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It's not frequent in either, but it happens. Which is annoying, because it shouldn't
in some frames the ball is not drawn which causes the flicker
what could possibly cause that
50 is too fast?
that shouldn't affect it, but I guess you could see it better
Everything's synchronous, so it's not like a ball is skipped in several frames...
put it at 250, you will see that you get frames where suddenly some ball is not drawn
should be easy to see at 4 fps :D
I have a hunch that you will get NaN at some point randomly for a frame
chrome will not draw it then but firefox would cause an error
can't really test in firefox though cos it's not drawing the player circle
and yes I added document.getElementById for W :P
Oh balls...
but firefox would easily solve that if it's because of passing NaN to a canvas function
because firefox throws
at least last time i worked with firefox and canvas
@Esailija it doesnt flicker for me on chrome on mac osx lion
wow, FF looks a lot like Opera
thats some interesting code there
@Zirak after the first few levels it's much harder to lose than it is to win lol
@Zirak Can you trim off a few more characters by using onclick instead of addEventListener?
@Dennis oh, yeah, forgot about that. Thanks
@GGG yeah...the board should be bigger or something.
omg, latest firefox doesn't throw on NaN anymore
but anyway, jsfiddle.net/cXFDU/3 here the red circle is not drawn because one number was NaN
so I'll add check for nan
There's no reason for it to be NaN. I'm only dealing with numbers, no strings
yea so that's out, it still flickers without alerting that something was NaN
@zirak use 3-char colours as well, e.g. #eef.
They're less pweety
Save 6 chars though!
But pweety cowos
huh, FF's mouse-event parameters are apparently different
console.log(e); //[object MouseEvent]
Thanks, FF console
chrome console has been awesome since 2009?
crap, clientX and clientY.
12 chars
Maybe the flickering is because of some rounding issue? The directions are un-rounded numbers, could be some funky thing
I think I got it
watch your chrome console with this jsfiddle.net/cXFDU/4
anytime some ball flickers, false will be appended
otherwise true
will just increment in place
put it in lower fps to see better
huh, so it is the forEach loop not finishing

guys can someone take a look at this?
yea it's definitely it, I am looking it at 4 fps and anytime some ball flickers there will be false in console
Now for next question: Y U NO FINISH?
I dunno but I feel like a detective right now
Like all good detectives, you use helpers like lol
Are you splicing correctly?
as in, splicing so that the forEach loop can still finish
...good question
do you still have human readable version
or do you dev in the minified
Human-readable is a few versions behind
does it have same splice logic though
Semi-minified (before Closure Compiler) is bleeding
yeah, forEach loop should be overall the same
@gsnedders Is nitro closed source?
How different is nitro from JSC ?
so you are removing the currently iterated item
forEach passes index as well as a second argument
so you don't need .indexOf(ball) I think
it passes 3 params
element, index, array rather... too much jQuery for you
yep, eia
slipped my mind
@Zirak tweak the difficulty
its too easy
so I just tested
if you splice from the end, it won't matter
but if you splice in middle you get lol !== lol2
wonder if you could refactor it to splice after the loop?
or use for loop but that's more code
Order doesn't matter
while (i++>A.length) {
    var b = A[i];
go from end to start
jsfiddle.net/cXFDU/6 it won't iterate the next element that comes after splice but will iterate indices after that lol
the index recalculation from splice really screws forEach
though that will splice 3 elements
but that's ok cos it's checking the index for splicing
if you don't have index condition it will work fine jsfiddle.net/cXFDU/9
since you got it to 900 bytes, maybe you can afford the for loop ? :P
var i = A.length, b;
while ( i-->0 ) {
    b = A[i];
926 bytes ~_~
if A[i] is never falsey, while (b=A[i--]) {
@Zirak A.forEach(function (b) {
I wonder if you could just cheese the whole thing with .filter
as that iterates the array as well
@adscriven right
@Esailija Good idea! @Raynos I started using forEach, but the function body mutates the array, making forEach act funky
Although, I'm not sure it's shorter (function is a long word)
924 bytes
No, it immediately eliminates exploded balls
Q: Why change the behavior of a deprecated function?

JoelFanI just had to fix a bug caused by a change to the behavior of the JavaScript function Date.getYear() introduced in Internet Explorer 9. This MSDN page clearly describes the change in behavior but it also says that the function is deprecated! Why would Microsoft mess with the behavior of a funct...

Q: Custom JavaScript function queue

RocketFor fun, I made a function queue in JavaScript. I named it tinyq. You can add functions to it, and each function is passed the next function in the queue. You can also pass parameters to the functions, and they can return values. function q(){ var Q = [], t = this; this.length = 0; ...

1 hour later…
Q: Jquery table manipulation

cloud 9How to exclude the first td on the click event of jquery that I created below? I want to exclude the all first td of the rows on the click event that produces dialog box. jQuery("#list tbody tr").click(function(){ //some code here }); <table> <tr> <td>first</t...

