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@Luggage what resources?
Images, and the like?
or just your js/css?
js, css, fonts
I don't have any images. all icon-fonts
if intersted, this is my config: gist.github.com/luggage66/6bba57e7b2f41896baea
what kind of opitimzation plugins are you using?
ok cool let me check it out
we have a pretty large app, its weighing in at 2.5mb
for the release build. Dev build is liek 6mb
400k of that is images
ohh, it does ahve a few pngs, which are all currently tiny and inlined in the css as urls
plugins: [
    new webpack.DefinePlugin({
        'process.env': {
            NODE_ENV: '"production"'
    new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin({compress: {
        drop_console: true
    new webpack.optimize.OccurenceOrderPlugin(true),
    new webpack.optimize.AggressiveMergingPlugin(),
    new ExtractTextPlugin('style.css', {allChunks: true})
thats from my release config
Yesterday I decided to start learning python
it looks so prettyyy
aggressive merging, occurance order and uglify would probably help your file sizes @Luggage
inlining resources in browserify is very easy too
I plan to change my /views and /viewModels to be split and laod on-demand in the future since there are meny users that don't even have access to the rest of the app
var foo = fs.readFileSync(path);
Q: Node.js- Error when giving rout of request using variable routes

dubey-theHarcourtiansmy App.js code is- var routes = require('./routes'); app.get('/', routes.index); //var abt = require('./routes/about'); app.get('/about', routes.about); my index.js code is- exports.index = function(req, res){ res.render('index', { title: 'Express' }); }; my about.js code is- exports.ab...

I was going to do code splitting with ours if it hit over 3mb, because we have a whole admin interface as well
Can we close this?
but 2.5mb so far Im fine with
I also extract our css instead of inlining it in the JS to get around some IE9 issues :/
@BenFortune that's not it
I mean, your comment is wrong
exports = function() {}; would have been an issue
but, I can do some further optimizations on the css for our release using gulp /cssmin
@FlorianMargaine Why is it?
exports.foo = function() {}; is not an issue
I might need to do that and more. I plan to try to support IE 8 later :(
damn.. IE8.
yea... i know
I thought exports was just a created alias?
I think I can do it though. All of my main dependencies are IE 8 compatible. I jsut nee dto supply a few polyfills for things like .bind and change my css
you'll have to do more than change your css
ie8's styling is focked
hah, agreed
I've supported ie8 before. I'm hopefull I can support it this time, without too much.
if a shitcopter flew down with a shitbrowser and dropped it into a shitflood, the resulting shitstorm would look like ie8
or a liquor snurf
also.. not all pages need to work, just a few that our on-site auditors use and the core non-visual parts
@ssube nah, that'd be ie7
What is gulpJS useful for?
@FlorianMargaine I was going to say IE6 :p
ie8 is bad, but manageable imho
@StevensHaen automating tasks
@StevensHaen it's a build tool
@Loktar nah ie7 didn't understand how to render floats
i think ie6 was better than ie7/8
reproducible builds, runs your tests
IE6 couldnt render png transparency..
unless you used a .htc or whatever the file type was.
but ie6 was used so long it's practically it's own standard
ie 7/8 have smaller market share and each with thier own broken bits
whats nice is the market share is pretty low for 9 and 10 as well
so I'm hoping we just skip to 11 here soon
9, i can tolerate.
9 has some annoying bits
like no input placeholders.
spartan is coming
@Loktar hey, those were great phones!
stuff like that is just so damn annoying.
@SomeKittens haha
true, but it's close enough to normal that what i test in chrome often works in ie9
@Loktar transitions
freaking css transitions
10 is missing them too right?
I can't wait for the day that most people are on auto-updating browsers lik chrome and spartan
that would allow us to get rid of 99% of js animation libs
@Loktar no I think it has them
ah nm 10 has them it seems
does anybody using g++ in linux for c++ developments ?
hmm my svg animation doesn't work in 10 for some reason
> Not supported on any pseudo-elements besides ::before and ::after for Firefox, Chrome 26+, Opera 16+ and IE10+.
> 'background-size' is not supported below and including IE10
> Transitionable properties with calc() derived values are not supported below and including IE11 (connect.microsoft.com/IE/feedback/details/762719/…)
apparently it has to do with me animating a path
meh idc, I just told our business analyst it wont animate in 10
they were fine with it lol
yeah, we mostly have feature parity with ie9/10 but they're uglier than our preferred browsers
ie7/8, though, waste so much time
9 wastes a lot of my time lately
@Loktar great :D
I get all the ie9 bugs :/
placeholders is my current issue. I use a shim but react resets the state, so it resets the placeholder to nothing
starting to just ignore the bug now.
yeah placeholders are a pain...
@Loktar did you use a react-specific shim?
I did initially, but they didn't update it to 0.13
fork them?
the 2nd one is what I was using
oh also, I'm using react-bootstrap
the 2nd one is barely 100 lines
which uses Input.. so I was getting name clashes
it was dumb to have to wrap all our inputs just for IE9
is it valid, in es6, to call super() at the end of your overridden function or does it need to be first?
so what I did was use a conditional comment and loaded an external shim just for IE9
effin fork it man
man up
eh, its not worth the effort imo
all of our inputs would need to use that component.. for one browser
conditional comments
how would I load a react component conditionally based on the browser?
picturing florian in futurama "forkitforkitforkitforkit"
yeah but that uses the native inputs
I'm using react-bootstraps
then fork it
and use bootstrap's
so I have no idea how to get them to even work together.. its like one or the other
i.imgur.com/qUfjco7.gif (Animated GIF: futurama fixit)
I even showed you the line you have to change
get some balls
its not that simple though, for IE9 I still have to use the bootstrap inputs as well
@Luggage without the text, that would be a very suggestive gif
then fix bootstrap input
"f*** f*** f***"
that would be the better option @FlorianMargaine
@KendallFrey : in mood for a math question ?
depending on what the question is
Did anyone get to test the Spartan browser yet?
do you know what a 15 puzzle is ?
it sucks
@Loktar fork bootstrap's input code, and add the missing parts showed in the shims
@FlorianMargaine stop pressuring me!!
ohh, bootstrap isn't ie8 compatible is it.. fucks.
@KarelG not as fun as a 16 puzzle, that's for damn sure
/me hides in a corner
Q: What does this IE specific code do?

