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@Jhawins Apparently they have fleshlights that can be controlled by someone over the internet.
@dystroy nono it's ok you can ask just link when you have it.
Hey guys, I have a question. What does it mean if my code runs fine if I run it directly within the console but it doesn't work when it's in my js function and the function is called? It only works in the console
If you remove the element of the current iteration, it won't iterate over the next element (makes sense, because the indices are moved)
@BenjaminGruenbaum OK, I'll do it
@Shmiddty hahaha I know it sounds coolish but I mean you're still just masturbating so
But if you're talking about something else, ignore me
@KalaJ What are you trying to mean? Node.js or client-side?
Teleportation will redefine the glory hole someday.
well I am using kendo grid on client-side
The code works perfectly if I copy and paste it into the console window
and run it
but if I don't copy and paste it and just call my js function, it skips that part in the code?
i'm not sure why?
@Shmiddty That stuff is crazy, I saw it on YouTube
Clearly it's the correct element when I run it in console :(
@KalaJ It depends. How did you run this Bootstrap based thing on console?
I am using firebug
@KalaJ Before asking inform yourself on the XY problem goo.gl/taIqf.
Q: Is it safe to delete elements in a set while iterating with for..of?

dystroyIs it specified that you can delete any element in an instance of Set while iterating using for..of and that you won't iterate more than once on an element you won't miss any other element (other than the ones you remove if you're not removing the current one) ? Bonus question : what's the g...

and while the page is loaded and a grid shows up, I copy and paste a jquery function that adds a tooltip to my grid inside the console window of firebug
when I copy and paste the code inside my console window, it properly adds the tooltip to my grid when I do a mouseover
@BenjaminGruenbaum it's a little unclear regarding my whole question (missing elements)
when I run the same code inside a js function on client side, it doesn't recognize the element I think and skips that part of the code
@KalaJ I give up, have work to do. Ask on SE.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I currently have a kid in arms and I try to cook... I'll check your answer later;..
ok thanks
!!afk kid
Haha a new battery from MSI for that laptop is only $40... So yeah that throws every complaint out the window. I can buy 5 if I want hahaha
@dystroy sure
@dystroy clarified
@BenjaminGruenbaum dystroy is afk: kid
I think you a bunch of you guys should come visit me in Denver
this summer
or we should get together somewheres
we should have a meetup.
mainly to be nerdy and drink beers and such
Nah, Denver it is, that's where I wanna move
Denver is pretty cool
I wanna be able to see mountains in the distance. I miss them, ever since I traveled to alaska
but I don't want alaska's cold lol
@NickDugger you'd love where I live
Do I have to learn French? lol
oui madame
I watched a movie last night about... Finland, I think. Well it was about Vikings and Ragnarok, but I think it was set in Finland?
'Sigurd Svendsen' sounds swedish
Norway is correct. The landscapes in the movie were quite striking
> Country: Norway
Language: Norwegian | Swedish
man, I'm so smart.
I'm actually just Norwegian, so I know this shit lol
Oh cool
I thought you were American for some reason
I'm not from Norway, I'm just norwegian...
My mother's parents were from Norway
my father's were from ireland
I'm irish and norwegian
but, I'm an American :(
oh ok
I want to learn norwegian and visit there, though
Here, review please:
A: Is it safe to delete elements in a set while iterating with for..of?

Benjamin GruenbaumYes, it is perfectly fine to add elements and remove elements to a set while iterating it. This use case was considered and is supported in ECMAScript 2015 (ES6). It will leave it in a consistent state. Intuitively: The set iteration algorithm basically looks something like this: Set position ...

