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It's been a few minutes
What should I see on user2?
@rlemon tomska-so-mainstream :D
Whelp, I feel dumb...I was sent an email to transfer the repo.
1 hour later…
I try to do ajax request with $.get() I found out that if their is 404 error. the callback to activated. how can I know that their is 404 status code? thanks
nobody is here
For anyone who's wondering... I am not Nathan Jones. But still hacking JS occasionally. Fun to see several oldtimers are still hanging out here.
@SomeKittens how do you return to parent scope from a chain of functions in JS?
  $resource( base + 'locations').get().$promise.then(
        function(result) {
            angular.forEach(...pushing to an array here called parentNodes...);
            $scope.treeLocations = parentNodes;
That's what I'm doing and it works, but it seems noobish
  $resource( base + 'locations').get().$promise.then(
        function(result) {
            var arrResult = angular.forEach(
            	//push to parentNodes
            	return parentNodes;
            return arrResult;
maybe something more like that?
Why would you want to return?
Your first example is correct
I dunno, lol
$scope is available, so I guess it's not really necessary like you said
Currently, I store a CSRF token in window.csrfToken and inject it into any form, that is submitted. Now, I want to use ApplicationCache, but I don't know how I should store that token then, because it shouldn't get cached. Any good advice?
A solution I thought about was to exclude the actual page and only include all.min.js and all.min.css to ApplicationCache, because to really work, the app needs network access anyway.
Isn't the csrf token supposed to be unique to the request?
It's should be enough if it's unique to your session.
Do you really want to say "good enough" to OWASP vulnerability #2?
let's see, does this work?
screwing around with threejs
@SomeKittens Hm?
@IvoWetzel Yup
@SomeKittens No, session should be fine
Just really bound to the session, shouldn't work for other users
2 hours later…
In the context of constructing a birthday card, would it be creepy for a site to ask "Where are you?"
(i.e. wanting a return address)
Just ask for a return address?
@phenomnomnominal I'm trying to avoid making it feel like the user's filling out YET ANOTHER form
Do you get their email address?
Cause you could just set your address as the return, and only get in touch with them for a return address if you get it back?
email is the step after this one
@somekittens any way that you find to ask for an address is going to be creepy
@HatterisMad I'm not sure how I'd be able to send a birthday card on behalf of my user without an address.
Random website: "What is your address?"
Me: close window
Sorry. :(
That's how most people's probably feel
Thanks for the feedback, but it's a site that sends out birthday cards for you. It's going to need an address.
I just realized how poorly worded my sentence was
oh well, it's 10:16 PM
@SomeKittens Perhaps ask for a sending address at the very end? You'll have to get the client to fill out a form either way
@Firedrake969 Sending address is the penultimate step, with the final one being payment
ok, just warn me if I'm not making sense, sorry
You never mentioned that you would be sending the birthday card! That is quite a bit less creepy. Just go balls deep and ask for the address the card should be shipped to.
This birthday card thing makes me think some service like a... uhm..
how do I put it.. "Paypal for physical locations"? You know me and can send stuff to me, but don't know my address?
How is that even possible phenix?
It's a hypothetical
You know Paypal, merchants don't get your CC/bank accounts/etc information, but they can receive funds?
Yes but is it worth it? Because you are putting it in a third parties hands who have no promise or obligation to your money being your money
php is confusing the hell out of me currently lol
Happy Birth Day to whomsoever concerned.
taco shouldnt you be asleep?!
it's saturday
I'm researching angular directives
I've been trying to figuire them out the past two days for the project at work and not making much headway, so just reading as much as i can
what are you stuck on?
just made something awesome! codepen.io/MateiGCopot/pen/pvwwGq
trippy haha
@towc Nice! The blurry ones should be default
@HatterisMad angular directives
what about 'em?
i meant anything in particular. @taco do you just need a good example of how to play with them? Or are you just trying to remember them all haha
how to implement a treeview using ngResource API data
I started writing my own and have a top level parent node working, but am not sure how I should implement it past that
I'm fairly new to javascript so that doesnt help either
@SomeKittens I'm not really sure...
