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I was talking about your last comment
figured, my bad :(
Its okay everyone makes mistakes :P
I nevar have.
I just edited a file with ed
@Stormy The first thing you were supposed to write here is this:
1 hour ago, by Awal Garg
in Python, 48 mins ago, by Stormy
What can you guys teach me
But you didn't.
:D I'm sorry, my bad
What can you guys teach me
@Stormy Mime
1 hour later…
Guys, I am having a brain fat and can't remember how this works or even the name right now .-.
var gunData=
CAAEMng: { type:"Mining", shortn:"CAA EMng", name:"C.A.A. Emergency Mining Laser", dmg:0, omi:100, oma:100, rate:10, mass:7000, buy:0 }
@Matt what about it?
Can't remember what it is called right now, nor can I remember how it works.
The name of it such as like an array.
it's just an object literal
Alright, thanks! Bad timing for a brain fart :3
@Stormy Consider that your first lecture
Guys, tell me 3 ways to make a feature like "search suggestion" aka "Autocomplete" of Google search. List them by order of their efficiency.
I'm job interviewing you for the greatest and the most important job ever.
what do you folks think of windowshot.parseapp.com, ( if you are manually changing flags, add 'windowshot.parseapp.com' not 'localhost', yes, for now, works only on ffox)
I think it's insignificant
Use Google autocomplete API
@EnglishMaster Autocomplete is so outdated for the greatest job. Come back when you are working on voice commanded life assistant.
Create a neural network to determine which result is most relevant
@Sheepy That already exist
@EnglishMaster So does google search auto complete.
and it's not necessary for search feature for google
God damn I'm so sleepy at work
Are there any pros and cons for integrating facebook login to an application?
@Sheepy Google search autocomplete doesn't require so much resources to operate so it's necessary to make it more useful
Pros: 13 years olds love it. Cons: Betray your customers by feeding data to facebook
but that voice commanded crap you've mentioned above will be expensive to sustain and operate
pros: can log in with facebook
cons: have to deal with logging in with facebook
@EnglishMaster And this is exactly why that voice job is likely to be greater and more important. ;)
@DemCodeLines can you name something that has no pros and no cons?
Pros: I can indirectly tell people how smart I am by commenting on blog posts that talk about smart stuff
cons: you can accidently comment on a blog post that talks about hot naked brasilian man and everyone will see the comment
@copy betray is a strong word.
rather than integrating "facebook login", integrate OpenID
I'm sure I can convince the project lead (who isn't technical himself, just gives us task and tells us to do it whichever way we see fit) for that.
I mean, out of the people who visit, how many would have an OpenID account?
Don't forget Mozilla Persona :p
If I was you, I'd just make an anonymous comment feature that people can only write in Emojis
Well, I have to deal with this login experience for now.
It will be hella more interesting, employers will be so impressed by your creativity
@EnglishMaster Σ( °Д °)
Just like that
Is there a way to chage the tag "<input id='a'></input>" to "<input id='a' />"???
@Albright yes
@Albright Do you mean, as a string?
@Albright "<input id='a'></input>".replace( /<(\w+)([^>]*)><\/\1>/, '<$1$2 />' )
flexbox is the shit
@Sheepy thank you so much!!
@AwalGarg I didn't make it into the secondary phase.
what about html??
I'd never withdraw. :)
@KendallFrey xbox is the shit (source)
@monners @KendallFrey PS4 is the shit (source) (source)
@KendallFrey @monners @KendallFrey PC is the shit (source) (source) (source)
Well yeah, of course
Once the new iMacs come out I'll be getting back into PC gaming in a big way
why would you play games on a macaroni
the graphics must be shit
What do you guys think of Google and the EU?
Nobody was talking in the Python chat room so I came here
I think Google will find a way to do what they want to, regardless of the result.
Welcome Stormy.
How long do you think it will take for Python to be replaced by JavaScript? :D
Not sure
pythons pretty powerful and flexible
well it's getting late adios, Au Revoir
Oh, gone so fast. O.O/'
I have a test in math tomorrow so I was going to rest up, even though I get a A on every test. 8th grade math is really easy
Is there a way to let users add a hosted file to a drop event (using dataTransfer)? E.g. I have a drop container where users can upload txt files and for testing purposes I would like to let them have the option to choose demo.txt (a file on the server).
Well at my school
Yes there is a believe josh
how would I go about doing that?
Whoa my sentence structure.
I am not sure how to do it but I believe there is a way to
I'm an good with Python not JavaScript
@joshhunt If it is hosted on your server, and you need to grab the data the normal way you do with server data, such as through ajax. However I advise you to rethink your logic, because this may cause unnecessary transfer of big data.
@Sheepy hmmm how would I add it to dataTransfer though?
@Stormy what math do you take in 8th grade?
Right now it's the Pythagon Therom which is very easy yet people in my class find it so hard to do
@Stormy it doesn't have a name, e.g., geometry or algebra I?
My dad is a teacher so he teaches me Advanced Alegbra at home at I learn calculus
@Stormy calculus is fun
It's alegbra
Stormy I thought you need to sleep well for tomorrow's test?
Science and math are my favorite subjects
@Stormy good choice
I told you there are always easy
But I guess I shouldn't get cocky now
@Sheepy not sure if that will work but I'll give it a shot. Thanks for your help
@joshhunt Like I said, it may be easier if you implement a different handling for server dnd. Good luck and God bless.
@Stormy night~
yeah I was just hoping to keep the demo completely separate from the plugin
(the plugin creates the dnd event)
Hi all
Q: Merge two watching batch files

