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morning friends
function checkBeverages () {
    var beverages = false;
    frige.content.map( food => if( typeof food === 'beverage' ) beverages = true );
    return beverages;
while( checkBeverages() ) createPrograms(); // I'm multicultural, everything's a bit more complicated
@towc .some()
good afternoon @corvid
Someone here who has experience in using ajax to send a put to an server which response "Method PUT is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Methods." ?
@eddywhite Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
so, should I use typescript or es6? What's the difference?
@MadaraUchiha I'm both multicultural and dumb, ok? XD
function checkBeverages() {
    return fridge.contents.some(food => typeof food === 'beverage');
@RoelvanUden mhmm, I will pop out srp from it :P
Is synchronous XHR ever going to be *really deprecated?
return fridge.contents.filter( Beverage ).length > 0
wasn't there something like that aswell?
@AwalGarg So long as it is reasonable :P
yeah right, but it's not in my "favorites" :/
while( fridge.contents.filter( Beverage ).length > 0 ) writeStuff(); // multicultural AND not so dumb anymore
I will write my own version wait:
My favorite programming principles: DRY SoC YAGNI KISS
there, solved :P
its too sticky here
too much love
@towc that is still dumb
too much programming love
you're dumb
get a girlfriend guys
@towc your face is dumb :P
@AwalGarg your mother's face was much better :P
filter will loop over all the elements, which is not required
some will stop as soon as a match is found
so what @MadaraUchiha said is sensible
@AwalGarg *your
I don't care about performance, I'll take all of the drinks
The only person a misspelled insult hurts is you.
@towc Assuming Beverage is the constructor, that is dumb because constructors have no return value and undefined is falsey.
I think he confused with what Zirak showed him once
but you can filter with Boolean, right? Can't remember
this works because boolean casts to boolean
@towc I've said that before at parties and it never ended too well.
oh -_-
so it's as if it passed the element in the Boolean constructor 0.o I get it now
your code is dumb and you should feel dumb :P
If you're at the kinda party where you're tempted to cut loose and have all the drinks, you're gonna care about performance later. That's just how she goes.
lol kids these days...
@AwalGarg follow it up by kicking him off your lawn
typescript or es6?
the latter
es6 4life
@towc no way "4life", es7 is coming with async and binding functions
@Lior TS of course
@AwalGarg well, your life is short
@towc unlike your life which ends next door :P
@Lior both
TS targets ES6
what lawnn?
my lawn is a battleground.
typescript... pretty much sounds like an insult
@AwalGarg that sounds like a pop song
@towc next time I will teach you how my awesome drones replenish the land every once in a while.
@AwalGarg here's one of my drones:
looks like you only recently learned how to search for images on google?
@AwalGarg I started googling before I was born
@towc lmgtfy.com/?q=how+to+be+born (potentially nsfw)
brb calling @towc's mom asking what happened that night
lol people born after google
gonna be so effed when the apocalypse hits
shut up
@towc twss :/
@FlorianMargaine ha
do you even know how to make a rudimentary throwing star from Popsicle sticks and a sidewalk?
pft. kids these days.
can you even dewy decimal?
dewy like in Malcolm?
I cant even right now.
I can, I did. but I don't think I would enjoy it as much
Can you ever even be more like than you thought it would be when you did that?
@Loktar pfft, nobody can
that shit is so confusing
@ssube all I need are 000-100
idc about the rest :P
dewy decimal is a great example of adding values to an enum in the order they come to mind
this video makes me think of @Loktar
I want him to be the rapper
my oldest son actually knows it really well which surprised me
they still teach it in schools I guess
/me watches rap
The Dewey Decimal Classification is a system of library classification made up of ten classes, each divided into ten divisions, each having ten sections. For example, class 600 ("Technology") includes division 630 ("Agriculture and related technologies"), which includes section 636 ("Animal husbandry"). Practically, there are only 99 of 100 divisions and 908 of 999 sections in total, as some are no longer in use or have not been assigned. == Class 000 – Computer science, information & general works == 000 Computer science, knowledge & systems 000 Computer science, information & general works 001...
heh that dude looks like Jimmy Falon
> 002 The book
it has a category for a single book?
> 006 Special computer methods
what counts as a special method?
France doesn't teach dewey method
I only know dewey because I grew up in the age of the library
I just got back france. Good experience
Would binge drink espresso again
@ssube computer.special = function(){} ?
