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Jan 1 at 19:04, by Zirak
When the bakery's closed, you don't go to the florist because it's the closest thing that's open
:) tweets so its saved forever!
Look mom, I'm on the internet!
those are words to live by dude
could stop a man from cheating on his wife.
moral of the story, wait for the warm bread from the bakery always!
Hey guys, If I have a url of "www.domain.com/folder" how to I get just "folder" out of that url
do I need regex or something?
url.split( '/' )[1]
!!/mdn String.split
See that ^
split = jquery?
hmm telling me it's undefined
!!/mdn Context.fillRect
split = function. See that link.
holy crap: another CLJ vet
hah wow
thats awesome
@HowdyMcGee "www.domain.com/folder".split( '/' )[1] === "folder"
so is that a bot you created @Zirak?
@Loktar Indeed it is :D github.com/Titani/SO-ChatBot
ah very cool
!!/get answer 322395
@Zirak Invalid range specifier 322395
!!/get answer last 322395
@Zirak Retrieving answer
A: Using jquery to replace a <br> with a space

LoktarPosting because it can be done! Could use CSS :P (only works in webkit, so not really recommended) .teaser-title br{ content:""; } .teaser-title br:after{ content:" "; } Live Demo

hah neat
like an IRC bot with prettier results!
!!/get {answer|question} {range='last'} {userid=youruserid}
!!/user 322395
thats some sexy results right there.
The awesomest command is learn. !!/learn {name} {output template} {input regex=/.*/} {input flags}. The output template looks like the String.replace thingy.
!!/learn greet "Why hello there, $0"
@Zirak Command greet learned
hey guys, quick question - is it possible to animate more than one thing with animate in jqyery - in one line?
!!/greet Moses
@Zirak Why hello there, Moses
something like that
$('h1, h2').animate()
**I know that syntax is really really wrong
oh thanks v much
well Im out have a good weekend everyone
You too!
is it possible to make an ajax call to PHP_SELF?
Try not to kill any rabbits.
or does ajax require a link
I don't think you understand how XMLHttpRequests work
you're sending an http request
it needs a URL
generally, the url would just be ./
yeah but can that url be the same page?
if I need an ajax call from index.php and the response will be coming from index.php
would I be able to just make the url index.php?
I don't think you understand how relative URLs work either
there's alot I don't understand :/
Requests are requests. You can ask yourself stuff.
   Within an object with a well-defined base URL of

      Base: <URL:a/b/c/d;p?q#f>;

   the relative URLs would be resolved as follows:

5.1.  Normal Examples

      g:h        = <URL:g:h>
      g          = <URL:a/b/c/g>;
      ./g        = <URL:a/b/c/g>;
      g/         = <URL:a/b/c/g/>;
      /g         = <URL:a/g>;
      //g        = <URL:g>;
      ?y         = <URL:a/b/c/d;p?y>;
      g?y        = <URL:a/b/c/g?y>;
      g?y/./x    = <URL:a/b/c/g?y/./x>;
(section 5.1)
so in the case of "index.php", ./ will suffice
think of "d" as index.php
Can anyone test this on Safari?
what am I looking for?
Well, try playing. See if there're any flickers, or maybe levels aren't right.
So far the only cross-browser problem I had was the canvas related things, so mainly things that are so obviously not supposed to happen
I think the only thing left to do is make the balls-per-level and target-balls amounts more...reasonable. Right now the later levels are super easy.
high score is 26/12
What if I make it the level-th triangular number?
yeah, the later levels are really easy once you get a combo going
ok, and what about this: jsfiddle.net/Zirak/tqVJk/2
the speed makes it easier
I'd exponentially decrease the uptime of circles per level
therefore mitigating "combos"
that's the sweet spot
Not too fast too soon, right?
Sweeet :D
I've got a NodeList, I'd like to grab the first one with a particular attribute. Rather than looping over them (there are a lot) can anyone suggest a more efficient way of doing this?
what attribute?
Q: Fake JS API should load the Real API via RequireJS after call is made to FakeAPI

troyntI'm trying to use a Fake JS API to then load the Real JS API after a method is called on FakeAPI. The problem I'm having is callback functions are being lost in the arguments variable. Is there a better way to do this? Why are functions being lost in the args variable inside require? The code ...