Mr_GreenI have two .bat files with the following code: first.bat cd c:\xampp\htdocs\MyProject\ui\assets\styles sass --watch sass:css second.bat cd c:\xampp\htdocs\MyProject\ui gulp watch I am planning to merge the above two files into one. But when I do so, the execution is stopping at the line sa...

@JanDvorak Both assume something has a foobar function on one object or another: repl.it/jrU/1
okay, thanks
(sorry, just looked at the repl.it)
guys any help with the above question?
@Sheepy Probably, they'll likely settle and stuff.
some random client came to me and said they'll pay me 200 dollars for installing wordpress with mariadb on their centos
so I told them it's not easy so I want 300 dollars
they said yes
and I'm doing it right now
@EnglishMaster Not exactly good form to brag about ripping off a client in a public chatroom
what do you mean, I'm not ripping them off, they are just too ancient.
@monners it didn't happen.
I'd be shocked if the wannabe attention-starved "troll" could even figure out how to change directories without a GUI
@SomeKittens Damnit. I keep getting tricked into feeding them. My bad.
I keep getting tricked into kick-muting them. My bad.
@phenomnomnominal oh man, don't you hate it when your finger slips and boom! he's kick-muted again.
I always feel so terrible, since he contributes so much to the room.
Does he?
isn't it easier to just permaban? or even better, shadowban?
@ivarni sadly, we don't have that power
@JanDvorak Well, if you go by quantity...
@SomeKittens You'd think an SO account could be shut down for being an idiot in chat though, maybe a custom flag?
@ivarni we have been fighting for that for literally years
Those kinds of people would just abuse the shit out of that flag, just like they do with regular flags
CapricaSix can't move/delete messages, right?
She can
Including other peoples?
I see what you're getting at
Has anyone tried writing a script that would move/delete all of a users messages, then? A permaban via bot?
@Retsam We used to lock the room down, and grant access to everyone
except for a few
Ah, yeah, I forgot about gallery mode, it's been awhile since that was done.
I suppose for my own sake I could just mute the kid and be done with it
@Retsam you were around for that, no?
you guys know how to get this"[youtu.be/1FTt-b4YGOU]"; from "youtube[youtu.be/1FTt-b4YGOU] link"??
@SomeKittens Yeah; I think it was something you were doing when I first joined this chat, iirc.
I'm looking for a tutorial that will show you how to load json data to html div based on the links that users click... Anybody know of a good tutorial on this?
@AtlanteAvila Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@ivarni when they've been kicked enough a mod will show up
@Jhawins It just sounds backwards to have to include mods for banning a user from a chatroom when that functionality is so easily implemented
@ivarni "when they've been kicked enough"
I was under the impression that SO mods already have a lot to do
Ya know, banned
I understood what you wrote, I just think it's strange that a room owner can't control who joins the room
Why would we have the power to disable accounts? That's what would be backwards
Well, disabling an account is obviously just a work-around for not being able to block
You can force people to leave...
The time grows every time tghey're kicked
I think the current system is fine, just need to notify the other room owners when someone is kicked.
They'll just spam us more and get butthurt anyway the more you do to them
Exactly why I think ban functionality needs to be implemented. Notifying other room owners sounds like solving an XY problem to me
But I found the "ignore" button so it's not my problem anymore :)
Morning folks
good morning ;)
Trying to learn MV pattern today
