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my ngapp works great in Chrome/FF, but in IE it won't open at all....I get an ''angular' is undefined '
any ideas?
@ssube you want the whole story? It starts with esdiscuss.org/topic/scoped-binding-of-a-method-to-an-object it's pretty old.
I like it (abstract refs), really nice
ok wait i went to the official angularjs page in IE10 and it didn't work either lol
@BenjaminGruenbaum How do other languages handle this?
@copy C# has extension methods, Swift lets you extend objects from the outside with protocols/extensions.
FP languages don't have this problem anyway since you can define stuff on the data at any point.
Some languages only use decorators that add a property to a specific object - or wrap the original object (a-la jquery).
How is what underscore does different from how FP languages do it (except that underscore has everything on one magic object and in FP languages you'd use separate modules)
I always thought, if I need a new function for arrays (for instance contains), I make a new module array with a function contains that takes an array as the first argument
> Is it difficult to convert something like:
> Array.prototype.last = function(){ return this[this.length-1] }
> To something like
> function Array$prototype$last(param1){ return (function(){ return
> this[this.length-1] }).call(param1); }
Closure Compiler does that
!!> ~NaN
All bitwise operators convert to signed integer, which don't have a representation for NaN
Except for >>>, which converts to unsigned integer
Non-numeric values become 0, and ~0 is -1
!!> ~>>>
@monners "SyntaxError: expected expression, got '>>>'"
!!> [~~-1, -1>>>0]
@copy [-1,4294967295]
!!> [~1e10, ~1e20, ~1e25, ~1e26, ~1e30]
@crl [-1410065409,-1661992961,2147483647,-1,-1]
thats a really nice react admin theme
lol then scroll down to Credits (Plugins):
thats pretty cool though
@SterlingArcher online?
I used Lua today
@loktar any cool games recently lol
I did my programming for the night. So
I've been obsessed with the pstv lately :/
been playing Soul Sacrifice Delta on it
lol nice
as far as PC games I was playing Heroes of the Storm
and Darkest Dungeon
Looks like LoL lol
yeah , its a moba
but the focus is on fun
Blegh Idk why they just aren't fun for me.
a lot of the BS was taken out of it which is awesome
I hate LoL and Dota personally
It sure does look cool in the video tho
lol Im actually working on work right now :/
found that pace script going to make a react component out of it
Oh yeah? It's what 9pm there?
I've been working on "learn shit" and checking out school options. It's scholarship season.. If I got some worthwhile aid I'd go lol
ah yeah thatd be cool man
Ive been working on learn shit pretty much as well actually
Eh I've done the same thing every year but $2,500 hasn't been enough to make me excited
thats the financial aid youd get?
Eh that's all I got in scholarship last year. 1. I turned it down
what about financial aid?
dude.. just join the military already, change your life bro :P
join the AF and work in tech
Umm pell grant and fafsa? You mean government stuff?
get college paid for
yeah pell is what I was talking about, and the other
I keep thinking about AF reserve we have a big base here lots of A10s and a reaper
AF reserve isn't bad.. only shitty thing is you go to the same basic training and tech school as active duty
so you do the same amount of upfront work, and get less of a benefit lol
Eh they pay for school tho
After basic you are on a cake walk lol
Is that a real term?
yeah Active isn't bad either honestly, in terms of difficulty i mean
haha yeah its a real term
I went to the armory for drill like 2 months ago with my cousin. But idk I have no desire to do that lol
I mean it all depends on your job.. I did web stuff and network administration
I'm big on personal space, privacy and freedom this is murica
so I worked 8-4 pretty much.. in a server room
Basic is... Not murica
Basic is actually fun man
if you were ever in sports (I never was personally) its not bad at all
but everyone says its like being yelled at by a coach
Plus idk man unless the salary charts by rank online are just bogus I would be making jack shit
eh yeah if you aren't married you make less for sure
It says first rank is like $17K/year... I pushed carts at Walmart for almost that :/
youd also live in the dorms until you hit Senior Airmen (or got married)
which takes like idk 3 years
I mean they pay for school tho so I guess it evens out ya know but still
No one goes in as Airmen Basic
like in Basic you are, but I came out with one stripe for example
and if you sign for 6 y ears active duty you get two right after basic
Senior Airman says 23K-28K..
