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Yeah, that.
can do
Also, use ng-show instead of ng-if for fewer DOM operations - that's probably your source of slowness.
that was the trade-off
inserting them all and hiding causes slowdown on page load
@SomeKittens yeah, ng-show made the page load slow initially.
@FlorianMargaine not that I know of
easy enough to write something like that
I thought about writing something that allows me to decide when to digest watched values
something between the usual binding and the new bind once
Or maybe we should just bind less things and make sense of our digests :D
bind all the things
worry later
Now is later :D
yes :(
I think a smaller DOM would really help
it's recommended to avoid ng-repeat everywhere apparently...
Although on the bright side Google is indexing us now.
yeah I heard
@FlorianMargaine ng-repeat is nice but it's problematic when you add watchers to it.
you can use bind once with ngrepeat now
the problem with ng-repeat is the deep watching
Yeah, that.
we had a page with 12k watchers :D
there's no way to tell angular to do a lot of DOM changes at once?
Sounds amazing :D
@FlorianMargaine it uses fragments and shit internally IIRC.
@Mosho I love these numbers, they're often reducible by thousands
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah but I mean, it does a DOM manip for every row there, right?
can't it do them all at once?
@FlorianMargaine ~2000 after this week's update
Sometimes I want to make a TipRanks clone using the API and an interface I like... I realize our current UI on the site is really good and was obtained by usability testing and all that but I'd personally enjoy a slimmed down version.
I want an api that trades stocks and makes me money
there are many
and I could use Zapier to hook it up to Stripe
you sell it to make the money to people who lose theirs
@SomeKittens we have one of those, you're welcome to buy it it's only $40K for a limited time :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum Buy the API itself?
I have a bridge you might be interested in purchasing
@BenjaminGruenbaum remind me again why react wouldn't work
because it sucks
@SomeKittens buy a license to the trading strategy.
@Mosho because when we actually benchmarked it it wasn't faster.
Uh huh.
Free while Beta?
@SomeKittens Only $40K while beta. You won't be the first buyer :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum but doesn't it save all the DOM manipulations?
@Mosho not really, our problem isn't with the elements changing it's putting them in the DOM to begin with.
We just have really heavy elements and multiples of them.
then how would saving the templates and rendering them when clicked be any different
@BenjaminGruenbaum I don't have enough cash on hand to capitalize on that.
@SomeKittens me neither :D
@Mosho it is faster to add it as a string in bulk, I just don't think react does that - react needs to know which elements it added to update them fast - react does fast transactional updates that's where its strength it.
@FlorianMargaine nice work! So is it done?
well, the extension works for miaou
can now sign mails in gmail
what's left... sign&encrypt, verify, decrypt
after that, should be fine
@BenjaminGruenbaum I see
We can benchmark again
the insider chart on FB has 5k watchers alone
even after all the one time binding
I'll try to reduce that further
Why does it even have watchers?
if I use ng-if one time binding the ngrepeat itself doesn't work
I'm quite proud of that
it does work with ng-show
florian@florian:~/src/javascript/erinome$ find src/ -name '*.js' | xargs wc -l
    1 src/options/index.js
   19 src/lib/storage.js
   31 src/lib/communicator.js
   42 src/gmail/buttons.js
   55 src/gmail/handlers/new.js
   19 src/gmail/index.js
   23 src/gmail/background-queue.js
   11 src/background/native-actions/encrypted.js
   20 src/background/native-actions/error.js
   24 src/background/native-actions/decrypted.js
   11 src/background/native-actions/signed.js
   49 src/background/user.js
   17 src/background/native.js
@Mosho mutable global state biting you in the ass again.
I know SLOC is not a real indicator, but still.
@BenjaminGruenbaum how is it that
Doesn't work with ng-if
I need to watch the array and that's the tool angular gives me
What array are you watching?
the entire dataset :D
Why do you need to watch it?
now that we are discussing it idk why we let it stay like that
I don't need to watch anything at all
Once the experts are loaded from the server they never change ever.
for all I care, I could call something of my own that $compile's
Unless a route happens.
that was why we moved to 1.3 in the first place
@Mosho yeah, but don't we have one time binding for that already?
if you reduce from 12k to 7k watchers... it'll help
Are you binding once in the repeat itself like:
 item in ::items ?
row in ::rows
now... do you really need so many watchers on the rows?
we don't
and it's changed in many other places
Then what watchers are there?
Where do you find the # of watchers?
in that case, we couldn't use it with that implementation
Why are there any watches at all on the ng-repeat? The only thing you need to actually watch is the filter changing.
we have other options but I guess it wasn't a priority
@SomeKittens I'd guess debugging in angular
That just changes the array itself
you probably have the variable available somewhere
A: How to count total number of watches on a page?