@Mosho just for the record, the react thing was quite good
@Mosho you missed out.
Also, there was free food and beer, just saying @Mosho
no one cares about MV pattern really ?
@dystroy hey
A question for people having insight in the browser industry: Is the Chromium browser still alive ? Why is it so hard to get a decently recent version without building it ?
Because it's meant as a base for forking, I believe?
What decent fork do you have in mind ? What open source "webkit" browser would you use ?
@dystroy "getting a decent version" for which platform?
Ubuntu for example
sudo apt-get install chromium-browser doesn't work?
@BenjaminGruenbaum The last version considered stable is ages old. Even gmail says it's too old.
@dystroy but if you get it it auto-updates right?
@BenjaminGruenbaum To the stable versions only, and those are obsolete
@THE I'm using MV* on a daily basis
@dystroy chromium itself updates doesn't it? Doesn't it automatically update to 42?
can also wget https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
And then install the .deb, but I think chromium-browser from the repo and then just lettting it update works
!!afk staff meeting
@ivarni is it good
@BenjaminGruenbaum if you have for example Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, it doesn't update past the last version in Ubuntu repository, which is 37
Even for 14.04, it's an old one (less old)
@THE Separating model and view is good, yes, not mixing data and presentation has always been a good idea and failing to do so is one of the many problems I see with flash
@ivarni Flash? Is that still a thing?
@SecondRikudo Thankfully not, but I've been around long enough to still remember when it was
It was just the first thing that came to mind when thinking about mixing concerns because I had to fight that fight many times in the early 2000s
@THE MV* is about what's called the separation of concerns.
The idea being that presentation logic should not be mixed with data model or business logic
@dystroy that's really odd
If you have no idea what I'm talking about, and/or haven't done that at all yet, stop. Learn MV* only after you understand this concept.
@ivarni I'm not :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum Backend master race or just using Angular? :p
I'm doing everything
I find that the underlying concepts of MV* is found in more or less all decent frameworks/libraries. It might be named something else but it's usually there in some form
Obviously talking in the context of showing things on screen
@ivarni MV* is a concept. Frameworks can each show you an implementation of that concept. But I don't feel that's very beneficial.
@SecondRikudo Well, the question was if anyone cared about the pattern, my argument was simply that most people use it wether they know they do or not. I'll agree that understanding the concept is about more than just using Backembular.js or its likes
@ivarni "separation of concerns"
hey gusy what's wrong in the code?? am getting Illegal Invocation in jquery
        var data = {
            'aa' : 'InlineManagement.customImageSave',
            'securityToken' : $('input[name=securityToken]').val(),
            'image' : e.target.files
            url : ip.baseUrl,
            type : 'POST',
            data : data,
        .done(function() {
        .fail(function() {
Is there a canonical for questions like this? stackoverflow.com/questions/29765217/…
@ivarni Yes
Hold on
Q: JavaScript closure inside loops – simple practical example

nickfClosures are one of those things that have been discussed a lot on SO, but this situation pops up a lot for me and I'm always left scratching my head. var funcs = {}; for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { // let's create 3 functions funcs[i] = function() { // and store them in fu...