I don't know how to make it more clear that you can click the alpha toggler without adding more text...
@towc I agree that the other mode should be the default
It looks much cooler
okay then
Hey guys. I'm trying some code that I've stole from internet and it's working only with YQL which is useless for me. It returns me error for missing ";" but it doesn't tell me where. Check it out
url: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Aresak/project-cron/master/version.nfo",
// The name of the callback parameter, as specified by the YQL service
jsonp: "callback",
// Tell jQuery we're expecting JSONP
dataType: "jsonp",
// Tell YQL what we want and that we want JSON
data: {
q: "select title,abstract,url from search.news where query=\"cat\"",
format: "jsonp"
// Work with the response
success: function( response ) {
console.log( response ); // server response
The ; is missing on line 2 of the github url. Is it supposed to be here?
All jsonp validators are saying it's corrent
Guys. I was having a discussion with @Unihedro and he said that Socket.io(The Node.js plugin) does not use Websockets. Well, I receive this when connecting with the server:
So, I still disagree.
Does someone know the real answer?
@GabrielTomitsuka Why is the ping necessary?
@Unihedro I don't think it's actually necessary. I'm using verbose logs.
Here's the server link: painless.montreus.com:3030
Hi @All
(Rooms still weren't implemented - so, the Change Room button won't work)
i am searching for a solution and not yet got. so Would u plz help me on this?
@PRB Don't ask to ask just ask.
oops sorry
when dropdown is clicked have to show data in tabular format in drop down
@PRB <table> won't work, I assume?
posted image
@PRB Are you using IE3!?
@Unihedro OH THE PING
It's default config. I'll change that later.
@PRB Which software is that?
@GabrielTomitsuka ... YES THE PING
And thanks for yet another seemingly random ping, #distractionsunlimited
Sorry Uni(This time without pings)
It's ok.
@PRB Look forward to Twitter's Bootstrap. getbootstrap.com
Do you at least know how to Javascript?
Then, why don't you use a Bootstrap's dropdown and add a <table> element inside it?
i cant use any extra tool
@PRB Why?
Then develop your own. (Or copy from a GitHub repo)
@GabrielTomitsuka under licensing terms
@Unihedro Obviously. I am assuming he already knows all that.
@GabrielTomitsuka You assumed?
@PRB If you want me to develop a dropdown for you, you'll have to pay.
@Unihedro All professional developers know that you can't simply copy and paste code from somewhere and expect nothing to happen.
@GabrielTomitsuka Help vampires != professional developers
@Unihedro Yeah. We already had this conversation.
Fine, I'll do the Unihedron way
@PRB LAST ATTEMPT: You could host your own: semantic-ui.com/modules/dropdown.html
@PRB Have you ever heard about a handy tool called "Google"?
Wtf is going on in this room.
@GabrielTomitsuka do not share LMGIFY links here. They are rude.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Help vampire attack.
@GabrielTomitsuka don't care flag it don't be rude.
@PRB Stop it, make an effort. Also - do not use broken English here.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Okay.
@BenjaminGruenbaum And aolbonics
@GabrielTomitsuka-- No i never heard about Google. thanks for your important time spent here.
Morninig people
Mornin @PeeHaa :)
Did you guys see ES6 was postponed to 2017?
@PRB I didn't mean the literal way. I said you could simply Google that question.
@BenjaminGruenbaum For real? Why?
@BenjaminGruenbaum That's some 1337 stuff right there
@BenjaminGruenbaum Why???
