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I strive to implement other people's ideas in shinier packages, but call them... my own
@ssube or simply another language. Which is what I said a few messages ago.
@BartekBanachewicz what's typescript?
just looking at a previous project and it uses a json feed to pass the ID? completely seperate to the array that is created
would this be the root i take?
oh look, this argument again
@FlorianMargaine apparently a typed annotation addition to JS in his opinion (which isn't far from the truth)
create a new function in the handler using a json feed ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum it's always the same argument yawn
it's 5pm already, don't expect too much
@BartekBanachewicz I'm going to write a movie script and call it "Bartek Banachewicz vs. The World"
@SterlingArcher holeee crap man
Me Against The World used to be my favorite song in high school
@BenjaminGruenbaum That doesn't sound anywhere near as fun as Scott Pilgrim. :(
those are awesome
Scott Pilgrim was a great movie.
^ (wow I agreed with @Retsam)
I don't want to read about this one kid who never actually changes but just gets wrapped in another function that slightly modifies the return value. :\
also, @BartekBanachewicz I'm not sure how build-to-js languages handle bitwise ops. If they just resort to js bitwise ops, then there is the 32-bits int coercion
Would be like a strobe light to an Suicide Silence song lol
@FlorianMargaine They almost always just use the builtins, especially TS (which hardly touches function bodies).
@FlorianMargaine They could produce build errors if you use bitwise operators on floats
@copy so completely forbidding it?
We actually ran into that the other day in a really dumb way, where some code did x|0 to force integer-ness, and some service bug generated Ids over 4 billion.
No, not on integers
yeah, sorry, what I meant.
@copy depends on the lang. TS doesn't differentiate (or my version doesn't).
Yeah, TS doesn't change JavaScript semantics too much
arrow functions with reasonable this tho... <3
its output is some of the closest-to-source I've seen of a transpiler
posted on January 28, 2015

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Fellow dorks! We're here to salvage your Valentine's Day! Featu

@SterlingArcher im getting a pair
2 days till I can buy laptop
when I get paid im going to back it
I may do the same when my tax return comes
Yup taxes lol
But you guys really want the laser headphones?
I have to pay taxes
please don't remind me
Haha yea I had to pay $71 last year :P
Broke the bank
I had to pay that times 10 plus some more
this year should be less though
/me hopes
@Jhawins yes
I got my $53 state return today lol
because lasers
I get $392 from Indiana and like $980 from the fed this year
People need to know how fast my music is @Jhawins
I wish they just had the lights
they have all this other stuff.. like extra buttons and shit
Fuckin like 300 of the Indiana is from the renter's deduction otherwise I get like $50
It should come with a t-shirt that reads "Plot Twist: Epilepsy" on it
@SterlingArcher from the engadget article, they just sort of fade in and out
Wait @SterlingArcher you already got a state refund? lol
8 days into tax season
I filed my taxes on the 15th
I filed on the 8th xD
lol dang
My federal isn't expected until Feb 20th
what's this tax return thing?
don't you just pay what you need to pay?
@FlorianMargaine No we overpay throughout the year and get the extra back
Counterintuitive but that's how most people do it.
It's easier than owing $10000 by april
The IRS has a withholding calculator and the years I used it I owed like $4 at the end instead of getting a refund.
Is it senseful to do nothing but sync data from the server ? Client handles everything ?
And then I get more money each paycheck
(The client has to run offline)
I'd rather get a nice refund every year.
@darkyen00 security
It's like forced savings
Until I spend it
@SterlingArcher but it means the government makes more work on the money than you
which I dont plan on this year
Our employer's handle our taxes for us (W2) and withhold everything as we get paid. @Loktar idk why he's fucked he must do something different
I get paid more
and on the side
my job holds taxes as well
@FlorianMargaine For this case I am just synchornizing messages across server and client
but I make money outside of work and my tax bracket is higher :/
do i need to do that still ? the client displays data depending on messages.
@FlorianMargaine yeah, but it's just easier
Ah yeah that's it
1099 or some shit?
@FlorianMargaine That's the point of taxes, isn't it?
google is a 1099 yea
@darkyen00 server has to validate everything the client does
and I get ad money from diff people during the year
lump sum of like 15k :/
@ssube Um okay then
@Retsam no. You can pay the govt at once at some time. Which means you keep your money all year and make it work.
so thats what like 3k in taxes right there
@darkyen00 never trust the client
My tax bracket increased this year, so I got taxed a lot harder than last year
@Loktar I'll take it
@ssube err currently its a client only app
Is it possible to have conditional logic like this in javascript: pastebin.com/CbYD2zFi
yeah I mean its nice during the year but I wont lie Im happy zombiegames.net is dying
I made like 26K this year (new high score!)
i thought it'd be cool to add in some sync awesomeness in one night.
tax time sucks because of it
So yeah my taxes are at least nice
@FlorianMargaine I had an economic teacher say the quickest way to get tax reform in the US would be to charge taxes all at once.
and my wife is a realtor so the same thing
Your wife is real?!
shes crazy real bruh
are your kids real too?
