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woo finished Antichamber (again)
someone massage my brain please
Made the mistake of watching a speedrun
someone pulverize my brain please
I watched a video of Antichamber yesterday after you mentioned it @KendallFrey
anybody else find console.trace to be amazing?
can't believe how useful it is sometimes... sigh I think I'm in love
never used it before
what's it do?
@taco prints the current stack trace
Will it always point at lines in Virtual memory?
guess not. looked at the docs
later sexy kitten meow
Antichamber is a pretty good game
pretty good at making you feel like an idiot
"Remember that concept I taught you not five seconds ago? No? You pathetic fool."
has anyone used node and gulp
YOo Ken
@J0NNYZER0 yea
@Loktar - my colleague got a new mac for work and did a fresh install of nodejs and gulp and whenever he tries to run gulp he gets a connection refused message
is there a gulpfile associated?
that seems like a weird error coming just from running gulp
yeah there is
whats the gulpfile have in it?
is it trying to connect to something, or do something out of the ordinary?
he thinks it might be the firewall config that needs changing but cannot find it
weird thing is I have it installed on my version of yosemite just fine and I don't even need to allow node into the firewall
it is a non issue for me but he has been running in circles
he even uninstalled and reinstalled node
yeah I dont know anything about macs honestly :P
does anyone know of a formula to use when calculating the turn of a car (e.g. it shouldn't turn while it is still etc). Or even better an article that describes multiple car mechanics (acceleration, deceleration, turning, breaking, handbreak etc)
@joshhunt That's pretty vague
the only diff is I am node ver 0.10.31 and he is on 0.12.xx but he also tried reverting back to my version
There are a lot of factors you can use to determine car handling, like camber, toe, slip angle/understeer/oversteer, weight transfer, lockups, etc.
What level of realism are you aiming for?
very basic
like, turnSpeed = forwardSpeed * steeringAngle basic?
or do you want more stuff, like drifting?
drifting eventually but just basics for now. So that would mean you turn faster when you are moving faster?
huh, I guess that is actually how a car works if you don't take other factors into account
alternatively you could calculate the turning circle and move along it
same result though
this is already getting funky though, because in real cars the front wheels steer at different angles
You could treat the car as having a single wheel for steering if you don't want to worry about that
thank you, do you know of any good resource to calculate car movements?
not other than Wikipedia and racing games
ok thanks, maybe I should try and find an open source racing game
the good ones will be super complicated
I recommend sticking to Wikipedia for the math
racing simulators just teach you the feel of the car
what would you search to find the formula you gave me before on Wikipedia?
maybe steering ratio? is this the sort of thing you mean? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steering_ratio
That would be useful, if you're simulating a steering wheel
I don't know if there's a name for the formula, it's just a consequence of the trigonometry between the wheels
the most basic way to steer a car at all naturally
hmmm ok thanks
I would start with a working steerable car, then work on adding realism components one at a time.
Demo. The new turn formula needs some adjustments lol :D
Dropped my turn speed and it seems to work better. I think the way I calculate it might be wrong though
wrong in what way?
pulling out the relevant bits
this.turning = 0;
this.turningSpeed = 30;

if (keys.left) {
    this.turning = this.turningSpeed;

this.direction = this.direction + this.turning * this.velocity;
this.rad = this.direction * Math.PI / 180;
this.x += Math.cos(this.rad)*this.velocity;
this.y -= Math.sin(this.rad)*this.velocity;


context.translate(this.x, this.y);

context.rect(-15, -5, 30, 10);
context.fillStyle = "#000000";

