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00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

@SomeKittens does it taste like drinking muddy water?
@CSᵠ Texture yes, flavor, no
tried an experiment like that myself for a month, used herbal life
mixed feelings
@SomeKittens do you have a bear beanie?
@BadgerCat I do not
did you find my doppleganger?
No, I'm trying to start a tumblr
'Startup guys with bear hats'
Since 'Security guys with bear hats' didn't work :(
why are you trying to start a tumblr?
I just want a collection of pictures of guys wearing bear hats?
Odd, yet compelling
If anyone wants to contribute, feel free to send me pictures
So far I have 2
@CSᵠ Who are these people?
people from the interwebs
flickr cc
But I cannot post them if I don't have their permission... Also they're not in security or startups.
How stupid would it be to save my routes in the global namespace in iojs? Just an array...
Big thanks to @Zirak for editing help
> Flat is weird
looks at flat design website
ah, this was covered
should have read on
oh well, I'll leave it here
I was curious and was looking for more info on current soylent options until I came upon this
where similarities between soylent and semen are investigated
curiosity officially satiated
is anyone here
@SomeKittens My company is more or less flat. Three directors, then everyone else
@monners How'd I do with the article?
@SomeKittens Still reading
@SomeKittens "(in fact, stopping them from programming might be harder)" meetings, just this small thing, strict rules, etc, great for stopping
@CSᵠ ha, no kidding. I've heard of the 45-minute rule in that no work gets done for the 45 minutes before a meeting (no matter how small)
@SomeKittens and the work after one is usually junk compared to the work in the zone
@SomeKittens That's pretty accurate, at least in the way we run things. You're spot on about hiring the right people, but for us that means - above all - a talent for collaboration and shared learning. Unfortunately, that's a bitch of a thing to find in an ocean of green frontend developers.
@monners "a talent for collaboration and shared learning" <- I really like that as a cultural statement
Now, is that written down somewhere or "just the way things work"?
We've had developers that haven't fitted. They've largely left of their own accord. It's hard to stay happy in a workplace when you're voluntarily on the outside of the mutually agree-upon process
@SomeKittens Our mission statement is To be the company of choice for awesome clients and awesome employees
@monners ooh, very well done
It's a little wishywashy, I know, but it's actually pretty descriptive of our culture
I like how it's understood that employees get to choose and companies should be awesome.
Ya get the sense that everyone cares
it is actually
maybe if you add a "to try to, to strive" somewhere in that sentence
@CSᵠ Pffft, aim high :P
yeah.. most will not catch it anyway :P
Besides, it's a mission statement. That's our stated goal
We're by no means perfect, but I really like our culture.
I'm perfect
Plus I've got a tech lead who's an absolute gun. It's real important to have someone that knows technology at the director level.
@monners "absolute gun"? Haven't heard that phrase before
!!urban absolute gun
@monners No definition found for absolute gun
!!urban gun
@monners Gun A complex arrangement of metal parts that is capable of discharging a lead peice at very high speeds, high enough to penetrate fleash and thin slabs of wood. Serves as humankind's (so far) permanent replacement for spears, staffs, swords, daggars, etc. as most effective weapons. Most commonly used for self-defense, murder, killing hostiles, recreational shooting, the standard issue weapons for armies, militias, etc.
Let's play the, "how much does this wanna make you pull your hair out", game: !global.routes && global.routes = {};
It means good
I guess it's an Australianism
@NickDugger 9/10
@NickDugger "Cat on a hot day" levels of hair ejection.
I have a tendency to write really infuriating code when working on nonsense, personal projects...
@NickDugger awesome.. btw: who's global ?
global is a node/io thing. Essentially replaces window, or whatever.
var God = global || God
i love short circuiting with && or || instead of an if too @NickDugger
also parens are a bitch to type
@NickDugger Besides being invalid assignment left hand side, of course
@CSᵠ Maybe you'd be better off with Ruby?
@monners i love that, i love that very much
Lisp, probably
@copy wha? Thought it was valid... haven't run it yet, though lol
@monners no i neam if it's not necessary, then don't type them, know THE order
Huh, it is invalid.
@NickDugger parentheses
#define SIX 1+5
#define NINE 8+1
assert(SIX*NINE == 42);
@CSᵠ Just as long as you don't adopt a no-semicolon style I'm fine with whatever :P