@Zirak don't change the logic, and you have to return true from it (!0)
@Esailija what's going on?
I thought there was a question or problem, I'm angsty for some mental challenges
Q: Style Photo Galleria to remove padding around images

DanHere's what im trying to do: I'm using the Photo Galleria plugin for my wordpress galleries. I'm trying to get my photo sizes to reflect the dimensions i've specified through the plugin's settings. The JS adds a bunch of inline styles which resize the image and adds a left value to leave room fo...

2 hours later…
i need to remove "<span class = mandatory>" from "Name<span class = mandatory>"
using regular expression
test.replace(/<.+?>/g, "");
sorry..heres the right query
i need to remove "<span class = mandatory><span/>" from "Name<span class = mandatory><span/>"
Hello! Can i ask sth here?
STH the gene? Well, you may certainly try asking our genes, but they don't have auditory IO
@sans481 Don't use regular expressions to do things to html
guys, i have a curiosity related to an javascript API, namely youtube iframe API. Do you happen to know if i can ask it here, or?
Okay, correction: Until you are a ninja regex master with telekinetic abilities and have a working knowledge of the Perl regex engine AND know the html spec by heard, do NOT use regular expressions on anything resembling html.
Can anybody explain that to me please: stackoverflow.com/questions/8847604/…
Why would anybody suggest using eval() that way D:
can't explain that, :-)
Q: Trimming script size by using array notation for frequently accessed properties

GGGI noticed some redundancy in a script I ran through Google Closure Compiler. (function(){function g(a){var k;if(a){if(a.call)a.prototype=j,a.prototype[e]={}}else a= {};var c=a,b,c=(a=c.call?c:null)?new a(a):c;b=c[e]||{};var f=b.extend;b=b.a;var d=c.hasOwnProperty("constructor")?c.constructor:b?...

@jm that's just horrible... this is soooo wrong... D:
@GGG Damage readability? ...You do know you're minifying, right? Also, your code is more like islands of code within oceans of comments
@Brandon : Yes...thanks
@Zirak anyotherway to do that?
(!explodedCount && (!clicksLeft || exploded >= target || (exploded < target && level--)))
Apparently, that ^ reasoning is false - evaluates to true when it shouldn't.
zirak did you fix flicker yet
The most deeply nested braces are an if in disguise
yeah, it was the forEach bugging after all. Doing a while loop is shorter than filter, so sticking to that
Thanks for pointing that out
hey, grats for fixing the pesky bug ^^
I pulled an all nighter.. couldn't sleep cos I felt guilty not doing any work yesterday lol
so I did work 5 hours straight
@sans481 You're using jQuery, you can't possibly get any more element slicing and dicing methods.
drank so many energy drinks I think my teeth will fall
@Zirak No i need to use JS only
I could've sworn you were...the jQuery mob rotted my short-term memory. anyway, more context is needed. Where is this coming from and why, what is this part of, etc
this is the label of a jsp and i need to change its content based on some condition
First problem: Using JSP :P
:D Cant change it now ;)
Where is that snippet coming from? Is it part of the document, or is it some weird juju you receive from the server?
Not getting you
The html that you pasted. Where did you find it? Under your bed? Your source? A server's response? Your blender's daughter had it deported to Mexico?
From source..
Good. So it's in the DOM.
What's the structure near your code? A common parent? Which element is the Name text a part of?
Its a span element
<span>Text<span></span></span> then just remove the last child of the outer element.
@Zirak one day i will learn to make my comments look artistic like yours ;p
I need help rephrasing logic into a single if statement...my brain isn't working
man I love hosts file, you can develop without any domain issues at all
L > 0 && e >= N         =>true
E = 0 && e >= N         =>true
L = 0 && E = 0 && e < n =>true
Bonus points if you only use E and L once.
are n and N different?
yes, very different.
Just like e and E are different
L > 0 && e >= N =>true
E = 0 && e >= N =>true


L > 0 && E = 0 && e >= N =>true
And the last part?
just put them all in one if lol
ohhh nm
yeah with parens
(L > 0 && E = 0 && e >= N) || (L = 0 && E = 0 && e < n)
are you minifying?
I thought of that, you can take E = 0 out and save some bytes, but using L twice feels meh
can you do !L
Of course
and !E
It's js
oh those are assignments
damn im slow right now
No no no. I just represented the logic in pseudo-code
@GGG wat if L>0 and e>=N and E<0? Condition doesnt fail?
oh ok
@sans481 Every number is always positive
i don't know i was looking at it like this: (a & b -> true) and (c & b -> true), so (a & b & c -> true)
There's the third condition that screws the simplicity.
yeah it seems redundant because you have E = 0 in both (or all three if you don't condense the first two)
but really it's not
Actually, you don't need the first one
Find a non word character excluding spaces- use regex
the first what
...I'm an idiot...
!E && (e >= N || (!L && e < N))
The first condition L > 0 && e >= N is useless
yeah E has to be 0 no matter what
that looks better
928 chars...I miss the golden days of <900
A: Suggest a way to update time every minute

Andy EThe problem is that you're calling setInterval many times and never clearing any of them. So after a while you have lots of interval callbacks running at around the same time. Change t = setInterval('tick()',60000); to t = setTimeout(tick,60000); When I first started out coding JavaScri...

