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vamp mode engaged.
5 mins ago, by rlemon
function foo() {
  foo = bar;
function bar() {
foo(); // 1
foo(); // 2
foo(); // 2
srsly. halp
this is what I want. how do I do it?
that worked for me in console...?
It printed 1,2,2
@rlemon this should work; what are the rules?
sorry, this is better
easy solution is to window.onclick=bar;
but that isn't what I want :D
what is?
(this isn't for anything, I was pissing around and noticed when the method is assigned it doesn't care if I change it )
use a flag
@JanDvorak I wanna on the fly overwrite the method that the listener is looking at
but not by attaching a new listener.
by changing the method
function foo(){
    if( foo.first ) console.log( 2 );
    else {
         foo.first = true;
         console.log( 1 );
funcVirtual(){if(first) funcFirst() else funcElse(); first=true}
10 mins ago, by rlemon
without introducing globals or flags or anything..
define "flag"
toPrint = 2
in the sense that both of you are using it
an additional property of value indicating state
no, there is no 'reason' -- I'm just curious if it is possible.
seems like something that could be useful one day. I would like to know if it can be done
You have to have a variable of some sorts
Why do I think let plays a part here
isn't introducing a new function like introducing a flag?
You could make a generator; then the state is an instruction pointer
( talking about bar )
@Abhishrek HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. no surprise actually :P
@towc no because it isn't indicating a state, it is the function you wanna replace with
@JanDvorak that is a promising idea
"window.onclick = bar" seems like the only reasonable thing to me
@towc yea, in this example. that is the clear solution
but I was asking in more of an abstract sense, and that is a bad demo to showcase it
@JanDvorak are you "Honza" in ffdev irc?
function foo(f0, fn)
    return function()
        f0 = fn;
@FlorianMargaine Who wears sweat shirts?
@JanDvorak really?
Hi guys, can you recommend me a good python IDE?
@Neoares no
@Neoares pycharm
@Neoares n++
@Neoares welcome to the JavaScript room :D
@SterlingArcher I know, but this chat has the best ppl in the world :D
I'm the best
@ThiefMaster recommended me pycharm (in this room). It is quite good, so far.
sucking ass won't help you here
@rlemon n++ is nice, but it doesn't have compiler
@AwalGarg ok i'll try, thanks :)
PyCharm is good. Or intellij
@rlemon you are my google <3
I can be your duck
next time I'll be the foot in your ass
(I just re-watched all of that 70's show)
I watched harry potter
@NuckDigger I watched a harry potter 2 streaming
I literally was just looking at the image.
but it just finished
@rlemon I'm so happy that's coming back
I like her
!!youtube red foreman foot in ass compilation
pineapple on pizza is a sin
@SterlingArcher I didn't like how the ended it
like most shows
are endings that hard to do?
I never stopped doing your mom
It's getting painful
seinfeld - terrible ending... only mildly saved by george asking about the buttons.
himym - don't get me started.. that ending actually makes me angry when I think about it
that 70's show - super weak ending. worse that most endings for regular eps
SG1 ending was aslo pretty bad
SGA ending was kinda neat... but still bad.
irc sucks
TNG ending was piss poor
Voyager ending was decent
That 70's Show stopped being good mid-season 2, the last season was an atrocity
Actually, I lied
And don't forget Lost
Voyager ending was terrible
@Zirak season 5 was okay
it was heavy hyde and leo
I actually never saw the last episode, because the second last was so terrible, I didn't want to waste another minute of my life on that show
himym has to be (imo) the worst ended show of all time
literally any other ending would have been better
they could have ended it with "and then I woke up" and I still would have enjoyed it more
"And then he died of dehydration from speaking so long"
@rlemon friends ended well ish
the more I think about the last ep of SG1 the more I retract "pretty bad" and replace it with "terrible"
Friends stopped having any substance at some point, the only thing to end was airing times.
How 'bout that "Lost" ending
now I'm struggling trying to think of a show that had a good ending
is there one?
The only show which ended well (as in, was so good I was blown away) that I can recall is Evangelion
Anyone else watched Chuck? It had a good but sad ending
@Zirak I'll add that to my "watch list"
@Zirak you know the copy function landed in FF too :D
@rlemon It's an anime which starts mech heavy and turns seriously psychological and weird
@AwalGarg wow, PyCharm is OP as hell, much thanks :)
Best show I've ever seen
"anime" nvm
@Neoares sure thing :)
@Zirak bigot!
:drops mic:
I'm fat
Nobody cares about you
!!should I make a coffee?
@rlemon Of course not
!!should I make 3 coffees?
@NickDugger Impossible
!!should you make a coffee for @rlemon?
!!can I make a coffee?
@rlemon No way
glee covers of journey are tops
!!why do you hate me?