@BenjaminGruenbaum lol
@PeeHaa :D
@GabrielTomitsuka-- we all use Google 1st then ask our queries in chatrooms :(
@PRB I tend to go to coworkers second
@monners I don't have coworkers so I tend to go the rubber ducky route often
@PeeHaa I use real rubber ducks for that
I use real ducks for that - they bite.
does anyone think that this is more enjoyable? codepen.io/MateiGCopot/pen/RNgZRx
@towc That would be an awesome spectrum analyizer
I meant, more enjoyable than this codepen.io/MateiGCopot/pen/pvwwGq
I prefer the second one
I think the first is better.
I prefer the first too :)
To each their own
That's what OP gets for asking a subjective question :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum That's the weirdest thing I will ever watch several hundred times.
@BenjaminGruenbaum STOPIT!
Thank you for bringing these into my life.
You're welcome :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum Seriously?
Yeah Crockford is like of known for his tantrums
!!afk family event thing
Crockford is kinda like the House of ES
LOL Rockford's jslint.com gave require() is not defined to my Node.js code
Full of wtf at the moment
I don't get it.
Someone probably hacked the iOS App Purchases for getting a paid account of my app.
There's a paid user(I receive notifications) that bought the 128GB storage plan, however in a week where my App Store proceeds were 0.
This month there were only 16GB storage plan buys found on iTunes Connect, unlike on my database.
That sucks. Sounds like you need to stop developing for ios
My loss after that is $7,99.
I'll contact iTunes.
(And change my EULA for allowing me to delete paid accounts that used hacks)
Why didn't I do this from the start?
Snow again!
Great :)
Yeah asshole snow
What do you guys think about Socket.io?
It's a nice framework. The best of its kind for any language afaik.
@RoelvanUden I'm using it on my chat.
By now, liked.
Didn't like the retrieve connected sockets functions.
It's still a whole lot better than any other 'realtime' framework.
Except using ws directly of course, for performance reasons it's unbeatable.
@RoelvanUden Does it reconnect automatically?
No, but it's probably a bad idea to go for ws for chat anyway.
You don't need insane performance there. For games etc, it's unbeatable.
SignalR is pretty nice
Ugh. I hate it. Really hate it. It isn't anywhere near as nice as SocketIO
Check how it currently is, if you want: painless.montreus.com:3030
@RoelvanUden why do you hate it?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Mainly because it is extremely unpredictable and has funky requirements. You don't really know what kind of transport is being used, nor what kind of client is connecting (e.g. using different ports for different kinds of clients, say, using the C# client doesn't go all port 80). You don't really know what thread things execute on, either. It's very annoying to work with due to that, in my opinion.
Who joined the Montreus Chat with ola username? LOL
I did
@SomeKittens Should I buy a chromebook ? I have a mac at office, i can ssh <if i really need power> so i really don't see a point in buying a heavy weight laptop
Hello robots
@Vader hi joke
I need some more help with code academy
Syntax Error, Word Expected
when I run the code on my local machine it works, on the website however it doesn't
@Vader Don't ask to ask, just ask
show us the code
@darkyen00 I am not asking to ask, I am explaining my problem first though
function Penguin(name) {
    this.name = name;
    this.numLegs = 2;
// create your Emperor class here and make it inherit from Penguin
function Emperor(name) {
    this.name = name;
    // this.numLegs = 2
Emperor.prototype = new Penguin();
// create an "emperor" object and print the number of legs it has
var emperor = new Emperor('Bill');
console.log(emperor.numLegs);  // doesn't seem to output anything
last line
I need some more help with code academy seemed so
oh wait i didn't see you basically do a new
@darkyen00 I was just introducing my problem, I will keep it shorter from no on
@darkyen00 it works in my IDE
lemme test
It will work
which browser are you testing it into ?
ahh, I refreshed it
it works now
This has never happened before
js corrupts itself
probably a bug
@Zirak i am in.
@Zirak That's fun
On 19/24
17 / 24
omg! I thought that in the prototype you could only put functions! Apparently any prototype works! This changes everything!
s/prototype (2nd)/property
and also object inheritance seems to much easier if the user just does Inheriting.prototype = Object.create(new ToGetInherited());
without all of that ToGetInherited.call(this, ....)!
