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hmpfh 100% - 375px doesn't work eithr
isn't that just the equivalent of padding-right: 325px;?
no, it isn't
Doesn't seem like an unreasonable feature request though
The browser knows how many pixels 100% is and it knows what 650px is, so at least 100% - 650px should be reasonable
New specs for galaxy 6 got leaked
@KendallFrey link?
Apparently they want to use an aluminum chasis like the iphone :/
also o/
@rlemon nasa tv
also \o
I don't see it
click in the middle of all of the ads
Wait, what's going on with nasa?
SMAP launch
1 min ago, by rlemon
watch the real nasa tv
film anyone?
I love how the commentators look like they could be at a football game
Hi... is there a simple way to convert a string like "10:30am" into a number of the 24-hour format?
Webpage: "For more info, click here for IBM's qshell homepage." *clicks and leads to www.ibm.com/us/en* You might as well have dropped me to www.google.com for all the usefulness that did me
@ZeMoon depends on what you mean by easy
I am writing a script for this, but I think something obvious exists to do so
@ZeMoon show us your script
@towc easy?
actually, what's the unit for code complexness?
@towc Big O Notation?
@BartekBanachewicz If you're looking to have the browser calculate that on-the-fly, it's padding-left: calc(100% - 650px / 2). Not sure if it will actually work as I'm not all that familiar with calc
lines? Nah. Chars? Nah... amount of features used? Nah..
There exists a unit for code complexity?
@towc complexity? :-/
@towc cyclomatic complexity you mean?
@Neil don't think so... but I was wondering if there was one, what would it be
@towc There are lots
@towc javas
@KendallFrey seems reasonable
anyway, film suggestions?
anyone built a social network with firebase ?
Java - 1. programming language. 2. unit of measurement for code difficulty. Usage: "Man, that code was so hard to write.. must have been at least 3 javas!"
@SuperUberDuper I did. TwitBook+ but it was a huge failure
nice..oh how?
@Neil I thought 3 javas is more entropy than can fit in the planet
README files don't do much
@KendallFrey In fact he must have clearly been exagerating.. It must have been more like 0.8 javas ;)
Yeah, that's more reasonable
OVER 9000 JAVAS!!!!!
about half of what a '04 era PC could take
@towc Though joking aside, you're probably thinking cyclomatic complexity
Why are they launching the satellite in california? I thought Nasa was all about Cape Canaveral
Maybe they want a different launch window
Maybe the porkchop plots said so
Bet it took a while to ship everything there
how am I so interested in all of these random number checks
Return to center.. return to center..
PCS1 TO TSE PCM Switch NASA 2 confirm?
@Neil It always takes a while to ship stuff around
> issue
@KendallFrey I figured they assembled it near the launch pad in cape canaveral
Once assembled they can literally only move like one mile per hour
@Neil They would never ship an assembled rocket
They use trucks to ship the pieces just like normal people
They ship normal people?
And the abnormal people?
@rlemon They found it
I got scared there
@Neil They go IN the rocket
aw shit, hold
wait, how do they have a "planned hold"?
so.. 35 minutes to launch?
I... guess?
so we just got trolled by NASA?
I guess
Loose patch was probably the cause
As if I knew what that means
@Neil They said planned
Also, originally launch time was supposed to be 9:20
@KendallFrey As in, they planned to postpone the launch ??
I have no idea why
I'd hate to see what happens when an unplanned postponement occurs
Happens all the time
they just try again half an hour later, or wait until tomorrow
ive seen a 4 day postponment once, but as you say not rare
Well they call it a planned postponement when they don't launch when they expected
So unplanned must be very unplanned I presume
hi all, slightly off topic, but are html/js snippets working for anyone else?
Hi all
@Neil But they didn't expect to launch on time
@Deanna no
@KendallFrey Mind. Blown.
Q: Code Snippet execution window returns Server Error

probackpackerI discovered that executing the code snippet in one of my answers displays an error page. I get the same results in IE10, Chrome, and Chrome Canary. I also tried this in Meta StackOverflow on the code snippet sandbox page with the same results. Is this isolated to my computer or are others expe...

