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some people obvs like it :/
@Nisarg Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Siddhi Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Somebody using node.js http-server?
I don't have an issue with it, its working all well.
I wanted to ask what do you do guys to start it?
Node extensions are put inside a long path
Hooked it into npm start :-P
something like c:\user\username\appdata\roaming\npm\node_modules\http-server\bin
i have to do this all the time cd, cd, cd
So put it in a batch file or hook the command into your IDE start command ;-)
yeah a bat file would do nicely
@Vlad The cool kids use .cmd these days :)
I thought there is some gimmic setup, but ok. I made a batch file and already running it
This kind of thing is extremely simple and straightforward; don't overthink :-P
@RoelvanUden the crazy pathing it creates
and I always have problems with existing locks causing the entire thing to bust
the fact it doesn't look for already installed packages when you do npm install
Did y'all read this? Fascinating
I'm off! night all! x
@Zirak Haha wow. How'd you come across the word?
@darkyen00 Wasn't then. What was up?
@FlorianMargaine tl;dr: Hackers are cool, we should encourage that spirit, America might suffer if they continue with their restrictions
fucking string apis
I introduced a bug because I've added a parameter at the beginning
what could possibly happen I thought
typechecker will tell me what's wrong
yeah, my ass
Stringly typed systems suck :/
@BartekBanachewicz Language?
lmao... almost pissed myself above this one
@copy C++
@jAndy hahaha. Usually I'm not a fan of these sort of videos, but damn, that was actually funny
because you could imagine that this conversation would actually happen over a few beers from those guys
@Zirak @rlemon
I found the new Govind Tiwari
@GNi33 haha yes indeed, its more funny because its actually quite true what they write :p :p
@jAndy NO PORTS... hahaha
Feel bad about your life and learn a great nachos recipe while you're at it
HAHAH... the end is also awesome.. THEY HAVE TO USE DONGLES!!! BIG LAUGHTER
I lol'd so hard
@Neil oh god, this is pure gold as well
the beginning alone
> "Hello wild cats"
It's like the poor guy just got a divorce and was told 5 minutes prior that he was out of a job after the segment
Weber Cooks. I didn't know opening a can of prepared chili, cheese sauce and a bag of nachos was considered to be cooking, but f yeah, I can be a chef now
nor did I know that I actually need a instruction video for this, but I'm more than happy (or extremely depressed, I can't tell) that it exists
this makes it even worse
The best part was how he was all, "this will feed four to six people." Right?? Cause you know he's just gonna have to eat it all himself.
oh my gosh.. that weber cooks videos is funny and sad on so many levels :p
very disruptive
@SomeGuy enough videos for me today, I guess. That made me feel uneasy
@GNi33 You must not be doing it right. POOOO POOOO POOOOOOOOH
@SomeGuy have some german weirdness: youtube.com/watch?v=ZTjyRu88PRE
@GNi33 omg I didn't see that the first time I watched it
you'd need to understand the words. This is horrible on so many levels
I can't understand them yet, sadly :/ Duolingo claims I should understand 41% of all German text online, though!
Jesus, he is wonderful?
@phenomnomnominal sort of
I lasted 48 seconds.
the ending is the best
"wooooooh, thanks jesus"
@phenomnomnominal /r/nocontext
@phenomnomnominal might want to see a doctor about that
^ i learned this on reddit, you need to do that I think
@KendallFrey Nah, it's the appropriate reaction when FUCKING YOUR DAD.
He's really attractive.
so is a neodymium magnet
That's the kind of pun that makes you laugh and then wince
I just got a nice little e-mail
and nothing in there whatsoever, just a mail with a subject
@SomeGuy oh man, I expected jihad at the start there
hi to all,
is it possible create svg path zoom in and zoom out?
like animation
@KarthiShan you can scale it, if that's what you mean
posted on March 12, 2015 by admin

New comic! Today's News:  Big announcement, coming Monday!