@rlemon because you touch yourself at night
!!help why
@Zirak why: User-taught command: because you touch yourself at night
way to ruin it Z
...that's awesome of whoever did that
!!info why
@Zirak Command why, created by rlemon on Wed, 20 May 2015 19:25:51 GMT, invoked 3 times
@rlemon You suck
I thought it was much cooler
in 3 months when we all forget about it, it will be
you know what time is it?
JK, actually is lemontime
!!urban kek
@AwalGarg kek Kek literally translates to lol on World of Warcraft. When someone from the Horde side types lol in /say, members of the alliance side see kek instead. Not specific to Orcs.
!!urban kek 2
@rlemon kek literally translates to lol in Orcish. started talking in Orcish on world of warcraft, and they hear it as kek.
My coworker takes my charging cable, which is fine, but now he's starting to forget to return it -_-
wait.. is that 0 based?
!!urban kek 1
@rlemon Kek Not originally from World of Warcraft as some people think, 'kek' is the Korean approximation in english of laughter when typed on a Korean keyboard during Starcraft matches. As Starcraft was made by Blizzard as is world of warcraft, their connection to laughter in both games seems to be an homage of sorts.
@Zirak seriously?
That's a throwback then, I remember first seeing "kek" and "kekeke" in Diablo 2 MP.
kekekeke has been around for as long as Koreans have played online games
brazilians use huehuehue or jajajaja
not korean, but chinese is pretty close:
I see a lot of jajajajajaja
That's also what the Channelers in the Pokemon Tower said. Keee.. keee.. keee
I've made many sweet jumps like this in gta v
never recorded any :(
you should record them. It's a thing on the internet. People recording sweet jumps.
some gamers are even recording their whole game session, that if something nice happens, that they have it on record
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/… how the hell is this not in ES6 or even 5?
It seems so... useful ._.
has anyone ever had the problem that jQuery can not read the val() of a text box when the screen is small for mobile view , but works for larger screen sizes?
@SterlingArcher a lot people has defined .contains for that :p
Or use lodash.
@SterlingArcher because jquery
@ScottSelby no
@SterlingArcher myArray.indexOf(myThing) > -1 is approximate and good enough, I think?
So ugly though.
or that
I don't like how you have to compare to -1
you don't have to it's just a byte shorter than the alternative :)
!!> [NaN].indexOf(NaN)
@Zirak -1
@SterlingArcher ~indexOf
@Zirak NaN confuses me
Array.prototype.contains = function(what,where) {
  var arr = this;
  if( typeof where !== 'undefined' ) {
    arr = arr.slice(where);
  return arr.indexOf(what) !== -1;
How would you find the index of NaN then?
!!> typeof NaN
@ElliotBonneville "number"
Despite the "hurr durr not a number is a number"; "typeof NaN" actually makes sense because it represents a numeric value.
Yeah, blame IEEE-754
I mean, Infinity isn't a number either, mathematically speaking, but nobody complains about typeof Infinity === "number".
I complain about Math.max and min
Math.max() === -Infinity; // true
That's just a confusing API
@rlemon I don't really understand what your .contains function up there is doing
!!> Math.max() === -Infinity
@Jhawins true
can you guess what min is?
+Infinity, ofc
@rlemon That makes sense because the neutral element of max is infinity
Like the neutral element of + is 0
@JanDvorak Infinity, sir
@copy still very confusing to look at
@rlemon I disagree
What would you want Math.max() to return?
that's good for you. :P
!!> Mad.max()
@Jhawins "ReferenceError: Mad is not defined"
I'd really question why you're writing Math.max() or Math.min() in the first place.
@HatterisMad we need your anger ^
@Zirak throw
@Retsam When used with an array
That's much better
@Zirak </sarcasm>
!!> Number.MAX_VALUE
@AwalGarg 1.7976931348623157e+308
@rlemon The problem with that is that you could no longer use isFinite to check if there were any values provided
@Retsam both used together are very nice to clamp values
@rlemon I get why you use min and max, just not why you'd use them without any arguments; until copy pointed out the Math.min.apply case
my stupid fault , I had 2 of the same elements , on shown on large screens , one shown on small screens using the same id
With a proper neutral element it fulfils some mathematical laws
@ElliotBonneville That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: die
!!> Math.floor(Math.random() * 6 + .5);
@ElliotBonneville 5
@ScottSelby you realize you cannot duplicate id's in the dom right?
@ElliotBonneville 1
@AwalGarg Command dice learned
yea, because they were never shown at the same time I didn't realize I was doing it
@AwalGarg 4
!!> ~~ (Math.random() * 6)
they are comming from knockout components so I didn't catch it
@KarelG 3
awal :P
love that comic
@Zirak can we make the bot delete messages if we reply to a specific message of her with something like !!delete, preferably allowing ordinary users to use it if that message was a result of a command they used? I can work on it tonight if you think it is OK to have.
@AwalGarg What?
!!forget dice
@NickDugger You are not authorized to delete the command dice
^ that's because cray cray
Me: !!foo
Cap: @Me bar (say the msg id of this msg is 42)
Me: :42 !!delete (cap deletes above message)
@Zirak ^
is that not there already ?
saw benjamin deleting some entries before
or am i on coke ?