We just dropped bootstrap from our boilerplate. This makes me so happy
@monners i would in python, was seriously thinking on it for JS and will not use it after } and maybe even )
@monners congrats!!! how did you manage?
I demonstrated that we could pull out the parts we wanted, and drop our build size by about 60% on fresh projects
wow lol
The default iconfont alone is over a Mb across all formats
so, essentially still using bootstrap, just a per-use compiled version...
anyway, tons bettr than loading the whole gig
Basically we're just using their grid (which we've modified into something that makes more sense for us)
We swapped out their POS carousel for something a lot better aswell
And we're using Browserify for all of our module loading, so it made more sense for us to keep the boilerplate as dependency-free as possible
@monners How do you like Browserify?
I love browserify, it makes me happy. In my pants.
I like it, but I hate the need for it. Give me my es6 modules already, geez
I have a form which has multiple elements that can have an 'error' class, when doing validation all errors are reset thus I remove the 'error' class from each element, one by one using classList.remove() . Is there a quicker way to remove all occurrences of that class found within the form tags? All I keep finding online are jQuery examples, but want vanilla.
well.. wait ~3 years and you'll have em
@crypticツ documewnt.querySelectorAll('.error_class')
hmm... i think i should write all my hints like that ^
@CSᵠ so I would need to loop through the returned elements, right?
See, senior
yeah, but you'd get only the ones having the err class
not all
yeah, that's all I need to lookup and remove their class. thanks!
(flat is weird)
@crypticツ i might be able to help further, share code?
@SomeKittens u got it... see sometimes just asking works :P
@NickDugger ?
I just realised chat uses bitmap sprites for icons... Ugh.
@CSᵠ hah, thanks!
@CSᵠ monies pls?
leave the monies out the door please
i'll text you the door #
Monies on the dresser first
@monners shitfuck
@CSᵠ That'll cost extra
rolf rolf rolf
@SomeKittens what happens after rolling a Math.random()*N when a colleague points out the RNG might be flawed?
related to article
@CSᵠ We spend then next two weeks building a perfect random number generator, of course!
it was a word play for " a coleague who wants it their way and will not bulge as much as others"
@SomeKittens does that mean you'd go that way?
@CSᵠ Nah, I was kidding. Math.random was random enough for us.
it really got me to a few cases back in the memory lane when one would 'feel it in the gut' that X was the right solution but not enough arguments were laid on the table to support that, nor other solutions got enough either
what would you do in this situation ?
@SomeKittens btw, i don't like your blog theme, at least separate articles more clearly
@CSᵠ Personally? Depends on the specifics but Math.random wasn't theoretical - we've turned to that before.
@CSᵠ I just added a <hr>
Is that not enough?
maybe hack the hr with some css at least ti widen it
but the flat design.. umm... so `90s
The style looking old was a deliberate choice
where's the theme renderer on your versioning plan?
@CSᵠ "Whenever I get around to it"
!!nodeclipse or ST or c9?
!!How are you?
@crl Frankly my dear, I don't give a dean
c9 ?
@crl c9
sublime 4eva
I'm fed up wit their "Please purchase" popup
yeah... i'm almost blind to that
@crl So maybe buy a license?
If it's a tool you use every day to earn a living then you're a douche not to pay for it and support the product
Whoo, got routing and controllers working.
oh the C is smart ^
@monners would you say that's a fair price? considering competition also
@rlemon what the....
Creating routing and controllers for iojs from the ground up is way easier than I initially thought
is it different from node in any way?
Nah, but I just had never done it before
I had no knowledge on how anything on the back end was working, so I decided to learn
I wanna create a full MVC thing, but just to teach myself. It will be binned afterwards.
@NickDugger awesome decision
I knew how to use express, and it was really easy to do, but I didn't know what express was doing, and it always bugs me to use code without understanding what it's doing
it's even easy to make a server without express
Yeah, that's what I'm doing now
basic one of course, but when going far enough you'd have created just another express :)
@rlemon any idea why one would use that css font ?
I have some kind of information message which appears after a message has been successfully created but if someone creates a new message before the message is being removed i would like to remove it manually. This is what i have: var div = document.createElement("div");