@SterlingArcher It's a foreign concept, I know
@SterlingArcher For tax purposes, yes.
wasn't it just a bunch of holograms when we saw them?
If the US government just delivered a bill for 1/4-1/3 of your yearly income at the end of the year, there'd be blood in the streets.
Holograms are getting out of control
@NathanJones you want if (x && y) { /* both are true */ } else { /* at least one is false */ }
no they are fake
I hear Hologram Tupac is selling Biggie Smalls t-shirts now 2 for $10
@SterlingArcher But honey, I thought that was you (even though it was obviously Tupac)
@ssube yes! XD
@SterlingArcher Have you checked HoloLens?
might work idk, my wife being stronger than me
@KendallFrey no but my sunglasses are polarized
Does that count?
@Loktar HAHAHA yeah I saw that shit on facebook I almost brought it up when he asked if she was real
@ssube well, the problem is a bit more complex than that. var2 is more like var1.some.object.key, so I want to make sure the object exists before I lookup its object values.
But scared
Apparently there's this holo headset for Windows 10 or something
@KendallFrey yea
I've heard mixed things on it
@NathanJones if (x && x.y && x.y.z) or use a dig function like gist.github.com/ssube/b4e1e827e14105313312
WHat was she lifting? 100lb?
people are saying dont believe the videos
it plays minecraft I think
@Jhawins I think 105
My girl doesn't even weigh that much
I'm not expecting much from the hololens, to be honest.
that was her 3rd though, have to do it 3 times for it to count I guess
yeah if you believe videos then you know that 9/11 is something organized by bush
@Loktar I just want to know what it will actually be, because the promo video was both ridiculous and vague
@KendallFrey AR glasses
@KendallFrey Ridiculous how?
almost full field of view though unlike Google Glass
@Loktar yeah, ok, but more specific
@KendallFrey Ever played the AR games on a 3DS?
People seem to think this is new...
^ (or psvita, or psp)
It's sweet!
there's been AR apps on phones for quite some time now, too
yeah just glitchy currently
I mean, it's new in the roughly same sense that VR is new with the Occulus Rift
tech needs to get better imo
Eh fuck the phone apps though
@ssube If x.y doesn't exist, won't you get an Uncaught TypeError?
AR = Augmented Reality?
The 3DS is also 3D so that's why I imagine it's a better comparison
@Retsam yeah VR with the rift though is more "right" than it ever has been
@SterlingArcher yis
@RoelvanUden Unless MS has been hiding tons of development over the past 10 years, they don't have the technology to do anything close to what the video did.
@NathanJones YoureBadError
@Loktar Right; the hololens could be AR done "right".
@KendallFrey Psh Nintendo did it why the fuck not
@NathanJones Not if you check each step along the way. It's ugly, which is why I like to wrap it in a function and call it like dig(x, "y.z.w"), but it works.
That statement holds no merit.
One downside of AR over VR is latency. I've never used AR, but I imagine 1ms of latency is noticeable.
@BartekBanachewicz well I already know that ;p
@KendallFrey actually a friend of mine works in a startup that does exactly this and Microsoft bought them a few months ago.
@ssube I'll use that dig function, then. Thanks.
Wait, I guess he works for Microsoft now.
You should go play with a 3DS.
@NathanJones First check x, then x.y, then x.y.z, etc.
@KendallFrey That's exactly what they did though; 7 years. Look up the reviews of the people that actually went into the bunker and tried the things you see in the video. They went in seriously doubting it too, and came out.. surprised, it worked.
Lemme dig up what the name of the company is.
@Retsam yeah the impressions of it weren't awesome though
@NathanJones It's not bullet-proof (and uses underscore/lodash how I wrote it), but it should work as a basis.
but its still early I guess
Those things suck ass but the AR is amazing especially considering it was release what like 3 years ago?
AR Corp LLC Ltd Technologies .com
copyright today
@Loktar played for a few hours. died twice. killed no one. punched a zombie and a wolf to death. 10/10 would run around in confusing group again.
Which reminds me, I'm doing a 24 hour game jam this saturday and am gonna make another lousy top-down zombie shooter game... I think... I might make it more interesting and make you a helicopter instead... not sure
took a while to find that
I wish there was a good minecraft/terraria clone that wasn't half-assed to pack in all sorts of weird features.
check that video out for Augmented reality of the future
By which I mean, I have tons of design docs for one but have never actually gotten it working.
