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Yeah, the DOM can be really reduced by reworking those tables, removing redundant elements and de-generifying it to not generate 30K comment nodes :D
And remember that reducing this to 50 elements reduces to 5000 elements... Try having all the content in a single div. So you keep all the angular watchers. See if there's still the slow down. If there isn't, you know what to do to solve the perf issue
A single row is 133 LoC of beautified HTML
@FlorianMargaine I count 23 elements per row
Yeah, around 60 elements :D
@Mosho how do you get from 3000 to 9000 then?
document.querySelectorAll('.stock-data-experts *') ~= 6100
document.querySelectorAll('.stock-data-experts tr') ~= 270
@BenjaminGruenbaum I can do all that switching logic in JS
but I would prefer to know it'll speed it up in advance :P
I can also have no switching at all and just assume I know what's going to be where
Yeah, or that.
@Mosho to know that,
> Try having all the content in a single div. So you keep all the angular watchers. See if there's still the slow down. If there isn't, you know what to do to solve the perf issue
I can just call $compile(element.html())(scope) and see how long that takes I think
good night
Also heading out
can someone tell me why my simple "hello world" script won't print?
i get no errors in console
If you're using controller as use controller as, otherwise use scope
why can't i use it without the controlleras syntax?
Designer: Yeah, it's mobile-first
Me: Great, so where are the mobile designs?
Designer: Oh, they're not done yet, but you can get started on the desktop designs
@BenjaminGruenbaum now be nice
RTFM and stop complaining :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum :(
@redshift Don't be sad.
im gonna go slit my wrists
@monners classic.
@redshift that's not funny.
but first i need to play a round of warcraft
buuutt...hold up, another newbie question is coming shortly...so brace yourselves
or bracket yourselves
Whatever Canada.
@monners Obviously zero-indexed.
@SomeKittens I don't get it
@monners Mobile-first, Desktop-zeroth.
var designs = ['not-mobile', 'mobile'];
Ho ho ho
@SomeKittens Joke's on you, "first" actually refers to index 0
@KendallFrey In Canadian math, maybe.
Big words from someone from a country that's still not using the metric system
@SomeKittens Well, American math isn't exactly world-renowned
5280 feet in a mile, indeed
/me sits back with some popcorn and watches
The #1 thing the US ranks higher than the rest of the world in: Believing they rank higher than the rest of the world.
@KendallFrey /me sits back with some porn and watches (source)
I approve of that message
Welp, off to play hockey
There are two types of countries in the world. Those who haven't landed a man on the moon, and MERCUH.
Also prison rates or something :D
MERCUH hasn't played KSP
Elon Musk has
@SomeKittens /me sits back with some copporn and watches (source)
!!s/cop/midget /
@phenomnomnominal @SomeKittens /me sits back with some midget porn and watches (source) (source)
People in this room who understand promises
Find 5 incorrect things in this article: blog.500tech.com/really-you-can-do-that-with-promises
Go, this is a challenge, I'm at 7 so it's doable :D
What are your 7?
Hmm, I only found a couple.
Haha that is hilarious
function preloadImages(images) {
  var deferred = $q.defer();
  var finished = 0;
  var total = images.length;
  images.forEach(function(image) {
    preloadImage(image).finally(function() {
      deferred.notify(finished / total);
      if (finished === total) {
  return deferred.promise;
Still lol'ing about that.
Remember that nifty $.all function you were misusing in task #2?
function preloadImages(images, progress){
    return $q.all(images.map(function(image){
          return preloadImage(image).finally(progress);
@Retsam when you had a duplicate key :D
Does $.all even take an object as an argument?
It does at the moment yeah, it duals .all and .props
IIRC so does Q's .all
Huh; I've only used Bluebird really, so that threw me for a loop.
Yeah, Bluebird acts like native ES6 promises since it is newer and more modern
Fixed, neat ^^
Did he just delete half of them?
let preloadImages = (images, progress) => $q.all(images.map(preloadImage).map(i => i.finally(progress)));
ES6 is so much nicer than ES5 -_-
TIL $watchCollection watches one level deep
@BenjaminGruenbaum such Coffee, much wow.
@phenomnomnominal it's not even CS :D
Well, CS would be even shorter so there's that
@BenjaminGruenbaum what are the real advantages of let?
Sorry let me reword that.
What does it do that you can't do with var. I understand the block scoping stuff, so is it mainly just about clarity of intent?
Nothing really, it's one of the most useless features in ES6 IMO
It's just marginally better than var. So I default to using it when writing ES6 code.
yeah seems that way
It doesn't solve anything real for me, stuff like multiple declarations and closure loop issues are caught by linters and editors anyway.
I love the destructuring in ES6 so powerful though.
the last point of this surprised me
destructuring is fantastic
That post is just fud
Of course, but breaking typeof seems like a big deal?
I guess it's already pretty fucked.
The problem with typeof is that people use it for undeclared variables. That's the actual problem imo.
If you're checking if typeof something is undefined you're doing something wrong most of the time.
I honestly can't thing of a legitimate typeof usecase :/
Yeah I can't think of ever personally using it
I used it a lot when I was a noob at JS and didn't understand the difference between definition, declaration and instantiation.
Used to have stuff like the classics:
typeof x.y === "undefined"
typeof x === "undefined" // x is a function parameter
!!> typeof foo.bar
@BenjaminGruenbaum "ReferenceError: foo is not defined"
^Well what do you know @phenomnomnominal , I guess typeof throws today :P
Haha yeah
I got rid of bower completely and I can't understand why I ever thought it was a good idea.
Shitty ES6 stuff: no value types, maps are unusable, sets are unusable, "let" is pointless, symbols are complex - sorta, realms are super uninteresting.
don't forget classes
@phenomnomnominal I only used bower when using generators that include it. I honestly just don't have a rich enough stack to justify a package manager for the frontend :P
@phenomnomnominal what's wrong with classes? They're pretty similar to CoffeeScript classes, they're just sugar over prototypical inheritance.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I feel like the solution is // package.json "front-end-dependencies": { ... }
Oh that's definitely better than bower
And I think the problem with classes is that people won't understand that it's prototypical inheritance. I just think it's hiding something that is fundamentally different about JS with a disguise that makes it look like other languages. I think issues will come from that.
@phenomnomnominal why? I don't recall having issues with that using CoffeeScript - the major difference between JS classes and classes in languages like Java - which is what I wish someone had actually told me 3-4 years ago is where fields sit.
@BenjaminGruenbaum you're not the typical user haha
In JS you define the fields in the constructor where in other languages they're a part of the class definition. In Python they make it very clear but every JS tutorial seems to praise how flexible prototypical inheritance is to no end or some BS like that.
Yeah and I don't think class will magically clear that up
No, but saying "JS doesn't have classes" where in fact it does doesn't help in ES5 either :D
In practice people build objects from cookie-cutters just like in Java - they have a constructor they call with "new" (or they have a function that returns a similar type of object).
Being prototype based is cute, but when people talk about classes they mean two things - data and functionality and prototypical inheritance is about the latter.
Agreed. I think trying to force the the former onto JS will trip people up
People still end up doing Base.call(this) although in JS's defence it solves a lot of issues classes have in languages like Java with monkey patching capabilities on (like making something an event emitter)
Do you know if window.print is cross-browser?
Since IE5.5 IIRC
Sorry, my bad - IE4
Wonder what happens on phones
@winresh24 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
can i ask?
about js
cause my js is conflict :(
No sorry, we are currently not accepting new questions. Please try again in 30 minutes.
Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
ok thanks
i just post my code
$(function() {
$(' #da-thumbs > li ').each( function() { $(this).hoverdir(); } );
that one is conflict to the other js
Please press the up key to edit your post, then hit ctrl+k to format it
you can take a look when you are free :)
I'm paid-for!
lol :(
So what's the problem?
You didn't ask a question.
that code is causing an error
What's "the other js"?
Can I see your HTML?
ok wait
inb4 400 LoC
<ul id="da-thumbs" class="da-thumbs">
<li class="col-xs-3 img-hover wow fadeInUp" data-wow-duration="2s" data-wow-delay=".1s">
<a data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal">
<img src="images/01.jpg" />
<div class="#"><span>Ace Logistics
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur</p>