@KarthiShan I find this site extremely useful when dealing with SVGs: w3.org/Graphics/SVG/IG/resources/svgprimer.html
@KendallFrey i have one svg,its have differenct regions cities when i click particular city, then that one just zooming and agian move to normal stage
@ivarni thanks i will check it
already i did animatetransform roate but its not supported in ie browsers
is it possible rotate in ie browsers also?
@KarthiShan Since there's about 4 different versions of IE still in use, that's a difficult question to answer :)
caniuse.com/#cats=SVG should be fairly up to date
@SomeGuy OOooooOooOooOooooo0000ooOoold.
posted on March 10, 2015 by paulkinlan

We recently enhanced the Add to Homescreen function in Chrome which allows users to add your Web App to their home screen with the addition of the standards-based “web app manifest”. The manifest gives you extra control over the Add to Homescreen experience, allowing you to tell the browser what to launch, how to launch your app (fullscreen or in a browser window) and how it should appear

posted on March 11, 2015 by mattgaunt

So long XMLHttpRequest fetch() allows you to make network requests similar to XMLHttpRequest (XHR). The main difference is that the Fetch API uses Promises, which enables a simpler and cleaner API, avoiding callback hell and having to remember the complex API of XMLHttpRequest. The Fetch API has been available in the Service Worker global scope since Chrome 40, but it’ll be enabled in

posted on March 12, 2015 by mattgaunt

If you ask a room of developers what mobile device features are missing from the web, push messages are always high on the list. Push messaging is a great feature that allows you to re-engage with your users and provide a smooth user experience with timely and customised content. As of Chrome version 42, the Push API and Notification API are available to developers. The Push API in

Feedspam anyone?
funny how that last one is about push
@RoelvanUden just HTML5Rocks deciding to send out three new articles at once.
RSS sucks that way
also, fetch() looks fucking awesome!
very excited about that one
I think more people should use console.error
I use it a lot in node. less in the browser
@NickDugger why ?
@rlemon It's a good idea to not use either in the browser, at least for production, as "some" browsers will choke on it and throw an error
"some browsers" means old IE
and idgaf about old ie
lucky you, I dont have a choice in the matter
well saying it "isn't a good idea" is like saying "it is a good idea to still support legacy browsers" -- that is always determined by the browser support you need. :P
some need more than others
true, that was perhaps badly phrased
now, with all of this said. I always try to axe all console.anythings before production on client facing code. I just personally don't think debug code should be in the production version
I don't always remember, but I try ;)
we just use jshint, it picks up on console as an undefined variable and breaks the build
removes the human factor
how damn I hate QNX more and more every time I have to work with it or interface to it
at least untill someone defines console as a global
it is sending new lines as ^M :?
please won't somebody please stop the numptiness
Q: loop ajax calls to fill multiple divs

ConstantinoI've got two divs on my page <div id="1"></div> <div id="2"></div> That I'm trying to dynamically fill with the following php call. <script> var queries = ["SELECT * from table1", "SELECT * from table2"] for (var i = 0; i < queries.length; i++) { $.ajax({ url: "qu...

Famous last words:
this is for use in an internal application, so the whole world won't see it — Constantino 23 mins ago
@dystroy hehe :)
I suppose the question has been there long enough that I ought to find a duplicate to close it against. At least that would stop any more numpty answers.
how do you get a monospaced font in the browser?
<pre> :-P
Or just set the font with css
@dystroy mind you, most answers to this sort of question completely fail to spot the potential of Array#forEach to make a closure over the loop index.
Most often the closure is the only reason I use forEach
@ivarni we just have a logging library (logback/slf4j style) that checks if console is available and production mode is on, and disables logging for either. Plus sending errors back to the server.
any contractors here?
added Konami code to my website rlemon.ca
Increase the limit to like 1 second
This is great though
turn down for h'what
@rlemon Needs overflow: hidden; on body to prevent scrollbars when doing the konami code
no it doesn't
they add effect
Idk I agree with him
@rlemon lol nice
@Meredith more work than it is worth. I would have to modify the turndown4what.js code so I can hook into when it is done so I can remove the overflow:hidden
if it wasn't an easter egg, maybe.
for a joke, it is fine the way it is
Yeah if that's what you gotta do, then don't bother
@rlemon Repo?
@rlemon Tried, no results
my 1337 speak hurts
it isn't a long script. and I'm not merging your changes even if you make em :P
I'm working now, ftp client to my server is closed :P
so, talking about why google couldn't graph yesterday's x^x because for non-integer negative xs you could get non-real values, would it be the same as: (x/abs(x))*(abs(x)^x)
x/abs(x) gives the sign of x
you multiply it by the abs(x)^x and the formula works
you no longer need to root negative numbers, but this is the same thing
or am I missing something?
@rlemon Eh, it's in removeCurStyles(); and addCurStyles()
lol, dude I've said like three times now I don't care to do it. stop beating a dead horse.
@rlemon But... but... They told me candies could come out....
that is the dead donkey. slight difference.
it also happens if you hit a clown
so, I urge everyone to hit the next clown they see, you know, for science
candy only comes out of dead animals if children hit them, not grownups
it's nature's way of rewarding psychopathic behavior
The level of bullshit requests on this project is getting frustrating. I walk into work like "fuck you no I cannot tell an advertiser where every user is in real time that simply receives push notifications"
@Jhawins "sure I can do that, I'll need a team of 4 grad students and 3 years"
@rlemon oh hey Iw as looking at your Konami code easter egg, have you considered adding something like overflow:hidden? I think it would greatly improve the experience of everyone who comes to your site and does the Konami code
@towc Looks right to me
@Loktar THANKS!
good you knew I was messing around
@rlemon Ooh I'll keep this resonse in mind for next time
@Jhawins "sure, let me just call my contact in the NSA"
Remember that random ass dude who has absolutely nothing to do with the business, the project or any development experience and is coming to "help jhawins"? That's Monday. I wanted to walk out of here yesterday... I need to finish this shit fast
@mikeO. Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I'm calling eval() on a <script> tag returned as an AJAX response, but getting 'SyntaxError: Unexpected token < '. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
Yeah you're calling eval() on a <script> tag
@mikeO. Are you trying to eval a script node or the content of the script element
Nvm the answer is fairly obvious..
This is one of those cases where the error tells you exactly what you did wrong
don't mind me, just cleaning up dupes
@Meredith, @Jhawins, which is the right way to go? eval the script node or the content inside? when I try eval-ing the contents, I get similar error: 'SyntaxError: Unexpected token ( '
@mikeO. Check out the documentation on eval.
Don't ask me if you should be evaling HTML nodes...
Are you trying to include an external script?
^ ?
why are you evaling it?>
The script is returned in response to an Ajax call
function exec(fn) {
    var script = document.createElement('script');
    script.setAttribute("type", "application/javascript");
    script.textContent = '(' + fn + ')();';
    document.body.appendChild(script); // run the script