!!s/dewey method//
Also hotdogs there are like 16 inches long, on a baguette, covered in cheese, and panini pressed
@ssube France doesn't teach (source)
@rlemon I went quite often to the library... but no dewey method here
what with the constant protests over whatever they protest
@FlorianMargaine it is very helpful
I suppose it's hard to teach when everyone smells
my kb this morning
its so fucking pretty.
poker 3
what does 15ms button do?
thats for programming the timings when making macros
in most italian libraries you're lucky if you find 3 separate divisions: they usually distinguish from children and adults. Nothing else
Is there a different lib than browserify to just bundle files togehter with requires?
you can program 4 layers, each key can save 36 strokes
right now ctrl+t opens up task manager for example
you can do so much, its really cool
@towc Wine/Cars/Women
@RoelvanUden requirejs, jspm, webpack
pick your poison
webpack ftw.
@MadaraUchiha I read that as Poisson. I need a break
@Loktar Which reminds me I still need to learn webpack
I essentially just want bundle app.js and it should walk the requires.
@SomeGuy Possum?
webpack is good
@SomeGuy fish?
Keyboard posting time?
That's it. The simplest/fastest one of the things above is?
require by itself (or require's packer) are not good
@Cereal hah nice man
a fellow 60% user
what switches?
wait is that a hhkb @Cereal?
It sure is
@Loktar blues for life
damn dude thats nice
@ssube yea my other kb is blues
Definitely worth the month of food I had to give up
why. the. hell. did unity mail stop working :(
getting my custom caps today then ill bring it in
@Cereal haha yeah the hhkb is pricey
current board:
@ssube hah nice, my blue is very similiar its a TKL as well, a CM Storm Quick fire rapid
nice. That's the quickfire stealth.
I love the labels on the bottom side of the keys.
ah nice thats why it looks so familiar
Gah webpack is one of those "Go ahead and read 30 pages of docs to get a feel on what this project does" type of things. I hate those things.
Has anyone seen angularJS frameworks broken by iframes?
@RoelvanUden it is not
@JosephCasey Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
gulp-webpack takes 10 lines to run
I don't use f'ing gulp grunt or any of that crap.
I want a CLI interface. Is that available?
thats up for a group buy right now, scroll down to see the other options
@RoelvanUden then you're screwed
just grabbed it.
just in general
Well browserify it is then.
not having a reproducible build is real bad
21 hours left in the group buy
I don't use any pipeline for my dev now. Everything is loaded on the fly.
I haven't used browserify ever
Packing is just for release.
because spazz hands
Because screw stupid slow background compilers/transformers
No, shit, fuck that, I don't want gulp and a thousand gulp plugins.
@Loktar Oh shit, this site has topre caps
@RoelvanUden So what you're saying is you don't want CI or to allow anyone else to ever build your code?
You don't want tests or lint, you don't want analysis or packaging, and you certainly don't want a predictable build process?
Not having a compile at all is extremely predictable.
@Cereal yeah man thats the one thing that makes me hesitant with anything other than cherries, it seems a hell of a lot harder to find caps
Staging/production just gets a packed version of this thing.
The web has pretty much no tooling at all catering for small simple projects which don't require a heavy background transpiler and 5mb of foreign code in the project root when project code itself is 20kb max.
@Loktar Yup. I don't think I'd ever go back from topre though. I still use blue switches when I'm at my girlfriend's, and they just don't compare.
And especially for mobile apps all that heavy pipelining is incredibly clucky.
Hence, no compilers here.
what a freaking nightmare the last three months have been. once I move I promise to be less of a prat :P
I feel like I've been overly bitchy
18 days till the lemonshack?
@RoelvanUden how the hell do you run TSC?
@RoelvanUden you can use this: gist.github.com/Deathspike/83e6023ede3e7454fc8a
I wonder who wrote it :P
@ssube IDE
@AwalGarg Hah well yeah.. now I'm at the bundling phase, browserify works, so I'll go for that.
Good morrow gents
The fact that it takes 1~2s matters not at a final build.
@RoelvanUden lol
so you are running a compiler, just not in a predictable fashion?
@rlemon what do you mean make your new office? Like design it?
@SterlingArcher yes
18 days and I get my house
Oh home office!
I thought you meant work office
and running gulp would just give you a portable version of the same results, taking probably less time (gulp-typescript is faster than the cli compiler)
@ssube Doing a final build still does tsc but during dev every CTRL+S is instant and with instant feedback. That's because everything else is slow and clunky. Do you use node file watchers on windows? HOLY HELL THEY ARE SLOW.