<li class="col-xs-3 img-hover wow fadeInUp" data-wow-duration="2s" data-wow-delay=".2s">
<a data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal2">
<img src="images/05.jpg" />

<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur</p>
And your script tags?
such thumbs
many hover
such data very wow
thats a plugin of direction hover
very bootstrap
much lorem ipsum
many plugin
much conflict
such jQuery
yep :(
very $
so bling
sorry im just a newbie
{ I've already braced my text for that }
{ It's fine }
touch.js ?
Are you able to use jquery find() with a data attribute?
i.e. $(".foo").find("a[data-id='bar']").addClass("foobar");
I thought you could but for some reason its not working :/
because you set the data-id through jQuery's .data
It does it virtually because it's stupid. You shouldn't use data-id in the first place
I encountered this at work earlier, I had an anchor with data-action
Stop and think for a second - you're querying your presentation layer, just keep a reference to the element instead you held it at one point to add the data-id anyway.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Sorry I do not follow
Q: FB.getLoginStatus is not returning correct status when third party cookies are disabled in chrome

RashmiWe are getting very strange issue , in case if we disable third party cookies, our observation is for loggedin user Facebook FB.getLoginStatus API returns wrong status as "unknown" i.e. "not logged in" status however when our user clicks on FB login button the API for login ( FB.login) is invoked...