div.style.width = "250px";
div.style.height = "25px";
div.style.color = "green";
div.innerHTML = '<p style="text-align: center;">The message has been created!.</p>';

setTimeout(function(){ div.style.display = "none"; }, 4000);
How could i remove the message or at least overwrite it?
Currrently they stack up and there is no limit.
Whoo, routing, most of controllers, and simple/crude templating are done!
class Home extends Controller {
    static index(request, response) {
        return this.view('index', {
            title: 'Test MVC io.js',
            foo: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.'
I should make my templating be '<?php ' + key + ' ?>
@Proton add id's to them...
or you could delegate events to their parent
who invited me btw. ?
why no one has implemented a node like event based something for mysql ...
presently one of the projects in my company has a lot of locking issues , and they can't figure out what is casing those
how can i represent "𠮷" using code points "\u55362\u57271" does not work
@vamsiampolu \uD842\uDFB7
1 hour later…
is visibility: hidden suitable as a sort of pointer-events: none?
never knew about this: technically switzerland has partially invaded liechtenstein quite a few times, but both sides were ok with it
so just like me and your mom last night
must read: algorithms‌​@Khan
what is the easiest way to convert an spa to firefox os app
lol, damn blank space
argh, left a bracket in the url
and anyone who's gonna notice that won't need to read the material...
hi everyone
@lovetolearn Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
i am quite new to programming and was hoping if someone could help me with this question. i want to use the html5 range element to increase and decrease the size of a shape, lets say a circle. How do i do this in javascript or jquery
@lovetolearn what have you tried?
@CSᵠ why
Some people... goddamnit
> Hi , I saw your High reputation on Stackoverflow . May i request you to offer some help on this issue stackoverflow.com/questions/29048424/issue-with-mega-menu-on-magento
on my site's contact form
@ThiefMaster jeezzzz
i have one answer in and that was just a basic php thing, not magento related
@phenomnomnominal dont really know where to begin, obviously creating the html5 range and a shape is easy just need to know how to increase and decrease an element
@lovetolearn how have you made the element? Just a square with border-radius?
so i a circle with the div id circle
cool, how have you set the size of the circle?
just with width and height?
i guess i need to use percentages
Nope, px or em or rem values will work best for this I think
What do you think the two questions you need to ask would be?
@argentum47 what why?
I'll help you work those questions out, and then you can go google them and see how you get on?
"anyone who's gonna notice that won't need to read the material..."
thanks, that is what i need. I would not want you to give me the code and say there you go
you are the man
@lovetolearn this is true :)
:scratches head:
So, first, you have an circle, and you've manually set the width and height. So what's the next step?
so in jquery you can obviously increase the font size of text, can that be used for an empty element?
okay cool so you're using jquery. What function would you use to increase the font size of text?
Perfect, so do you think you can use that to change the width and height of your circle?
no idea, i have this problem of writing off things, i could have tried this but i just thought i was for text only
Have you looked up the documentation for the .css function?
!!/jquery css
@phenomnomnominal api.jquery.com/css
It's a function for changing any style property of an element.
Have a go at changing the width and height of your circle with that, then ping me when you're done
Get the value of a computed style property for the first element in the set of matched elements or set one or more CSS properties for every matched element.
ok i will try
this is funny
var num = 10;

$('.circle').css("width", num + "px");

thought it would increase teh width by 10px each time
but it made the circle idt of the circle 10px
i think i starting to head in the right direction
using .css i should get the current size and then increase it
Well, typically a range slider would be used to pick a value from a range.
So I would guess you would set the min and the max of the range slider, and then you'd need to find a way to get the value from the range slider, and use that as your num
yes, thanks so much
that is all i needed
I am new to programming and someone advised me to find a mentor. Would anyone on here be able to help, whenever they can, just an email or chat as and when they are available. You will not find anyone more eager to learn than me, i live in London.
Hope to hear from someone
@lovetolearn I'll pin that for you so people see it
thank you so much
@everyone ^ anyone have time? Doesn't seem to be a vamp.
@lovetolearn good luck! Feel free to ask questions in here any time you like. People appreciate effort and eagerness, so you'll be fine.
@phenomnomnominal thank you for your help and hope to see you around in the future
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm currently reading the book by Spivak: it's incredible! Didn't get to the calculus part yet, but just it's prelude with the explanation of various operations and the way he explained functions in the first few pages made me realize that I've been probably thinking on a too concrete way about maths. I just love it!
@towc can i ask what book you are talking about?
@lovetolearn calculus by Michal Spivak
!!nudge 10
@SecondRikudo Nudge #3 registered.
@lovetolearn What are you interested in?
@SecondRikudo yes front-end, html css jquery/js
@SecondRikudo nudge
@lovetolearn I could help you
I'm certainly not one of the most experienced guys in here, but I know my stuff
^ best email address I have EVER seen.
send me an email please and i will be in touch
dont read anything in to it
i wish i was a java expert
well, don't say it out loud
for many web developers java is considered the definition of a badly designed language
also, it's much easier to communicate via chat than via email
i spent so long learning to program using java and got no where
did met an amazing university lecturer and he introduced me to c++
@lovetolearn can you join the room I invited you to?
asa first language
and i fell in love with programing
which room?
an invitation should have come up at the top of your screen
or just click this
Am I the single one having problems entering stackoverflow.com?
@GabrielTomitsuka probably
Oh well. I'll try to switch browsers.
Is keeping my KEY, PEM and CRT files inside a Private GitHub Repo a security risk?
@GabrielTomitsuka Why put your privates in source control at all?
(Yeah, I said "privates", ha ha, grow up)
Fact is, the more places have your private, the less private it is.
@SecondRikudo Yeah I'll leave it at another place.
And you need to ask yourself whether you trust GitHub to keep your private... private.
(Why the heck did I say anyway)
$('body').on('mousemove',handler()) works correctly, but is there a way to turn the event listener off for 50 ms after each time triggered?
@Charly you could do that in the handler
Uh, I'm not sure how...
learn JavaScript
here s a good book eloquentjavascript.net
@argentum47 I did.
@Zirak That was some powerful writing. Impressive
wrong room
hey guys,someone once told me that NFEs are awesome(they allow both internal this binding for recursion and prevent hoisting esp when using closures),so I have been using them religiously(read as for everything) unless Im writing an IIFE...I dont see other programmers using them,are they overrated??
@vamsiampolu They are not.
I always name my function expressions.
(Even in IIFE, by the way)
Mostly for better error handling
exactly,i hate seeing anonymous functions in DevTools,esp on promises stacks,it drives me nuts
Compare (function() { (function() { (function() { throw new Error('foo') })() })() })() with (function name_a() { (function name_b() { (function name_c() { throw new Error('foo') })() })() })()
// oh and one more question...is this an anti pattern: /**
* Registers a function used to serialize user objects into the session.
* Examples:
* passport.serializeUser(function(user, done) {
* done(null, user.id);
* });
* @api public
Authenticator.prototype.serializeUser = function(fn, req, done) {
if (typeof fn === 'function') {
return this._serializers.push(fn);

