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Wait, got them mixed up
knex is for bookshelf
knex.js should be pinned as a horrifying example of when you code things too literally
Well, if someone did knex+acorn it'd be so much better.
@ssube knex is jsut for writing cross db sql. That's all it is. many peopel will want another layer of abstraction on top of it
Although something like Ramda would be better
also, it's a wrapepr for the common db libraries like 'pg' to mame them all have the same api.
I'd like to take an opinion poll:

if you are doing a jquery AJAX call and your callbacks are one line, do you still keep them as separate methods, or do you just collapse them to being the anonymous function calls?

A) keep the callbacks as separate methods

B) keep the single line of code in the anonymous method and pull it out if it gets bigger
@Luggage even JDBC knew not to just wrap SQL with builders.
compiling Ramda to SQL - that'd be awesome.
@ssube JDBC is horrible, no one uses raw JDBC.
@Pheonixblade9 I use promises.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I do.
@Pheonixblade9 ew callbacks.
well, the only JS ORMs I found all looked incomplete so..
@ssube why o_0? You like the result set bs and all that?
@Luggage yeah, that's what I said - JS needs a better orm, a functional ORM.
I'm already doing AJAX crap in a project that's currently ASP.NET WebForms with postbacks, I don't wanna get too crazy with promises, etc.
Compiling Ramda to SQL - that'd be awesome.
@BenjaminGruenbaum nope, but it was much cleaner to write than trying to get Hibernate or something involved.
@ssube did you at least write a short wrapper for it? fge in the Java room has an opinion on it you should ask him about JDBC I think
We started with two tables, dropped one, and haven't added any more in the last year. At some point that last one will get pulled into the svcs.
@BenjaminGruenbaum We have services and DAOs and models and all that, the DAOs just use JDBC internally.
@BenjaminGruenbaum why would you use promises rather than callbacks for a synchronous web method call? Apart from "they're the new thing, you should use them"
@Pheonixblade9 I would not have a synchronous web method call - and if I did I'd just use return value.
@Pheonixblade9 Separate method for debugging and scope-binding purposes.
@Pheonixblade9 Nothing is syncronous.
Also - they're not new - if you're using C# you're using promises already if you're using Tasks
@Luggage ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum sure, that's fair with the C# thing.
if he's calling the server through ajax. it's not syncronous.
@Luggage if you set async: false, then it is.
@Luggage I mean synchronous conceptually, not through the code
ohh. I would never do such a thing :)
i.e. the user can't do anything until the call completes
It works great if you're making server calls from a web worker.
@phenomnomnominal I'm with you.
it's very simple, just changing the contents of a text editor whenever a new value in a dropdown is selected
@BenjaminGruenbaum 2.9
tbh, I'd almost rather spawn a worker and have it run sync code to fetch and parse data, than do it in the main thread with promises.
@ssube I think that's a good point. The stack trace will be much more obvious with the callbacks. The best point I've heard, actually
@ssube overkill :P
@ssube I don't want to re-architect the entire page :) I'm already shoehorning jQuery and AJAX into a WebForms page
Why is this room also tagged with "cereal" and "fake-programming"?
@phenomnomnominal depends on what you're doing. Our admin app here roughly lets you set up a scripted job with input params, then goes off and runs it (which could involve 2-500 requests)
@Charly Because you can't do real programming with cereal.
@ssube not overkill :)
@Charly why are you concerned about those tags, but not "we-so-excited"?
@phenomnomnominal plus, the script job (running on the client, using their creds) sends messages back occasionally
some days can really get boring and artistic at the same time codepen.io/MateiGCopot/pen/YPaVmV
Is javascript exciting?
@BenjaminGruenbaum ? ?
thanks guys, ciao!
@charly I think so
even with 0.1+0.2=0.30000000000004?
yeah i know why it does that and the solution for it. I'm just saying...
@Charly @phenomnomnominal it's a quirky language but the community is just so active
@GarrettKadillak wrong.
@Charly that just adds to the excitedness
@phenomnomnominal why wrong?
@Charly I don't have that problem on AMD
@ssube sorry what is AMD?
@phenomnomnominal s/active/(immature|chaotic|undirected|inexperienced)
@Charly AMD processors. Intel rounds wrong.