... ajax the function in... call exec on the fn.toString()
@Meredith dynamic maybe?
because the script needs some variable generated dynamically serverside
who knows with these crazy kids today
film suggestion?
@towc Edward Scissorhands
Load the dynamic data with ajax
heard about it, they say it's a good one
it is
Don't print the data into a script and then load that
@towc it is
@mikeO. lol why not get that data with an ajax call instead
Respect your securitaw
lol Edward Scissorhands
just watched that a few months ago again, wonder what that cougar in it looks like now
@Loktar The life expectancy of a cougar is 8-13years in the wild.. So it depends
@Jhawins probably dead then
And they run really fast
How's it goin over here?
@Loktar PAUSE button bro. she never has to age.
you're welcome.
@Loktar winona ryder? old.
or do you mean the one who was already old?
@ssube already old
the older lady who tried to force herself on him in the hair salon
Good morning
@Loktar she looked pretty old, so she was probably winona ryder from the future :P
I'm trying to find a chat for Backbone related stuff, I couldn't find one
Can anyone help?
Hey Guys
Backbone is totally on-topic here.
How would I auto select dropdown option?
@AshSimpson You would start with short, self-contained, correct example of your problem, including how the dropdown is set up and how you want to select from it.
Okay I have the following markup

`<header id="header"><!-- Filters --></header>
<div id="contacts"></div>`

I have a view that attaches to #contacts which renders a collection of contacts - that works fine. But my problem is that inside #header are links to filter my collection of contacts. However this is out of scope for my view
would you reccomend having one big view that encompasses everything, or a seperate view everything in #header?
You can, in order of preference:
a) introduce a second FilterView, and coordinate passing info between that and the ContactView
b) include the filters in the ContactView's scope
c) have the view's parent instantiate it, or update it, with the filters
having a view for the filters allows you to update and move them independently, but you have to handle getting data back and forth (easy enough with events, perhaps). Including the filters means you have a larger view, but the filter and the data it renders are pretty closely tied, so it doesn't seem inappropriate.
yeah I think I'm going to go with a). Just a bit unsure how to access the collection I'll be filtering on when its contained in another view
@SterlingArcher schhlup
omg I just noticed the penis in the third panel
@Pattle don't. Notify the other view that the filter has changed. It should understand and re-render if necessary.
what is ^GB ?
@ssube Ah okay thanks, think i understand it. I'm going to give it a try
@rlemon a beep and then a B
for me
@rlemon great britain
that is repeated a lot at the end of a file what I was pulling via serial
@rlemon ^GB? the control character for Great Britain is the Queen, if my world history class was correct
cat device > file

