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I dont like books which expect me to draw org-charts
aahh, that moment when you look something up and accidentally discover that crucial plot twist...
Hi guys
can someone help me with this?
Q: Sinon to stub return with next

Passionate DeveloperIs there a way to Sinon stub with return next()? I've tried to get a stub function but not sure of a way to implement this as an example below: var nextRoute; beforeEach(function () { server.pre(function(req, res, next){ nextRoute = next(); }); sandbox = sinon.sandbox.creat...

onebox u broke
@SuperScript I think that's the one ^
@KendallFrey missing http
@KendallFrey thats the one, thanks.
bame your browser for hiding http/https
@tereško no
Q: Why is ++[[]][+[]]+[+[]] = "10"?

JohnJohnGaThis is valid and returns "10" in JavaScript (more examples here): ++[[]][+[]]+[+[]] Why? What is happening here?

@tereško blame YOUR browser for hiding it
suck it
@FlorianMargaine Have fun. It'll be more difficult than you think.
go home stack you're drunk
@Zirak hmm, I tried installing chrome from pamac, but the dev channel install fails :/ After 2 hours, the standard version installed though. Ever faced such a problem?
hey guys. How do you return next() for Sinon stub?
not again not again
benji is right, linux just sucks.
> Transferred less than 1 bytes in last 10 seconds. Dropping connection...
That's not very good
I keep getting that every once in a while... I know it is not really linux's problem, but I can't kick my ISP so ...
anyways, goodnight people
1 hour later…
@rlemon Chat's css wins in specificity on system messages (.system-message-container .system-message)
@rlemon wow thats really cool!
I have a question, If I want to make theajax request again when I have a status code of 202, shall it be like...
var someObject = {
  fetch: function() {
                $.ajax().done(function(d, statsCode) { if(statsCode == 202) this.fetch(); }).fail(..)
Read a tutorial about how this works
@Zirak go to bed
ok that part is wrong. function(d, statsCode) { if(statsCode == 202) this.fetch(); }.bind(this) should work
or outside I write self = this. and do self.fetch()
man I have new found respect for the guys who made react-bootstrap
they totally removed the jquery dependency
2 hours later…
4 messages moved to Trash
hah wow
that totally deletes my messages eh?
I mean even room owners can't see them now
alright pull request submitted.. wonder if it will be accepted
regardless it helps me a ton at work
someone converted a pretty nice select to use with react-bootstrap, only issue was he was looking for jquery and bootstrap as globals which was kind of weird since most projects I've seen just bundle everything via webpack
1 hour later…
@Loktar that's cool.
In regex why does the engine not backtrack when a negated charecter class is used in front of +
like <[^>]+>. is it by design?
i mean in <EM> first </EM> test, <.+> would make . match the > and then the rest of the string, untill the end. and then goto steps - 1 until it matches > in the last EM.
The when <[^>]+> is used, when it reaches the > of the first EM. It doesn't match bacause of [^>], then how does it expand and match > like in a +?
anyone here?
its saturday morning :P
2 hours later…
Q: ReactJS - How to get the whole render Tree

darkyen00How do i access all the elements in the render tree of a react component, and no .props.children will not work nor can I use refs. Here is an example of what I am trying to achieve. // the following is the code inside the `render` function // for a component called AwesomeLayer // this.draw is ...