@SecondRikudo ty
Are someone maintaining a list of those anywhere?
@ivarni I think we've already discussed this, we do not, but we probably should.
@SecondRikudo Would the tag wiki be a good place to have it? It's already full of links in the first place
heh.. It even has a FAQ section
@ivarni I'm more leaning towards room-11.github.io/canonical.html
(That's for PHP)
So we'd be room-17?
What a sad name...
Or JS-Room or whatever
We're JavaScriptRoom at the moment I think
Ah, so much better :D Yeah, we will have many questions we can list. var scope, closure, prototype, inheritance, cross origin, file system, NaN... JavaScript gives newbies enough ropes to hang themselves and everyone around them.
With github.com/rlemon/so-chat-javascript-rules you could let people contribute canonicals via pull requests and have them show up on rules.javascriptroom.com or some other subdomain, though that would obviously require some work on rlemon's part
Feel free to PR against this
Take inspiration from the PHP's one
(extra points if you don't use JSONP)
I'll put it on my TODO list but right now I'm at work :)
Might have time come weekend, planning to stay at cabin and there's not much to do there in the evenings
@BenjaminGruenbaum I just tested a few versions : the last stable (42), last dev, last beta. All crashed with a segmentation fault. I'm back to version 37. And I still suspect Ubuntu is more interested in Firefox and Google is more interested in Chrome.
What is this
@RaviPrakash Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@RaviPrakash This is madness!
@SecondRikudo Well, technically this is sparta
@SecondRikudo madness?
What if i use true in asnyc param. Of xmlhtto req!
@RaviPrakash Nothing special. It's the default.
this is window
@ivarni Nice!
@SecondRikudo SpartaScript?
@ivarni lol +10
@SecondRikudo Perhaps an implenentation of Vigil into Javascript, where any code that throws an exception is erased from the source.
@RaviPrakash When you don't pass any parameter to async it's true by default
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Reminds me of ISIS.js
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan :D
@RaviPrakash ...
Are you here to ask random questions, or do you actually need help?
Sorry.. I was testing weather this chat works or not
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan That is awesome :D
@RaviPrakash I've already replied to you once...
@RaviPrakash /me faint
Not only does chat work, it also works without bootstrap.
@SecondRikudo Now THAT is Sparta.
@RaviPrakash I'd rather not go into blink links, thank you very much.
The contents of responseText blinks. When i request XHR. WHY?
@RaviPrakash ... "blinks"?
whats the simplest way to give an absolute div a draggable class that adds a div that when mouse down over it, you can drag the whole div around?
Means that it clears and reappears after a second.

To see that : http://ravi4pk.in/chat
@SuperUberDuper Use JQueryUI's draggable()?
@SecondRikudo: Means that it clears and reappears after a second.

To see that : ravi4pk.in/chat
@RaviPrakash yeah, yeah, he heard that the first time
@JanDvorak what sir?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan don't want to use jquery. Its a small script I share over cdn
@SuperUberDuper Where do you live
@RaviPrakash Don't use capital letter. It is not our fault or the browser's fault. The reason is you are reusing xmlhttp for send.php. When a message is sent xmlhttp will dutifully display the of result of send.php which is blank, thus the blinking.
@Sheepy muted through flags
@SuperUberDuper Maybe check out JQueryUI's code and see how they implement it there, and take out a simplified example.
@JanDvorak Thanks for the heads up.
Am I the only one who can't seem to get a context-menu up when I rightclick just about anywhere on the main SO site atm?
@ivarni Happened to me once.
Have you tried turning it off and on again?
Works fine here (Chrome42/win8.1)
Standard context menu, right? Not a custom one.
Yes, I just want to open links in a new tab :) Using Ctrl+click atm
@ivarni Middle click
Or middle click.
Killing the tab worked though, I guess I'll blame that one on Chrome then
Two hands for opening new tab?
I've not been deemed worthy of a three-button mouse
Love middle click, especially the surprisingly-still-obscure close-tab behavior.
@ivarni You disgust me.
I jump around between many projects/clients, and I'm constantly surprised at how few people know that middle-click can close a tab.
@SecondRikudo Hey, I don't get to choose my hardware, at least they gave me a 27" screen
@ivarni No of course you are not worthy. You should have an 6 buttons mouse. Or a 4 buttons trackball.
@ivarni You mean you got only one screen?
@Sheepy I obviously kept the old 24" when they gave me the 27", I might be stupid but I'm not THAT stupid
Golden rule of offices, never give away any hardware
@BenjaminGruenbaum :\
@ivarni :D
@BenFortune Morning~
Q: I am getting following warning when running on linux:

