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We have this graph:
Is {e, a, b, c, d} a valid topological sorting?
What's your thought?
@evinda define "valid topological sorting"?
Is it an output of the application of a toplogical sorting? @SomeKittens
I''m sure I could come up with a different output
There isn't a unique one.. I have found 6 others @JanDvorak
@evinda That's a circular definition at best, an oxymoronic one at worst
it seems to be a valid one
@evinda why would it not be valid?
or rather, why is it?
@phenomnomnominal I wasn't asking you
@phenomnomnominal I don't know, I was a little confused.
@phenomnomnominal So because of the fact that if (u,v) is an edge of the directed graph then u will be before b at the topolgical sorting, right?
u will be before v yes
@evinda Correct. Is that satisfied here?
Yes, it is. :) @JanDvorak
Thanks for your answer @SomeKittens @JanDvorak @phenomnomnominal
Not sure how I helped
@SomeKittens kittens always help
Speaking of, not sure about this:
s.onload = function() {
if kittens help do anything, it should be feed the population of the world
So the purpose is to clean up after itself?
@Zirak nah just not anything left to fix :P
Managed to get a Chrome extension to pass events from the page itself (not the isolated script). Huge thanks to @Zirak for pointing me in the right direction
haha ikr!
only $20
can replace the dying bees
@Luggage haha
I want a fleet of them to bring me pizza
man it seriously would be cool to get a bunch of them to create formations and such
i'm half-serious. machanical bees.. you can to control what gets pollinated by what
sharpen the blades and attack your enemies in swarms
ᵈᶦᵉ, ᶠᶦᶫᵗʰʸ ᵐᵉᵃᵗᵇᵃᵍˢ, ᵈᶦᵉ
wtf... ?
I dont believe thats real... there is no way
same drones btw
read description
> We put a Sony HDR-AS30VR Action Cam on this little drone, hooked it up to a fishing rod and reel and flew it around... great little quadcopter / drone.
they used a fishing rod
ah I should have, and I just noticed the video editing
they fly pretty well regardless though I think im going to order one for the hell of it
drug delivery
shoudl be able to deliver a few grams, at least
!!xkcd remote control
@SomeKittens woah crazy
ohh, yea, i reada bout that. they finally got it, nice.
Did you guys see this?
skydiving camera controlled via arduino
Comments are weird:
> Your site is so interesting that I read the site every day to give you head.
i see your a72d80911cfc9c49f790 and raise you 112ed129a3cde0ef
I'm sorry
Could you please help me out. I get an ERR_CONNECTION_RESET
@KendallFrey the video of the final test was posted yesterday
Can you spot any obvious fails?
Better ISP might help
what line do you get the error on?
the thing works pretty well, but it struggles too much in the wind
@Luggage All it says is error is not defined 61
Ok, got rid of the error: error object, will try starting it again
Whenever I try to POST the form on register I get ERR_CONTENT_LENGTH_MISMATCH
Should I push the whole application together with the templates?
you get that erro on the server or client?
a quick google search nidicated that that may be hiding the real error on th eserver
check server logs / console output
@Loktar yup, fishing pole
lol yea
Can't set headers after they are sent
still a cool little nano drone
wish it was programmable
my guess:
those two don't go together. you either redirect OR send a response
so that's probably causing the hreader to get set after it's valid to do so
Got rid of res.send('Welcome') and still get the error
how about the sdouble response above it?
.render and .send also don't go together
Still not working, let me check for similar "combos"
you have a lot of those
Ok, got rid of the error now, but when I attempt to register nothing happens and I don't see an incomer in the database when querying through the shell
well, start sprinkling some console.logs to see how far it's getting and what's going on
that' what I do. I have no magical bug-finding powers
You're right
even @StevensHaen
@Steve Howdy
did u get it?
im doing good u
@StevensHaen Throw a debugger; call in there and step through it?
@Luggage gist.github.com/nosille/3abf0d392e9363215f2c The template complains about not being able to find user.firstName, even though I save the object on line 58 of the main app. Should be there
id on't know, check the database for it, then
stop pinging me, i'm not your personal debugging slave
Ok, sorry. "personal debugging slave" is funny though.
make sure #{user.firstName} is the right path and not #{data.user.firstName} or somethign else
It's #{user.firstName} like in the example gist
It also throws a 500 internal server error
Remember how pissed of people got at me because we didn't let people charge for mods? Remember how that made me leave Mojang?
he left mojang because microsoft gave him piles of cash
not that there's anythign wrong with that
he left mojang because he wanted to
ohh, it was just a coinindence that microsoft gave hmi piles of cash right before hand?
it just made it more convenient for him to leave
yea. that much money makes it convenient to do almost anything
like swim in a pool of gold and cocaine
i'm not really against paid mods.
i don't mind paying for value, and there are some mods that really add a lot to the game
I'm against paying for anything really
I'm cheap as fuck
yea, i used to be and I still resist
but.. when i consider the time I get out of games and how much they cost when compared to thigns like, say, a couple beers, it makes sense
true, games are cheap as fuck
ETFs > Mods
I can spend $10 playing hockey for an hour, or $5 playing a game for 100 hours.
someone was complianing about paid DLC in arma earli. like $8, i think. and I know this person, like me, puts 100's of hours in the game
that's damn cheap. so much so as to be 'free' entertainment
A movie is 90 minutes and costs ~$10(?)
so that's usually the most I'll pay per-hour for entertainment
Yea. I understand the resistance to paying ofr sfotware when so much is freely avaialbly. you just gotta try to put it in perspective
Most of it comes in my case from not having a credit card as a kid, and my parents didn't buy us games, so anything we played was free.
Usually cereal box stuff
cereal boxes come with software, now?
Used to
all i ever got was a jagged metal krusty-O
these cereal boxes were the highlight of my childhood
just kidding, i'm not THAT old.
only time I ever forced my mom to buy a box of cereal.
2 hours later…
@BenjaminGruenbaum Hi..... I am here i will not spam, i will ask about my soul, i.e., web developing
tell me more about your soul
@nderscore my soul, W.d. i love it i am having a problem with Ajax.....
When i send a simple XMLHttpRequest()