Hi guys
does anyone know answer to this?
Hi guys!
@Zirak so it looks like proxies are not HTTP... :P
HTTP tunneling is a technique by which communications performed using various network protocols are encapsulated using the HTTP protocol, the network protocols in question usually belonging to the TCP/IP family of protocols. The HTTP protocol therefore acts as a wrapper for a channel that the network protocol being tunneled uses to communicate. The HTTP stream with its covert channel is termed an HTTP tunnel. HTTP tunnel software consists of client-server HTTP tunneling applications that integrate with existing application software, permitting them to be used in conditions of restricted network...
@dystroy gravatar
@Zirak not sure I ever told you, but reading SEN expressions in lisp is basically (read-from-string (concatenate 'string "'" sen-expr))
@argentum47 huh? If I understand you correctly, you want <[^>]+> to match all of the string <em>blah</em> because the + is greedy. But that doesn't make sense, the character class says it won't match a >
@FlorianMargaine Yes, I know about quoting and reading
That's why I was interested in SEN, the transition seemed to smooth
@dystroy Well, avatars.io seems like a superset of gravatar, but the latter's been around for ages.
@SomeGuy Why are you constantly reminding me I have tons of stuff to read!?
@copy Ever wake up and feel like trying Haiku or a variant of BSD, only to realise you'll probably suffer and give up like all the other times?
ok. got it.
@RoelvanUden yeah I got an email on the GH issue
@Zirak What doesn't work on BSD (not that I've tried it, at least not for desktop)
I mean, what would cause you to suffer?
Good morning. I'm an experienced programmer learning JS. I've just finished Speaking Javascript; I think I understand the basics. Now I want to learn how to use JS in the browser to do... you know, browsery things. DOM mainpulation and what-not. What's a good resource (free or $) that won't waste my time teaching me to program?
Browser vendors seriously need to implement developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent.code
@copy Not anything in particular, just the feeling. You know, like when you try a new distro and it just doesn't feel right
@WayneConrad Usually just reading MDN's documentation is enough
DOM manipulation is pretty straightforward, just pick the right method to access the property you want
@Meredith Thanks. Looking at it now.
@Zirak Just go for it
/cc benji cause i know you are just smart enough to figure this one out :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum .. on side note I am supported by a major bank now.
Does anyone have any good information on working with JSON PHP and JS, Every piece of information uses the get method to post information to php isntead of POST which is what i am curious about, also every piece of information i can find is malformed js or jquery.
Can you say what exactly your goal is?
Learning Ajax properly
I understand i can send data back and forth and can do so properly.
But i am curious about sending JSON from JS to PHP through the POST function and i am not finding good information on that :/
By default, PHP won't parse JSON data in a request body. You have to do it manually.
Like so:
$json = file_get_contents('php://input');
$obj = json_decode($json);
Yeah i know php has the json_decode, what i am more interested in
what is the syntax to actually send it in the javascript
And sending is done using the standard, though badly-named, XMLHttpRequest
How do i finish this line of code.. if i wanted to send a JSON array through
Nevermind i think i found the info to answer my own question
send it as a string through post to the php file and JSON.stringify it before i send it to get the string to send
@HatterisMad look at the send method of XMLHttpRequest
morning teresko
@copy there is also fetch
but sadly nobody thought
about naming it request :-/ or HTTPRequest or something
@darkyen00 The spec isn't anywhere near final, you can always suggest things github.com/whatwg/fetch/issues
@Zirak yawn
I wonder why hasn't anybody else said that
fetch and request are near synonyms, with request already taken by a large library. HTTPRequest looks like a constructor while fetch is a verb.
fetch and request are synonyms ?
fetch : go for and then bring back (someone or something) for someone.
request : an act of asking politely or formally for something
politeness aside, it means the same
and we all know how much computers care about politeness
fetch sounds closer to get
request is passive, fetch is active
english is fucked up
Fetch implies you're bring the resource back
Request doesn't have that implication to me
Hi, How i can resolve CORS issue? I have a tomcat server on which I am running my projectt(rest service). Now I am trying to hit rest service using Ajax. But getting CORS issue. I know what is CORS and why it is not allowed. But How can I resolve this issue?
Have you read about CORS headers?
Nah. ANy links please
Usefule links
the size of the snow flakes:
it's snowing...
thats a big hand
normal snowflake tiny hand i think
Hi guys, I'm trying to improve my JQuery plugin to create an image picker github.com/Maj-X/image-picker . Can you give me your advice, thanks :)
@ant Why is this useful?
@zirak it may be useful to some
@Zirak i wonder.
Q: ReactJS - How to get the whole render Tree

darkyen00How do i access all the elements in the render tree of a react component, and no .props.children will not work nor can I use refs. Here is an example of what I am trying to achieve. // the following is the code inside the `render` function // for a component called AwesomeLayer // this.draw is ...