very Kerbal phrase
sod's law, the first time I try and use it, thanks
Question starts with
> I’m working as an application architect (front-end) at a big company (60 floor skyscraper building).
must be good, if 60 floors...
my favourite Kerbal concept is probably lithobraking.
If, when I hover over a DateTime in the Chrome console, it shows a valid date at the top and then, below, the proto member has a value of "Invalid Date", is that actually saying anything, or is that just noise? I seem to get the same behavior just building something like var myDate = new Date('2013-03-25').
@rlemon Thanks, no idea why that didn't appear when I searched meta for stacksnippets :|
@dystroy lol
@dystroy My favorite benefit: "less need for advanced developers (cheaper labor)"
Because if you write your own framework, you won't need advanced developers
@Neil benefit : there's a skycrapper for devs to jump from
@Neil Instead of developers who understand the language only, you need developers who understand the language and the framework!
@KendallFrey In fact
No programmer in the world being hired will know that framework... how could you think that's advantegous I have no idea
I worked for a shop that wrote it's own proprietary framework. had a framework team as well
make-work projects. didn't tighten workflow like they expected
We're writing our own framework
Not for utility but as a base for our next product
I'm gonna write jQuery 3 and become a millionaire
they wrote their own markup parsers and custom markup and shit
@KendallFrey Not saying it shouldn't be done, but certainly not to reduce the amount of "advanced" developers you'd need to hire
I'll call it, "jXtreme - for extreme jQuery copy/pasters"
@NickDugger Make it reverse compatible with jQuery + jQuery plugins
and IE6 compatible
Only thing library does is "var jXtreme = $"
class jXtreme extends jQuery
> proton flux
who doesn't love buzzwords
I heard youtube is finally switching to html5 video players and ditching adobe flash
It's about time
@Neil you can opt into html5 video right now... I've been using it for the past 2 years now... lol
@KendallFrey just heard it
@NickDugger I dont' have a youtube account
Did not know ._.
Had no idea video oneboxes appear as "â–º" under "other rooms you're in"
> Absolutely no brancuffs. No brancuffs.
class uwotm8 extends jQuery {
  constructor(wot) {
    this.ye = wot.ye;
  hookuindagabber() {
  get urmum() {
    return this.ye;
did she say engine eaters?
heaters maybe?
so 14 minutes before they cancel
I missed it, what was the problem?
another planned hold
in HTML / CSS / WebDesign, 45 secs ago, by TylerH
is NASA doing this launch alone? Who provided the rocket
@KendallFrey you know?
> Delta II is an American space launch system, originally designed and built by McDonnell Douglas
Wait... there's a launch today?
@NickDugger we've beent laking about little else for how long?!
I'm watching now
What's the mission?
space weapons!
big laser on the moon
@NickDugger SMAP
Some soil moisture thing
feed froze for me
I'm on ustream
yeah, still working for me on ustream
@NickDugger yeah
still working for me on nasa.gov
again my soul
refresh worked
damn my coworkers who got that melody stuck in my head
they're the scrubs
tomorrow I guess
told you they would cancel
they always do
safety is so annoying
Geez, I know. Just throw some TNT under that bad boy and let'er rip!
i'm checking [this](http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.ajax/) so if i type like this
url: "test.html",
data: "?id=12&user=mana"
}).done(function() {
Get data will get passed ?
@animaacija data is whatever you want to send to the server, it isn't "url"
how to type em'?
data: new array('add'=>'ddd') ?
It's already typed.. it's a string
url: "test.html",
data: {
    id: 12,
    user: 'mana'
method: 'GET'
}).done(function(resp) {
@DrogoNevets :*
@DrogoNevets ouh, and how to get response out of it?
@animaacija That depends entirely on your server
go read the API its all there
It would seem to me that you're requesting an html page from the server, which you can do, but it is a little odd..
@Neil agreed, but i wasn't goping to focus on that
nonono... i ask to the server
@DrogoNevets to my server.. i just need to process splitted php script
@animaacija With ajax, you always perform requests to the server. However if you don't want the server to spit out a web page, you need to make a service that gives you the data you need only
@Neil yes, i am aware ..
quick question is there way to give user the option to upload there own subtitles in <Video>
You probably mean to request a php page then? The php would return json or something like that
@Neil so i need to collect data in javascript and post them to server again and so forth.
Lame, I'm probably gonna miss tomorrow's launch... again. Fuckers choose stupid times
what time is tomorrow launch?
I closed the window already
4am pacific time, which is 6am here
If they launch it between 6-6:10, I can still see it
but they'll probably launch once I get in the car...
@Neil i could return echo and parse it here ... The php server will give the path to current process location to itself via browser (i need to split long process, and user will get progress message) is that cear?
@animaacija return JSON
you said it is all there - data: {
id: 12,
user: 'mana'
}, synthax was not mentioned there , as it would be selfKnowlage
@DrogoNevets ok , i i will, so, how to catch it here in browser to post back to server ?
@animaacija now get the server to return JSON too
well it is just to put json_encode($anyArray) ... suppose I've done it
contents: flag? return server response?
i still need to put returned json object into variable right ?
@DrogoNevets ouh sorry data option descr. was there
Chusha: Tiny DiC for JavaScript - Feedback please.
@Neil @BenjaminGruenbaum I was really tempted to name it "Prick" after our conversation earlier today
But decided to keep it not horrible :P
P.S. I know there still aren't any dist files. That's coming soon.
@SecondRikudo what does the 'static' keyword do? I was googling for it yesterday and couldn't find any docs that even said that it was a part of es6
is there a mathematical formula that tells you wether a number is an integer power of another one? log is not usable
@SecondRikudo well i did not find in manual how to get server returned data out? Please give an example
@NickDugger The equivalent of ClassName.method = function() ...
@NickDugger Makes it static, e.g. not on the prototype, but directly on the func
Why would you not want it on the prototype?
my only idea is to keep dividing the number by the base until the number you get is below or equal to 1: if 1 then it is a power, otherwise it isn't...
As opposed to ClassName.prototype.method = function() ...
what about it?
But alright, makes sense
@NickDugger Promise.promisifyAll()
makes sense
quick question is there way to upload a local files through a javascript and display the content?
Cool, didn't know we had the static keyword
It doesn't make sense to have to have an actual promise object to promisify, so it's done on the constructor :)
Yeah, makes sense
that static keyword is gonna help a lot. I was having a gap in understanding when creating a class that initiates everything. Now I don;t have to do foo = new Bar; foo.init;
Static is a fairly normal concept from OOP languages. You actually had to put in effort to create something like classes in JS, but the static counterpart is pretty much the bread and butter of JS concepts. I don't get how that gap got there?
@SecondRikudo That would be an awesome name :D
!!go or be lazy
@towc be lazy
@SecondRikudo I assume that the 2nd parameter passed to "share" is the name of the instance contained within MyObject ?
If I had done this.pluto = http; in MyObject, then to share I would do Chusha.share({random: 'object'}, 'pluto');
Chusha is a weird name
Definitely needs to be prick
@SecondRikudo how does your library handle constructors where only some parameters are injected?
It doesn't appear to, but taking an array or varargs to Chusha.get(ctor, args) and passing those into the ctor (after the injected params) seems simple enough.
@SecondRikudo Weird choice of words :D

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