The Pentium FDIV bug is a bug in the Intel P5 Pentium floating point unit (FPU). Because of the bug, the processor can return incorrect decimal results, an issue troublesome for the precise calculations needed in fields like math and science. Discovered by Professor Thomas R. Nicely at Lynchburg College, Intel blamed the error on missing entries in the lookup table used by the floating-point division circuitry. Though rarely encountered by average users (Byte magazine estimated that 1 in 9 billion floating point divides with random parameters would produce inaccurate results), both the flaw and...
never forgive, never forget
@ssube more like: "more cheerful, young, varied"?
Seems unrelated:
> Any Pentium family processor with a clock speed of at least 120 MHz is new enough not to have this bug.
@towc no, they just don't know what they're doing or where they want to go with it. It's chaotic, solving problems in new ways that turn out not to work, which they'd have known if they read any books from the past 25 years.
@phenomnomnominal never forget
@ssube Generalize much?
@ssube even then: you're here on the SO chat, with a community of people who mostly have no idea what they're doing, and you're not getting angry all of the time
@towc most of the people here do know what they're doing, especially the ones who are here often, and have been around for a while and don't eschew traditional wisdom in favor of VC funding.
I feel like js makes it easy for people to get into programming: the more the variety, the more the likelyhood to find a better system than the current one in less time
@phenomnomnominal you shut up
why do you keep saying 2.9?
Alas, I must get out of bed and get ready for two days of conference.
@ssube but you could hang out in the c++ room for example. Nope: you're here
@Charly <3
@towc that's because I don't write C++ anymore, and they spend most of their time making rape jokes
afaik, the C++ room exists purely to spam all 10k users with legitimate flags about super offensive stuff
ohhh i finally got it after 1500 ms.
@ssube what about c#?
pretty sure you've written c# before
@towc been meaning to get back into using that. Might do that tonight.
my feet hurt so much, but I feel so awesome from standing up
@towc I've written a lot of things, most of them aren't as interesting as JS. But it is bothersome when people think JS is new and somehow different, so they don't have to listen to anyone and waste time trying things we all know don't work.
JS is not particularly different, or even particularly good, but it is particularly useful.
not as interesting as JS
@ssube lol
JS = pretty interesting, therefore exciting
JS isn't really interesting except in the bleeding edge like esdiscuss.
And when someone makes something cool that's nice
Being able to use gulp and babel and browserify and bootstrap and (mvc library) to make a UI for my service in 20 minutes is kinda cool.
Using node to run async scripts that would otherwise be brutally complex shell scripts is also nice.
@ssube what is your service about?
Having a bunch of kids running around, spending more time designing their library's logo than documenting it and spending more on the font than they do on CI is not cool or nice.
JS is my favorite shitty language.
Assuming that it's kids doing it
which it isn't
well, It's not only kids
Geriatrics can't run.
they can try
that's ageist
!!> 0 * Infinity //why???
@towc "NaN"
!!> 7 / 0
@NickDugger "Infinity"
dat infinity
Works that way in every language
@ssube I've heard about using Go language in place of shell scripts, too. not sure about the async part.
but in every kind of math, 7/Infinity = 0
Here, same thing but in a cool kid language
!!> 7 / Infinity
It's the spec :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum And floating point standard
@Luggage Haven't tried Go, but anything with promises or callbacks is better than shell.
Go was awesome, the one time I tried it
really easy to learn
instead of NaN shouldn't it return undefined?
or just 1?
@ssube Why? Do you do a lot of IO in parallel in shell scripts?
I could cut our build scripts by 60% or so using Gulp and their globs and just shelling out occasionally.
There was an interesting article complaining about GO yesterday: tmikov.blogspot.com/2015/02/…
@copy No at the moment, it's all sequential, because parallel IO in bash is not fun.
@copy doing parallel IO is actually pretty simple in shell, just & to run in background, collect pids from $! and then wait for them when needed.
@towc 1 would just make no sense and NaN is better than undefined since it indicates that the value was numeric in nature.
@towc NaN is one of the IEEE-specified ways of representing undefined
ok then
@ssube I don't see how callbacks help with shell scripts. Gulp helps of course
@copy callbacks in the passing-a-function-to-another-function sense, including stuff like map
Anything with globs and vaguely functional collection handling is much nicer than shell scripts.
Well, anything is better than bash. But then I'd use a more powerful language like Python
shell scripts spank windows .cmd scripts, though. but the syntax is ancient
JavaScript … ugh
the page is glitching again :(
pwoershell scripts are so close to being awesome, but end up being annoying
Python works just fine, but I'm just personally not a huge fan.
I like the idea of a transpile-to-sh language.