i guess i need to change tags
@Zirak I could't find an other one
@ant Your code is riddled with inline html and creating selectors by string mashing. You have a gigantic library (jquery) and native functions (DOM) at your disposal, don't fall back to strings for elements. As for selectors, you're the one making the elements, you shouldn't have to re-select them.
zirak dont own him that much
@darkyen00 You want to get all of your descendants?
yes, please
It's a bit tricky, and you're getting into a bit of a timing issue.
@Zirak I can I manage inline html ?
@Zirak explain
Imagine you're being re-rendered, so off you go to get your children. But at what state are they? Are they currently up-to-date? Will they be re-rendered themselves after you? Is it a mix of the two?
You're trying to get information to flow up, from child to ancestor, what's worse without the child being aware of it. That's not ideal
@ant I'm not sure I follow?
So basically what i have done is right ?
(have the drawable itself)
hey guys quick question i would like to add link for github on my project so ppl could fork which will be better add fork me on github or just github logo?
Without knowing exactly what you aim to do I can't help too much, but explicitly having the drawables go "hey, cache me" will probably be nice.
Currently the drawable merely pushes the function to the drawQueue
the last suggestion by me
Drawable is a special element which accepts an onAnimationFrame property which is the rendering function
the shallow dom for a11y or just using the god-damned dom, if any can be passed as its child
@Zirak would it be senseful If i make drawable search for Surface ?
by __owner ?
Remember which way data flows
Parent to child :-/
its then pretty much impossible ?
You can pass down hooks and objects just fine
How so ?
Just like you pass this.draw and things like that
I don't expect everyone to do that
You can pass down event emitters, streams, functions, dispatch tables, ...
@Zirak give me a code-example ?
/cause i guess we are not on the same page
render (){
  return <LayoutLayer>
                <Drawable onAnimationFrame={this.draw} />
yeah, something like that
Standard react stuff
that will only work if this was the surface layer
What if the above layer was supposed to be called <AwesomeLayer>
and then my end code looks like
   <AwesomeLayer />
Then your layers need to know that they can receive these hooks, and pass them down
And thats possible by mixins
I dislike exposing mixins but oh well
Or you can be more Flux-y if that makes sense for you
posted on February 21, 2015

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Hehehe. Marty made a recruiting video, involving explosions, for Pin

@Zirak I love you :-)
You sound just like your mom
@SecondRikudo \o
When is the meeting starting?
@ThiefMaster @BoltClock any of you here?
@SecondRikudo can you ask at the TL to unlock chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/65438/js-room-meeting ?
Thanks! :)
@SecondRikudo please pass ownership to @Loktar in the meeting room :)
function CanvasRenderer(){
  this.is = {
    a: 'CanvasRenderer'
im working with angularjs and trying to understand why my 'classification' column is not sorting correctly when u sort by "classification". Can anyone help? ogmda.com/symbols/index2.html
the 's//nf' gets added to the middle of the 's//rel to usa, fvey' rows
hi , can any give a try to this stackoverflow.com/questions/28627263/…
have asked this yesterday, but didnt got any reply
@BasementKeyboardHero You're the one who recommended Dragon Age, right?
I just ran into a motherfriggin dragon. It was epic. I died horribly
var RenderLayerMixin = {

  __isRenderLayer: true,
  __surfaceLayer: null,

  setSurface: function( newSurfaceLayer ){
    this.surfaceLayer = newSurfaceLayer;

  requestReDraw: function(){

  passSurfaceLayer: function(node){
    if( node.__isRenderLayer === true ){

  walkAndPassSurfaceLayer: function(){
    console.log("Passing from", this);
@Zirak hows this ?
@Shmiddty oi we need a better code font bro
don't like how jsbin complains of missing semi-colons
Maybe you should start using them instead..
hehe, well
a = b + c
(d + e).foo()

