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Dang, that's a scientific burn if I've ever seen one
I prefer the old standby: "that's no moon, that's your mother"
@SterlingArcher Technically that's true for anything, but just a pedantic point
@SterlingArcher The umbra or the penumbra?
No it's spelled "umbrella"
Your mom is spelled "umbrella"
@SterlingArcher All burns are scientific, man.
Uranus is scientific
man.. react + react-router + PureRenderMixin is so damn fast
its insane.
if anyones interested or hasnt use it its pretty cool how react-router works
routes like /mainpage/somepartonpage, will only update <SomePartOnPage/>
so your view isn't tore down/rebuilt on route changes
I'm torn whether to correct your grammar or not.
At least wait until I can't edit it.
ok... go! :P
@Retsam you momma's middle name is "jupEater"
@Loktar Good sir, I believe my joke hast sailed over thine head.
I ain't got time fo that
@darkyen00 yours is "DickEater"
@Loktar I've been looking for that. I'll have to stick with crossroads.js for now since Idon't have time to switch, but I might laters
/me gets back to work :p
@darkyen00 joking ofc.
couldn't pass it up
@Loktar "poopeater?"
@Loktar Yeah, well, neither could she
@KendallFrey yes kendall we all know about your mom.
even something so small can be a wonder to behold.
@Loktar stop talking about your penis
@Luggage heh I know that feeling.. Im working on a medium sized app.. just started this week.. deadline end of March
@darkyen00 Stop talking about your fantasy
hoping everything I've chose was a good choice
//in b4 we get flagged : dear flagger sir, we are good friends
I've chosen not to correct your grammar this time
@KendallFrey yeah sorry i was moaning loktar last night when i was up your ass.
We're not that good friends
we don't have to friends.
@darkyen00 you can't have a noun as the right hand operand in an infinitive, thankyouverymuch.
React Native is touching too
@darkyen00 rofl
bro do you even friend
I odd and prime friend
It's important to have friends. What else are you going to lift?
yes my english sucks
but it sucks less then kendall :3 when left free
sucks what?
// i saw kendall incoming.
what are the rules on kickbanning ROs?
i.e., can I kick @SecondRikudo for lying?
My first assumption is don't lol
Honesty finally
Thanks for sharing @SecondRikudo I appreciate the honesty
Yeah, Benji grabbed my laptop
today during the briefing , one girl colleague was moaning about not knowing event binding in jquery.
So anything he said in my name, is true for him.
It's true I love jQuery can never get enough
@BenjaminGruenbaum :x
don't be jQuery stereotype.
jQuery and its followers have their rights to practise
their code.
I just got some really bad family news :( i'll be back
@BenjaminGruenbaum did you really? lol
Q: JavaScript IF / ELSE error - expected an identifier

madhav nandan("Jon".length * 2 / (2+1) === ) { console.log("The answer makes sense!"); } else Complete the missing bits of code to construct the if / else statement. Make the condition evaluate to true. Finish the else statement by printing out the string "Error Error Error" to the console