context.translate(-this.x, -this.y);
does that look right to you? It seems to turn extremely fast at top speed
perhaps I need to put a max restriction on turning?
well, if you want to avoid screaming around corners at top speed, there are two options I can think of, depending on realism
the simple one is to just to use speed-sensitive steering, where the steering angle is adjusted based on speed, within reasonable bounds
A reasonable driver doesn't usually turn to the lock when at full speed, so you only need to the ability to turn sharply at low speed
Ideally the steering should be something like this yes? sketchtoy.com/64649213 (Apologies for the quality)
I think the steering angle should be inversely proportional to the vehicle's speed, with a minimum of something reasonable like 30-60 degrees
ok will work on putting that in, thanks so much for your time
@joshhunt Have you looked into Box2D at all?
nope, I'm mostly doing this to teach myself canvas and basic world design methods
Well, Box2D is just the physics. You'd still have to write a rendering engine for it and stuff. You'd be able to focus more on world design methods than on writing car physics -- unless, that is, car physics is exactly the world design methods you're talking about.
I guess I'm just trying to learn a bit of everything, if I was doing anything serious I would use some sort of pre-built engine
If you get lost in physics land later on when you get to collision and stuff though, box2d is your friend :)
(figuring out how to integrate box2d is a great learning experience actually, I would say)
I'm using node-http-proxy to proxy my API which is hosted remotely but my API requires a lengthy authentication process.. reading headers, acquiring salt and nonce, computing the login digest, post back with nonce and digest and then finally storing a cookie.... has anyone had experience in simplifying this?
via a proxy
I think I'm in over my head here.
2 hours later…
Can anyone tell me the difference between RequireJS and Jam? I have searched everywhere and most articles I've found discuss the difference between AMD/CommonJS, RequireJS/npm, RequireJS/Bower, npm/Jam, Ender/Jam, etc. but they all seem to imply that RequireJS and Jam are one-in-the-same. Is this true?
Jam uses requirejs
Thank you, I figured that much, but I was hoping for a little more detail.
@SterlingArcher aww I just missed an opportunity for hilarity. LinkedIn asked me, "Does J***** A******** know about Programming?" I clicked yes a moment before realizing I could have made a funny meme from it.
does anybody working with NodeJS + Angular JS
Hi all
everyone awake ?
yay!! jsfiddle.net/monx6vmt/1 snowfall
!!nudge 50
@towc Nudge #1 registered.
function snowFall(){
just curious, maybe you just made a mistake and didn't realize, or maybe there's a good reason
I am confused, how else would you do it?
put the rAF at the beginning
@ivarni or just:
function snowFall(){
initializing the loop with a rAF just delays the animation (and all of the updates with it) by a frame, and it's just a waste of characters and a possible broken code
there are many opinions on where to put the rAF in the loop, but that's not important
also, some do:
function snowFall(){
it's cleaner to read if you don't want the details of the function, but just know that it was called. Then you can dive into the content of the function after you saw where it was called
just a matter of opinion, I don't want to start an argument
@towc nudge
@towc Right, I see your point
TS roadmap has a bunch of ES6 features on 1.5 and Generators/Async for 1.6. We'll have to wait longer for better asynchronous flow. Sad :-(
1 hour later…
Hi alnitak.
It's quiet in here
If it's too quiet, there's this new very interesting question :
Q: pre/code element with horizontal scrollbar breaks the flex layout on Firefox

dystroyIn my flexbox based layout, I may have a <pre><code></code></pre> element. As its content might be wider than the container, I made it overflow-x:auto. It works perfectly on Chrome: But it's broken on Firefox: How can I fix that without changing the outside flex layout and without hard-cod...

another node.js shitstorm on facebook
> but it's so stable and useful and innovative
0.10 might be stable, I wouldn't trust 0.12 yet
how old is 0.10 again
2 months
an eternity in internet times
dozens of frameworks born and dieded
(every day of those 2 months)
(and this only in the JS world)
"new" and "stable" are orthogonal concepts
not really
in practice not many new solutions are stable
yes, but not because they are new
how old a tech is has no impact on how stable it is
hum... a new solution, before it gets bloated, is often stable
because it's simple
APIs tend to change a lot in the early dev
there are also going to be bugs triggered by corner cases that aren't discovered untill it actually runs in large scale production
Python-style JavaScript:
A: Best way to rotate elements of an array while preserving the consistency of the elements' id

Aadit M ShahThe “best” way that I can think of “dragging and dropping elements while updating the element identifiers” is as follows: function move(key, src, to, array) { var length = array.length ; ...

I should get rid of some of the semicolons. Got to read up on automatic semicolon insertion.
Guys using sequelize how do i save in multiple tables at the same time?
@AaditMShah hihi funny that this scale is so catchy
@AaditMShah it's broken. The end.
@BartekBanachewicz Lol.
you must now think I'm a terrible hater
which isn't very far from reality :D
This is driving me insane, I can't figure out which statement is wrongly enclosed: https://gist.github.com/Frondor/230cc459d1af6804912a