With my asnyc = 1

The HTML page I've loaded just blinks, why?

Can't it can be stable until response is got?

I am using responseText to fetch contents.

My actual code running at: http://ravi4pk.in/chat

And also,

Sometimes the request is not sent, why?

Can anyone has an answer?
what happens when it doesn't send?
I'm not seeing any failures when I visit the page
@nderscore you understood it.
But, if chat.HTML is loading and another send.php request will send, then what? Both will succeed/ or not?
whichever ajax response comes back second will overwrite the html set by the one that finished first
@RaviPrakash How old are you BTW?
@StevensHaen I am 13 years old
@rlemon Yeah I've been following the whole thing I'm glad it happened
Steam/Valve need to be knocked down a notch imo
PC Gaming is not just Steam.
@Luggage thats not really the issue with DLC though. DLC is a problem because in many cases its content thats released with the game, so you pay $50, $60 whatever, and still need to pay more if you want all the content.
then the next issue is a lot of DLC is just really small things, such as new costumes.. armor sets, maybe a few weapons, or a map pack.
In the golden era youd buy an entire expansion with multiple maps, weapons, ect. Sizeable chunks of a game and pay fairly for it.
Who, by soul loves web developing
Where do you all live?

Is there night??

I am at india.

Here is day.....
We experience night where I'm at
Nebraska, United States
I have never met anyone from Nebraska... I thought it was a conspiracy for awhile
You know, to have an even 50 states. 49 just doesn't have the same feel
Warren Buffett is from Omaha, probably the most famous resident
well I'm not from NE, I just live here :P
I'm a Michigander
Is it hard to find a tech job out there?
@StevensHaen A man with enough power to pull off the entire conspiracy o_o
@ApathyBear not at all
in fact @Jhawins is going to be working out here next month :P
the pay around here is excellent for web devs as well
Is it a bad idea to point "autocomplete question askers" to my "basic autocomplete" github solution?
granted its only if you live near Omaha or Lincoln though
@StevensHaen yea
@ApathyBear how's this look for "autocomplete help vamps"?
shh it's a little too quiet in here.
a little too brilliant?
@phpPluginMaster you should just return json from results.php imo
@Loktar but people are more comfortable with writing html pages with php
thats arguable. Its easier initially, but maintenance wise its a terrible practice to do it that way
For example as a front end dev I shouldnt have to go into any backend code to look at or modify the markup I'm styling
What if you change the design of your application?
then you have the css to work in
Now you have to change it in the PHP as well
it travels with it
not neccessarily
What if you change your backend technology?
If it used json none of that would affect it
it's called cut/paste
No, its called seperation of concerns :P
you go in, and edit the specific language parts, and the pointer
markup shouldn't live there though.
live where?
in the php, where the results are being returned from
should to, that's how you comment things
haha well if you work on a fairly large project, have to redesign one/do the front end work for one in the future you'll understand.
you can always move the css later if you want
i've heard some devs hate CMSes
CMSes have a place
quick, and dirty
like your mum.
github.com/royhowie/rekwire I've written a 6-line module
got sort of annoyed at having to write so many local paths
I think it does the same thing as rekuire, except it doesn't allow for ambiguity
(mostly done to learn how to publish modules to npm)
@royhowie nothing wrong with that
whenever I want to push an update (perhaps I'm being too eager), I have to write all this
git add whatever
git tag 0.version
git commit -m "message"
git push -u origin master
npm publish
is there a shorter way to push to npm and git at the same time?
npm version
so that does all the git stuff?
nope, but it makes the tagging easier
I guess that helps a bit
Is there anything in JS that is similar to Python's StringIO (docs.python.org/2/library/stringio.html)
The best you can get in NodeJS are streams
I see. Another thing, what exactly is an ArrayBuffer used for? I am not really understanding the spec/use case
It's for typed arrays
Useful anytime you're interfacing an API that can store or provide a lot of data. Would have been great for Canvas get/setImageData, for example.
Ooh. @JanDvorak thanks
I now contribute to winjs/winjs for some reason. --- funny enough, I actually do find using WinJS inside React very "pleasing" am i evil ?
and on the other hand my exams are going extremely well.
@royhowie a script
@Mosho I know I can just write some bash or something, but I wanted a readymade solution
I wanted a dad
@Mosho !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you upgraded !!!!!!
now you are NyanDoge
this isn't even my final form
i like the new gay pride avatar
very progressive
Hi, anybody here to help me : stackoverflow.com/questions/29874265/…
@Aabira Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@AwalGarg now would u like to write code ?
@darkyen00 *you
@Aabira dude, you are reposting a message from literally three minutes ago. Don't.
stackoverflow.com/questions/29361502/… can this question be nuked from orbit already? it's atrocious and deserves to die
dumb question,what if we used closures to build modules with IIFEs instead of objects(i hate the shifting nature of the this keyword although there is bind and upcoming =>)
you mean plugins and shims??
You mean like module.exports = (function(){})();?
no module system(sic.) var iife = (function(){//functions using closures are put in an object and returned by this module})(params)
and using that module from(sic.) global namespace(that's what we are currently doing)
if i were using common js i would create each module as a set of tinier modules and combine them in an index.js file as much as possible
@loktar Oh my god!
Here is 10:14 am