@towc just wait till you see ES 6
@darkyen00 what's up with that?
give it a spin, no spoilers
@darkyen00 you mean ES2015
o/ They're renaming the spec
@phenomnomnominal huh? Linkies?
oh, since they plan on doing yearly
@phenomnomnominal cant they juust call it js ?
@darkyen00 other languages implement the spec.
This is a really fun game. You program an elevator play.elevatorsaga.com
@RoelvanUden I agree it's a bit magical at times and that sucks - and not composable enough. I'd love to see Rx gain SignalR abilities
@SomeGuy I need more JS knowledge before I can do that, the API looks fun though
@phenomnomnominal ECMAScript then ? Like how html did
why is JS OOP so radically different from python
its like JS is only mimicking OOP
Because it's a completely different language? Of course it's different.
@SomeGuy cute.
@Vader huh?
Inheritance is different, in python you can have inheritance when you create the child class. In JS you have to do it afterwards with prototype
I was just reading that very link :D
I agree that the constructor function way is retarded, but do know the underlying structure.
@Vader not really.
js "inheritance" is objects referring to other objects. If you knew how Python implements classes, you'd find some similarity.
It is however different than, say, Java
class Foo extends Bar {
    // JS
And then you have this in es6, which makes me a sadder person
maybe its just code academy that's doing it weird
@Zirak Python is actually surprisingly similar to JS here (like you said). Mainly in how you define properties for objects in the constructor.
Protip - you really don't need inheritance.
@BenjaminGruenbaum in JS or in general?
Inheritance solves a problem that does not exist in JS - you can get ad-hoc polymorphic dispatch in a language with dynamic typing.
without inheritance you could end up writing the same code often
@Vader Inheritance solves two things in languages that sport it - sharing code and sub-typing. For subtyping it's patently bad (look at what languages like Swift or Haskell let you do - so much better). For code sharing you can have mixins in JS but prototypical inheritance is great at that.
The correct way to look at JS inheritance is that it helps you share code and not structure.
Which makes you go "hmmm... I don't actually need it to share code in JS, I can just copy functions".
@Vader It's funny how people say these untrue things
If I only I knew more, I would understand what you are saying
@Zirak okay.
Object.assign(Foo.prototype, Bar.prototype); // Foo instances can do everything bar instances can but without inheritance
And I use the word "funny" quite wrongly
@BenjaminGruenbaum I didn't know about assign
@Zirak okay
Assign is ES6, most libraries contain a similar function and you can polyfill assign.
I am not sure if you are just mocking me
No, we're not.
okay then
He probably referred to me. You're golden, @BenjaminGruenbaum. Or something.
yes ^^
I just created two identical objects yet when I do === It evaluates to false
// this is an object
var fordFiesta = {
    year: 2003,
    color: "red",
    mpg: 23
console.log(typeof fordFiesta);  // object

// this is the exact same object
var fordFiesta2 = Object();

fordFiesta.year = 2003;
fordFiesta["color"] = "red";
fordFiesta.mpg = 23;

console.log(typeof fordFiesta2);  // object
console.log(fordFiesta === fordFiesta2);  // false
Q: How to determine equality for two JavaScript objects?

Brian ReindelA strict equality operator will tell you if two object types are equal. However, is there a way to tell if two objects are equal, much like the hash code value in Java? Stack Overflow question Is there any kind of hashCode function in JavaScript? is similar to this question, but requires a more ...

so I have to install lodash if I want to check, wow
A: How to determine equality for two JavaScript objects?

CoolAJ86Why reinvent the wheel? Give Lodash a try. It has a number of must-have functions such as isEqual(). _.isEqual(object, other); It will brute force check each key value - just like the other examples on this page - using ECMAScript 5 and native optimizations if they're available in the browser....