Thanks to not having time to sit down in front of a computer.
@ssube I wish MC had done what KSP is doing. Add few, important, well-polished features.
@ssube there is an opensource minecraft clone
and there's my minicraft :P
@rlemon haha ikr
MC lately seems to be "add more content" not "add more gameplay"
@KendallFrey Yeah. I started with the idea to throw in the usual: space travel, vehicles, all that stupid shit.
Because MS wants to make back their investment
Then realized it would be way more interesting to set up an environment sim and throw people into it.
I want to compare x.y.z === 1. Should I have a separate if (x.y.z) {} and if(x.y.z === 1) {}, or once I've checked the variables before it, can I just do if(x.y.z === 1) {}
@NickDugger since long before MS
@NathanJones you should clearly separate nullable values from non-nullable ones
1.5 was the last "good" update (that I've played)
I dunno, if you read their updates, they added some gameplay with content, but I guess I see your point
I haven't played MC in years, because it's a shit game
why do games now have to be in perpetual development?
@Loktar MMOs ruined everything
@NickDugger MC is a great game
@BartekBanachewicz could you elaborate?
Agree to disagree
@ssube yeah at least Blizzard still does that right ish, by releasing expansions
@Loktar Because developers can't make a game interesting enough to keep people busy
I also feel like 2D gives you a lot more space to do interesting things with the mechanics, such as making simulated environments that people have to work with. 3D just has too much overhead.
@KendallFrey people are too adhd now
the video you showed me looked like borderlands type graphics
I don't want that in my AR
haha I do, I want the fully customizable walls
@NathanJones a function should state upfront whether it works with nullable values or not. If in doubt, most of the functions need actual values to work.
@rlemon I do, that'd be sweet. Fast cars, giant guns, and skinny girls with purple hair everywhere? That's my dream world.
if it needs actual values, the burden of checking should be outside of it
it's hard in JS because it's very limited in expressing stuff like "expectations"
@ssube my dream world is the floaty chairs from wall-e
or, hell, even "what the fuck does that function want from me"
So what's the general consensus here regarding TypeScript?
it solves the wrong "problem" with javascript?
You shouldn't care about the consensus. If it works for you, use it.
@BartekBanachewicz Same as Haskell, look in the documentation?
@DemCodeLines There isn't a consensus. It's interesting, useful for large codebases, more or less a lint tool (with some helpful ES6 features).
@copy you have to write the docs then
eh it seems more like a niche tool honestly
The compiler is also painfully slow, up until recent versions.
seen in .net shops
the only problem is that keeping this documentation accurate is a PITA
@BartekBanachewicz Write or generate, just like in Haskell
you have little to generate from in JS
TS in junction with VS is interesting. Otherwise, it's a bit shaky.
unless you mean comment annotations
in which case yeah, it's probably the best you can do in JS
which is still of course laughably bad
@Loktar We're far from a .Net shop (Java, in fact), but we use it on a few projects. Largely because I had to coordinate a half-dozen teams that hardly communicate and had to enforce not screwing up too bad.
Which also get type checked, by Closure Compiler at least
@rlemon I would tell you to get bigger dreams, but that's probably the biggest you can get. :P
@copy which is, somehow, even slower.
no, next level is yo mama
@copy does it check nullability?
We tried to use Closure on some projects, and builds were taking 45 minutes or longer.
@BartekBanachewicz Yes, but it gives up on some code
"too" dynamic code
@BenjaminGruenbaum so what's that
"Next generation stuff"
^ it never ends
what I will say is based on everything lately web components are for sure the future
@BenjaminGruenbaum that looks like it could maybe be soooooo good
like if angular hadn't been a design pattern circle jerk
So I have one questions for all you experts.
> one questions
Updated my pastebin...I'm still struggling with how to do this without duplicating the else code. pastebin.com/XGwA2upi
I'm in college, but I have started thinking about jobs after I graduate. Not too long ago, I learned that there are 2 ways to go about it. Contract (work on project, finish it, then leave) or Full-Time (ongoing). What do you guys do?
  get fullName(){
    return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`;
this is es6?
what's this syntax?
Because there are two ways var1 can be defined: as false or as an object with data that I need to check the value of
@DemCodeLines take what you can get :P
@FlorianMargaine string interp
@FlorianMargaine madness!
