@Meredith lol sorry playing the last of us didn't want to look like I raged on chat. Anyway totally agree with that other guys statement
well mostly
for Node I wouldn't mind using an IDE honeslty
I mean I've had times where I wish I could do like React.something and have intellisense pop up for me, more than just the local methods in the file, but like all of the possible properties of react just by reading it from its requires or something
I need to give webstorm a shot actually
man.. or right click and go to reference on a function or something
id like to use express-jwt with passport,ive already set all auth mechanisms namely local,google,twitter,dropbox and github to return jsonwebtokens.i have two questions 1)can i use the social mechanisms without express.session and passport.session 2)how can i use set req.user with express-jwt instead of passport.
Max volume, it's as loud as I'd ever want music right in front of me. Too loud really. I'd like to buy an external speaker that is at least that good. Not sure how to judge it.
i started reading some of passportjs code ,it seems highly dependant on sessions,i have not looked at any of the strategies,are they dependant on session?
i guess it allows session:false as well for local mechanism
I thought so too,then I got started reading some of the articles pastebin.com/E0aDzkJ6
it says that you can use authenticate the first time and store a json web token in session storage on the client side,once that is done,you can actually send that with each request deserialize(if that is the appropriate term) and authenticate.tokens are supposed to expire but so far,i have not set either an issuing authority or an expiry
ok,not absolutely nessecary,you can instead use node-sass which is a nodejs wrapper around libasass which was written in C.The plugins above use node-sass instead of the Ruby based implementation.
In my project, I am trying to call a function after when all the pages have been rendered by pdf.js. The code for rendering is as follows:
renderAllPages = function(pdf) {
var pages = pdf.pdfInfo.numPages;
for(var i = 1; i <= pages; i++){
// Using promise to fetch the page
Anyone knows why I'm getting an XML error when trying to $.ajax it in ONLY on Safari (Mac version)? Getting a parsererror and a "missing declaration" of the first node although I suspect that's not where the problem lies.
3bb1f9a7.ngrok.com Add user (your github username or someone's mine argentum47), click on the username, you go to the profile page, the navigations and list looks so akward @RahulDesai
@RahulDesai found the cause, I was using width 100% on .card .user-name. but If I remove it, for big username, it just breaks... :( . width: auto doesn't work either.
That's not the point. The point is that I want to be able to do something like Array.incOdd = Array.filter(odd).map(inc) and then be able to use [1,2,3,4,5].mapInc(). Something along those lines.
I have a function distance(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2) which calculates distance between two points A(x1, y1, z1) and B(x2, y2, z2) in 3D space. How would you test this function?
@BartekBanachewicz However, data types in Haskell aren't open. Hence you can't easily add new types later on.
Okay, the gist of the problem is this:
1. I want to create a bunch of generic functions like `map` and `filter` which work on arrays, maps, sets, etc. I only want to write these functions once. 2. I want to be able to compose these functions.
No code bloat and easier integration with existing libraries. Also, if we write pure JS then we can take advantage of mutation where it would make sense as an optimization.
@AaditMShah I disagree. It's just explicit, it doesn't mean it's not easy. As for TVars, I found them certainly easier to use than other languages' sync'ed primitives, same for TQueue
How can I calculate x1, y1, z1 and x2, y2, z1 if I know that the distance between two points A(x1, y1, z1) and B(x2, y2, z2) is 10 ? Was it with adjacency matrix or? and I also know this identity (x2 - x1)^2 + (y2 - y1)^2 + (z2 - z1)^2 = 10^2
I have a love/hate relationship with bootstrap, I love using it for hobby projects but I absolutely hate it for professional work when you have designers with opinions in the mix
I have a function checking keypress events. In the end it returns false. However this doesn't stop the event. Only if I put event.preventDefault(); the keypress is prevented. WTF?
We found that we ended up changing just about everything bootstrap did in order to implement the design we were given, we basically threw away all the modules except the grid
@Daggett Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Daggett because you're iterating 5000000000 times perhaps?
@Daggett Oh, maybe you don't understand AJax. AJAX basically defers a function to be called at a later time. You might be thinking it runs in the background, but that is not the case. It simply runs at a later time.