the highest voted answer
@Vader no it's not those are two different objects.
Too bad you can't see how lodash is implemented
Or rethink your definition of equality and make your own function
@BenjaminGruenbaum how so? the both have the same properties?
@Vader so what? They're two different objects. Objects are not numbers - there is only one "2" but several objects like {x:2} - namely because objects are mutable and contain inner state.
fml, I tried to see if esdiscuss has any plans for structural equality and all I could find are my messages :D
In es7 you'd have value types that have === that does structural equality. Until than userland solutions are the only option
Hi guys. I'm getting "too much recursion" in div init here:
this.isExist = function(name) {
        var div = this.frame.document.getElementById(name);
        if(div !== null && typeof(div) !== "undefined")
                return div.textContent;
        else {
            return 0;
            console.warn("ProjectCron: Div named " + name + " doesn't exist on page: " + window.location.href);
the way I created fordFiesta is literal notation right?
!!w or m
@darkyen00 m
!!w tomorrow ?
@darkyen00 That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: d
!!should i work on w tommorow ?
@darkyen00 All signs point to no
!!should i work on w atall ?
@darkyen00 Not a chance
@TomášAresakMalčánek what are you trying to do anyway?
You have a syntax error - for one thing..
(You log after you return)
Also typeof is an operator
It's script that checking if are elements on the page
Not a function, what are you doing anyway?
Then why isn't it returning a boolean 0_o?
this.isExist = function(name) { return this.frame.getElById(name) != hull; }
Because I want to know text of that element if it does exist
Or better, just call getElementById - it returns a falsey value when it doesn't find the element anyway.
@BenjaminGruenbaum hull?
@SecondRikudo null
@BenjaminGruenbaum pull?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I did the != null only. But then it results TypeError: div is undefined that's why I used typeof before
@darkyen00 gull.
Then you did it incorrectly and should probably read a JS tutorial about how variables work. Your TypeError indicates that you did div.something - otherwise it'd just be undefined.
(since it was no a reference error)
You win
I just now understood that cyanide and happiness joke..... wooooow
@HatterisMad congratulations
@darkyen00 don't mock! everyone has their slow days lol
The illuminati are now preparing to knock your door !
I am not mocking !
I was just talking !
Not even stalking !
You are done now sir
@HatterisMad you = you
don't know where you are trying to take that lol
I hate Firefox -.-
Why is there no mouseup event for right clicks -.-
@IvoWetzel hi there after aww so long
and afaik there is but u gotta disable the behaviour of mousedown on right click
@darkyen00 hey there, yes it's been quite a while :) Sadly, that rascal of a Fox doesn't even fire a mousedown to begin with because it much more likes it's contextmenu event to take priority...
thats weird
when creating a new object using a constructor should I use new?
@IvoWetzel kill thecontextmenu with fire ?
for some reason my IDE is telling me no
just google the warning?
@Vader what is your ide ?
@darkyen00 already did that and intercepting it to at least get a "mousedown"
but it never fires the up, so yay, panning the map isn't working very well in Firefox because you just get stuck in pan mode -.-
erm thats pretty rebelous to not fire a mouseup
it just says "Object instantiation can be simplified" when I take the new out it goes away.
As in new Object() vs {} ?
@IvoWetzel mouse tap and drag ... is there any chance its firing the drag event ? and then going to drag mode instead ?
@Jonathan as in var x = Object() vs var x = new Object()
Ok, rewrite that to: var x = {};
@darkyen00 It's an RTS, so "dragging" with the left button is already used for selecting stuff
but that's not a constructor
It annoys the hell out of me that we still can't get 1990 RTS controls right in a modern browser -.-
"Oh look we have all that fancy WebGL stuff" - Yeah go fuck you, I'd rather have decent input
@IvoWetzel :-(
@Jonathan thanks for the link, I was looking for this but didn't know what to search for

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