then on the device

cp file device
next is the fun part. I'm told .lzh files can have multiple EOF calls
"Here's a general non-specific idea, go do it"
Go sit at my desk and do nothing because I don't know what you want? Alright
I'll go ask again..
Ya know I can actually build things if I know what I'm supposed to make..
What resources do you recommend for learning Apache Cordova? (books prefered)
@Marek get a sub to safaribooksonline
and search all the things.
@Marek Phonegap?
I wish I didn't use it.
> Seems like a shit rocket - it doesn't go anywhere.
@Marek don't?
@SterlingArcher what if we test too many rockets and knock the earth off its normal spin?
@ssube then we ded
that is how we solve global warming
imgur.com/gallery/qqbHn omg omg omg I've been waiting for these!
not as much as I should :(
@SterlingArcher I love the rally one
I like American Dad better lol
@Jhawins hes so happy lol
Futurama/American Dad and other shows are all dead...
@ssube So in the view that does the filtering I have this line

this.on("change:filterType", DirectoryView.filterByType, this);

Which class my filter function in the other view. At the moment I get this error "Cannot read property 'apply' of undefined"
Is it just me or did that "genre" of TV disappear?
I'm guessing I need to pass a value through to that filterByType function, do you know how I do that?
Q: Execute jQuery after all frames are ready

CawasI've used this ugly piece of code to making a script work only after all frames are loaded: $(document).ready(function(){ if (self == top) { actualFunction(); } else { var id = setInterval(function(){ if (top.document.readyState == "complete" && parent.document.read...

most elaborate self duplicate??
Because I haven't sat down and watched something on my giant TV in 2015.
@SterlingArcher dupe of what?
Read the answer, he links to them
@SterlingArcher Question time "2 minutes ago" answer time "2 minutes ago"
oh, thought you meant it was a dupe of one of his other Qs
It took him 0 minutes to find out the answer by searching
@Jhawins self answer
@SterlingArcher Yeah. "it took him 0 minutes to find out the answer by searching"
He answered his own question less than a minute from posting lol
More comprehensively then is believable IMHO
@taco I just frustrates me when I can't solve the problem. I coiuld easily have the same result with XAMPP.
@Jhawins You know there is an option to answer your own question before you post it.
@KendallFrey issue is not self answer, issue is self answer instantly by linking a dupe q&a
Yeah, I know
but Jhawins seems unaware of this feature
@rlemon hey are you using afterglow?
I dont have the border under the tabs
annoying the heck out of me :/
st3 right?
Mmm porkchops for lunch <3
did you restart it
send me a screenie ? also what is in your user prefs
everything looks fine, except no border :/
huh... I'm getting a kind of weird problem here
@SterlingArcher so tempted to s/s|rkch//g
also @Loktar you realize the underlines on the tabs indicates unsaved changes
oh lord
ok thats it..
all the screenshots had it for all of them it looked like
ah nm yeah
makes sense now thanks :P
:) enjoy
it is a great theme imo
I'm really enjoying it
the mongo collection is inserting into the students collection, but I can't access it with my variable. Students = new Mongo.Collection('students');
@KendallFrey uhhh?
Q: Promises and streams using Bluebird.js and Twitter stream

srmI am new super new to Promises and Node and am curious about using promises with streams. Can I promisify a stream? Using Bluebirdjs and the Twit module I have the following: var Twit = require('twit') var Promise = require("bluebird"); var T = new Twit({ consumer_key: process.env.CON...

i dont get it D:
@corvid Are you going through the course?
Interesting, never seen a promisified event listener.
@StevensHaen "course"?
@corvid Mongo university?
!!s/s|rkch//g 22050172
@KendallFrey Mmm poop for lunch <3 (source)
@BenFortune an event listener shouldn't be promisified. It should be observified.
@StevensHaen nah, this is just using Meteor with mongo
I don't know why I try to hard to make things !!s-able
So I've been struggling with setting up my VM since yesterday, still stuck. I defined a static ip in interfaces
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
address 192.168.0.X
gateway 192.168.0.X
dns-nameservers 192.168.0.X
yet on ifconfig a dynamic "weird" ip shows up -
VM settings are set on NAT
restarted it too
Have openssl client and server both installed
And the ip shows up on eth1, eth0 won't show up at all
pinging google works
pinging on Win cmd doesn't.
is your firewall enabled? most of em block pings by default
@ssube turned off firewall, still won't ping it
Restarted the VM

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