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if that's true it shouldn't be in the layout at all
can we not have tickers?
they are fucking annoying
yea, the in-line feed is easier to ignore when not interested
Yeah that bothered me
kk changing then
rlemon has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
@Feeds now don't be stupid and dump 1000 messages
but I suspect you will
@dystroy very
I'm hardly here anymore it feels like I've been so busy
They're simple to optimize anyway, and they're fast.
Faster than closures at least, so faster than how people write callbacks in practice.
@BenjaminGruenbaum They're fast. Faster than you can imagine. Don't turn your back. Don't look away. And DON'T. BLINK. Good luck.
@Jhawins don't worry, when you work with @Loktar you can be online whenever he is
no one can bitch
@BenjaminGruenbaum thanks
No ones bitching here I just have been too busy :P I imagine I'll be really busy there too
@MadaraUchiha Don't blink? What kind of sorcery is this?
@AwalGarg You can blink, if you want to end up back in the 60s.
function func() {
  return new Promise(.. {
    if( someShit() ) {
      foo().then(function(a) {
        bar(a, resolve); // bar accepts a callback
    } else resolve(); // am I being silly to dislike having a second resolve in this?
} else re
just for the demo
I hate typing code in the chat input
bar() takes a nodeback?
Oh god quora is horrible.
@Luggage nodeback?
node-style callback
(err, result)
ohh, ok then
well yea, but I don't care about that :P
bar is actually child_process.exec
you could've promisified it if it did
@rlemon bluebird or native?
well, then bar() will call callback(null, result)
@rlemon Apart promisifying bar, I don't think you can do much prettier
@dystroy kk
Yeah, that ^^
and resolve is just function(result) not function(err, result)
Aw, right
You'll need
bar(a, function(err, result) { if (err) { return reject(err); } return resolve(result); });
I don't need the resolve there to actually return anything
just notify me that the command is done
TL;DR just promisify bar :P
@rlemon Today...
or ever
I mean, resolving with nothing is resolving with undefined which is a waste of "something" you could have put in there and ignore by a consumer
it'll resolve with an error, potentially.
@Luggage No, it will reject with an error.
not rlemon's version
@Luggage Yeah
in this case the resolve is ONLY indicating the exec has exited.
that is all I care about
nothing else.
you want to swallow errors? ok.
@rlemon And tomorrow you might care about the actualy return value from exec.
no I wont
vOv Just saying
@Luggage if there is an error it gets picked up in the check I do immediately after
hey its a lemon
There's no downside to resolving with a value and just ignoring it in .then()
this is part of the bootup 'checks'
@rlemon It's not
Not in the version you posted anyway
bar(a, resolve); // bar accepts a callback
I don't post my actual code
I simplify it
hence foo/bar
come on people
the name of the function isn't in question
@rlemon Do you actually pass resolve as a callback?
Alright then
which is why you guys discussing it is moot
if you are passing funcitons of a completely different signature, than posting code is moot.
@rlemon simplification should generally be done without changing the functionality of the example ;P
all we can judge is your indentation
@Luggage the only thing in that code that should have been focused on is having resolve twice. THAT is what I was asking for
jesus, you guys took this way past what I asked for
Ahh, ok.
We're programmers. we're literal.
inb4 6 milk
I'm giving a lecture next week on something super complicated.
I don't understand anything
@BenjaminGruenbaum if it buys me dinner, sure.
@BenjaminGruenbaum lol what is it
The topic is:
> Algorithm-Based Checkpoint-Free Fault Tolerance for Parallel Matrix Computations on Volatile Resources
@BenjaminGruenbaum And do you have time to learn it ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum just rick roll the audience
Basically, how super computers can sustain failures when performing fast linear algebra without persisting to disk or wasting too much resources.
I understood maybe 4 words in that topic
I'm doing that :D
then sit there eating a bag of popcorn staring at them
I might do that
Good morning guys :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum All I read was Buzzword-buzzword buzzword buzzword buzzword for buzzword buzzword buzzword on buzzword buzzword.
back to owrk
@BenjaminGruenbaum Why are you doing that lecture ? To whom ?
@MadaraUchiha none of those are buzzwords, all of those are very real and applicable, that's the depressing part.
@MadaraUchiha Doesn't look like buzzwords to me
@dystroy to people who actually know this shit :D I'm gonna be torn alive.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Volatile!
!!afk either do the presentation or kill myself :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum but... Is there a reason ? A problem you will be solving together ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Just read the article to them word by word :D
May I ask why you are willing to talk about something you don't understand?
Thank god you didn't ask Cap that one
@dystroy it's a seminar
@Jhawins that makes me learn it, which is good, I wanna know this
You're doing it backwards, dad.
!!afk for real stop pinging me, including your "ooh I'm clever" ping @rlemon, I know you wanna do one but please don't. Yes that includesyou to @MadaraUchiha
Is that annoying yet? I'll stop xP
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@rlemon oh my god LOL!!
@SterlingArcher did you read the comment?
> Don't Jewish your swimmer was fast like me
I did haha the following comments were perfect too
im sending that to my mom
I died
@rlemon :D
Hours from now people are gonna be like WHO STARRED A BUNCH OF RANDOM ASCII CHARACTERS GAWD
//foo and bar both return a promise.
foo().then(function() {
// or (also, this *is* how this works right?)
foo().then(function() {
  return bar()
i just thought that like 30 seconds ago :/
@SterlingArcher I find it interesting that the mini-markdown is applied in the star list, even though the text was fixed-width. I wonder if that can be abused somehow...
the second one will resolve bar before calling something()
@FlorianMargaine INORITE
ohh, they both will, nevemrind
@rlemon foo().then(bar).then(something)
the latter looks cleaner if I need to chain any more
but in the first one foo() will resolve before bar() does.
@MadaraUchiha makes sense.
because it doesn't return bar()'s result
return yield something(yield bar(yield foo()));
promises kick ass
@rlemon Promise.prototype.plotTwist = Promise.prototype.then;
every time they actually make my code nicer I get excited
.then(rinse()) if rinse is a function that returns a promise like wash() is.
Aww yes.
@Luggage no
@Luggage Or a value
@rlemon var repeat = wash :P
@Luggage if rinse is not a function, wash will never return and instead curse your sudden (but inevitable) betrayal
hrmph, anyone familiar with Meteor? Got a small problem.
!!urban nailed it
@MadaraUchiha nailed it you completed a task successfully or got something right . ie :You nailed it to the cross.
@corvid you've been asking for weeks, you're the only one who uses meteor
the only one in the world
The only one ever
In the universe even.
Not even the developers of Meteor have used meteor. It appeared from the aether and materialized on github
ask on main
@corvid most dependencies come from Aether, in my experience
last question, just as a refresher. @MadaraUchiha .catch after .then(repeat) will catch rejections from wash and rinse right?
We may have adopted meteor, but corvid was born in it. Molded by it.
Q: Synchronous AJAX, page loading gif

