I just had to fix a bug caused by a change to the behavior of the JavaScript function Date.getYear() introduced in Internet Explorer 9. This MSDN page clearly describes the change in behavior but it also says that the function is deprecated! Why would Microsoft mess with the behavior of a funct...
For fun, I made a function queue in JavaScript. I named it tinyq. You can add functions to it, and each function is passed the next function in the queue. You can also pass parameters to the functions, and they can return values.
function q(){
var Q = [], t = this;
this.length = 0;
How to exclude the first td on the click event of jquery that I created below?
I want to exclude the all first td of the rows on the click event that produces dialog box.
jQuery("#list tbody tr").click(function(){
//some code here
Here's what im trying to do:
I'm using the Photo Galleria plugin for my wordpress galleries. I'm trying to get my photo sizes to reflect the dimensions i've specified through the plugin's settings. The JS adds a bunch of inline styles which resize the image and adds a left value to leave room fo...
Okay, correction: Until you are a ninja regex master with telekinetic abilities and have a working knowledge of the Perl regex engine AND know the html spec by heard, do NOT use regular expressions on anything resembling html.
I noticed some redundancy in a script I ran through Google Closure Compiler.
(function(){function g(a){var k;if(a){if(a.call)a.prototype=j,a.prototype[e]={}}else a=
{};var c=a,b,c=(a=c.call?c:null)?new a(a):c;b=c[e]||{};var f=b.extend;b=b.a;var
I could've sworn you were...the jQuery mob rotted my short-term memory. anyway, more context is needed. Where is this coming from and why, what is this part of, etc
The problem is that you're calling setInterval many times and never clearing any of them. So after a while you have lots of interval callbacks running at around the same time.
t = setInterval('tick()',60000);
t = setTimeout(tick,60000);
When I first started out coding JavaScri...
-2 +2, because some idiot incorrectly pointed out that my answer was wrong.
On this page, I show a Google map with InfoBubbles that appear over the map markers. The InfoBubbles are open initially. If you close them, you can re-open them by clicking on the marker. I would like the InfoBubbles to be closed initially. The relevant function (simplified to remove irrelevant s...
NaN is a number, IIRC it's an actual number. If NaN is not equal to anything, then you can't accidentally compare it to the number which represents it.