@Ved Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I just really got frustrated. Then remembered that the lounge makes a lot of noise and php jokes, when their own language is a terrible mess. They really have about 0 rights to joke on it.
This is it. Overwhelmed by the memory management and stuff. Nothing else.
@nick Also mojito (formerly YUI) is no longer being maintained according to a Github issue I posted on. a mobile software eng from yahoo confirmed it's dead github.com/yahoo/mojito/issues/1390
@twiz Aurelia doesn't give you a bucket load of packages either. It also uses jspm, and their own mvc/routing implementation is not any better than the other ones. Their view engine gets messy soon, and good luck debugging anything at all.
For really simple and quick things, probably an SPA prototype, you might like it.
the thing is that the files are depending on each other
Keeping the dependency in mind, I am sending the files in sequence such that the dependent file will be loaded first then the other file
but still sometimes with a probability of 0.3, the code fails
because sometimes the dependency file is so long that it is taking time and in that meanwhile the other file is loading completely and searching for the dependent file
@RahulDesai A lot of plugins come with some kind of keepalive flag, so I would check the API for the plugin first, if that fails I like to wrap it in npmjs.com/package/grunt-parallel
Actually, in my current case, I just need a way to load the files consistently. I was thinking the function which I wrote to load the files was working fine these all days.
@RahulDesai check for grunt watch. It might be helpful for you.
any nodesters in here? what happens to callbacks while their functions are still listening..? an example would be http methods. do they just spin around the event loop the whole time the program is running?
@RahulDesai No, I said look for a keepalive in the plugin you want to keep alive, and if you don't find one then wrap it in grunt-parallell to spawn a child process
@ivarni Ohk. Not much familiar with that. My site runs ok when I do grun serve unless I close the terminal. How do I find out which plugins should be kept alive?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Benjamin I am trying here with apply. but since in this case, I don't need to call the $.getScript immediately, I am using even .bind. but later I need to call those functions. which I am unable to do.
gist.github.com/aghosh47/d32803e230f7f36da70f I am doing something wrong here, because I am getting an error 'undefined $modalInstanceProvider' no idea why. I read $modalInstance is available for DI in the controller mentioned in $modal.open() :(
I use $.ajax({ type: “GET”, url:”data.csv”, dataType: “text”, success: function(data) {processData(data);} });
However my data.csv is to be created according to some arguments from user. eg. bash myscript.sh arg1 arg2 > data.csv Now this is to be used. How should I solve this problem
We have little business cards with a QR code, that sends you to a website where the riddle is on
The thing is, QR code is very mobile oriented. We want to encourage people to open said website on their desktops (where they have an IDE, nudge nudge wink wink)
https://gist.github.com/aghosh47/d32803e230f7f36da70f I am doing something wrong here, because I am getting an error 'undefined $modalInstanceProvider' no idea why. I read $modalInstance is available for DI in the controller mentioned in $modal.open() :(
I try to plot graphs from data.csv
$(document).ready(function () {
type: "GET",
url: "data.csv",
dataType: "text",
success: function(data) {processData(data);}
full html code is here
But I have to create data.csv using user given argument...
I am trying to assign a value to an array declared in my Component. Unfortunately, exception is thrown.
TypeError: Attempted to assign to readonly property
Even if I remove strict mode, still exception is being raised. Can please someone guide me how can I make a variable both readable and wri...
ZeroClipboard is the best cross-browser solution I've found:
<div id="copy" data-clipboard-text="Copy Me!">Click to copy</div>
<script src="ZeroClipboard.js"></script>
var clip = new ZeroClipboard( document.getElementById('copy') );
If you need non-flash support for iO...
Hi, I'm trying to follow this post stackoverflow.com/q/20281142/3703099 to dowload an image from a canvas but I don't understand why nothing happen... anybody have an idea ? ( my img should be correct because if I use window.open(img) it open it in an other tab successfully)
my code is the same as the post : var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"); var img = canvas.toDataURL("image/png"); this.href = img; this.download = 'test_qr.png';
I'm a bit new to JS.. but that's what the autor say : "This works on Firefox and chrome, it opens a save as window which you use to download an image."
The only reason it wasn't writeable is because you didn't declare it AFAIK. Whatever react uses to convert it to Xcode hid the syntax error and didn't include the property