the attribute in this case will be data-phpgt-scrape and I'm looking for the value "TodoItem"
Other than making the NodeList with that in mind, and unless it's a special kind of attribute (like an id or name), nope
@Greg you can't, you have to loop
Even with the latter, the looping (or traversing, whichever you prefer to call it) will be implicit. Can't say it's the tallest mountain without seeing them all.
hmm ok never mind
thought I was doing something that would cause me grief later
well there is a more efficient way
its called use an id :D
that wouldn't be efficient in my situation
vim-powerline is the awesome
Where can I steal a list of all CSS styles?
got it already
@Zirak you there?
What is the best practice for attaching event listeners to all nodes in a NodeList ?
@Greg NodeSet
Except that doesnt work yet :D
cause its not ready
seriously though iterate over it
Q: Where will this .positionTop() function fail?

ThinkingStiffThe Javascript libraries have pretty complicated functions to calculate an element's position on the page. I wrote the following function that works in all the places I need it, and I've tested a few edge cases as well. It just subtracts the parent's scrollTop from the element's offsetTop. Can so...

@Raynos why do you define the style setters with dash instead of camelCase
alright, just wondered if there was a way on doing your NodeSet with straight js
@Esailija shit,
for (var i = 0, len = nodes.length; i < len; i++) {
or use delegation
I'd rather use [].forEach.call( nodeList
since you most likely need closures
parentNodeCommonToAllNodes.addEventListener(ev, function () {
  if (this.matches.condition) {
@Esailija I will have to add camelCase setters too :(
you can steal camelize from jquery
easy peasy
its easy
I just have 270 styles :P
Anyone have any recommendations on what else I should add to NodeSet ?
all the things
no serious
I mean how would getters work
what do you expect NodeSet.attributes to return?
I wouldn't do it but if I did it shoudl return the first element's stuff
all the things that you can do to single element + iteration shortcuts
NodeSet.each map filter etc..
@Alnitak ~Pong
@Raynos .first( cb )
Returns first element which satisfies condition in cb. In other words, the singular version of filter
@Zirak hey
You mean like any
but it returns the value?
last line - L = !L
@Esailija NodeSet inherits array
and ugh NodeSet is 2kb :(
@Raynos Yes
@Zirak no, I don't think that's needed
@Raynos I can't seem to use the delegate method to capture the <button> elements within the <ul> - can you point me in the right direction?
if that's wanted then just add first to Array.prototype
@Raynos Yes
ul.addEventListener("click", function () {
  if (this.tagName === "BUTTON") {
@Greg delegation fails if you stopPropagation of course
@Alnitak Doesn't matter, minification turns it into !1
@Raynos jsfiddle.net/g105b/Ng5EH I can't get it to show the button's tag name
sounds like a good minifier
oh lol my bad
use ev.target
because this === ev.currentTarget >_<
oh sweet, 888 bytes.
oh right!
If I could cut down by 222 bytes...
why that target?
@Zirak closure compiler is brilliant, I use it via a webservice to compile all my scripts into one
666 bytes will be godlike. owait...
you still have an extra var in the i = A.length line
depends if you can move b into the top level declaration though
awww, you ruined it. It's now 884 bytes.
218 to go
if you change your background colours you could use #rgb instead of #rrggbb
Pretty colors above all
wouldn't need to change much - #7a7a85 can be #778 and #eaeaff can be #eef
you probably couldn't tell the difference
huh, I wonder which || and && can be changed to their one-character versions
this line: N = l * (l + 1) / 2 | 0;
is mostly the same as just doing N += l each time the level starts
You're good at this