so youd be making E3 pay
I make that right now and I show up to work 2 hours late lol
Yeah, but you also get 100% health coverage, housing, food allowance.. clothing allowance
@Loktar Yeah I guess that's not so bad, Especially with them paying for all kinds of other shit. I just like money..
oh yeah I totally understand haha sorry not trying to be pushy I fucking love the military personally
so I end up going on about how great it is
How would you guys approach this: ng-if="someProp && windowWidth > 768"
Yeah I get that haha it's cool
keeping up with the window width in a controller is kinda bad, but it's awkward making a directive like that also
@m59 I would use media queries most likely
Can't, the elem has to be out of the dom
It's not like I'm just wasting away over here in Indiana tho either. I am actively working toward a goal.. I just bitch a lot and sometimes wish I could just leave early. But I'm on a good path right now. Decision time comes later in the year lol
Plus my boss is insane and says I get to stay on payroll once I'm done with the project lol so. Basically I stop working and keep getting paid for a few more months while I line shit up.. Then I get lump sum haha. Then I can go anywhere I want
oh nice, thats pretty cool of him
He's old and tired and just wants to leave and travel for the next decade as soon as we sell the business so. He's like idgaf just finish it so I can leave. I still get paid till either I find a new job or until the business sells but when it sells I get like a year's salary all at once haha. I can't lose unless he dies before then or something
yeah, hell man thats awesome
you could go travel or something
Yeah I think I will have an overseas trip or something. I've been saving for that fr awhile anyway. But nah I wanna get my next job lined up asap and not end up cutting it close on my reserve money. Then I can start to really save for the very very distant future with that money as a foundation... Hopefully..
I wanna go to the netherlands tho lol I will go visit zigi
But no it'll probably come down to traveling or buying a really badass motorcycle I can travel on within the nation for my one splurge lol. Either way would be sweet!
And I will probbly just die on the motorcycle and that will be the end of it. Hahaha with my luck.
Anyway enough off topic from me I need to go use my legs
Wait @loktar you said you don't make much IF you're not married? They pay you more if you are? Haha
Yeah I made the 2nd most in Basic due to it
You get BAH (housing allowance) and BAS (which is extra money for household good every month)
if you're single they are already paying for where you live, so you dont get that $$ unless you move off base
but you cant move off base until you hit E4 (or get married)
I'll have to talk to Mariah about that if I join ;P
@Loktar What, they don't like conjugals?
I just spent like 5 hours dicking around with my new xacto set
@Shmiddty sharp blades are that fun? Haha
I cut a semi-grid into a cutie, before eating it
fucked up a few times
May try a pumpkin this year
I talked to my brother and he said after pell grant and fafsa he is literally getting paid to go to school lol. But that's Ivy Tech not a 4 year school. Still he's already in the police academy after under 2 years there and he's made money off it basically
oh, by cutie, I mean those little tangerines
@Jhawins is that a for-profit?
So I thought about maybe going to school where he goes they do have a CS program but I Dont think its easy to transfer credit for a BS from there
because if it is, punch him in the nuts
@Shmiddty he's not doing it for the money if that's what you mean? Or you mean the school is for profit?
@Jhawins You don't need a degree to be a FE dev.
@Jhawins for profit school, Ivy Tech
FE dev?
take a wild guess
Future edition
I hinwayly Dont know :P
Oh, @SomeKittens You're in SF right? I'm going to F8 in March. We should grab a drink
What would a developer who works primarily with HTML, CSS, and JS be called?
front end dev
But nah its not really the degree I want that's the problem I just want to learn but idk from what I hear I'm not gonna learn all that much?