To do that exactly you'll have to change everything about how the bot accepts input; but /delete :id is okay. Give it a shot if you want.
@KarelG Not mutually exclusive
@Zirak sandbox
!!echo I suck
@Zirak yeah, but are you ok with it or not? I won't be messing with her code if you don't want that to happen in the end :P
Sure. Except there's no history, so you won't know if message x was in reply to user y. Other than that, though
If a bounty expires, are you not allowed to place another bounty on the Q?
what did the roll command do ?
roll 2d6 rolled 2 d6's and returned the value
where'd I put that dice parser code...
is there anything about deploying an app to an AWS server that would cause it to not retain .NET form auth cookies properly?
someone ought to swap the dice command with something like:
function roll(dice) {
  var matches = /^(\d+)d(\d+)([-+]\d+)?$/.exec(dice);
  var val = 0;
  for (let i = 0; i < matches[1]; ++i) {
    val += Math.floor(Math.random() * matches[2]);
  if (matches[3]) {
    val += parseInt(matches[3], 10);
  return val;
@ElliotBonneville re: your webpage recent post #3 - that is called "short circuit evaluation"
@ElliotBonneville #6 is misleading. the || basically says "if the left side evaluates to falsey take the right" -- it isn't limited to undefined.
@ssube It already existed in the past, I removed it because nobody used it
stop making the world better by removing unused code; we want the 90's back
@rlemon yeah I should go back and edit that article, lol. just haven't had the time
in fact I would delete probably most of the articles on my blog if I could get up the energy
It had arbitrary arithmetic and order of operations, so you could do 1d20-1d6*2
I've learned a lot since last year
Even reported the individual dice roll results. It was the shit.
@Zirak so just add it back in
takes all of 5 seconds
I'll never forgive you
yes you will
I have those pictures.
I have no teeth
Pictures of me taking pictures of you are priceless, quite literally
some kind of circlejerk of photographs
@SterlingArcher that some impressive Javascript, which I could code like that, learning.... — Timothy Coetzee 25 mins ago
forEach is a fad
I hate forEach :D
I am the forEach hateclub
forEach is nice, it's safer but slower
plus now I find it syntactically easier to read
what's that command, I can never remember
we am? try again
once you guys are done with the daily forEach hating, you should invent something else that's intended for side effects
@SterlingArcher That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: d, π
!!s/I am/We are
@ElliotBonneville That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@SterlingArcher asked for the D and Cap delivered
She.. she gave me the D?
It's not a big deal, some couples are into that.
@rlemon example use case?
Another phone interview today, in 20 minutes. Not sold on the company, but we'll see
My ST cursor is stuck on some weird replacement mode?
@Jhawins did you hit escape?
@Jhawins try hitting the insert key
It replaces the character I'm on instead of writing between stuff
@ElliotBonneville Wow that was simple
I was like what the fuck
insert key is the devil and should not exist
yeah I can't imagine who uses that mode and why and even if I could I'm not sure I would want to
It makes sense if you don't have a mouse
It's super useful for some scenarios. That one in a year thing.
but even then, no thanks
Haven't used it in ages
oh... windows
OSX > Windows
@Jhawins ahh the insert key. seldom used intentionally, often a piss off when you hit it accidentally
@ElliotBonneville when you want to replace a lot of words at the same time but don't want to see lines of code changing their positions, as it sometimes happens.
hmm I suppose, @AwalGarg. I suppose.
My use case for the insert key though, is to trick friends and teachers.
april fool's
Hit it when they are using word or something. Let them cry until restart.
@AwalGarg I prefer ctrl+alt+arrow
flip their screen upside down
@rlemon It doesn't work in my lab's old XP systems.
that's a shame
you are lemon
I am lemon
you are garg
that's very anal of you
I am the Dark Lord Awal Garg aka Rash.
@SterlingArcher can... can I say it?
i know, i know xD
ducks are still smaller than that
but \o/
also, the one in the back is not doing what you think. horses utters are far back.
@KarelG obese duck sized horse*
@rlemon In the background...is that a dog breast feeding off of a horse, or giving it a blowjob?
hello ppl. can someone help with splice method?
26 secs ago, by rlemon
also, the one in the back is not doing what you think. horses utters are far back.
Also, 9/10, will pull the teet
are they still 'utters' on a horse?
just teats
What's the distinction between an udder and a nipple anyway?
> “There are only two kinds of programming languages: those people always bitch about and those nobody uses.”
> An udder is an organ formed of the mammary glands of female quadruped mammals, particularly ruminants such as cattle, goats, sheep and deer.
the udder is it's own organ, they have teats attached to them
oh, cool
horses don't have udders, they have teats direct to mammary glands - and they only have two, like humans.
I'm learning so much about horse and cow anatomy right now
thank you wikipedia
@Retsam this is why nobody hates on haskell or lisp
!!xkcd haskell

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