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@SomeGuy lol @ your fb comment
This has been the most dreadful math that I've done in programming thus far, and it's not even much... I'm so bad at math. github.com/ndugger/HeliArena/blob/master/src/…
@Loktar ping him and ask him if he knows people from WhatsAPP - they're using bluebird for promises and we want to get their feedback :P
doesn't Facebook own them now?
Having a bit of trouble with what I thought was a simple CSS issue: http://goo.gl/rrnue4

The third slide is taller than the others so it stretches out the page vertically. If the image is taller, it should reduce in width until it fits the window. Can someone help me out? (You can drag the slides with your mouse to move to the next one.)
Shoot. Sorry, thought I was in the CSS room.
@J82 just check the image dimensions, and if it's taller than it is wide, set the height instead of the width
@NickDugger Is there some way I can have it adjust automatically?
Well, if you only want to support chrome, you can use max-* on images
but otherwise, you should do it in javascript, by detecting the image dimensions, after it loads, of course
posted on February 03, 2015

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} This is the dorkiest shirt we will ever do.

What's the proper way to search for the zipalign tool on my mac? I have no idea where my Android SDK was installed and I was thinking grep might help me
@JonSkeet is a god
> I used Logo on the BBC Micros at school. I enjoyed Logo, but we didn’t have a Logo interpreter for the Spectrum – so I decided to write one, with no understanding that this really wasn’t a project to be embarked on lightly. I was only 10 or 11 then, so I didn’t know any trigonometry – but the Spectrum manual explain the SIN and COS functions well enough that I could go from there. I ended up with a pretty respectable Logo interpretation, including variables, saving and loading programs etc.
How the fuck does "find" not find zipalign >.< I searched the whole computer and I have the build tools...
@FlorianMargaine what?
@FlorianMargaine lol nice
Does running the ChatBot only involves running the bookmarklet in the browser? for sure it's not that simple
bower install --config.interactive=false && gulp build doesn't work on azure, how can i put this into a postinstall.js script to run?
Q: Jon Skeet Facts

Bill the LizardI'm looking for Chuck Norris Facts style answers. In case anyone is curious, this question was inspired by Jon's own comment to this question. EDIT: If you're into cryptography, you may enjoy these facts. Now with official sanction from the powers that be!

@ircmaxell yeah, but this quote is real
@BenjaminGruenbaum can't find how to pass the new values to the next Observable
Ah, it's an interesting question :)
I got something like this:
function Observable (fn, values) {
    var next;
    return {
	map: map,
	resolve: resolve

    function map(cb) {
	next = Observable(fn);
	fn(function(value) {
	return next;

    function resolve(value) {
	if (next) next.resolve(value);
Also - a hard one :) I admit.
but it always passes the origin values...
and not sure how to go at it
You're creating map from the sane fn
Don't, instead keep a list of subscribers in an observable who subscribed to it (for example via .map and pass them next calls.
I think a good preparation exercise is to implement a much weaker version of promise - something that has a then and waits for the inner promise to resolve but doesn't have foreign assimilation throw safety or rejections.
like this?
function Promise() {}

Promise.prototype = {
    constructor: Promise,

    promise: function() {
        var that = this;

        return {
            then: function(callback) {
                that.callback = callback;

    resolve: function(data) {
var p = MyPromise(function(resolve){
p.then(function(val){ // only takes one callback, no throw safety, no catch
    val; // same as value above
19 hours ago, by Jhawins
> my complaint: We aren't able to access our cPanel and can only intermittently access our databases with you. We also are having problems uploading files, every upload times out.
CS response: Sounds like you've hit the maximum number of simultaneous connections per IP address over FTP
@FlorianMargaine promise needs to take a resolver.
Today: "our network team resolved some issues with connectivity to your server"
Shootin in the dark
I can send you a short promise implementation if you think it'd help you with observables.
nah don't bother
let once = (fns, called) => // fns is an array of functions, called is undefined if first call
  fns.map(orig => function OnceBinded(){
    if(called) return; else called = true;
    return orig(...arguments);
export class Promise {
    Object.assign(this, {_handlers: [] , _state : State.Pending, _value: null});
    resolver(value => {
      if(this._state !== State.Pending) return;
      this.assume(value, false, (rej, value) => {
        this._changeState(rej ? State.Rejected : State.Fulfilled, value);
Can paste it here :P
like it helps
your code is unreadable
Then learn ES6 :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum ES6 isn't inherently unreadable
Are you mocking my code :P?
ES6 is my jam
But yea honestly that just looks fucked xD
it's not about es6, it's that you don't know the concept of whitespaces
To be fair I was kinda golfing, wanted to get 60 LoC and pass the whole test suite.
let value = (rejected? rejectHandler : fulfilledHandler)(this._value)
What's this?
The let?
No the syntax
it's a ternary
Yeah... That.
Yea ofc
But it's nasty :/
not really...
I think it looks fine
@BenjaminGruenbaum I can understand then :P
@Jhawins Set the value to be the correct handler applied to the value. That handler is the rejection handler if the promise is rejected and the fulfilment handler otherwise
That's what that line says and if you don't understand that you need to read The Good Parts again :P
I know, I can totes see what it does. It's just fugly
Dude you know I understand it haha
I've been around awhile ;P
I find it odd to not have a space before the question mark, but it makes sense to me to have it or not.
I don't think it's that fugly.
I'm very particular about my spacing
@NickDugger that's what I mean
I space, I just didn't want to space there because I thought it was nice it looked like asking a question
But @BenjaminGruenbaum doesn't do whitespace after if either :P
Nothing in that code is multiple things in a line or over 100 characters.
Or inside of ()
I don't do spaces inside of parens
if (true)
It's not really that bad actually
Ohf course, why would I? That space serves nothing - if I could I'd skip the ()s and space instead but I can't in JS for some odd reason.
@NickDugger I do with multiple conditions
@BenjaminGruenbaum I don't have a list of subscribers... do you mean the list of next calls, or the list of .map calls?
Just those missing spaces seem sooooo important hahaha
if (true || false) let foo = true ? 'bar' : 'wat';
Idk I like lots of spacing. Maybe it's because sometimes I have to show this guy my code who doesn't even know how to use stylesheets.
@FlorianMargaine whenever someone calls .map you add a new handler to the list of handlers (to call when next is called on this generator with the function applied to it) and return that observable - you "steal" the next from it (and the end) and store them since you now control it (rather than it controlling itself).
Look at how then is implemented above.
Generators are cool.
I've had some legitimate use cases
@BenjaminGruenbaum so you mean that .map returns this?
generators still evade me
but I'll understand them eventually
@FlorianMargaine no, it returns a new observable and stores its next in an array owned by this observable so it can call it - look at then in the example above
@NickDugger lol it's just like a loop that you call next on
Also @Jhawins those 60 lines of code pass over 800 A+ tests so theres that :P
@Jhawins Yeah, but why not jsut use a loop, then?
What's an A+ test
Don't worry, I'll get it eventually, and it will result in a facepalm
@NickDugger That's why I said I've had some use cases ;P
No they really aren't all that useful in every day coding I don't think. It's not like it will replace your loops
useful for async calls...
@Jhawins the Promises/A+ suite.

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