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posted on March 15, 2015 by admin

New comic! Today's News:  99% sure we are GO for MONOCLES TOMORROW.

can't believe it: no broken description anymore!
@Zirak Wow.
@Zirak that was a pretty good read. From what I understood this is just some experimental writing, this didn't really happen, right?
any good tutorials/guides/blog posts about using promises in nodejs(esp regarding where and where not to use them)
@vamsiampolu the bluebird api docs and readme is pretty good
i have watched a few videos,ive read the spion posts but i do not want to use it incorrectly
finally found a way to use web deploy easily from a CLI
brb uninstalling VS
@Mosho seriously? You just found a way to deploy easily from a CLI :P?
is there any passport middleware that can be used instead of passport.initialize and passport.session to support jwt?
msbuild.exe myproj.publishproj /p:DeployOnBuild=true
   /p:PublishProfile=<get_this_from_azure> /p:VisualStudioVersion=11.0
see not like that
@Mosho could've just asked me... it's pretty simple, not to mention you can publish from GIT, or FTP
without building
I tried FTP
None of these require VS
and we don't have GIT
So what? You can still use it for deploy
I wanted to simplify, not complicate
I've literally showed you last week a project of mine that generates a website and deploys to it :P
you are definitely too cool for school
What did you do?
works like a charm
I tried at least 5 different things before, they were all shit
If the project has C# you still have to rebuild before deploy ftr
The API is just a DLL that ASP.NET - calls into so it has to be the updated version of the DLL to deploy.
we upload only the client code a bajillion time when working with QA
Oh, then why not FTP?
web deploy checks for differences pretty well
Well, sorry for not being supportive :P
no worries :D
tough love is still love
If you want to be really clever do the upload in the background and make the command just swap a second staging
what would trigger the upload
That'd make it pretty instant since when you want to "upload" it already did it all in the background and now it's just swapping
A watch would trigger the upload
As in - a file changed
that's a lot of uploading
so: we have a function f(x): y = 1/(1+x)
x can be any real number and must be /= -1
someone tells me that I need to find all of the real "c"s for which f(cx) = f(x) for at least 1 "x"
@Mosho which is free
it also tells me that there are more than 1 "c"s
@BenjaminGruenbaum true
my first reaction would be any "c", because it would work for any x=0
but I feel like there's something wrong...
can anyone confirm?
> For which numbers c is there a number x such that f(cx) = f(x). Hint: There are a lot more than you might think at first glance.
Well, if it's "any C" then show it
Given c find the x value s.t. f(cx) = f(x)
That is 1/(1+x) = 1/(1+cx)
it should always work
Yeah, I think so
either c = 1 or x = 0
1/(1+0) = 1/(1+0c) -> 1 = 1
yeah, for any c=1 or any c but with an x=0
Then yes, if that is your question I can confirm - it works for every real c for x = 0.
now the book gives me a different question:
> For which numbers c is it true that f(cx) = f(x) for two different numbers x
Great, think about it :D
for that would it only be c=1?
but I'm not even sure if that would be correct
it didn't say for at least 2 different x, just for 2 different x
and then arises the question: is there a c for which only 2 x work?
that would seem impossible to me
prove it :)
@towc are we allowed to override f ? :P ;)
I'd think that since I can obtain only 1 formula by reversing f(x), I can obtain the same y just by inputting the same x...
so there are no 2 different x that give me the same y
but I don't think this is a valid mathematical proof
Do you agree that 1 = 1?
no 1 == 1
no, 1 === 1
Thanks tards :D
@towc ok, so 1+x = 1+x?
I have a question
type error
@towc Ok, now when is x = cx, can you solve that?
depends on which variable is the parameter
your ability to solve it depends on that?
