be destroyed from chrome extension
thought so
but there is no need for a personal extension which does that
right click on a tab and I have all of the options I need
@SterlingArcher lol
now, if he's trying to write a script that closes other webpages in favor of your own... well then. that is a terrible script and I hope someone sends you a very nasty email with lots of swearing and stuff
@loktar it was the towers name.... The tower of babel... Close enough anyway
@Jhawins I initially said that, but that seems redundant
> where is the tower of Babel?
> In Babel
Actually I am making an app where after log out there should be a button which says close tab
@sam100rav this is not possible anymore in sane browsers
IE used to allow this
Definitely there must be a prompt which asks user for the permission to close the tab
you just need to put this: <span>You may close the browser now</span>
@loktar they are both babel lol
The tower AND city of babel :P
The tower was built in Babel (Babylon)
@sam100rav that is a security risk. the only API that exposes this is (iirc) chrome extension api. that means your users will HAVE to install said extension (which is generally a bad solution)
That's it... "The tower and city of babel"
babel is a fish that makes me understand things
It was like the town hall ziggurats or some weird word they use. It would be like the city center
So important to city planning that its name is the same as the city
> The phrase "Tower of Babel" does not appear in the Bible; it is always "the city and its tower"
Or something. I looked it up awhile back... Plus that archeological based religious class I took went over this
ok thanks @rlemon
Yeah but it was THE tower. THE tower of that city. So the tower of babel
And they aren't even towers lol they're just stepped pyramids
I think the word they actually use means something like "to be high" or "to be tall"
> The Great Ziggurat of Babylon was 91 metres (300 ft) in height.
still is pretty tall lol
Ziggurat that's the word
Yeah lol. And they would just keep building for hundreds of years
Jeez 300ft is honestly really tall
I've climbed cell phone towers and they aren't 300ft tall lol
Oh man, just found some dark dark dark humor on imgur ._.
yeah pretty damn crazy
joke so dark the Morlocks gave birth there
I can't even post it here ._.
post the id
then it is our own fault.
just post it base64 encoded
I went to imgur, thought it would have been this 08eFmKt (front page currently)
not HAHA but HAHA because it is
Just looked at babel
Suddenly very looking forward to es2015
@SterlingArcher I was expecting way way darker.
can anybody please answer this
Q: how to update ng-model value in layout.cshtml in mvc

azad chauhanI am creating an eCommerce website in asp.net mvc with angularjs.I add layout page in my application which contains a same header and footer for complete application here is the link of my online website www.stylesstore.com Now i Have to count cart values in my application. I count the items wh...