Oh hey, that's pretty much me. 25% Norwegian, 25% Swedish, 25% Irish, 25%... American.
You could mention
21 mins ago, by copy
@dystroy For the record, it doesn't work with arrays
And Maps
Oh, it doesn't hmm lemme verify that. I vaguely return set iteration being ordered unlike map iteration.
Is it really ordered?
can anyone recommend any good dropdown menu, like extended version
RYO is a good one
@copy spec says it is, and that it should work.
Sets and maps iterate in insertion order, apparently.
That's interesting, and a bit weird
I think the more commonly used structure are unordered sets
@copy look - it's iterating entries by index people.mozilla.org/~jorendorff/…
And .set is specified to add it at the end of the list and delete sets it to empty rather than deletes it.
I agree it's really odd, I initially started writing iteration order is unspecified but the spec disagrees
In any case these structure are not very useful anyway
Use immutable.js
@BenjaminGruenbaum What's the easiest way to serialize a (javascript) Set?
@copy I love how you're telling me to do it :D
@Shmiddty JSON.stringify(Array.from(set)) ?
It know it sounded like that but wasn't supposed to
More like a public service announcement
Ah. Array.from. thanks
found and old book on my shelf.
doesn't look like it's even been opened
cd still in the back.
dat dreamweaver
Nice viagra in the shelf
Dreamweaver was my first code editor, for like 2 months, then I switched
one-a-day for men
one boner per day. No more, no less.
keeps the blood pumping
Have you met your boner quota?
not today
iBack - iMac that fits in backpack
tbh I stopped taking those. I now target the vitamins I know I'm deficient on
Would buy
which is why they got ditched to the shelf
Perhaps I should consider taking vitamins
I just hate swallowing pills in general
the actual act of taking the pill bothers my throat
@Shmiddty me too. I hate it.
lol Dreamweaver and @rlemon like Peanut Butter and Jelly
you know it
and a hint of my Transformers T
I would like to quickly note that Symbol is not yet supported in FF, as the consumer version is 35, whereas it requires 36. — Nick Dugger 47 secs ago
I loved dreamweaver in 2004 :D
Yeah I saw thanks for the comment
I loved DreamWeaver until I joined SO and got attacked for it
crowd mentality won
They had me use Dreamweaver in college for my design class, and I said, fuck this, and coded it, and I was the only one who got an A
@BenjaminGruenbaum I found out after using 6to5 and people were saying that my code wasn;t working for them in FF. It does in Dev Edition, though, because it's on a different update track
I never liked Dreamweaver because the devs before me used it to build all their rollover image shit :(
those built in DW snippets were the devil
what I came to realize is that DW is only 'good' if you neglect to use 90% of it. at that point why use it at all?
DW > notepad
there's that
True it has syntax highlighting
Notepad++ > DW
yeah and multiple Undo levels
I liked DW because it gave me tabs and a clean interface. Once I learned that those features were standard in IDE's, I quickly made the switch
And indentation
snippets NO
design mode NO
preview mode NO
syntax highlighting and FTP integration. YES
not that ^ NO
cat > all
It has a preview mode
that pissed me off too
the preview mode is so bad... lol
it never worked
Preview mode is nice on some editors
> here is what it might look like if we didn't have a crap browser integrated
Taco HTML was my first lol
lol pretty much @rlemon
Taco HTML lol wat?
I'm probably going to switch to Sublime text, personally
Lol its osx only
I used Homesite and Frontpage waaaaaay back
I use ST now exclusively
still better than some people I knew who used Word :?
MS Freaking Word.. save as, .html
truth be told. MSDOS editor was my first, Notepad was my second.
vim > sublime
maybe something else, but then I used DW for YEARS
Hey... I made a website in word once... Don't hate
@NickDugger dude.. the markup omw
it was impossible to use anything to debug it lol
@Loktar what I did was just move a bunch of images around, and it outputted the HTML with everything absolutely positioned... man... those were the days. lol
My boss literally formats shit in text edit and saves as html
yeah I had to "fix" some sites that did that
And then I have to make it real lol
@NickDugger they have a shim for that I think.
I was like well.. they used word, gotta start from scratch
@BenjaminGruenbaum Wouldn't surprise me
@copy I know, you know I hate native sets and maps and love ImmutableJS :D
@Loktar can't be worse than getting a 'program' built in MS Access
Nov 19 '14 at 12:50, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
Speaking of which @copy that's the collections library you should be using, completely forgot about that one.
Oh wait no my boss does InDesign -> paste to text edit > save as html
@rlemon at least those are debuggable to an extent
the markup word generated was unreadable
it was locked and I didn't have the password
had to hack around it
But text edit actually uses stylesheets thank god
<-- working in the gov you had to deal with ALOT of msaccess "applications"
or classic asp sites with msaccess as the backend
those went hand in hand it seemed lol
<-- learned how to program in msaccess
Gah, yoda conditions, underscore not lodash, coffeescript, callbacks not promises.... I swear this codebase was designed to be my Kryptonite
Jquery mobile "application" ftw
@Retsam not ready are you
@Retsam I could live with that, maybe
I'm sorry I'm just so sorry I'm using jquery mobile. Idk who to apologize to but I am sincerely sorry
I mean, yoda conditions in coffeescript? if 0 is _.size thing
@BenjaminGruenbaum And I did
The PHP people using note written in php made a really nice chat btw dev.kelunik.com/rooms/1
msaccess is a database sort of program right?
@SterlingArcher it's an atrocity
@SterlingArcher imagine excel meets mysql meets visual basic :D
MS Access is so abused. It's not even supposed to be for programming 'applications' lol
@SterlingArcher It's a database, database management interface, UI creator, and report creator in one, all tied together with VBA.
@NickDugger I made fucking games with it. Good games too.
Good lord
@KendallFrey Masochist
@NickDugger I didn't know better
The funnest game I ever made was in Access
I don't know how to make fun games :(
I've only made one game, but I made it in 18 hours, this past Saturday
KSP: Access edition
I remember the board game I made, that had like a giant switch block that switched on the screen coordinates of a control that represented the game piece.
It's super buggy, but everyone should play it and give me 5 stars nickdugger.com/heliarena (only works in Chrome, or FF Dev edition)
oh lawd it was terrible but it worked
WSAD to move, click to shoot
so advanced
so pro
@SterlingArcher go pro (source)
understand it's neat and all
but nice game
I ran out of time at the end
cancelAnimationFrame exists
I could have killed both loops... I was in such a rush, I didn;t think of it
It was also my first game, so of course it's buggy to shit
My first 'real' game has bugs. awesome ones too

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