Formally, we subtract cx from both ends and use distributivity to obtain x(1-c) = 0 and get that it's 0 either if x is 0 or c is 1.
if x is the parameter, and c the value we're tying to find, then c=1
Right, so we know that x = 0 or c = 1 implies cx = x right?
if I preload images using new Image() approach, class_el.src [but I cannot set css of that object, cannot append it etc] why is that ? How to workaround? <thanx in advance...
x = 0 or c = 1 <==> cx = x <==> 1-cx = 1-x <==> 1/(1-x) = 1/(1-cx) (for cx and x not equal to 1, which we know is the case anyway).
This is the direction of a formal proof, you start with what you know and you derive things.
You start with things you can formally prove or assume and derive things, when you do x = 0 at the end of a proof you actually start with it and derive from it, not it.
makes sense...
Who do people write block comments outside the function definition and not inside it?
There are cases for both
Example of the latter? I have only seen the former everywhere :/ (Except in code that I write wrote myself)
Of writing it inside functions? Python
In general - it can be useful in JS too if it was common practice - since it'd mean you could .toString a function to get its documentation
These kinda ones?
I haven't seen or written much python :(
@BenjaminGruenbaum I was doing exactly this. Then I noticed that it will work for me only :/
Yeah, it's a culture thing
@AwalGarg yeah, aka docstrings
too bad :(
> Find a function H such that H(H(x)) = H(x) for all numbers x, and such that H(1) = 36, H(2) = PI/3, H(13) = 47, H(36) = 36, H(PI/3) = PI/3, H(47) = 47
can't think of any general rule...
I would just express each case
or am I overlooking something?
Just define H with a table?
H(1) = 36
H(36) = 36
H(2) = PI/3
H(PI/3) = PI/3
H(47) = 47
How about we start a cause on causes.org or somewhere and ask people to put comments inside the function :P
lol, go for it
@BenjaminGruenbaum for all numbers x
For every other number just define it as F(x) = x
Wait, why am I telling you all this
it feels wrong
Please don't ask questions until you've spent an hour thinking about them
@towc it's not.
Calculus is one of those things you have to think about to get.
If you don't spend the hour thinking about it - you don't learn.
The thinking itself is the important part, not the solution :)
Or make H piecewise
@Everyone, please for the love of Function.prototype.toString, put your documentation comments inside the function, and not outside it <3
no this affects function performance :p
Not in production, since you would have minified your code thus removing all the comments.
@AwalGarg Doesn't work with jsdoc
And in fact jsdoc parsers parse comments outside of the function just fine
Can't you just agree without thinking :(
What is jsdoc? nvm
Allows Closure Compiler to lint and optimise your code
Is there a good MBP cover out there that covers the top and the bottom as well as the area on the two sides of the trackpad?
And generate documentation from code
@copy Does anyone even use it? Seems like a toy tool to me :/
Of course
It's a common format
Oh wait, I have used this...
Hey, do you guys ever get the feeling of not wanting to do anything productive especially if you have a deadline approaching?
@copy Can jsdoc be made to work with comments inside function definition?
@AaditMShah Yep, part of being human.
@AwalGarg Probably
@SomeKittens I've been having this lackadaisical feeling for almost a month now. Can't shake it off.
I haven't done anything important in the last month.
In fact, instead of working right now I am here talking to you.
@AaditMShah When is the deadline?
This Thursday.
Perhaps I get this feeling because I sit in front of a computer all day with no physical exercise.
It's called procrastination, and it's a well-known thing.
going for a walk does wonders
Plus I don't have a good diet.
Well, I've been procrastinating for a month.
Now I need to complete one month's work in three days.
I wonder if there's a cure for procrastination.
There is, in fact
Procrastination stems from a fear of failure.
You'd rather not do it than do it and find out you're not 100% up to the task
I have a feeling that this procrastination thing is less common in people whose profession doesn't involve thinking :/
Perhaps. There's a good chance that your feeling is true.
@SomeKittens Is there a tl;dr version of those things?
@AwalGarg tl;dr read them
You know, I'm going to spend some time reading that blog post. Then I'll go to my terrace and run a few rounds while the rest of my city is asleep. Finally, I'll come back in about 30-45 minutes, have some water, plop myself on my chair and finish at least some of my work. Then I'll get up early tomorrow, sleep through most of my college lectures, come back home and finish the rest of my work. Hopefully, I'll complete all my work before college on Tuesday. Wish me luck.