// private implementation that traverses the chain of serializers, attempting
// to serialize a user
var user = fn;
@vamsiampolu Format your code please
i did,let me put it in a pastebin
@vamsiampolu No need.
Chat supports
    formatted code
i already had it in a pastebin...i isolated it when I wanted to figure it out(when github was out in India,going through hidemy*** was painful)
What are you suspecting to be an antipattern?
they use it add a serializer which I as a person using passport as a end user do...then they iterate through all those callbacks in the same function although they have it in this._serializers(or something like that)...
@vamsiampolu this has a different meaning inside of the IIFE
i see that they use this outside the iterating function
the iterating function is called pass
.circle {


<div class="circle"></div>
the serializeUser functionality is called from req.logIn here github.com/jaredhanson/passport/blob/master/lib/http/request.js
using the html range slider how do i increase and decrease the size of this cirle div
rangeSlider.onchange = function(){ circle.style.width = ... }
Angular JS
help anyone
@SaranshSharma Don't ask to ask just ask.
I am facing an issue while developing this application on
Angular JS
where in
@SomeKittens you got HN #1 page
a small loancalculation has to be done but i am not able to find the right models
the app is on this page
its a community app where
Open Source too where user can book loans
but the problem i am facing while rendering the viewloan template i need to do sime very simple calculation by taking inputs from already created fields such as goldweight and impurty and multiply them and post it into calculated amount
can someone please help with this jsfiddle.net/imperial/L8scvssv
how do i increase/decrease the size of the circle as i move the slider
we will guide you to the result code, but we won't write it for you, come back to the other room and I'll guide you
@lovetolearn ^
i know how to do it using css
@lovetolearn and I'll show you how to automate it, but first I had to make sure you knew how to do it manually
i just need to use the slider
did you write that code?
or did you copy it?
i started it somene else made changes to it
you need to learn what you don't understand if you want to go further
the first thing you need is to check when the slider has changed it's value
this is really simple and you know how to do it
the second thing is to get the value of the input, and you could have googled that but I imagine you're too lazy, so for now I'll just give you the answer: inputElement.value (watch out: it doesn't contain a unit, it's just a plain number in a string)
then you know how to assign a value to a property, and you're done
@lovetolearn @lovetolearn Start with something simpler
Create a function that takes an HTML element object (that you can get with document.getElementById() and the such), and a string, and writes the contents of the string to the HTML object.
function changeText(element, text) {
    // Your code here

changeText(document.body, "Hello World!");
// Body should now have "Hello World!" in it
@towc nice :) I proved non-standard calculus yesterday by the way :)
As in - proved there exists a model for it
I'm glad you're enjoying it - go further - it's a good book and Math is fun
@BenjaminGruenbaum Maths is fun, what planet are you on?
@lovetolearn depends on your definition of fun
for me fun means brain stimulating and enjoyable
!!urban fun
@towc [fun](http://fun.urbanup.com/341796) Spongebob's Definition:
F- is for friends who do stuff together!

U- is for you and me!

N- is for anywhere and anytime at all down here in the deep blue sea!

Plankton's Definition:

F- is for FIRE that burns down the whole town!

U- is for URANIUM... bombs!


Spongebob and Plankton together:

F- is for Frolic through all the flowers

U- is for ukelele

for me too, that is why i am learning programming i guess
@towc well, enjoy Spivak and feel free to ping me about questions
@BenjaminGruenbaum thanks!
@lovetolearn programming in general could be defined as a limited kind of maths
@CapricaSix lol
Express extends the request anbd response objects... I'm on the fence about doing that, myself, though it would make things a lot easier.
Wait, it looks like they're making their own object instead.
I'd definitely rather not do that
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

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