azelixI have multiples Synchronous AJAX requests and it takes 3 seconds to load my page . What i want to do is to display a loading page ( with a gif ) and when the page is loaded like when the Ajax requests are completed it fades out. I followed an example from smallenvelop.com but the gif image loo...

what? why?
user image
> "Warm Canada"
@rlemon @KendallFrey I have learned things.. Please tell me the syrup snow isn't real
it is
it is delicious
@SterlingArcher real, though I've never tried it
freshly cooked syrup poured on snow then rolled on a stick
it is a syrup sucker
@rlemon that sounds like a canadian hooker stop
@SterlingArcher we are canadians
is the "maple syrup government reserve" a true story too?
i.e. they have a reserve?
why not?
not only do we have one, someone broke into it
I wonder if we have a hockey puck reserve too
just Quebec exports $145 million worth of maple syrup a year.
the world wants our sap
@rlemon italy exports 2 million € of cheese each year :D
speaking of Canada, hey @BenCraig
Quebec supplies 3/4's of the worlds maple syrup
@rlemon holy shit
looks like they are good for something after all ;)
I'm picturing a large building with a large cauldron of syrup inside - Government Syrup Reserve... probably
@Neoares All commands forgotten.
I'm rethinking this separation thing
!!forget lol
italy supplies 3/4 of the world stupidity
@rlemon Command lol forgotten.
Why hello there
@SterlingArcher I'm picturing you leaning in and lapping it up
I heard canada mention and felt summoned
@BenCraig why have we never done lunch?

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