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You need a good DBA who can just double-check and wave things through at first, then actually participate in planning the schema later.
@BenjaminGruenbaum they have their uses
@ssube most people really really don't.
In emergencies, poo can be a substitute for glue or bubble gum
@FlorianMargaine name one, you'd actually use triggers for - seriously.
miaou uses triggers
Triggers are one of the most magical things in DB engines, getting side effects you don't always anticipate is super scary :D
I'll just dump this link
Q: What are the arguments against or for putting application logic in the database layer?

Phil LelloNOTE The audience of programmers.se and dba.se is different, and will have different viewpoints, so in this instance I think it's valid to duplicate What are the arguments against or for putting application logic in the database layer? on programmers.se. I couldn't find discussion on dba on this...

@JaredSmith one thing I notice off the bat your canvas doesn't seem to be clearing
its redrawing everything everytime
Miaou uses triggers in one place and it shouldn't use them there IMO
Does anyone have any suggestion where I could get a 5 private Git repos for less than 10 USD p/month?
you can tell when you use an image with some opacity, the already placed ones get darker
also on the desktop, is it actually performing badly @JaredSmith you don't have some loop constantly running
Most uses of triggers I know are just by people who either don't know what views are or don't know what checks are.
@GabrielTomitsuka BitBucket IIRC
@KendallFrey Thanks
I mean do you notice anything performing badly but the framerate @JaredSmith
Yeah, BB has free endless repos - super useful.
because the fps is going to be crazy low if you are only performing draw operations every few seconds for example
@GabrielTomitsuka Or if you have an existing server computer, you can put git on it without too much trouble
since there isn't some constant render loop
@GabrielTomitsuka if $15 is doable, I've used beanstalkapp.com/pricing in the past and liked it.
@loktar I know, its just a level editor. And only on mobile. On desktop the devtools timeline is almost unnoticable the paints are so short but on mobile it just haaaaaaaaaaaangs
so when you try to place a tile it hangs
ill have to test on my phone then :/
@KendallFrey I tried installing it on my AWS instance, but I had some serious problems with a lot of stuff.
I've been testing on a nexus 7 and kindle fire HD
Just use bitbucket
It's super easy
Know what else is easy?
no yours :(
trying to find out the 'avconv' equiv for this ffmpeg -i input.wmv -codec copy output.mp4 anyone know?
@GabrielTomitsuka try gitlab, if you want to self-host
super easy to install
@NickDugger solid retort
@BenjaminGruenbaum Is there any way we can pickup calls on a windows phone via code
gce and digital ocean can do it for you, actually
@darkyen00 no there is none. Glad I could help.
@BenjaminGruenbaum well then we gonna do what we did
Even if you find out a hax in C++ to do that, it'll never pass the review process, never.
Bitbucket worked by now.
@BenjaminGruenbaum we used the headset :P
what about github?
damnit got interrupted by work lol
isnt github like $7 for 5 or so?
@Loktar Too expensive.
@darkyen00 if you abuse what they want the user to be able to do or not - they will not approve your app or remove it.
They're very strict about that sort of thing. Just sayin.
ah yeah it is $7 for 5
thats what I pay
Students get it for free
Nice my boss signed me up for a spindle seminar in a couple weeks
we pay more than that I think
@BenjaminGruenbaum its a helmet
"Increasing Application Performance without More Spindles"
but I think I have a "corporate account"
or organization account or w/e
shows directions which side to turn using pico-projectors (works well on android)
@SterlingArcher lol :D
GitHub is free for me, students pack.
I have no idea what a spindle is, but free steak lunch xD
Well, for the next two years.
ah damn bitbucket is unlimited private repos
thats pretty nice
yea, my works pays $25/mo github.com/pricing
Yeah, been using bitbucket for all my stuff for years.
Their API is really nice too + JIRA integration
@BenjaminGruenbaum I did what you said
'use strict';

import botServer from './src/main';
//var botServer = require('./src/main');

haven't thrown it up yet will do. gimme a minute
I get an error when running it
@SecondRikudo nice! Everyone congradulate @SecondRikudo for first buttsecks!
@darkyen00 wut
Is there a better way to set $scope.item in Angular ngResource than this? I was hoping to use dot notation, but couldn't access the items array that way.