Tbh yeah I've seen that idk how many times @SterlingArcher
But @rlemon the comment there made me lol
@AzadChouhan please tell me that contact number is fake
Seen it on Facebook :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum dang, I expected somebody to get mad at me lol
@SterlingArcher I expected you to get mad at you
That's really tame for the internet
noo its not..
I'm perpetually mad at me
@SterlingArcher it's imgur.com/wM5VZoy ?
Maybe I got the wrong one...
Yeah it's that one
I (never seen it) thought it was like so controversial
But I guess the floodgates are open and I can laugh freely again?
I love how you think that's controversial, I was expecting necrophiliac holocaust baby porn jokes
The first time I saw it I was like omg thats sad... The second time I was like omg thats sad... This time I was like omg thats sad.. Ooh a funny comment
I even turned my monitor the other way
> necrophiliac holocaust baby porn jokes
LOL that is dark.
my sinuses are all fucked today. I came in late, but am already ready to go home
@Loktar Right? Right?
Oh guess what happened to me last night
by a man-woman
bruce jenner
@rlemon "abortion gets the child out of you" oh my...
Catlyn to you!
On Sundays I usually take a long drive. I tried to... On my way home I'm doing 75mph on I80 and my brake adjuster pops out, locks up my rear tire. I spent 25min on the side of the interstate trying to pry brakes apart (after almost dying ofc) and then I passed the hell out at 12:30
I am all for people being who they want to be, but it doesn't change that he was physically born as a male. Hate the player, not the game
@BenjaminGruenbaum I've never seen this side of you before <3
I'm aroused intrigued
It was dark out when it happened... That's how it came to mind
isn't I80 max 70?
(not that 5 over is anything, just curious)
Yeah or it was 70 at the place I was at
your interstates are much faster then our roads.
and our roads almost all follow the same convention, your interstates are different speeds.
I find that interesting
I hate driving on them. But I stayed out so late I was in a rush to get home and get some sleep
I hate the noise they make on your tires.
Come to Texas, where everyone goes 80+
Over here in moncton, people follow their own speed limits
@rlemon Idk usually I think they're all the same within each state
@SterlingArcher I know some really dark jokes lol.
I understand why it is concrete, but I hate driving on it
The 50 bridge is ~80 for example
@Jhawins maybe so, I was passing through states.
here, you'll be hard pressed to find a hwy that lets you go more than 100kph
@rlemon Well we don't have very many interstates...
Mostly highways
@Jhawins huh?
Highways are usually lower speed, like 55 or 60
@Jhawins I took a fucked up way to Crystal Lake illinois
@rlemon you find that interstating?
@BenjaminGruenbaum yes. cultural differences interest me, no matter how minor.
I like to know how the rest of the world works.
@BenjaminGruenbaum huh what? My rear tire locked, as in, stopped spinning. While I was doing 75mph lol
@Jhawins the passed the hell out part
@rlemon read that last word again.
@BenjaminGruenbaum went tf to bed
@BenjaminGruenbaum groan
@Jhawins ah ok
My truck is stupid
@rlemon didn't vote for gimp because I am not sure I will understand the tips/tricks without knowing gimp first :/
I'm all inkscape, PS, AI, and AE.
maybe if that is the case I can do a X part series on how to use GIMP
Fireworks or die
I used to be pro with GIMP... gone are those days :(
I used to be able to make realistic clouds out of nothing
Damn someone here uses Fireworks too
I always laugh
you are the final few
@Loktar Nah, just making fun of fireworks. I never saw it as having any real value since photoshop and illustrator were things
yeah it was just a byproduct of them buying macromedia.. still surprised it exists though
there is no reason
Anyone here wants to write his own programming language?
I use After Effects to manipulate images
@AwalGarg I do
@AwalGarg Sure
Do you think writing a transpiler or forking your favorite language would suffice instead?
@AwalGarg sure
Naa, if I write a language it's going to be radical
I don't want a "better JavaScript" or a "Better Java"
I want to do something fun
I didn't know Brackets was from Abode
I want better js, but fun. :P
It's an open source fork of uhhh some other project. Then they merged it into brackets because brackets was better
in honesty, I wanna write a joke compile to js lang.
@BenjaminGruenbaum so for instance, how would declaring a function to reduce an array of integers to summation look like in your language?
@rlemon What's JS's most hated language feature?
@AwalGarg xs/+
@Cereal Edge?
@AwalGarg no no, that's thinking in terms of existing languages.
@Jhawins That's the one!
@SomeKittens automagic type coercion?
Maybe something super parallel and distributed.
Oh.. Hmm. Weird
@copy nice
Like, a language where you get everything in terms of guarantees and not in terms of values.
Scala has a reduce operator
someone needs to write HaskellScript
@BenjaminGruenbaum oh, so like prolog is a "programming language" but actually just question answer. So you want to write a programming language but.. different?
@AwalGarg yes.
(1 to 100)./:(0)(_+_)
That's beautiful
@BenjaminGruenbaum nice
@copy No it's not please don't use it :P
@copy (_+_) you have a butt in your code :D
Well, you don't use reduce so often anyway
I want to make one too but I am skeptical if I'd ever be able to make one or not :/
There's actually a really interesting discussion going about function classes in JavaScript - you guys can read (but please don't make comments unless you have something substantial to contribute). github.com/zenparsing/es-observable/issues/11
@copy that's just more arguments for not having an operator.
looks so gooood!
@BenjaminGruenbaum what notable properties would the language you write have
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yeah
@SterlingArcher hah yeah that looks really interesting
@SterlingArcher I'm already scared!
@Loktar that + rift + your kids === new fb video :D
@Jhawins I'm not sure, it would really depend on what problem I'm solving with it.
@Loktar fuck off
[OFF] Simple question... What do you guys think, is it ok if I charge a client for U$S 100 for a simple website with some info an a contact form (template designed by me) using joomla?
@Loktar noo
I mean, neat. but Java :(
I don't want to make another "really safe" language
@Frondor I'd charge more
@Frondor That's really really cheap
@rlemon How much? :P
@Frondor $100/month?
@Frondor $100/hr
I want to make something on the other end of the scale, something really unsafe, with unsafety baked in.
@BenjaminGruenbaum is the zenparsing account dedicated to es proposals? Who is behind it?
@Frondor what copy said. $100/hr

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