Words Like Jared(You may need to change body to html or wherever you put your ng-app) (function () { var root = angular.element(document.getElementsByTagName('body')); var watchers = []; var f = function (element) { angular.forEach(['$scope', '$isolateScope'], function (scopeProperty) { ...

@BenjaminGruenbaum if the array changes it needs to be watched
@Mosho If you bind the whole array once (ignoring filter for the experiment) does it load really fast?
297 - somehow I feel that's too low.
right now it flags as shown/not shown which can work with ng-show and all elements in DOM
@BenjaminGruenbaum it loads instantly
but then again, we wanted initial page loading to be faster
but that must mean, if we assume DOM insertion isn't that expensive
that it's still just watchers
can't this loading be async and not block?
@Mosho it does :O?
it's not like people will scroll that fast
@FlorianMargaine I did that but the page gets choppy while inserting
didn't you say it loaded instantly?
I can insert 10 nodes per 100ms or something
@FlorianMargaine once they are in the DOM, with ng-show rather ng-if
if there's some loading icon, can be done yeah
don't need it necessarily as it's a section that is closed initially
can just be sneaky
just reveal the thing once all is inserted in the DOM
hold on for just once second
If we bind it once (which makes everything but the filters work) it binds instantly?
holds on
filters work with bind once
So if we bind it once it loads instantly and fast o_0?
I misunderstood what you asked before
no, that is still why we didn't do that, it makes the page slow
but is it really DOM insertion
or just watchers
Back in my day we just returned HTML pages...
but stuff is still watched at least once
Which is slow? The watching or the insertion?
initial watching can't be avoided even with bind-once
What if you literally do .innerHTML = RENDERED_OUTPUT_FROM_PREV_RUN ?
what prev run
Also, the directives themselves should be simpler.
@Mosho a copy-paste of the generated HTML from now, just for testing purposes.
I'll check that tomorrow
@rlemon why did the scarecrow win the nobel prize?
Just a quick check: what does document.all.length return?
After showing all, of course
lol lemme check
9100 with one table open
3000 without
2 mins ago, by phenomnomnominal
@rlemon why did the scarecrow win the nobel prize?
On aapl, with everything open
Yeah... You should reduce this...
He was out standing in his field
@FlorianMargaine by refactoring? because content is mandated
3000 is fine, 10000 is showing issues
Any sauce on that?
And if you add 6000 elements at once... Well, there goes your problem
(Having a big DOM is slow)
Not adding 6000 at once
@SomeKittens Damn straight
@BenjaminGruenbaum err... Experience. Sorry.
@BenjaminGruenbaum he said opening one table added 6000 elements
@Mosho you add 100 new "contents". I'm pretty sure you could avoid having ~60 elements per content
@Mosho if you de-genrify the table you could reduce a lot of comment nodes angular creates
Lots of <!-- end ngRepeat: col in ::cols -->
More comment nodes than real nodes
I don't think comments are the issue though
They don't count in document.all iirc
angular uses the comments when changing stuff iirc
hey guys, need some help understanding the controllerAs syntax in NG. Is this syntax basically just to make it easier to know what instance of the controller is being used in the HTML?
The issue is the 60 tags per box... Seriously
33000 comment nodes :D
there's a lot of shit in it, what can I say
Yeah, not that much.
in other words, i don't need to do ng-controller="MainCtrl as ctrl", I can leave it as "MainCtrl"?
There isn't 60 bits of information in each box, unless you put each character in a span

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