service.get({ abbreviation: $routeParams.abbreviation, limit:1 }, function(data) {
$scope.item = data.items[0];
Congrats @SecondRikudo!
@BenjaminGruenbaum Uh... no?
@SecondRikudo what error?
@Jhawins not mine.
@JaredSmith change your name to Jaden
its dead simple
import botServer from './src/main';
SyntaxError: Unexpected reserved word
you're so close
49 secs ago, by Second Rikudo
@BenjaminGruenbaum I did what you said
@Loktar Did you design the sprites for Grapple Hero ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I don't recall you ever telling me to have buttsecks.
@SterlingArcher but how can our code be real when our repositories are not real?
I though am supposed to work with juniors so trying to help them.
@rlemon wat? ._.
@SecondRikudo this is your main file, you need a require there. Or put the main things in another file you require and use import there
Ah, I see
@Catgocat no outsourced them
@Loktar It looks cool, nice jb
they cost like $1200 lol
thanks, you're looking at the one on the website right?
not the one on the play store
I have 2 versions
the website right
the playstore one which used free public domain sprites
ah ok
yeah I need to finish it, worked on it last night actually
How did you start diving into html5 canvas?
@Jhawins their "picoprojectors" are just leds :->
which is pretty Proof of concept for now
wanted to do some drawing with javascript basically
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yup, that works beautifully
started researching and found out it was possible
Some book you recommend?
I'll be refactoring my code to use ES6 modules now
that was like 2008 before canvas was widely supported :/
but hey they did it all by themselves
And start using some fat arrowz!!!
and got it working with Google Maps :D
Fat arrows FTW
people were unsure if it even was going to fully be supported, glad it happened!
@Catgocat yeah one sec
@SecondRikudo glad I could help
Fat People FTW !
nice @Loktar ... I won a Galaxy Tab at our christmas party, so I'll download it later
For canvas, all you need is an RAF, some elbow grease, and a draw call.
^ great book.
and then Simon Sarris book
@Loktar Crappy looking website
@NickDugger and knowledge of game design - and principals of animation performance.
@darkyen00 Yeah I was interested in how they used the picoprojectors to show data on the helmet screen... The hard part..
For a book that advocates html5, the website looks like it's from the 80s :D
@Jhawins they chose to skip it, keep it dead simple
@rlemon nah, just wing it. That's what I do.
they aren't making google glasses oh comon !
@SecondRikudo heh well its not a design book :p
@NickDugger thats right! you had that fully functional hit game last week! I forgot you developed that :P
read "not actually do anything like what I said" :P
yeh m8
@Jhawins though pico projects are cheap now and you can read work in that field :-)
and now am going back to bed. Good night folks ! Thanks for waking me up benjamin ^_^
the only game I've ever made worth mentioning is cave crawler/diver and I 'winged that' then gave up development because it sucked and I coded myself into a wall
see ya @darkyen00
@Loktar Reviews of the first one are pretty good, maybe I'll give it a shot.
yeah the first one is awesome, and the code is all out there on github
@darkyen00 lol no one has a way to use them like that
if you want to do cool stuff with canvas anyway its great
@Catgocat oh hey you also have tutsplus for game dev. // now am really offline
as amazingly fun as game development sounds, whenever I give it a go, I just lose interest. I want it to be my thing, but it just isn't
@NickDugger it is tedious at times
and without a solid foundation and plan, it gets messy quick.
try pixel art... I got good at that shit, and that's some tedious stuff.
Nothing solid and in production/close anyway. GM is the closest with that film overlay that phosphors different colors from different wavelengths of UV laser projectors.
(in my experience)
What's the scope of import?
It comes down to what you want to do, make engines or games
Same as var? let?
if you want to make a game just use a game engine thats built, there are so many to choose from now its crazy. haha however as developers its easy to get trapped in the mindset of you must build it all!
@SecondRikudo yes
@BenjaminGruenbaum Done that
it was ok
@Jhawins production none, dev ton
@darkyen00 links
@SecondRikudo the whole module
Just import and export like you use require and module.exports in your code, note that modules are always in strict mode.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Where 'module' = page in node?