JS is nice largely because most of our devs know it, very few know Python.
Get the worst of both worlds: use coffeescript!
@BenjaminGruenbaum But then the script is already so complex that you wouldn't use bash anyway :-P
@copy I just use Python for any shell scripting anyway. I don't really touch bash any more. I don't even really remember the syntax any more.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I love bash's syntax, as a curiosity.
It's like perl.
You and @Zirak are going to be good friends one day.
Zirak and I are best friends
@BenjaminGruenbaum Do you use a library for that? (maybe Fabric?)
could someone explain this bit of code to me, one part in particular, github.com/simonsmith/github-user-search/blob/…
like 20. Wth is '${username}`
@copy no, I don't know Fabric - is it useful? I always thought it's for deploys and stuff and I automate those differently.
not understanding the ${} wrap
@Loktar that's an ES6 template.
@Loktar string interp
ooooh ok
thanks guys
!!> var x = "Hello"; ${x} World!
@BenjaminGruenbaum "Hello World!"
ah very cool
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yeah, that was actually two separate questions
@Loktar It gets way way cooler since you can hook on it unwrapped.
I'm surprised it's taken so long for JS to get string interpolation.
@Retsam perf for it is usually really bad
god man. All these react repos Im looking at/using are using es6 extensively, haha its really forcing me to learn this stuff, which is awesome.
it's also frequently found in half-assed languages like Groovy
@copy vanilla Python comes with most the goodies I need to automate my stuff, if I was automating deploys I'd consider Chef or Puppet and all that
The react community seems enlightened as hell honestly.
@Loktar :D
babel ftw
yeah I'm using that as well
@BenjaminGruenbaum explain me
ES6 is my jam
How often is the perf of producing strings the limiting factor?
@towc please don't make me send you a lmgify link.
Everyone here needs to learn ES6, or you'll get kicked out of the cool kids club
erm, the kool kids klub
no relation to the other kkk
I'm actually learning ES7 now.
@NickDugger the knights of kupa keep?
Just kidding, I've been doing ML (not the language) all week - was fun.
Yeah... that one
Who wants to see the pretty picture?
I'm on es8, brah
@Retsam with immutable strings? All the damn time.
get on my es level
@BenjaminGruenbaum psh, I'm on ES2017
^ My week, basically.
@ssube Doubtful. If you're producing strings, the performance cost of producing the strings is probably pretty negligible against the cost of the IO to actually use those strings.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Cool, are you looking for something specific?
@copy Well, I'm looking for the reason.
@Retsam Turning complicated templates into the final strings thrashes the hell out of malloc.
and the longer the string gets, the worse it is, and none of this seems to use realloc
so yeah, rendering templates can get real slow
@copy As in, someone put a buy rating on a stock - we at TipRanks already know that but I want to know why they put the rating. This project is like 80% Python btw. (Actually in the above image steps there is Scala, Java, C# and Python)
nltk and numpy do the heavy lifting.
Ah, nice
I've done ML at work too, but I probably can't say any details
Why not just one language?
/half serious
Also all Python
yeah, C++ can do all of that
@copy one cool thing that has to do with malware analysis that a friend of mine is working on with ML is a decompiler from different forms of assembly - lots of CPU architectures have a compiler but only the big ones have decent decompilers.
Hand writing a decompiler is very expensive especially since a lot of these CPU architectures are very poorly documented - Having a compiler means almost infinite training data to play with.
@NickDugger because the tooling and libraries we're using at each phase are worth it.
I find it odd, but if you can justify it, go for it
@copy it's for a project for either this guy or this guy
@BenjaminGruenbaum That's very cool.
That's what I told him - it's an excellent application of ML in my opinion.
In general, I'm sure reverse engineering is a field where ML can be applied to great extent.
I don't see how something complex as assembly or even C can be fit into a mathematical model though
And doesn't the result need to be exact?
C and assembly aren't even that big. There are plenty of models that can model them in practical depth.
Learning a C program isn't harder than learning a turing machine, although learning a single program is a lot easier than understanding the whole decompilation process.
There are a lot of reenforcment learning models that learn that sort of thing.
I've actually done clustering of CFGs, kind of similar
If the program is close enough to a state machine even an HMM can learn it - there are much more advanced models though.
@copy yeah, SCFGs can be a nice way to start.
He's using much much much more complex models though. I think it's mostly neural nets.
If they release something, ping me
I will, these papers take a while though

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