A shiny bright day at all!
@vamsiampolu Can you put together an example? I'm not following you
let me try...
var foo = function() {
    var bar;
    return {
        f: function() { return bar; }
@vamsiampolu @Meredith this I guess ^
then you can use foo.f();
Good Morning/evening/night!
Yeah that's what I was thinking, but I'm not sure that's what he's talking about
var anotheriife = (function anotherIife(){
    var y = {};
  //ugly API using closures to manage this value,are my Java roots showing
    var setAt = function setAt(path,value){
       y[path] = value;

    var swap = function swap(path,newValue){
        var oldVal = y[path];
        return {
            oldVal: oldVal,

    return {
Why ask me?
@vamsiampolu Yeah that's a thing
Friend, or your favourite vamp buffet?
It's called the revealing module pattern
I use it all the time
@JanDvorak you're os nice, I'd just trash and kick
wow,that book looks awesome

What is vamp buffet??
fast food for help vampires
Yeah it's a good book
And that pattern is one of my favorites
@vamsiampolu you don't need so many parentheses. It can be written as var anotheriife = function anotherIife() { ... }();
It's really nice if you're used to public/private methods
I cant change the implementation later
@FlorianMargaine that's confusing
@JanDvorak I find unnecessary parentheses confusing
except for operator precedence cases
@FlorianMargaine it is a convention to always write IIFEs with parentheses
and that's coming from someone using lisp ;-)
or with a different sigil if you feel really hipster
in most cases its exactly what i want but sometimes i want to change it without using that = this or being as inflexible as bind
kicked for multiposting
7 messages moved to Trash can
you should not even use setInterval,i once read that you can use setTimeout with a loop
or something like that,I dont remember
I don't think that's a good idea
@vamsiampolu depends on what you need. Typically chained setTimeout has better semantics
This one didn't need a kick IMO
3 times telling him that he shouldn't repost
kicked every time
and he kept doing it
This time he only posted once
(the previous instances had been trashed)
oh, lisp actually has polymorphic data types... lispworks.com/documentation/lw50/CLHS/Body/m_deftp.htm
can passportjs be used with jwts for social strategies(I find that passport.initialize and passport.session are based on session)
Psst, can someone summon Cap into room 25767 for a second?
@darkyen00 I want to, but need help... :/
!!summon 25767
@AwalGarg Registered; need 1 more to execute
!!summon 25767
!!should I start learning frameworks now?
@AwalGarg No way
you talk my heart sweety, but the world is a harsh harsh place
What's the difference between using return new Promise(function(){ and Promise.resolve() + Promise.decline()?
Hi, can I ask on how can I achieve this,
I have command build from php to be send to clients, my jquery.ajax is the responsible to send command to my php client socket,
the php client socket once it receive the command this will send to php server socket.
my problem is that. I change my php socket listener to Node.js, and I am having problem on how can I send my command to node socket client.
via ajax, so that the client socket will send this command to the node server,I am using Net module.
!!Why should I learn any JavaScript framework?
@AwalGarg But of course
you can't even...
@GabrielTomitsuka: presuming that Promise.decline is similar to Promise.reject, using the Promise constructor allows you to resolve it asynchronously, but the latter two return a promise which has already been resolved/rejected.

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