That's still exciting! Can we help?
@RoelvanUden No, I'm a reasonable, responsible person and don't use file watchers at all ever.
debating if the spiderman and batman cookie jars belong in the entertainment room, the kitchen, or the office.
Watchers simply don't work.
Off topic but my reputation is currently a palindrome
@rlemon entertainment room
Seconding entertainment room
@RoelvanUden those are 30 pages of options. I'll tell you what webpack does: You point it to a single .js file and it finds all dependencies (from your code or npm modules, etc) and packs them into a much smaller number of files. Those files can also fo thorugh other filters to do things like transpiles TS to JS, etc.
fill one with popcorn and the other with dried plant material
inb4 lol weed ^
@ssube Exactly, they don't. I use TypeStrong for Atom. It compiles incrementally on file save. It's fast. Lightnight fast. There is absolutely no wait.
@ssube potpourri?
@SterlingArcher was :P still is
damn that word is stupid
@Luggage Sounds like browserify + npm/bower
@rlemon sure, you could call it that
it replaces browserify but not npm/bower.
@rlemon y u violate the inb4 D:
@RoelvanUden browserify is much more limited
it uses npm/bower fodler to look for dependencies.
I'm not actually digging a pond, I'm making an out door 4000 gallon bong.
@rlemon 4000 gallon gravity bong?
how the hell is your "people reached" only 160k at 10k rep :O
1.3* million :P
@rlemon you could be the first person to overdose on pot
most of that is due to account age
@AwalGarg who ?
@ssube Yet it does, essentially, the same task? Except, perhaps, faster, and with more options. For basic use, there doesn't seem to much of a difference?
@DenysSéguret @SterlingArcher
@RoelvanUden eh, nah, browserify works fine if you just want simple scripts
webpack is quite a bit more usable when it comes to including styles or templates
intuitive is not something that will ever describe webpack, unfortunately
so I'm using a db binding with no docs, no examples, no activity in two years.
but I use it a lot :(
now I have to do something that isn't clear
This doesn't sound like it'll be fun
!!afk finding a gun
@ssube I'll probably just have to take a day and read up. It is not this day :P
Better than having to work with an undocumented in-house non-relational DBMS :-)
you can walk over and hit someone
I cannot
Yes, it's at least easy to blame other people when you have to use an in house dbms.
concussive maintenance doesn't just work on hardware, it works on the developers too
@RoelvanUden a better summary than the webpack page: github.com/petehunt/webpack-howto
I've seen a fist fight between a dev and an arch before
@rlemon And that helps your development how?
it was comical
@MadaraUchiha "fix it" "no" <smack> "okay"
160k people reached isn't a lot for 10k?
@SterlingArcher check mine
I have a git question, but I don't think there are any stackoverflow chat rooms about git, are there?
lemon is a popular kid
@SterlingArcher check mine
@Flobin we know git
@Flobin ask aawy.
haha @rlemon your rep is a lie though
you should have what, 15k by now?
close to that yea
Thanks. Okay, so: if you have a repo with a /stuff folder and you’ve committed a bunch of stuff, but then you add the /stuff folder to .gitignore and commit, does it remove that /stuff folder from the repo? I think no, right?
@Flobin If you've added the files, they'll be tracked.
fuckit. I'm using a new mysql binding
You'll have to explicitly remove the files for .gitignore to take effect
I don't care if it takes two days to reimplement it
(Remove them from tracking, not from the actual working directory)
but it would stop tracking changes from that folder?
@Flobin It will not track new files
ah right
node mysql binding. what do the cool kids use now-a-days? (locked into mysql, before anyone asks )
But files already tracked will still be tracked IIRC
that makes sense
thanks @MadaraUchiha!
@MadaraUchiha you remember correctly
@BenFortune thanks
@rlemon Heh, I already deleted it though
The pg library is much nicer though.
chat is slow.
@BenFortune I would love to use postgres. but it doesn't build on this shitty system
mysql does
how to become better
@rlemon what are you running?
BBB with a custom Angstrom build.
1 hour ago, by rlemon
The absolute best way to learn about writing code in JavaScript is to collect all of the best jQuery plugins and start and wordpress install.
This doesn't have any stars lol
That boils me blood right quite yessir it does
I merged the wrong thing.
@Jhawins do that every day and you could be one of our contractors -_-

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