Anubian NoobI was looking at an article on how to detect focus in a browser window. Here's the demo page. I'm confused as to what this conditional does. if (/*@cc_on!@*/false) { // check for Internet Explorer document.onfocusin = onFocus; document.onfocusout = onBlur; } else { window.onfocus = ...

the shim just uses another element that it hides when input.value != ''
@ssube 2048 puzzle, bitches
uses some .focus() magic to make it look like a normal placeholder
Well, there is a project which implements that, but with images, instead of numbers. It's for children. When launching the app, they can choose a dimension (or it will be done randomly). For each dimension, there is an image available that they can play with.

But my problem is the memory. Since most tablets / phones have 1GB at least, what could be a worst case scenario for NxN puzzle ?

If dimension is N, there are N! / 2 possibilities. But do i have to calculate in rotations / permutations ?
yeah thats the same thing the placeholder does Im using now
its just not react anymore
ill look at react-bootstraps inputs
they have the placeholder attr
@KarelG I don't know what you mean
What exactly is your question?
interesting, I assumed they would have provided that in standard bootstrap..
but everyone just suggests using a plugin. Lame.
@Loktar nope. And this one is not react-specific
What are the benefits of server-side JS as opposed to using PHP?
and yeah, lame
@StevensHaen because anything's better than PHP?
@FlorianMargaine I see you in the PHP room as well.
@StevensHaen well, JS instead of PHP. Need I continue?
@StevensHaen and?
let's say there is a 15 puzzle, unsolved. I'm trying to solve it, with a path from current state to goal state. For that i'm implementing a A* algorithm. But for each step, i have to expand the current state with 2-4 other board configs. As result of this, the memory used will increase.

My question is, is there a way to *estimate* the memory, that i don't get memory issues.
Let's say memory limit = 1GB.