I indented the whole script in order to find the error, but it beats me: **Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token }**
almost no semicolon, except where necessary
@BartekBanachewicz Thankfully, I really don't care much about what people think.
the one line 16 isn't necessary...
@AaditMShah that is the ugliest code formatting I have ever seen
lines 68/71 don't need it either
@Alnitak it's great
JavaScript should be more like Lua.
I'd remove the second sentence
@AaditMShah moonshinejs.org
Have fun :P
native lua VM in browsers would be pretty cool
@Alnitak do if break while switch case
last time I tried using Lua via emscripten it was so fucking annoying
and kripken basically said "no time for it, I have to maintain emscripten, was just a toy"
Moonshine looks like a jug of beer. Sounds like one too.
> . Here is a language that is built upon the idea that a moment’s quiet reflection is considerably more efficient than hours of ineffective keyboard mashing.
this article is brilliant
This week is going to be an experiment in compile-to-js languages for me. I spent a good portion of last night compiling Idris to JavaScript.
@AaditMShah ooooh. Do tell
It was fun. I wrote an append function for practice. Then I compiled the following adder function:
I was actually trying to create a generic curry function in Idris because Haskell doesn't have dependent types.
Q: Haskell, is it possible to create a curry function that can curry any number of tuple elements

CMCDragonkaiThe current curry function takes a function accepting a tuple of 2 elements and allows the resulting function to be curried or partially applied. let x = curry (\(x, y) -> x + y) x 1 2 -- 3 Is it possible to create a curry function that can deal with functions that have N elements in their tup...

I still didn't find a solution, mostly because I was too sleepy.
@AaditMShah yeah, this is a bummer
Indeed. I enabled the DataKinds, TypeFamilies, PolyKinds, GADTs and KindSignatures extensions to solve the problem and I still couldn't do it.
I learned a lot though. =)
@AaditMShah My knowledge stops at the 2nd one
I learned type families a few days ago, thought they were really cool and useful, then tried to use them and failed miserably
well, I think I get the idea, I just misapplied it
PolyKinds allows you to write type signatures like type family Function (f :: Fun a b). Normally, you can't have the additional a b part because it would make f polymorphic.
um wait
I have drank just two coffees today
I think I need a third one don't move don't go anywhere
Lol. Okay.
@AaditMShah so you mean the Function eventual type depends on the parameters to the type of which the type family is applied to?
mm, that should work OOTB
type family E
type instance E (Map k v) = v
yeah, that's just normal type families
Indeed. For example if data Fun a b = Fun a b then Fun is polymorphic in a and b. Hence you can't have type family Function (f :: Fun a b) because it would have the kind signature Fun a b -> *.
@BartekBanachewicz That works because Map k v is a concrete type. However, you would need to declare type family E a. Just type family E won't work.
oh right it's E a
sooo you mean I can write stuff other than a there
type family E a just means type family E (a :: *) :: * which means that it has the kind signature E :: * -> *.
okay, got that part
@BartekBanachewicz Yes, you can have (x :: Data a b c) instead of a, where Data is a data kind.
Fun is * -> * -> *, so type family over Fun is (* -> * -> *) -> *
@AaditMShah mmm is every data type with type params a data kind?
data Nat = Ze | Su Nat

data Vec :: * -> Nat -> * where
  Nil  :: Vec a Ze
  Cons :: a -> Vec a n -> Vec a (Su n)
That's where it gets confusing. Fun has the kind signature * -> * -> *. However, when you enable the DataKinds extension it also becomes a kind in itself. Hence in (f :: Fun a b) the Fun a b part is a kind like *. The types of this kind are values of Fun.
@BartekBanachewicz Every data type becomes a data kind when you enable DataKinds. Also the values of the data type become the types of the data kind.
This is driving me insane, I can't figure out which statement is wrongly enclosed: gist.github.com/Frondor/…

I indented the whole script in order to find the error, but it beats me: **Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token }**
Yes, Nat is a data kind. However, when you enable the DataKinds extension you get GHC.TypeLits.Nat and GHC.TypeLits.Symbol automatically. Hence you don't need to define them.
Prelude> :set -XDataKinds
Prelude> :kind 0
0 :: GHC.TypeLits.Nat
Prelude> :kind ""
"" :: GHC.TypeLits.Symbol
^ In ghci.
I have a feeling that when I understand DataKinds properly PolyKinds will make sense as "natural"
@Frondor You didn't paste the link properly?
like FlexibleInstances or something
damn, chat is modifying it
it works now, nevermind... I'm using jshint.com but it turns "crazy" as well..
even the final enclosure is wrong for JShint
@BartekBanachewicz PolyKinds is exactly like FlexibleInstances except for kinds instead of types, and that it works everywhere (i.e. not only for instance declarations).
Q: Sequelize save in multiple tables