no need to recalculate the nth triangle number each time the level starts - it's just the level number added to the previous value
thx :)
and the | 0 isn't necessary until you get to really high levels, as N and l are always integers anyway
@Alnitak are you a wizard?
what an odd question...
define: wizard
Nope, you can't just do N += l, you've gotta account for the cases where the user failed the level.
ah, fairynuff. you didn't have that logic before
You can also use >>1 instead of / 2 | 0. Bitwise ftw
That logic was always there: !L && e < N && l-- is the level-failed check and level-failed action
but your ++l only happens when they go up a level doesn't it?
ah, so you put the level back down and then increment it again...
Saves an if statement
with my change you might save more than you lose with the if
@copy That's just...nice
The if statement that was saved was long before I did some other kinky stuff inside the main body, dunno if it'll be simple to extract it now
yes, but you don't need the | 0 anyway, so / 2 is shorter than >>1
that's the trouble with obfuscated code
/me is still puzzled by @raynos's question...
The numerator may not be even
yes it will
I can de-minify if you want. It's just changing variable names
n * (n + 1) is always even
huh, point taken
so long as n is an integer, of course
And nope, I don't see a way to just extract the lose condition without bloating the code
is that why you had the |0 in there?
in case the numerator was odd?
@Alnitak wizard as in bit wizard
as in know how to manipulate low level things
well, kinda
as in know how to hand optimize / minimize the hell out of something
I've been messing with computers for a very long time
was doing 6502 assembly by hand when I was 10 or 11
and have done quite a bit of electronics, microcontrollers, etc
I also mess about a lot with network protocols
which is kinda my day job
especially DNS
the other point is that strong numeracy / maths skills are actually really important for programmers
the trig stuff earlier, and the (unfortunately not viable) stuff here about triangle numbers, it's all trivial math, but many people don't know it.
@Alnitak funny, i started learning the same way, my brother started teaching me assembly and basic on the c64 when I was about 12 :D
my first was a UK-101
it didn't have an assembler - just a hex monitor
so I had to write code out on paper, and assemble it into opcodes by hand
that doesn't sound fun
Lucky bastards. All I did at 10 was read books and watch sci-fi movies. Wasn't interested in computers until really later on.
i wonder whatever happened to MOS
then went via BBC Micro, Atari ST, 80286 PC, Sun workstations
this here says the UK101 had a BASIC interpreter :D
yeah we didn't have any of the UK or BBC stuff over here, it was all commodore, apple, and atari :)
the c64 also had a basic interpreter
as it's normal "shell" if i remember right
actually the UK-101 was a british clone of the US "Ohio superboard"
yes, many of those generation computers stared with a BASIC "shell" on power up
basic makes about as much sense for a shell scripting language as anything
esp. if it's 1980
and the BBC Basic was particularly good, as it was completely structured - proper subroutines and functions
and a built-in two pass assembler
@Zirak what are you using to get from the original code to the semi-minified version?
I'm writing in the semi-minified version
and back-porting to the un-minified version?
Only if anyone asks
if (
    !explodedCount &&
        (exploded >= target || (
            !canClick && explodedCount < target && level--)))
aahhh, I miss Lisp
@Zirak instead of minifying your code you should try writing it all in iambic pentameter
That could be a brilliant language
parse( 'O A O A O A O A' ) === 8
parse( 'O . O . O . O .' ) === 4
Q: What is the "proper" way to generate a javascript variable depending on a custom field value?