I have the same exact problem as that question, with a little more details. Should I edit that question and add details, respond with more details, or start my own question with more details?
mass-ping people who work for facebook
great idea
I'll outsource and pay some people from India to do it, so I don't tarnish my reputation.
What a great service they provide :)
Does any one know why my console log in chrome keeps saying "admin" on the first line
it doesn't reference where its coming from either
well... I guess that's an old issue I rediscovered.
idk why I was having such a hard time finding the answer :/
1 hour later…
@Zirak I definitely sometimes feel that stories take a happy ending "just because", when a more melancholy ending might have been more fitting, but I actually thought S;G had one of the better executed endings. It didn't feel undeserved since they had to basically cheat the laws of time that the show had established to do so, and I liked how it tied back to the first episode.
Does anyone know how I can fire a touchend event with jquery?
an actual event, or just trigger the listener?
well, I'm developing a phonegap app, and I want a function to trigger on button touchend
i was using onclick, but the 300ms delay is looking laggy
do you guys know of any super simple pure javascript lightboxes for image galleries? I found this but i feel like the javascript code may be too long and unnessasary? file:///Users/Ken/Downloads/jsOnlyLightbox-master/index.html
@kenhimself we can't see it
oh crap sorry
for the lightbox, I would only want a "next" and "Previous" text, and have the image responsive
like, super simple
and I would like to do this with pure javascript
actually you can do it with just css
multiple images and stuff?
@towc show me your ways, wizard
yeah, it's a bit complicated, but you could
thats what I'm doing it for
just google css lightbox
I did, but for a website that has a lot of images, do you still recommend I use css or should I use javascripot?
I'm looking for a solution that'll have fade effect, too.
what do you think @towc ?
@kenhimself just use css transitions
I have to go now, sorry. Just try using google a bit more, it almost always has your answers
in html page i have this code
$("#wtf").html("Selected date: " + cal.currentDate);
it prints the selected date

then i added a function

function getStringToMyAndroid()
var date = cal.currentDate;
return date;

This will return the date value..

now how can i use this in my MainActivity.java file
in android eclipse
@PrathibhaKirthi Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
thanks @towc ! you rok
thanks :) @towc
can i ask some help here
!!welcome jemz
@jemz Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@jemz Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I have form with 2 actions donwload and view.the picture successfully converted and save this to the directory name convertedpic.
how do i put my image in iframe if i click the view btton ?
example if i click the view button of mypic.jpg,this image will load to iframe or pop-ups
2 hours later…
Multiple mornings? What is this? Crazyville???
by brain swapped around butt and pic, so I read "if click the view pic of my butt.jpg"
> Nvidia's Cg lang is just based on the syntax of C, but it is an entirely different thing.
How could you say it is an entirely different thing? Isn't the syntax that defines a language?
do you guys know any tool ?
I want to see grid on the screen
like transparent grid
I mean pixel grid....
no monkeys ?
Ola senors
@CustomizedName take a sketch pen and draw lines on screen with a clear wrap over the screen that will serve well
thats the only cross platform solution I know off.
@CustomizedName comeon atleast suggest a platform
XNA Dead :-(
go with Direct X then
multiversemmo.com/news.php @Loktar :-> i found my solution
Hi all , how to add 6 month or one year from this date in jquery . current date format is (21 Jan 2015) i.e(dd M yy)
Is this ok --> document.forms[0].action = "foo.aspx?id=" + page + "&" + params;
Or is this better --> document.forms[0].action = "foo.aspx?id=" + page + (params ? "&" + params : "");
@Jonathan First. There's no meaning to the brackets there
And second?
@Loktar biz.turbulenz.com/developers wron link.. i am goin with this*
or the good old C++ engine that i know
called Panda3D (though i cacn script with python too now :d )
@SecondRikudo Don't you find the parentheses more readable?
In the beginning of the internet there were lolcats, now there are lolkids
how can I run a site running on my laptop server on my iphone?
by enterin its ip ?
we are not on a switch
or same network
use lt / localtunnel
nice find
"secure": {{plugin.session.cookieParams.secure}},
"httpOnly": true
I get a '<property> "}" or expected ' on this
are u kidding me ?\
your ignorance is astonishing
its telling you your mistake !
you cant just shove objects inside objects
{} is a hashmap
every thing inside this requires a key and a value
/me work time
@nosille learn a tutorial on json
you will be enlightened
what should I do about it?
@BenjaminGruenbaum sara golemon has started hanging out in the php room...
@darkyen00 many things could be values in JSON
can we use javascript code of html in java
i have a piece of code
$("#date").html("Selected date: " + cal.currentDate);