@Loktar devmaster.net/devdb/engines used to be the best place to find them, not sure if it still is
@SecondRikudo yes, a module is a single file.
@BenjaminGruenbaum My code is always in strict mode regardless
@BenjaminGruenbaum So it's not scoped to this function or that block
So it doesn't make sense to import inside of a function
@ssube yeah there are almost too many now, if I were to use one I would just stick with the top 10 or so
Ah, you're importing inside a function o_0? Don't do that
@SecondRikudo what I'm saying is that you don't have to type "use strict"
Unity, Construct, Unreal, Gamemaker (youd be surprised how many famous games were made with this)
Which is why Intellij was complaining about me doing it.
I'll remove those in the refactor as well
@Loktar its up github.com/jasmith79/Level-Editor/tree/master i just threw it up quick I'll make actual folders in a minute here
@Jhawins am off to bed but venturebeat.com/2014/03/30/…
@darkyen00 wait!
did google announce a release date?
for ?
@SterlingArcher but thein I'd have to work with M. Nyght Shamylan
google glass?
!!7 or 14
@rlemon 14
I dont feel like paying 1500
Although now JSHint complains that I don't have 'use strict' XD
oh well see ya @darkyen00 have a good night!
@darkyen00 none of those do anything like that :P
@Jhawins like what ?
@SecondRikudo suppress it
None that are real lol there are some interesting talking points on there tho
@JaredSmith true that's too many plot twists per capita
@BenjaminGruenbaum JSHint has an esnext flag
I just need to find it in the Intellij options screen
@SecondRikudo ah cool, if you passed it and it still complains file a bug report
None of those products come close to using a pico projector to project clear, visible images on the visor of a helmet :P
@Loktar Google Glass if made in texas ?
It still complains
haha if made in @rlemon apartment :p
Let's make sure it's not a fluke with the inspector
looks like someones weekend project
I wish I could automate the physical aspects of my job. :(
The tech behind Google Glass can't do it.
@Catgocat oh now i wanna buy google glasses
so damn more !
me too, but 1500...
totally not worth that much
@Loktar worth the porn !
@Loktar my next home project will be a beer fermentation station (cooler with temp control on a timer using an arduino)
Skully doesn't do it either. I think the way they do it kinda sucks
@BenjaminGruenbaum ah well, there's a flag specifically for enabling strict mode checking, and that was on
So guess I can't complain
@rlemon hah nice man
I will open an issue about it just to be save though
@Loktar you can watch your favorite game while watching a boring movie with people :D
thye wouldn't know :->
Nuviz was sweet but they didn't seem to follow through at all :/
@darkyen00 lol true, but id rather be playing my game.. and for that I already have a type of google glass
Now now thats show off
I have the google glass.. before its cool
@JaredSmith please tell me you're not actually doing this to handle keypresses?
<div class='arrow up-arrow' value='0,-1'></div>
<div class='arrow down-arrow' value='0,1'></div>
<div class='arrow right-arrow' value='1,0'></div>
<div class='arrow left-arrow' value='-1,0'></div>
I had 'tv glasses' in 2000
they kicked ass for gaming
007 and shit
Although @BenjaminGruenbaum if I don't use ES6 modules, if I just have an inline script, will that still run in strict mode even if I don't specify 'use strict'?
good night.
see ya
@SecondRikudo no, that'd be crazy
Night @darkyen00
cept you looked funny to onlookers, you turned your head instinctively when turning using the controller.
@darkyen00 \o
@BenjaminGruenbaum Okay, so how do you define a "module" in that context?
Any file with an export?
no they are going to be tapable (is that even a word) areas to scroll the main map, I was a little concerned it wouldn't be able to draw it fast enough (even with event debouncing) if I just let the user swipe to scroll
@SecondRikudo any file you imported with an "import".
Or, in your case also with a require after calling 6to5 explicitly.
Okay so the main file that imports everything still needs that 'use strict'
Yes, although it should literally be 2 lines of code :P
Although it doesn't matter much because main file should only have imports which aren't really affected by strict mode
Yeah that :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum I also have the polyfill because otherwise it doesn't work with the new async syntax
@SecondRikudo ok sure
It's not performance sensitive code anyway :)
Not really, no.