I think I might 'need' it personally.
College isn't always a total waste for Computer Science.
but I don't think there are many great CS schools
@Shmiddty I just applied to go..
I told them I was a Native American
hope that ups my chances
I honestly wish I went to school. I have a career without it, but I do with I had the education.
I'm rooting for you
we could have a party!
hell yeah that would be sweet
@Loktar you're going back to school?
I wish I had gone to better schools
Yeah I feel like I'll always want it.
@rlemon not yet.. but I will at some point
I have a GI BIll (post 9/11 GI bill) not being used
so I could make like idk 5k a month to go
Go to a good school, study computer science, profit
same, but I feel like it wont be possible until I'm financially independent. That might take a few years.
eh, I just want to go to get the money @Shmiddty lol
I mean the money from my GI Bill
oh yeah totally. It doesn't make sense for me to go to school any more
@loktar I'll go and say I'm you lol split the money and I get the education ;D
I have $140k in debt, and enough experience that a degree is irrelevant.
School is a non-consideration for me
I'm too old with too many hopes and responsibilities to return to school full time, or any concernable amount of time i think
I know I Dont need the degree but the education part lol
but when I am ballin, games change....
@Jhawins The best education is experience. I'd start looking for internships now
and schools
If you move to Denver, we're always looking for interns
@Shmiddty I'm now enrolled and am not really planning on it this year unless I get like the Buick achievers scholarship or something lol
@Loktar I started looking at homes today. little bit of a freak out
Not enrolled*
market here is shit
I'm seeing 330-360K before closing
@rlemon The market here is apparently booming... People are going from listing to sold in less than a week.
Oh shit man nice!
I hope you find something, I know thats a huge goal for you
CO tech or whatever is supposed to be decent? Haha
yea, so do I
but I don't see it happening without a 70K down payment
@Jhawins Metro or UCD
which is... well shit man. that is a lot of fucking dough
Auraria Campus has several different colleges
Yeah you guys make your 140K debt payments and 70K down house payments and ill sit over here and worry about having enough money to take my girl out somewhere nice this week xD
which is to say, I can do it with a lesser down payment, but I wont' get as good a mortgage nor will I wave certain taxes without 20% down.
But I'll catch up eventually.
We've got I think four big schools. UNC, CU (boulder, denver, colorado springs?), and then there's Metro which is a community college. All pretty well respected
CU and UNC have a rivalry
@Jhawins dude, you are young (in comparison), when I was your age I was worried about the same things.
not sure about Loke :P
which is pretty funny because the CTO is a CU alum and one of the BE guys is a UNC alum so they take potshots occasionally.
@Jhawins I'm trying to help so you don't get to 140k in debt
anything more than 40k is ludicrous
also, FRT, I dont' have 70K :P
You can always come to Germany and get your education virtually free
^ better idea
@copy Assuming you're smart enough to qualify for entrance
also because Germany sounds awesome
beer and wienershnitzel and beer and womens
@copy sign me up. the little lady is German
Yeah I know :P I'm proud of where I am at 20 years old I just have to make sure I Dont fuck it up and have this be the last Rome I'm proud like this.
@Jhawins Do you have any debt?
Yeah @Shmiddty being debt free or close to it is kind of a huge deal to me. ,
It's important.
when I was 20 I had debt. now i'm debt free
I had to learn it the hard way
so did I :(
and I'm going to be paying for a long time
fucking collectors man
unless I suddenly come into money
@monners I think you just need to have a normal school degree
I have a really small loan on my truck btut even that is only because of some pretty rough circumstances for awhile. I bought my other 3 vehicles up front
College or whatever that is called
I have a Degree and a GED :D
I became debt free in 2013 in my mind, but 2014 literally
And an advanced diploma (in circus)
I'd be in school for 2 years already if I hadn't decided this debt shit isn't justifiable to put on myself at my age.
GED is the thing you need
It was stupidly easy to get
@monners Circus?