Good luck. If you find your focus wavering, try and get just one more thing done. It's incredibly motivating.
Good luck.
@AaditMShah I have read some your SO and blog posts, and found them great!
Good job :D
Cool, I'll talk to you guys on Tuesday then. I'll complete my work by then.
@AwalGarg Haha. I have written three blog posts till date. The first one was a Hello World blog post. The other two are about inheritance and they are so old that I myself don't believe in them anymore. Nowadays I like algebraic data types more than OOP and inheritance. I should write more blog posts but I tend to procrastinate a lot. I really need to stop procrastinating. It'll ruin my life.
Anyway, thank you. I'll see you on Tuesday then. =)
bye :)
I have to go too.
!!afk if you do not put comments inside the function declaration, you will never get browser updates
does anyone here ever use the blur.js plugin? how to unblur?
Anyone from Berlin ping me
@AaditMShah yes, channel it positively.
@AaditMShah working out helps
working out is how I procrastinate
You work too much :P
BTW how's RX coming along?
@BenjaminGruenbaum the search thing is finished
works really well imo, but I'll let micky/jenny decide
will look for other places to use it :X
good doge
@penne12 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
what do you guys recommend for learning ember js?
@BenjaminGruenbaum You're doing RX in TR?
@SecondRikudo @Mosho is
@BenjaminGruenbaum still have that immutable lecture that you've linked me in the past?
Sure, it's immutable it didn't go anywhere
That said, I have no idea what lecture you're talking about, I'm back in university and I'm taking 12 (!) courses this semester
@BenjaminGruenbaum I can almost hear the BA DUM TSS
+ work + teaching, so I'm kind of overflowing, but in a good way
@BenjaminGruenbaum The one that shows how ImmutableMap and ImmutableSet are implemented
The ImmutableJS one?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Almost surely.
This one? @BenjaminGruenbaum ^
Folks, I'm going through tutorials about uploading file through Ajax.
This one and this one. They are very similar.
Both stuff the Ajax data into an object and post it with &.ajax(...) . So far so good.
There is a line m_data.append( 'file_attach', $('input[name=file_attach]')[0].files[0]);. What is the first [0] for?
yo whattup
anyone got a couple of mins to talk about a problem i'm experiencing please? :)
!!welcome PhilHudson
@PhilHudson Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
hey :) great username, I love cats!
so, i'm writing a bit of script to see if one array's values are not in the other array
i'm combining it with localstorage in angular where the array is stored for persistence, it's an array of trackids that the user has listened to. it works fine when the array is clean and starting from scratch but there are issues when it is prepopulated - my indexOf returns negative incorrectly..
i'm using angular btw
@PhilHudson Are you using $localStorage?
i've written a service myself for it, should I be using $localStorage instead?
basically a wrapped for standard localstorage
@PhilHudson That's what I've used to great success in several projects
wrapper *
it handles all the stringifying for you
also you can edit messages by pressing up arrow
oh wow
thanks I shall test it now :)
i dont think thats the issue though - i think there is a more fundamental problem with my logic..
If all else fails, debugger and console.log all the things
yup i've done that
the indexOf returns saying that the id isnt in the array when I can see it in there...
@SomeKittens also if you like cats I built this recently :) www.catwowe.com
To be honest, the username came from a late-night LAN party. Switched my name to "SomeKittens" and suddenly SomeKittens killed you
aaaaand it stuck
great username, far more imaginative than mine.. lol
if (trackArray.indexOf(listenedTracks[i]) == -1) { is the line giving you trouble?
first off, use a strict equals: ===
yup it is
ok cool
Also, check out Array.prototype methods (forEach, map, filter, etc)
they make tasks like this MUCH easier
ah ok awesome :)
yes, this is a pain lol
Mind creating a JSFiddle with some sample data?
sure :)
sorry for the delay, npm has decided to implode -_-
Fun! I'm going for a walk, will be back in 15 minutes.
hi everyone
@andrahul Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
just to brag a bit: my new PC is complete (pic-1, pic-2, pic-3), took me most of the day to assemble
@tereško That's some fine cable management ya got there
@tereško she's a beaut
guys, got a question about CSS selectors..