AndrijaOn my site I have some posts with a custom field "Name". Now, in case the post has "Name" set, I want to generate this code: <script type='text/javascript'> var FG_DONATE_BUTTON_PARAMS = { attribution: 'honor', attribution_name: Name} </script> where Name after attribut...

@Zirak you can also replace m.PI*2 with 6.3, or even 7 - it won't break anything...
in the ctx.arc call
Really? That's...odd
strictly it'll make the arc wrap around past 360', but it'll look just the same
868 bytes! 202 bytes left!
yeah, that's gonna be tough...
I'd claim impossible, but check this out first: js1k.com/2010-first/demo/635
I wonder if I could minify this:
needs Chrome and a GPU
mine pans and zooms in real-time...
Why am I using var?
yeah, I did wonder about that...
It's used twice. That's 8 characters (var )
@Zirak People told you that in this chat three times a day ...
Hopefully Closure Compiler won't murder me.
@copy Seriously? I must have ignored you. Whoops.
lol yeah we did
I'm also needlessly creating a T variable
does it have a T property
@Zirak I think you have to declare every variable without definition and then remove them after compile like var a,b,c,d. At least that's how I did it.
just declare them as externs
booya, 846 bytes
that's 42 fewer than an hour or so back...
not sure if this'll help - f="fillstyle"; ... c[f]=
There's something hiding in the code. Something that can be smushed into one.
since you use c.fillStyle twice
The impressive thing is the unminified source size - 1.27kb
OK - f="fill",F=f+"Rect";S=f+"Style";
c[S] = e < N ? ...
c[F](0, 0, w, h);
c[S] = C;
I think that's shorter...
No, wait.
You're forgetting to add the places where it's used
Which doesn't matter. 851 bytes
Still longer
must be the extra quote marks :(
what if you just do the fillStyle string?
Same result
It narrows down to the same size
yeah, so it does :(
The random color should be shorter.
!!/mdn MouseEvent
!!/mdn MouseEvent
!!/mdn MouseEvent
yeah, that needs some refinement...
well, 2 characters can be saved by not making the event listener on the canvas, but part of the window...but that's pretty screwed up behavior
quick question: how can i get the jquery object from a keydown event?
What jQuery object is present in that event?
i've tried $("#id").keydown(function(e) { $(e.target).val(); }
and $("#id").keydown(function() { $(this).val(); }
And why aren't they valid?
they have no value
aww. never mind, i had to bind with live
@Zirak i had a dream about your game
except it was different
the balls were suicide bombers ala serious sam
and you had to protect the civilians that were also running around
Freud would've celebrated
had to blow up the bombers and save as many civilians as possible
and there was a base in the middle to protect
t : 2 * (10 / l) | 0 is the same as t:10/l<<1
except you may have a bug when l gets too big because t will == 0
@Zirak you should name it Freud's Balls
2 * (10 / 4) | 0 === 5
10 / 4 << 1 === 4
suggest you do |1 instead of |0
ah yes, rounding happens first, sorry
And yeah, the 10 / l isn't optimal, but it was the first thing to transform a linear line to an exponent decrease that I could think of
oh, and it can be changed to 20 / l | 0
yes, indeed - but do check what happens if 20/l rounds down to zero - I suspect it'll break everything
838 chars...172 to go...
if you do | 1 it'll ensure that t is always > 0, at the expense of missing out the even time values
If it'll be 0, then no sweat - the balls will just expand and shrink without an interval inbetween
t simply acts as a timer
Once it hits 0, the ball begins to shrink
Just a day ago it was about 965. Awesome
in this loop:
while (i < n) {
A[i++] = B();
AFAICS n never gets used again...
so could be used as the loop variable
if you decrement
Good catch
I swear: every single time I read a web job ad, I want to throw myself out of a window
while (n--) {
    A[n] = B();
@MattMcDonald Someone looked for an AJAX developer with advanced css5 skills?
so now you don't need to set i = 0
they want someone creative that knows jQuery, HTML, CSS, PHP/C#/Python/Node, SVN/Git, SSL, and has 5-10 years of software dev experience that is a genius and can do all things
L can be set to a truthy value
@MattMcDonald only one of those I haven't done in anger is Python
aahh, the jack-of-all-trades (besides js)
oh, and I forgot MySQL/PostgreSQL/NoSQL/MongoDB!
hmm - lots of MySQL - still thinking about NoSQL and Mongo for a work project
I'm so sick of these strawman jobs
@Zirak I thought you said your minifier would take care of L ?
It takes care of L = true for example by turning it into L = !0
Instead of that, multi-assignment: L = n = ++l * 5;
n is always truthy
ah, right
I wonder if the main loop and the ball creation loop can be merged together.
how many bytes are yo down to now?
//can this be merged to one?
b = A[i];
!b && (b = A[i] = B());
Scratch that: b = A[i] || (A[i] = B());
Booya! 818 bytes
you still have to decrement i somewhere don't you?
i = n;
while (i--) {
didn't we just decrement n to zero already?
I removed that. Merged the main loop and the ball creation loop.
ah yes
do you still have A.length in there?
815 bytes, and nope
A.length === n
heh, original size is 1.2kb
yes, that's what I was going to suggest, but you already refactored it out
huh, weird...the player ball isn't visible.
when it's working again can you update your jsfiddle?
A.length is necessary. The player ball is added later on to the general array.
No wait, it can just be n = A.push(b)
817 bytes...meh
owait, no it can't...because then the mutation of A causes it to generate extra balls
822...much less of an accomplishment
And it obviously fails now, because at first A.length === 0 facepalm
Why do i get undefined, when data is:
data is callback from $.post (ajax)
pastie.org/3181036 Non-working code, me going sleep
ok, gn
	    { method: 'update', id: id, amount: amount, new_values_return: true }, function(data) {
@Karem What does alert(data) give you?
[Object object]
@Dennis No im sorry
@dennis it gives me {"total_price":19000,"total_amount":5}
Then it's a string and it isn't getting parsed
Try passing another argument, "json"
i do json_encode($thearray) in php?
I tried to add dataType: 'json'
or header("Content-Type: application/json"); to tell it you are passing back JSON
on the php side
Already have that

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