@Loktar You make it sound like there are no comp sci jobs out there
@ssube ah. Thanks
idk about "comp sci" jobs in particular, but there are pros and cons to contract vs fulltime
imo it ends up being a wash personally
@DemCodeLines the latter
contract jobs generally pay higher but many times you have to get your own insurance, and make sure to have a nice savings since they aren't forever
@DemCodeLines I prefer fulltime for the structure and investment in the project. Contracting can lead to writing throw-away code.
since you will just be getting out of college and wont have a lot of "real world" experience I bet you'll get offered more contract jobs
I want to go into the full-time area, but many people have told me to consider contract, since I will get to go to different places and check out different locations.
Aurelia looks like the good parts of knockout and angular with es6
@DemCodeLines it's more about job security, being part of a team, etc.
@DemCodeLines fill time isn't a life sentence or anything
"contract" means freelance
you could work at a fulltime place for a year or two and go somewhere else
@BenjaminGruenbaum yep, it looks pretty good
I like the name Aurelia as well
I like that you can just take this or this lib
it looks like symfony2
> everage the technology of the future but target today's Evergreen Browsers.
thats the only shitty thing
so I can't use it here even if we drop IE8 support
evergreen generally doesn't include IE9 or 8 or 10?
don't see why...
cant remember where IE starts to count
usually ie9 with es5-shim is perfectly fine
and since they use 6to5, dunno what would be wrong...
well not to say it wont work at all, but they don't support them directly it seems so id be on my own if I ran into issues
I've had a ton of issues with react and IE8
not react itself, but components others have made
even using es3ify
@Loktar Why are you supporting IE8?
@Loktar I see...
because apparently it brings in a lot of money from big corps :/
@DemCodeLines because he has a job
we might be dropping it really soon.. but that just means IE9 will be next on the list
@DemCodeLines it's huge in enterprise
nah honestly ie9 is fine
yeah IE9 isn't bad at all
it can work well with es5-shim, and the DOM API is fixed
We market largely to large businesses (5k+ employees) here, and I wanna say like 40% of our consumers use IE8 or 9.
I mean there are issues sure (mostly just missing nice to haves), but its way better
In more blue-collar companies, old IE is higher.
Q: How do I deal with nullable objects in JavaScript conditional statements

Nathan JonesI have a variable that can either be set to false or to an object x.y.z. I want to do something like this: if (var1) { if (var1.x.y.z === 1) { // do stuff } } else { // do something if var1 OR var1.x.y.z === 1 is false } I'm having trouble setting up this conditional statement with...

yeah I think the main missing thing from ie9 is css3 transitions
@FlorianMargaine well, never mind then.
Interestingly, Safari makes up single-digit percentages, and mobile Safari is almost entirely insignificant.
!!afk lunch
@FlorianMargaine yeah those are what I miss a lot in IE9
except for that... ie9 is fine
and classlists
but whatever, generally using some library anyway
@BenjaminGruenbaum Watching the video... I love that you're just writing a regular ES6 class, so you don't have to putz around with made up syntax. This looks really cool.
easily shimmable, I'd say
thing is, IE8 has non-shimmable stuff, which sucks
yeah like observables right?
force the companies to move to a newer browser.
Windows 10 will be free for upgrade, so upgrade
@Loktar that or getters/setters or Object.defineProperty
jQuery is in every fricking project here :(
@DemCodeLines impossible, they'll just switch to a different vendor
and thats fine if its just included and used for what it needs to be... but the applications are "Jquery applications"
... which basically boils down to Object.defineProperty not being shimmable
lol its generall jquery + 30 plugins + jqueryUI
selling websites means supporting IE8, not much you can do about that
^ yeah exactly
Microsoft should just push an update which breaks IE8
unless you're targeting smaller fish
no choice but to move up then
if you're sellings webapps though, not the same.
I've seen companies have chrome with just a single page open: the webapp
@DemCodeLines That won't help. Any decent company has a controlled update server, they just won't roll that update out.
@ssube stop supplying security updates. That should do it
You never leave your systems linked straight to MS/RH's update servers, especially not if they're prod systems or you have AD in place for GPOs.
it's GPO in english too?
good to know
@DemCodeLines No, it won't. If they aren't updating now, not pushing updates won't help.
@BenjaminGruenbaum you're a C# guy too?
I think I've had milk last longer than some JavaScript frameworks.
@FlorianMargaine Group Policy Objects? Yeah
@DemCodeLines Sure
@ssube cool. Used them at work (I used to be a sysadmin), and talking about stuff in english when you've always used french can be confusing. Glad to know I won't confuse anyone there
@Loktar LOL
@ssube Why the heck did they even build a product that only works in IE8? That's just taking patheticness to a whole new level.
@DemCodeLines shitty contractors
@Loktar s/shitty//
@DemCodeLines When people ask me to support IE8 I generally tell them it's either IE8 or mobile or pay three times the amount (because anyone sane would take 5 times the amount)
IE8 has 2% usage, mobile has 45%, take your pick.

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