@MeNoTalk Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
only I think I will have to do something about the radiator fans .. they are way too loud (as in "I can actually hear them")
I want a selector to select all fieldsets with the class ".imp"..
and I might need to get a dust filter for the top (to prevent dust from falling in when turned off)
fieldset .imp will only select anything with the class imp under the fieldset.. I want this because I have the imp class for multiple tags..
so, I'm trying to make a function that searches an array and turns all non repeating values to a certain string. So [ 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, ] would change into [ 'string', 'string', 2, 2, 'string' ].
@carb0nshel1 And?
And tell me the answer please kind sir, your majesty?
@tereško no. 42 is actually working. Thanks!
never would have guessed.
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) {
    if (array[i] != array[i + 1] && array[i] != array[i - 1]) {
        array[i] = 'string';
actually seems to be the solution.
@carb0nshel1 how do you figure?
this song is just awesome: youtube.com/watch?v=pv0FwyOMVSU
I tried it. Got good results.
just asking because the code you posted is wrong
starts sweating nervously
you should try some test cases to see it fail...
I'm using it in this very specific instance where all of my array keys are 2 digit numbers
Should it fail for that? cause I only gave it a quick glance...crap now I'm getting scared
shuffles feet
stomach growls, intestines turn
lol, you're a good writer i presume...
@CSᵠ I think if one of my keys were undefined it would fail, but that's all I can think of.
Just gotta make sure I am well defined.
you always have a sorted arry? always?
sortDatJunk( ary ).NowFool
so you call sortDatJunk( ary ).NowFool first and the loop with the above code rioght?
Yeah, but my first line is BigPimpin( inNYC ).SpendingCheese
I joke, but @CSᵠ Thanks for pointing that out :)
k. back to work.
Oh snap. i++ and ++i are different things!!!!
they sure are
why didn't they name C++, ++C
C++ is supposed to be a one up to C, but technically C++ would one up C and then return the old value - which is still just C.
++C Would actually mean one better than C, Now. Opposed to C++ which means one better than C then. Think about it.
I won't be able to sleep tonight, I'll think so much about it.
@phenomnomnominal hey bestie. What time is it for you?
Its deep.
You'd be fine by the next sequence point. I guess no jokes are funny when you explain them.
no, I meant like its' deep.
maybe the title C++ is actually in a loop.
@FlorianMargaine 12pm
Then its fine.
@phenomnomnominal you mean 12am?
I mean, noon
we're 12 hours apart. Besties 4 3v3r.
Make an earth sandwich!
I think we have daylight savings soon.
yep. In France it's on 29th.
why don't they have darkness savings?
@carb0nshel1 because no one wants that?
@carb0nshel1 you're a moron.
@phenomnomnominal he's not your moron, idiot.
I'm not gonna lie. I listen to Friday sometimes, when I'm relaxin
I listen to it every friday.
i get to it a few times usually on saturday, listen a few seconds at a time, sooo chillin`
I am gonna lie: I made Friday.
@SomeKittens well. Have you seen that Rebecca played a big role in Katy Perry's song?
"last friday night" or something
I did not
rebecca black is a nice girl
cough skank cough
@CSᵠ why do you say that?
i just say
hope she's not your idol/girlfriend/daughter
Not very nice to call someone you don't know a skank?
Q: Drag and drop code does not work on Chrome

vamsiampoluI am building a drag and drop sample based on https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Guide/HTML/Drag_and_drop I find that it works in the fiddle http://jsfiddle.net/jd276jo0/ or in Firefox However,it does not work with Google Chrome when served as a file. HTML: <div id="dragThis" dragga...

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