It would have 0-2 concurrent users at any given time
When you're ready for code review on GH let me know.
Can I haz gh link?
@JaredSmith if you're mostly just performing blits, you don't need many optimizations to get 30+ fps and support scrolling.
Good bounds culling might be enough (it has been in most of my experience).
@SecondRikudo great, now push latest so I can read the actual new code :D
@ssube yeah, alomst certainly premature on my part, although the whole problem is it freezes on mobile, so perf may already be an issue. I have a sinking feeling that mobile canvas use just isn't there yet
and is doing more than the tile editor.. haven't had a chance to look at it though
since I'm at work
@BenjaminGruenbaum Still refactoring :P
Im sure its just some simple mistake
How do you handle 3rd party libraries?
Do you still use require() for those?
Or will 6to5 be able to handle those if I import?
@JaredSmith is the freeze related to too many draw ops, or something else?
@SecondRikudo it will be able to handle those since they're in the node_modules folder it ignores by default.
A few years ago I had to do a drag-and-drop-the-stickers sort of thing, so I used a canvas on mobile, swipe and inertia to scroll, long-touch and drag stickers.
It'll "just work"
Was able to get 60 fps with a few optimizations, less allocations, etc
@ssube thats what I'm assuming, every draw he redraws every tile
Code without magic require here I come
@loktar don't have a mobile device handy right now to play it on mobile. I guess the most curious thing to me is the weird effect animating the menu has on the framerate. Its almost like it enables hardware accel, except that the canvas should already be hardware accel
It was all blits, although some were scaled.
ah yeah that is odd as well @JaredSmith
@ssube may just be some vagary of the platform, but happened on multiple devices and multiple browsers
@JaredSmith can you disable canvas draws while interacting with the DOM?
are you using requestanimationframe?
there is no drawloop @ssube
@JaredSmith did you post a fiddle of this at some point that I missed?
@ssube its just a level editor so it only redraws when the user makes a change. Here's the site jaredadamsmith.com/level_editor
also just threw it up on github github.com/jasmith79/Level-Editor/tree/master
@JaredSmith does it happen right away, the perf issues?
or is it after a few draws?
@JaredSmith have you considered using mousedown instead of click, and allowing for click+dragging?
It happens on the first draw, unless I animate the menu first. THen all of a sudden it runs at ~60fps (i assume its capped by the screen refresh rate)
I don't even use a loop in my editor. I just clear the area of a single tile and redraw each layer's tile that matches the coords
@NickDugger hadn't thought of that because of how it stores the data, but I could tie the array write to the mouse up. Thanks for the idea
Have you tried using requestAnimationFrame, a dirty flag, and drawing in a loop?
heh I cant get the tiles to show up on my phone :/
I passed it in a lambda to requestanimation frame, made no framerate diff. Removing the 'null transform hack' on the menu lowers the overall framerate at each stage ~5fps, but the weird overall pattern is still there
@loktar, yeah it seems to freeze as soon as you try to draw, actually crashes the tab on some mobile browsers
no I mean the actual tiles dont show up to place them
even if you resize the browser it does it
@SecondRikudo 6to5 yield doesn't work if you don't include the polyfill?
samsung s4
I'm not sure I even made it that far
@FlorianMargaine async doesn't
What's async?
async.js? It's a... "promise" alternative?
I don't think he's talking about that
@SecondRikudo ?
Bah, not async
@NickDugger asynchronous..... But you're probably trolling
@FlorianMargaine yeah, my bad. function*() { and yield don't work without the polyfill.
I just didn't figure that would be your first thought from async
You give me hope
I'm so bored today
@rlemon do the monthly challenge
@SecondRikudo work just fine in 0.11
@FlorianMargaine async/await
import Client from './client/Client.js';
import express from 'express';
import bodyParser from 'body-parser';
:3 I'm liking this already
We are SO CLOSE to the Promises/Websocket makeover.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Last I checked it didn't, but I'll try again.
@SecondRikudo Don't tempt me to rewrite everything again
is that the actual es6 syntax? People keep saying that it hasn't been finalized yet and I've seen many different versions
@SecondRikudo "--harmony" flag.
@NickDugger "async/await" is actually ES7 :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum programming media

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