-2 +2, because some idiot incorrectly pointed out that my answer was wrong.
Turned the difficulty dial up. Trying to think of a better level-target system...it does get easier as levels progress. jsfiddle.net/Zirak/ZgxVh/8
@AndyE don't you also love it when those idiots' comments get upvoted
Currently the level target is the level-th triangular number
@Esailija sure do :-)
Is there anything more beautiful than return !!~str.indexOf
it almost looks like perl
E.splice(E.indexOf(A.splice(A.indexOf(b), 1)), 1);
...while your code gently weeps...
.filter( /./.test.bind( /myregex/ ) ) is pretty cool also
@Esailija except the detrimental effect on performance for large arrays, right?
Well if you have to filter it, you have to filter it
lol another down vote for a different reason by a different person who cannot read.
in chrome it's pretty amazing, you can run that through a 1000 item array 2700 times per second
> That'll break when the user puts his computer to sleep and then turns it back on. See below. – frenchie 7 mins ago
Read the fucking question!
head explodes
climb aboard the rage train
People are fun, aren't they?
@Esailija it's the binding that impacts performance. By about 30% on average in Chrome's engine, I think.
sure but I doubt I will ever have a situation where I have to give up such elegance because it didn't perform fast enough ;d
@Esailija: I hope so :-) and I hope bind is optimized better in the future.
Should the balls-per-level be like 10->15->20.. ? 5*(level-1) + 10?
Zirak how about speeding up your own ball? that way it will have less time to catch another ball or something
And then the target is...I dunno... 2^level?
cos it exploded so fast
Everybody loves powers of two!
computers mostly
well ok I like them too :(
hhmm, speeding up shrinkage is simple, the expanding should be a little more difficult without making the maximum radius a constant
@Zirak do you ever sleep?
Sleeping is for the weak
ok i just read the title so far
Pressing F12 and evaluating 'Math.min( 5 )' does return 5, not NaN. – user824294 44 secs ago
are you frigging kidding me
don't spoil it for me
i'm gonna go make some tea
people don't read anything ?
and think about how funny the title is
@Esailija If I make the user's ball shrink in half the amount of time (which should be ~500 ms), will it do?
if it increases difficulty then it should progressively shrink faster and faster
with each level
@Esailija perhaps he's writing Math.max.apply(Math, array); and just didn't rewrite the code for the question correctly.
since he doesn't even understand my comments I doubt that but it could be possible ;d
Maybe he's just an idiot. There's a lot of them around today, I think I picked the wrong day to get back into being more involved on SO.
fuck it, I am just gonna edit it in before anyone thinks that code works
Or, in the words of Lloyd Bridges,

"Looks like I picked the wrong day to quick smoking/drinking/amphetamines/sniffing glue"
lol that jackass edited it out
we need sowtf.com
@Esailija hey - your toString() method isn't actually being used
yeah but if he gets clever and alerts it
yes, alert will call toString, but console.log won't
I mean without toString, it would alert [object Object]
and he would whine
oh and firefox web developer console calls .toString as well
ok wtf does he want
"how do i make a loop in coffeescript?"
and on that note...
The premise of the question is incorrect. He's assuming NaN is an object and asking how to create other objects like it.
Object.create( NaN ); //TypeError: Object prototype may only be an Object or null
object create doesn't try to convert it into an object?
not enough jQuery style
no, but Object(NaN) does
there's an object like NaN
@GGG: yet it's not an object :-P, you're converting an object to a number primitive.
lol i know
but it looks like an object
well it is an object for a minute
> "NaN will be returned when you do an impossible JavaScript operation. For me NaN is an object because you can loop through it. – micha 1 min ago"
yea for you it's an object, that's nice
i like that
@GGG are you running JavaScript on a pocket calculator from 1976!?
with any other primitive it's easy to proove they are not object
String.prototype.prooveThatItsAprimitive = function(){
return this === "hello";
@AndyE i thought you saw one of my jsperfs before i realized what that was in reply to =p
but since NaN !== NaN you can't really use same logic
heh :-)
but !!NaN == !!NaN
@Esailija: yes, but typeof returns "object" for objects. So really that's all you need.
I got even better
var ok = "hello";
String.prototype.test = function(){
return this === ok;

for any real object that would work
how is NaN === NaN false actually
that doesn't make sense to me
how does that even work
this is a bit of a long shot, but what the heck....
it's just defined so by the IEEE754
Q: Google Map with InfoBubbles

DonOn this page, I show a Google map with InfoBubbles that appear over the map markers. The InfoBubbles are open initially. If you close them, you can re-open them by clicking on the marker. I would like the InfoBubbles to be closed initially. The relevant function (simplified to remove irrelevant s...

AIUI, it's "undefined" - NaN is not equal to any number, including itself
@Alnitak: which almost makes sense, when it's said like that ;-)
NaN is a number, IIRC it's an actual number. If NaN is not equal to anything, then you can't accidentally compare it to the number which represents it.
ok, but !NaN is true (so that implies NaN is false), and NaN|0 is 0 (also implies NaN is false)

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