A 4x4 board can have (4! / 2 ) * memConsumptionObject = x GB

What i want is to find out the x before finding out the path, that i can select the right strategy to solve that. Dijkstra nee
Anyone in the php room will tell you that php sucks
@KarelG You're trying to solve a 15 puzzle optimally?
@FlorianMargaine man it sucks
OHh, I bet there are some php-lovers in there.
@KendallFrey sorta of.
@KarelG remember the traveling salesman?
What are the advantages of event-based exec vs multi threaded such?
@KarelG sort of optimally?
Isn't PHP somewhat similar to JS? Both languages have flaws, but the immense infrastructure build around them makes them practical options.
Where do speed benefits come from?
holy cow, I leave for 30 minutes and miss 359 messages
@StevensHaen try making a push server in php
@StevensHaen multithreaded without event-based makes for a lot of overhead (1 thread per request)
they can both work, but there are a whole class of cross-thread problems that just don't exist in event-based code.
i don't get the link with TSP Florian...
@StevensHaen php is shared nothing btw
@KarelG try finding the best way in a maximum number of iterations
@StevensHaen Note that event based systems are primarily for IO bound tasks. For CPU bound tasks, events don't really get you anything.
You guys make it look like it's a no-brainer. I'll try making my first nodeJS app today
well, doing some pre-calculations that i get a value how much memory it would take. If the value is > memory limit, then i use a different strategy, which strips the board in smaller pieces.
but if it's <= memory limit, then i can simply fire A* on it.
true and most web apps spend time waiting for a database, hence, io-bound
@StevensHaen for the classical app, it doesn't change anything... It's just another platform vs platform debate
and any cpu-intensive operation should be split into another process and thus turns into io-boudn as far as node is concerned
(why not python or java instead of php?)
python is great
very pretty
but very slow
You're slow
@FlorianMargaine Infrastructure and libraries. Why not dart instead of javascript? Same idea.
JS is hip. you want to be hip, don't you? DON'T YOU?!
@Lalaland what?
Doesn't dart compile to JS?
python is like the best language because it's so pretty and readable
Cooking dinner, cya
@StevensHaen You don't need to use javascript for event based programming. Similar libraries/frameworks exist in other languages.
and it has a global variable called len (for the length)
it's all you could ask
#1 reason, shared code between client and server.
and in python you have all the functions that you'd need
I mean, ALL the utility functions you'd ever want to create
but JS is still better..
what about a utility function to create new utility functions?
@Catgocat even a function that says that lemon pooped on a slide once ?
fcking genius
@StevensHaen there aren't any
@Lalaland I'm unfamiliar with most of the terms you guys showered on me
@KarelG from jsroom import memes
@Catgocat you would like ruby, then. It can't get anything done, but it's awful pretty.
import memes from 'jsroom'
in python all you have to do to concat arrays is to add the plus sign
that rocks my world
Is a "push server" an actual push notifications server?
ruby looks like a nice alternative to shell scripts
!!> ([1,2,3,4,5] + [,6,7,8,9,10]).split(',')
@rlemon ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10"]
@Catgocat I prefer Haskell's ++
i want to learn haskell too, but ppl say it's hard
@Catgocat ah yes, the wonders of operator overloading.
“Ok, I’m holding the bulb….why isn’t the world revolving around me?” - A Ruby developer under instructions to change a lightbulb.
you'll hate it soon enough.
@Catgocat that language requires other way of thinking.
I'm joking though.. I just started messing around with python the day before yesterday
@BenFortune that's rude, iOS developers are just as pretentious and useless as Ruby devs
I just don't get the while/else, wtf
I know what it does, but like is it really necessary?
I've never come across an iOS developer
go to a coffee shop
pray to zeus
@Luggage But the £5.00 I pay for a triple-mocha-late-biscuit-ice-cream-sundae can do my food shopping for a week.
wtf, do you do your food shopping at taco bell?
They don't have those in the UK :(
that blows, man
What does it mean, in english, look like a thumb
taco bell is the shit when you're faded
I mean in the non-literal sense
It usually means they look like a thumb
@Catgocat "When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a thumb" means that when you have the wrong tool (typically PHP), you're going to hurt yourself.
oh thumb
I thought there was something deep in that expression
I don't know any other devs really
Though there was this one pretentious fuckbag that used to work with us
I rewrote his PHP stack in JS and got a %3000ish performance increase
Why is PHP so slow
He spent the next two weeks optimizing his stack to prove me wrong
Why everyone hates PHP
PHP is interpreted
So what
that's why it's slow
Oh ok
it's also inconsistent and poorly documented, which is why everyone hates it
more or less, it just doesn't work
Well, you can buy a compiler from the PHP developer
@rlemon Please verify the facts about Canada shown here: questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=2942
Time to gamble on application/administration fees... FU whoever's idea the current rent process is
There is also a lot of bad php code that has logic mixed with html
I had no idea about all the negative sentiment PHP has generated until now.
Symfony2 deals with that well, at least.
@JanDvorak languages with an entry barrier like that tend not to do well
@ssube unlike PHP
you only need compilation once your page is running and popular and you have no time to rewrite. Genius!
It's a capable language but there are lots of poorly written projects using it and it's falling out of favor.
@BenFortune that's the only good thing from PHP
Laravel is nice too
It has an enormous database flexibility
so does js.
So does C++
That's not really an argument
Yup. As long as it's popular enough for people to port libraries to it'll ahve that.
if you are talking about PDO, then other languages have such adapters too
is that like jdbc or ado.net?
@Luggage bullshit
a common api for relational dbs?
the GC is awful
They're more ORMs than adapters
Sequelize, waterline, to name a few
the syntax for common features (like loops) is extremely obscure
it has very little in the way of libraries or general support/ecosystem
huh, what's bullshit? that lots of languages have db libaries?
that PHP is a capable language
Ok, most people here seem to think that JS performs faster on the server-side. What about all those great PHP CMS solutions out there?
ohh, well, it is. I mena people write real apps with it. I personally hate it.
@ssube it was
PHP is a bad language. It's poorly designed, full of security problems, does not perform well, is inconsistent, is poorly documented.
Common constructs are difficult or have unusual syntax (relative to the rest of the language).
So many inconsistencies
still, a lot people uses that language for their small server like project. They're afraid to discover + experiment with other server like languages.
You don't have to sell me.

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