^ i hate those questions
No effort. Just literally dump the question assuming you'll get an answer
and yet, it worked
@ssube Is the browserify solution still holding up for you?
@MLM seems like it. Got it running via CI earlier, and it seems to work just fine.
:) - Can you think there is a better way to explain why the more popular package solutions don't work without burdening the answer?
@MLM I don't know enough about streams to tell why it doesn't work, but I will be filing issues against those projects.
I think some of the issue comes from browserify itself
But I guess the other plugins should be robust enough to handle it
You're suggesting Javascript should have a robust, stable ecosystem?
meh, nobody ever accused it of being enterprise-ready
claiming JS is documented and stable would be like accusing apple of being a software company
why is it yeoman and not yoman :(
or yomama
@rlemon I just spent entirely too much time using that as an instrument
problem with my account - OVH calls me
problem with my account - GoDaddy locks it and makes me spend a bunch of time convincing them I'm me to unlock it
It's just a symptom of their circumstance
They're the bargain barrel isp
@Jhawins I'm getting two of mine pulled tomorrow >.<
Back to the dentist for me at 4. I had all 4 taken out Saturday
Had all 4 of mine pulled 7 years ago
oh you probably have useful information for me then
Was so loopy from pain killers
I'm not even taking tylenol. I feel fine.
so taking friday off is probably a good idea?
@SterlingArcher pixoritdidnthappen
@SterlingArcher 13 years ago, 9 hours of surgery. I was awake for all of it
But the first day I would take off lol
worst experience of my life
Mine took 20 minutes for all 4. I went all the way to sleep and was literally sleeping on their couch longer than I was in surgery.
Is anyone here good with collision detection? swept test?
@rlemon Do dentists suck in canada or did they just not know how to do it back then?
I watched a youtube
@Shmiddty all 4 were compacted
looks pretty simple
oooh. rough.
I had 3 impacted (soft tissue, no jaw conflicts)
1 just straight up pulled. @Shmiddty I was worried about it but if yours are anything like mine... Dude I still have 70% of the pain killers they gave me left over and I may have taken some for no good reason yesterday.. hehe
does this have to do anything with js?
But my mouth tastes like I imagine a colon does.
lol no I just am saying it's not so bad. Not saying I'm a hardass or good at dealing with pain I'm saying there just isn't any :)
when I had my surgery they gave me t4's - problem is codeine doesn't do shit for me
recovery was pain killer free :/
god how I can't stress enough how much that all sucked
Ughhhh. Sometimes human variation can be frustrating
I have no idea what to expect
my mom took me back and asked for demerol or something but they wouldn't give me anything stronger/different
@Shmiddty you're older, they are not compacted? you should be okay
What's compacted vs impacted?
@rlemon OVH is great, besides their network configuration
@ssube I've never had problems. well, that is a lie, I caused issues. they solved them :P
@Shmiddty idk. I may be using the wrong term.
mine were still under the bone, pretty well sideways
I know this is a php/sql question in the JS room but i am going to ask anyways so suck it.
Can anyone link me or briefly explain a method for filter searching an sql table using pdo in php?
they had to be broken in the jaw and pulled out in pieces
@rlemon it seems to be fairly common, but failovers using the same gateway as the primary IP mean the gw is outside of the subnet, which freaks out pfsense and most other routers
I was sleeping when they pulled my teeth. But mine was easy so I didn't need many painkillers
Oh. I think it's impacted. The top ones aren't impacted, as far as I can tell. I think the bottom ones are maybe soft tissue impaction or... I forget the term
Why are we talking about pulling teeth guys :( I am getting 7 pulled here in 4 days. You guys suck lol impending doom
I had to do a bunch of research to make sure the dentist wasn't trying to hoodwink me
yea mine were straight up under the bone. I got them removed probably 7-8 years too early. something something insurance.
@rlemon older == worse.... direct correlation..
@Jhawins that goes for everything but scotch
too young is also quite bad
@rlemon So it's actually better to let them erupt? That's interesting
You're less likely to get dry sockets too if they erupt
I don't know if it is better. but I do know in my situation the doctor urged us to wait
Mine were at an angle. I have trenches not really holes where they were.
but the surgery isn't cheap, and my mom didn't have insurance, and she was in the process of divorcing her husband who did.
My doc kept giving me shit for not having them done 3 years ago...
@Jhawins my bottom the holes were .. ugh .. not small. and didn't heal right away
my mouth tasted like sweaty ass for like 3 months
omg hi
Yeah they want 50% deposit here, doesn't matter what insurance or if you even have insurance. They quoted me $1,350 deposit. But mine were so simple it was only half that
@Murplyx hi!
@rlemon jesus 3 months I have to deal with this:(
@rlemon hoi
@Jhawins shit 3 years ago? im older than you lol
how do you send the same message to more than 1 client?
@Jhawins like I said, worst experience of my life. and I've had epididymitis
@Murplyx websockets!
Idk my old dentist, my new dentist (2 months) and my oral surgeon all said I should've had them out at 16. But that may be based on my specific situation. They have my xrays.
@rlemon that sounds like a greek king who probably has a movie about his capital city
my mom lost a bunch of teeth when she was younger. she never had to have hers pulled. they grew in and filled some gaps :P
@rlemon Did you use mouth wash?
@ssube google it. it is very common for men. chances are you will get it
@Shmiddty ofc. problem is I had open pits in the back of my jaw.
dragon breath times 10000
They told me no mouth wash for 3 days.
slideshare.net/spikebrehm/… and a buddy of mine at Yahoo would +1 exactly what I said. — cameronjroe 2 hours ago
they told me a lot of things :P
And I have a prescription mouth wash for after that. They said the alcohol in normal mouth wash would dissolve my blood clots and I would get dry socket.
And I have this syringe with a curved tip to stick inside the holes and "irrigate" them. It's kinda gross how much stuff comes out after I eat like mashed potatoes or something..
@Jhawins Yeah that's for the healing process. something about an important blood clot that must be protected
YEah dude you do NOT want dry sockets!
That's what I've heard
That's probably why @rlemon had such a bad time.
I hate this conversation lol
and I'll have to forgo smoking for a while
@HatterisMad I'm 4 days post-op! I hate this convo
I smoked my first cig last night.
@HatterisMad how old are you?
I smoked the next day.
@Jhawins bad.
@rlemon sounds shitty. Might have to get my balls removed.
@Jhawins im 4 days pre op lmao and i have 7 to pull not just 4.
@rlemon bad.
probably shouldn't have, but again, I had no pain killers
@Shmiddty 22
@ssube week laying in bed not able to close your legs or stand
@HatterisMad Pay attention. You'll probably find this information useful some day.
@Shmiddty They told me 48 hours. My other doc said 72. My old doc had said 24 to my brother. I waited ~90
dude it is rough
lol let's make a socket framework and call it drysocket.io
I still crave cigarettes all the time
@Shmiddty yeah i am making mental note. I have had two exposed nerves in my mouth for the past week. I have been having fun trying not to piss myself when eating. Last thing i want is for that to happen again.
anyone here have a good dark theme for the chat?
@HatterisMad Bahaha totally. I've been having to eat mostly soft foods only. Anything crunchy is far too risky
@rlemon there is a brightness feature on your monitor. Use it
My face was less swollen Saturday at noon (surgery was 7:45am) than it was Friday morning btw. So my experience probably has a lot to do with that. I was in a fuck ton of pain before the operation, the operation was so wonderful.
this is what i'm using now
as you can see it is shit
@rlemon get rid of the border boxes and it's not bad
Google play porn?
@HatterisMad I get ocular migraines caused by bright lights. white backgrounds add too them. If I wanna get work done I need a dark theme
@HatterisMad google music
!!youtube the baddest girl ptx
@Shmiddty there is a lot more wrong with it
it is a the SO main site plugin trying to work on chat
@rlemon that sucks man. You would hate how i used to have every monitor and tv i owned. 100% brightness all the time.
works well for main, not so much for chat
Lemme link to mine
@rlemon Yeah but that's the first thing I'd improve to make reading the conversation easier
most days I am okay. today I woke up with a killer migraine. now I'm sitting in a dark room with brigtness turned way down still looking for a dark theme
fork of Oliver's
Well that one-box is entirely too large
@KendallFrey just append to the head?
TIL I need Stylish :P
both based on the same code, with a few differences
@rlemon It's useful for more than just theming :)
Q: Using ".." in CSS selector