Sravani LankaI tried to increase the no.of listeners using Event Emitter. But it's not working. (node) warning: possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 11 listeners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit. Trace at EventEmitter.addListener (events.js:160:15) at Server.connect (/...

Never seen this before.
@BenFortune people dumping their logs into SO without reading them? you should get around more
@Mosho The warning ._.
cv it as duplicate if you can
It's harder to close questions with low usage tags :\
Why does pastebin.com/a3CaNdAM say the left $(this) must be a lvalue?
because you're doing an assignement
In short, you need a variable or property name left to an =
@Shiuyin You probably just want this = this / accuracy.
Good god why are you using jQuery for that?
That would be totally useless too
why not? :D
i just want to iterate over the list and reassign some values
like a = a / 25
@Shiuyin You can just use Array.prototype.forEach for that.
$(this) is calling a function and returning a value, you are trying to assign a value to a function call, it looks like a mistake
this is an object, not the primitive, you can't use it there
oh ok...
With almost 3000 upvotes, this is a damn good reference: stackoverflow.com/questions/9329446/…
@Shiuyin This is ugly but it works :
pos.forEach(function(_,i){ pos[i] /= 10 })
thanks a lot :D
I would simply use a good old for loop or map
but if accuracy is a float between 0 and 1, I guess it should be multiplying instead of dividing
hm, when using pos.forEach(function(_,i){ pos[i] /= 10 }) it just doesn't update the pos array. when using console.log(pos) before and after that code it just simply outputs the same twice
oh never mind, im stupid, thanks a lot :D
Quick English question: is "how often are you having your teeth checked" grammatically correct?
@towc looks ok to me
"How often do you get your teeth checked?" sounds better to me, but there's never less than 5 ways to say anything in english
they are different. one presupposes that you get your teeth checked, the other does not
anyone know any better api for sortable tables then this - kryogenix.org/code/browser/sorttable/#ajaxtables
getting this - Uncaught TypeError: table.getElementsByTagName is not a function
makeSortable: function (table) {
if (table.getElementsByTagName('thead').length == 0) {
english is harder than JS
on seconds thoughts they are the same, they both imply that you have your teeth checked
@THE Datatables, but it has a pretty big overhead.
which reminds me I need to get my teeth checked
Same, one of my fillings fell out the other day.
4 weeks to get an appointment is bullshit though.
how do you detect flash on browser?
What do you mean detect flash?
the flash extension
some people doesn't have flash installed on their browsers
Q: Cross Browser Flash Detection in Javascript

kd7Does anyone have an example of script that can work reliably well across IE/Firefox to detect if the browser is capable of displaying embedded flash content. I say reliably because I know its not possible 100% of the time.

is this crossbrowser? xD
Q: How can I detect if Flash is installed and if not, display a hidden div that informs the user?

KingNestorHow can I use javascript/jQuery/etc to detect if Flash is installed and if it isn't, display a div that contains information informing the user that they need to install flash?

@Neoares Why don't you look at the comments and answers in the question?
@ivarni They gave you a 27'' screen, but a mouse with a middle mouse button that costs $10 is too much?
hey guys, is there any way to achieve selection like this in javascript/html: fbreader.org/files/images/android/screenshots-1.3/2/… what do I need to search on google? thanks
I use the object too, I was just wondering if you have another way
@Brunaldo See the checkbox hack
thanks @SecondRikudo i kept searching select list for some reaon..
@Neoares Why do you want some other way? Is there some problem with SWFObject?
@Neoares Some background. Some jobs in JavaScript is difficult and unreliable. Detecting Flash is one of them. This is when it is wise to use a mature library, because they have done the hard work.

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