how to use the value stored in variable 'date'
in any other .java file
"can we use javascript code of html in java" My mind broke when I hit the word "java".
am breaking my mind for that
What does Java have to do with javascript? I'm not clear on this
@PrathibhaKirthi Wait, so it is a jsp file then?
that html code is storing the date in one variable...
html file
using jsp
@Jonathan Why not this then? document.forms[0].action = ("foo.aspx" + (("?id=" + page) + (params ? "&" + params : "")))
I'm not familiar with the usage of android in this, but it seems to me that it is a static html page
If you wish to use information from the server, in a jsp file, you typically enclose it with <%= val %> and run code with <% %>
The server creates the page based on these tags, and then it gets sent to the client
can you just guide me in retriving the jsp variable value
Q: How to pass variables and data from PHP to JavaScript?

Second RikudoI have a variable in PHP, and I need its value in my JavaScript code. How can I get my variable from PHP to JavaScript? I have code that looks like this: <$php ... $val = $myService->getValue(); // makes an api and db call $> I have JavaScript code that needs val and looks along the...

This question is PHP, but the principle is exactly the same
@PrathibhaKirthi In the place of cal.currentDate, you had <%="Today" %>, then you would see ""Selected date: Today" on the page
The value "Today" is a java string value.. if you can output a java string value to the html page, then you should be able to figure out how to output your date
@PrathibhaKirthi also, please note that you are being a help vampire. You were given resources, and using Google to find out more about your problem is trivial. Please go and research some before asking for help.
it will give the selected date..we have a date picker widget ther
@SecondRikudo better
Q: What are the differences between server-side and client-side programming?

Madara Uchiha I've seen questions (mainly on Stack Overflow), which lack this basic knowledge. The point of this question is to provide good information for those seeking it, and those referencing to it. In the context of web programming, what are the differences between Server-side programming and Cl...

by you...
help vampire @SecondRikudo???
@FlorianMargaine I think he understands the difference between Java and JavaScript
@PrathibhaKirthi I have to agree with @SecondRikudo here. You seem to lack understanding necessary to understand why you can't do what you're trying to accomplish
Wouldn't be in your best interests to solve it for you. You need to understand why this won't work
@PrathibhaKirthi Someone who keeps asking for help on trivial problems even though you are given information to learn about the problem.
no-go zones are recommended by ny times :D
@FlorianMargaine it's fox news .. did you really expect something more ?
@FlorianMargaine lolzers
@BenjaminGruenbaum did you have a chance to look at the breakpoint thing?
@SomeKittens That looks interesting! Their event is being held near me too, but it's for startups and I don't have one (yet, anyway :P)
@SecondRikudo no, super busy
@BenjaminGruenbaum i.qkme.me/3vjihj.jpg Wow that gets annoying fast
Q: Javascript memory usage in for loop

GreenI try to profile memory usage in nodejs (0.10.35), I created 2 files below and run with node --expose-gc var a and var b are initialized as empty string A for loop is run to make a and b bigger setInterval prints out the memory usage every 1 second The x >> 20 operator is equivalent to Math....

@NaeemShaikh you're creating all the intermediate strings which get allocated and interned - probably.
Also, V8 has two heaps for GC - an "old heap" and a "new heap"
Object in the "old heap" take a while to be garbage collected
yeah.. its not my question.. but found it intresting.. thanx
@NaeemShaikh did you understand this part?
> The a.length and b.length is only ~ 65 MB, why the memory usage ~1000 MB in file 1.js and ~1400 MB in file 2.js
It's because of string interning.
This question is more about string internals in v8 than anything else.
^ Trololol
@BenjaminGruenbaum @BenjaminGruenbaum.. you can answer that question.. it would be nice
When the boss tells me about an "awesome" feature to develop
Too accurate
yeah, very.
when the sysadmin runs through the openspace to reboot a server
I'll stop now
I love the first gif.
He's looking into my soul
@FlorianMargaine he is staring at me

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