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am I still not making sense?
And if you want to measure a 50 or 40 degree angle?
@AnthonyA isn't it 42?!
that would be horizontal orientation , but I'm not there yet
the bubble level will be limited to +-45
Reason #1 to not use a wordpress theme: theme I got literally had a backdoor for its authors AND it checked if the user was not an admin and put in the footer a random list of spam site links as the "theme by" section if it thought the developer wasn't looking - the code to do that was in base64 encoding and the encoding itself was shuffled every now and then (swapping several random positions) so it would not be googleable
fun stuff.
Using WP looks like an invitation to get "hacked"...
It's the most popular framework ever though.
@BenjaminGruenbaum more like reason to always check outside/vendor plugins or code
that is pretty damn crazy though
we did, but it's crazy - we tried grepping for stuff but it went under the radar
because well, it was one-lined and base64d and made to look like legitimate settings and had nondescriptive names
heh yeah that is pretty nuts
i have a $.ajax function that i´m using to logout, basically it calls a.php file which refreshes my page(and shows the log in popup again), is there a way to do this smoothly?:
url: 'data/logout.php',
success: function(data)
window.location.href = data;
it logs out...but it does it very fast, i want it smooth...is it possible?
Just do regular navigation? Define "smoothly"
something similar to this: $varDashboard.fadeIn(1000);
@AnthonyA To check for that, I would rotate a vector by the quaternion and check that one of the coordinates is > sin(45d)
which values you need to check is a bit unclear
@Japa let's just say a full-page transition won't be smooth no matter what
for the sake of simplicity
so...no can do?
how would I draw a horizon based on the quaternion value for change over the z axis
it´s not possible?
@AnthonyA that would be the z component of the euler angle
Should this question sent to another SE site ? stackoverflow.com/questions/29260476/…
but euler has gimbal...
@JanDvorak but if i have a window.onload = function ()...could i had a smooth efect to this?
is foo available in this function?
var foo = [];
mutations.forEach(function (mutation) {
gimbal lock only applies to changes in the rotation
what you need to be worried about is angle order
should be :)\
an euler angle is effectively 3 rotations, so you need to specify which order those rotations are in
so when it refresh...it would call this function wich has the smooth efect
because rotations are noncommutative
however, I cannot change that in ios
does it use a useful order?
its parent child structure is set
not the order I need
@Japa by the time onload is called, the old page is long gone
@JanDvorak ok, thanks for your help.
@AnthonyA that's too bad, looks like you'll have to do it yourself then
what do you mean by that?
you'll have to do it yourself
do what myself
create the euler angles
change the rotation order?
well, if you can simply change the order, do so, but you said iOS can't
ok thanks for your help
What could possibly go wrong:
@ircmaxell Was already posted earlier today methinks
Also on reddit
that's where I found it from :-P
Quoth the raven, "ew"
why is foo not available in the function but baa is?

var baa = [];
foo.forEach(function (i) {
//no foo in here
//but baa is
it should be
ummm, there's no foo in either of them
nor is it in the dictionary
amazing mechanical keyboard. I want one.
Id opt for the 40% layout he shows at the bottom
I want my carpal tunnel to stop hurting
I'll probably have to get it cut open, or whatnot
workers comp, or something
damn that sucks
We'll see
going to start usign a special mouse?
coworker of mine had to, they look so crazy (the mouse not him so much)
It's not even my mouse hand
makes no sense
yeah thats pretty crazy, so its your left hand I'm assuming?
I'm standing up now, so my wrist angle is way better than sitting down, but the damage has been done
I've been wearing a brace for a few weeks, hoping it would jsut go away
but nah, it's gotten worse
Use vim
Fewer ctrl combinations than other editors
Will vim cure my current ailment, though? No :(
No, but emacs has a combination for that
@NickDugger simple trick: use caps lock as ctrl
I'd hate that lol
been doing that for years
it's very useful
Gamejam will be April 1st! ... just kidding; april fools
Oh my fucking god turns out I'm getting screwed at work lol.
no shit
Your situation sounds really shitty
and I feel for you
@BenjaminGruenbaum Ha
@Jhawins is she hot?
It's a stack of papers
@copy it was fun to find - I felt like a script kiddie when I looked for it/found it
Although that can happen with a lot of software
sick dance moves
My whole contract dealio with the sale isn't even gonna happen till next year at soonest. I've already given this another year and a half.. So now my choices are spend another year+ of my life here or just fucking walk. I'm gonna have to walk
I can't wait for gif edits
@Jhawins … and you're not getting paid?
imgur makes the best falling gifs
@Jhawins What does your contract say about it?
Anyone has experience on Bluebird promise library?
@copy Get paid $15/hr to work here and get $30K when business is sold and he isn't allowed to deny an offer that's greater than annual revenue. Comes to like <$30K/year and spread that bonus over 3 years already makes ~$38K/year and no advancement. Spread it another year thinner... It's not been worth it already
I have question regarding the promisifyAll on Redis client
@Tx3 Hah, plenty of us. What's up?
@NickDugger That's why I can talk about it and not worry.. Contract is ridiculously loose.
That sucks
And no worth shit experience to show for my next job because working as only dev in shitty 3 person business doesn't mean jack shit.
@Jhawins You've got to rethink how you word things.
Too many shits? Today sucks. So
Remember the Wheatley job I had?
@Tx3 what is this.... bluebird you speak of?
@Jhawins doesn't mean we don't have language standards here.
@copy it's just really rare
@JanDvorak Seriously?
@SomeKittens Great! I made an promisified version of the redis client and when I am using .onAsync I'll get:

[18:48:05] frontend: { [OperationalError: integration-data-updated] cause: [Erro
r: integration-data-updated] }
integration-data-updated is the name of the channel
@JanDvorak Bring up language standards at the next room meeting. Don't make shit up
Let the man say shit pls
@NickDugger how about once per message?
@Jhawins "Architected sentiment analysis system used by 10 of the Fortune 50"
come on. say shit once or twice, nobody gives a fuck, say it twice per message, calm down... we're not kids, we can speak without badwords
@SomeKittens the listener part goes like this

var channel = 'integration-data-updated';
.catch(function (e) {
> Swearing is tolerated so long as 1) you are not using it to insult another user. 2) you are not throwing around curse words like a 10 year old at summer camp. We understand emphasis and frustration can result in a fuck or two, but just try not to get out of hand.
Er, didn't mean the swearing, meant the job representation.
@Tx3 It doesn't make sense to use promises with event listeners.
@Tx3 an OperationalError is what we do to signal that the promisified method caused an error - promisification is designed for "nodeback" methods that have an function(err, data) signature - on on the other hand does not have a signature so promisification will fail for it.
@SomeKittens lol I love how that was mis-interpreted
@Tx3 Also, please format (control + k) your pasted code.
translation: your method is not promisifiable
seriously benji...
There is no obvious way to promisify an event emitter since it gets called multiple times. Promises abstract a single operation.
It's not that it's not promisifiable - it's not automatically promisifiable.
@FlorianMargaine I'm pissed off about wasting almost 2 years lol. If you can tell, that means my excessive use of "shit" is working.
yeah sorry about the missing word, but you got what I meant
.then should work on arbitrary monads, not just promises :-(

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