// Treated as:
//   a = b + c(d + e).foo();
a + b;
// Returns undefined. Treated as:  return;
I already faced this one
is there some cheap example somewhere of drawing an svg and saving it locally?
> Often, doing something like this isn't necessary for making data flow through your application, because the Reactive data flow always ensures that the most recent props are sent to each child that is output from render().
Can somebody explain me that ?
Im working with angularjs and trying to understand why my 'classification' column is not sorting from descending to ascending when you sort by 'classification'. Currently, the 's//nf' classification row gets added to the middle of the 's//rel to usa, fvey' rows whereas, which doesn't make sense if this column is being sorted alphabetically. Why is the 's//rel to usa, fvey' different than the other of the same name? I mean, what other criteria is the sort using?
@crl Never rely on JS's ASI. It's crap.
hi kittens
Mornin kittens, room meeting in an hour and a bit
Yep, sounds good
@BenjaminGruenbaum Shot in the dark, but have you ever worked with [image|graphics]Magick?
@SomeKittens @rlemon has.
I've worked with imageMagick only a little bit - @rlemon built his meme generator with it.
ES6 is fantastic for tweeting:
@slicknet So you're 1022? 'do the math'.toArray().reduce((total, char) => total + char.charCodeAt(0), 0);
If you want to squeeze an extra character, charCodeAt() is the same as charCodeAt(0)
ack, too late!
!!> ".split(''").length === '.toArray()'.length
@SomeKittens "SyntaxError: missing ; before statement"
@SomeKittens toArray? TIL
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm not 100% sure it's in the spec, but: wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=harmony:string_extras
summoning @Mr_Green
@SomeKittens I don't think it's in the spec
ah, boo.
when creating a new jquery method, how would you reference the jquery object inside a event handler inside the jquery method?
@ray9209 Through $
(unless jQuery.noConflict()), etc, etc
@Zirak what are you talking about?
I can't type today...
Dragon Age: Inquisition
@SomeKittens So when inside the jquery method but outside the event handler, you would use 'this', but when inside the event handler that's inside the jquery method, you would use '$(this)'?
@ray9209 inside the event handler, this refers to the DOMElement that the event happened upon. So to get the jQuery-ified version, you'd use $(this)
I meant if you want to refer to the jquery object that the method was invoked on, not the element that the event happened upon.
@SomeKittens, @BasementKeyboardHero i.imgur.com/DEgohDU.jpg
@Zirak B == kill yourself? :\
@SomeKittens would that be possible?
@ray9209 Try it, see what happens
@KendallFrey ^^
@SomeKittens didn't work but i realized i can just store the jquery obj in a var outside the event handler and use the var to reference the obj inside the event handler
> "I just flew to orbit, and boy are my arms tired!"
"No, seriously. You have no idea what KSC is making us do."
"Please... someone help me..."
uproarious laughter
@BenjaminGruenbaum Isn't (>>) useless for instances of Maybe or List?
so, I was trying out my new phone's voice recognition, and I tried to speak to google to look for "angular dot js". The result was "I'm good at gay ass"
well, that escalated quickly
also, today's my birthday!
Google knows your search history
Happy Birthday @towc!
@towc Well, are you good at gay ass? The answer could affect your birthday present.
I'm not able to get google to recognize angular.js. Most of the responses contain gay and ass in them...
@Zirak erm...
keep in mind J isn't pronounces with a hard g
Only with a hard D
also some guy called angelo dundee comes up...
really, try it for yourself: there's no way google will get you to angular dot js from voice recognition
well, if I only say angular it works
I got angularJs from "Angular dot JS"
oh, I said it without the dot and it returned "angular js"
but then again, I live in the bay area so there's a better than even chance a Google engineer actually heard me and punched in the answer themselves.
@SomeKittens do they do that?
or just a joke?
twas a joke
good, good
I love how when you say the f word google automatically censors it
Oh btw @SomeKittens I have made an orbit-capable craft in < 1 ton
@KendallFrey that's the weekly Reddit challenge
@KendallFrey KSP?
@SomeKittens It says Kerbal
@copy kinda, you want to unwrap it to do anything useful.
@BenjaminGruenbaum But it throws away the result of the left side
hmm... tried to vocally google "recursion" and I get incarnation, nick hodgson and education
@Vader Kentucky Spoiled Chicken
sounds delicious
@copy yes, much like a semicolon discards the value of an expression in JavaScript.
@SecondRikudo P / C ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum no it doesn't
@darkyen00 vOv
!!urban vOv
@darkyen00 vOv It's a dude shrugging his shoulders. Stop being a bunch of retards.
my favorite urban ever.
@BenjaminGruenbaum But List and Maybe are pure
!!urban Rikudo
@darkyen00 No definition found for Rikudo
@CapricaSix Why not Zoidberg?
@darkyen00 heh
!!tell darkyen00 urban w3schools
@darkyen00 w3schools a site created by webdevelopers whose only purpose is to misinform other webdevelopers in order to keep their job
!!tell secondrikudo urban Abhishek
@secondrikudo abhishek someone who spends more time talking about working out than actually working out.
thats pretty old, old as you loktar xD

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