Marc RasmussenOkay so i have a huge problem that i have no clue on how to fix. i have the following setup for my titles: var Title = sequelize.define('title', { id: DataTypes.INTEGER, name: DataTypes.STRING, organization_id: DataTypes.INTEGER }, { freezeTableName: true, ...

feeling frustrated
@AaditMShah mmmmhmmm
When using sequelize hooks how do i pass in costum variables?
    Title.hook('afterCreate', function(success,selectedCompetence){
        var i = 0;
Does not seem to send the right variable
Q: Apply CSS dynamically in Angular app

SajeetharanIn my angular application, i load URLs inside an iframe dynamically, i want to apply custom.css to the loaded url once the url is loaded inside an iframe. I have tried it using ng-init with angular-css-injector function in iframe. It works, but the css is not applied. Probably it is getting calle...

@rlemon ^
old news
@rlemon It's not news, it's just sexy
40 min to beer!!!
@Neil my favourite
@KendallFrey yay
@Neil LOL wtf
@FlorianMargaine you were right btw
code is even shorter damn.
you were unnecessarily going rounds and rounds :P
haha yea
god man, I can't believe that JQ shit was reduced to a single line of code.
well like 4 lines with the iframe refresh thing.
But still.
lol pretty awesome
Hello, I am using Chartjs and I have a sidebar that has the ability to collapse and expand. When that happens, the layout changes size so I need to manually resize the canvas widgets. However, when I call the Chartjs resize() method, it only resizes the canvas itself and does not redraw the contents to match the new canvas size. I looked at the source to see what it does on window resize, and it seems like it just calls that same method...
The available prototype methods I have tried are: resize(), update() and clear()
It seems like there is no combination of those that will actually redraw the contents of the canvas
where does it do the draw initially?
like how does it get the initial size to draw
I just set a flag for responsive to true, so it gets the size of the parent and fills that
In the chartjs source, there is an event listener for window resize, where it calls the method resize()
So I have my own event listener when that sidebar is toggled to fire the same method, however it just wont redraw the contents.
Once again, the canvas itself is resizing perfectly
do you have a fiddle or anything by chance?
so I wanna send commands and I don't know what the control characters are escaped as and I don't know where to google. I need to send CTRL + c things like \\r work for return FYI
No, but I am only attempting to call instance.resize()
As the documentation suggests
function redrawChart(chart) {
chart.resize(chart.render, true);
That did the trick ^
hah nice
Even though the documentation implies there are no parameters ;P
Thanks anyway!
Anyone knows what IPsec client I should use for Win8? I've never used one.
@Jonathan did win8 drop ipsec support?
also, [email protected] now has infix support
Uhm, I can use VPN from windows?
@BenjaminGruenbaum check it out (src)
@Jonathan oh yeah, windows has a number of VPN types built in
you set them up as networks, essentially. there's a wizard.
All I got is this:
Phase1 en 2: AES192, SHA1, DH1
Gateway: xxx.xxx.xxx.28
Subnet: /
Sharedkey: 123456
No idea where to fill that in -.-
@Jonathan hit the start key, type VPN, it ought to come up
know where VPN settings are, but for Internet addresss, I fill in the gateway?!
oh, no, you almost certainly need to know the vpn server
Ok, what I posted above is all I got, it's incomplete then right?
@ssube nice!
@FlorianMargaine I'm interested in what you guys think of the API I chose for it. Debated a few options, and that seemed the cleanest and most predictable (if sometimes a few extra calls)
yeah it's fine as is, I'd just prefer foo::k('bar.baz') :P
still don't have a good solution to that in general, although I will add a getNamed method for the infix version
@ssube Would it be too expensive to do k.get(obj, 'foo.bar.something')?
Effectively would have to parse the path, which is probably bad.
@RoelvanUden I have exactly that method, but it can cause problems with property names that actually contain dots, so it has to stay a second method.
The default method takes k.get(obj, 'foo', 'bar') or obj::kg('foo')::kg('bar')
You could parse this, 'foo.bar[propery.dotted].something', could you not?
I certainly could. Wrapping dotted names in some delimiter should solve that problem pretty well.
I was also thinking about just using 'foo.bar.property\.dotted.something'
Does that have a notable performance impact? I imagine parsing is much slower than reading arguments and doing those on an object.
Hi Everybody
@ssube you are smart
A: gnu screen - changing the default escape command key to ALT-X?

Jack LloydScreen doesn't have any shorthand syntax for alt bindings, but you can give it the octal code directly. For instance on my machine, Alt-x has the hex code F8, or 370 octal, so putting escape \370x in my screenrc changed the escape code to alt-X Tested and works with screen 4.00.03 on Linux. Y...