@Jhawins It's important to learn. I think you can obtain a full education online these days, but you have to be self-motivated
I am 1 of 10 kids haha so I couldn't get any help from parents either. But I Dont hold that against them j Dont feel like they owe me anything at all.
@Shmiddty Totally!
woo party!
College is set up just plane wrong... I'm just glad I figured that out without going first lol
Plane because it flies. I'm mobile
I kinda wish I'd studied CS in college
@monners Nice
Didn't figure out what I really wanted to do until senior year
I wish I'd gone to MIT.
and not given up senior year because I set my sights on ITT's game dev program
16 mins ago, by rlemon
I honestly wish I went to school. I have a career without it, but I do with I had the education.
Lol @Shmiddty where did you even go to amass THAT
@Jhawins Sorry, not grokking your meaning, sir
It cost quite a bit..
About 30-40k for an associates from ITT
Oh that wasn't all school debt.
@rlemon Yeah, well, @SomeKittens has a lead role in that successful TV show
I was like holy shit
(I believe that's with current interest and penalties), and about $100k from going to the Art Institute of Colorado (with interest and penalties)
I have an associates from ITT in "Information Technology/Multimedia"
It's worthless
Same here, wish I had shot for MIT
because everyone knows that ITT is a joke
My brother came out owubg $20K to that church camp place I posted. Well the college that runs it. He has nothing credible from the 2 years he was there there are no official credits or whatever. They only teach religion stuff.
I think I would have loved MIT, after hearing so much about it
like their robotics program
I really should punch him in the balls
I would have a huge nerd boner on that
@monners bro, I'm known world wide.
@rlemon And prevent clean slides
not the point.
Is it just me or are there a lot of regulars here at abnormal time for them? Maybe its just me I Dont get on a lot at night
I'm waiting for glue to dry
11:30pm for me
9:30 here
I'm getting drunk because i'm freaking out about how quick buying a house is getting
My sleep schedule is a bit borked
I broke up with @SterlingArcher now I just talk to @HatterisMad about teeth or girls or trucks lol
and kittens is 8:30, I think. I always forget if cali is -1 or -2
@Shmiddty -1
he's -3 me iirc
Yeah me too ^
I had an internet thing with a "girl" in "california" for a while
well, we talked on the phone, so I'm pretty sure she was a she
Haha star that for me guys
I'm mobile
I can't without pinning it
Hello. I have a variable issue, where my variable is not defined. I know how to declare a variable, but as it is now, I cannot understand what that variable should be.
Here I have my ajax, and pushstate function, but the pushstate function is undefined, anyone able to point out what the variable should be defined as?
I am thinking something like "var foo = this.a;", but maybe I am thinking wrond about the variable?
the way you quote "girl" makes me think "dude" and "California" makes me think "chatroulette"
Yay teamwork lol you can star after someone else
But I never could get her to go on a webcam, so I never knew if she was lying to me about who she was, which was a pretty common fear at the time
Lol someone always has a question at a time like this
haha :)
// code for IE6, IE5
... REALLY?!
Sometimes I think people are trolling us on purpose.
Hi All
Good Morning
I am using Backbonejs, jquery and underscorejs in my project
are they good?
I am new to backbone and underscore..
or is there any better alternative?
I have no opinion of any but jQuery, imo it is good and bad.
Would Mr Green be the lovechild of Mr Blue and Mr Blonde?
no it is from Incredible hulk
Lol we all like jquery a little bit..
My reference is much cooler
@rlemon so I am good to go with it.. right?
They're a good place to start
if you've already done a fair amount of javascript without libraries, which is the foundation of all of this.
ok thanks guys
no time for fun here :(.. serious work
Alright Mr Green. Remember, meet at the spot at 5
and don't be late this time
yea, if you already know JS you cant go wrong
@rlemon get over it :P
/me chants "6TO5! 6TO5!"
A jerk is a third derivative of position. Good to know
@rlemon is that real you? nice physique.
that is me like ten+ years ago :(

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