Clyde_BigsbyI ran across some code that looks like this: <a href="#" data-target=".. .. .. .class-name"> It is used to select that class, and feed data into it, but if I remove the dots, it can't find the class anymore to insert the data. Is this something the original developer built in? Or is this a sta...

ahh this is much better
thanks @KendallFrey
thank Oliver Salzburg
@SterlingArcher oh. my. god.
I can't handle this
@ssube looks like OP is dealing with code that reads that and does something too it
that question is impossible to answer without the js that deals with it
@Jhawins neither could she
@HatterisMad you now have me aware of how much my song titles when cut off look like porn titles
"beyond the veil ..."
@Shmiddty yes, is awesome
I don't even want to drink water because it tastes bad
@rlemon only thing i am good at is making something innocent into something not so innocent :P
I've been using it for like 93 seconds now
@rlemon songs.map(it => `${it.title}, if you know what I mean...`)
Much better
@rlemon It's exactly what I've always wanted.
But the config UI could use some work
I love sites that use blurring or popups to hide content you aren't allowed to access
This is where Stylish really comes in handy
@rlemon uhh I couldn't think of a genuine way to share this but someone should see it.. rs2img.memecdn.com/wisdom-tooth_fb_2618867.jpg
There is more than 1 joke there lol
@KendallFrey is someone maintaining this
or should I just fix it for myself and not share :P
So stylish doesn't appear to support css preprocessors :(
@KendallFrey snowing there?
starting to really come down here

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