I need to send ALT+X to a detached screen
because I need too
@RoelvanUden I imagine escaping will have a small performance hit. The rest of the library ought to be fast enough that it will be measurable, but in real life, probably not significant.
no you don't
sweet deal. you wanna finish my project then?
@rlemon if sticking with proven, traditional wisdom is considered smart, the world's standards are too damn low :P
@FlorianMargaine obj::kgn('foo.bar')
Please i am using this script http://updates.html5rocks.com/2012/04/Processing-XHR2-file-uploads-in-PHP to perform an ajax upload and i am trying to turn it into a multiple upload.
For that purpose i did var file = this.files[0]; var fd = new FormData(); for(var i = 0, file; file = files[i]; i++)
fd.append(file.name, file);

Please is there something i am missing. Because thought i have modified the code it is not uploading multiple images
@ssube hehe
@FlorianMargaine all the logic is split into utilities anyway, so the method is pretty simple
it literally just chains a bunch of existing calls together
@ssube eh, makes me think of this:
yeah, but, 20 minute turnaround on feature request with tests. Suck it, poorly organized waterfall-built enterprise software. :P
well, I didn't apply an RFC...
it also gave me the chance to pull the name-chain splitting code out into a method, so I can make sure the method and infix versions have the same behavior
Please does someone know how to solve this ?
Yes by this i meant this . Please i am using this script updates.html5rocks.com/2012/… to perform an ajax upload and i am trying to turn it into a multiple upload.
For that purpose i did var file = this.files[0]; var fd = new FormData(); for(var i = 0, file; file = files[i]; i++)
fd.append(file.name, file);

Please is there something i am missing. Because thought i have modified the code it is not uploading multiple images
is there a way to fetch pages without reload javascripts ?
@Goku I think you can do it with jquery
@Goku 'without reload javascripts'? What do you mean?
My site contains WS:// connection and I dont want to disconnect this connection while going to another page then connect it again ?
Humm Ok have a great day everybody. Au revoir
@Goku Then don't navigate the browser.
@FlorianMargaine Hi I saw this blog margaine.com . C'est ton blog ?
@JohnMax it is
confirmation in case you care
What I mean that site have many pages and user move between them but connection being disconnected then connected
I want to make it always connected while browsing pages
@FlorianMargaine I like it .
@JohnMax thank you.
@FlorianMargaine I find some articles quite interesting especialy those in french parce que je parle francais
just don't speak french in here :)
gud monring gnettleman
@Goku That's called a SPA, a Single Page Application.
Use your google-fu to find out more
howdy room 17.
Howdy user 8607
hello there 401137
i've got a really low number, has it really been that long?
yikes, it has.
And so few points. :P
yup, I'm the king of low participation.
"Wow, that answer is so shit, better downvote"... "You can't vote for your own post"
posted on March 06, 2015 by admin

New comic! Today's News:  Exclusive bonus comic at The Nib!

whoo, after about an hour and a half, finally got chrome usb debugging to work!
I gave up on that after a half hour a few months back, way to go.
@BenjaminGruenbaum xD
@Slipfish It's really laggy...
@Feeds Oh my God!
They finally removed the Analytics code
Not a bad one either
@NickDugger that's probably a record
:pats self on back:
yay, a real use case for template strings
@BenjaminGruenbaum lol
@m59 lol omg thank you for clicking yes too fast xD
When you have to follow the sign up link to login... // cc @SomeKittens :P
lazy.js powers my new algorithms
:D its really nice :-)
I need help with this code snippet
String.prototype.toJadenCase = function () {
var res = this.split(" ");
for(var i = 0; i<this.length; i++) {
res[i] = res[i].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + res[i].slice(1);
return res.join(" ")
well the error is that cannot implement .charAt() on undefined
but Idk how its undef :(
@Apoph1s format your code
@Jhawins huh?
@SomeKittens Runnable lol
@Jhawins /me throws sand, yells "IT'S BETA!"
*faint echo "beta!"*
beta than ever
Can anyone halp me :[
I can help you @Apoph1s
I'm pretty sure so can @rlemon
@rlemon is pretty great at helping people, some call him "He who helps with code" or "He who runs with jQuery" or "He who poops on slides" - it's his college football nickname from when he played for the Lakers. He also has terrific mannips, wanna see?
people who have gotten on @rlemon's bad side usually use "He who must not be parsed"
@Apoph1s Your best bet is to learn about the debugger statement
mobile responsive is tedious...

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