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@Luggage My point is that I don't see them making an effort. If they make no effort I just get depressed for them all the time and I'm like dude you're just wasting away in a cloud of smoke. So I don't have many friends
wat .______.
if we ever need another programmer, who here would be willing to learn some new tech and relocate?
My point is mainly that everyone's mindset here is that they should work at McDonalds, or Walmart, or hell the GM truck plant where anyone can do that job, they don't want to become good at anything. All they want to do is collect a paycheck and they think they deserve to work in a real industry with a real job simply because they exist. They want to walk in the door and start working for 6 figures.
@Jhawins and hope you don't go absolutely insane before you get the money together
also FYI @FlorianMargaine I relit the fire under my bosses ass. you should be getting everything you need in the coming week (hopefully)
if you are still interested
Sometimes I love tumblr, but only when imgur hosts it
@RyanKinal @SterlingArcher i.imgur.com/quDKQUn.gif
Oh snap, that's amazing :O
so if I plug in two many usb devices in a short amount of time Ubuntu doesn't like mounting them all.
@SecondRikudo lmfao
Anyone here familiar with Grunt?
I use it.
haha yea
that was on reddit last night
I love her face at the end when she sees the bag
termsheet.io cc @darkyen00 && @SomeGuy
@SterlingArcher also, if it isn't her, it looks like sarah silverman
@SterlingArcher Her face XD
That gif was a repost last night
/me needs to get off reddit.
49 secs ago, by rlemon
that was on reddit last night
you and me both brother
It was a repost last night
I'm on reddit like three years now. I'm convinced there is nothing new on the internet
if I haven't seen it in 6mo, I upvote.
Being 12 hours late on the internet is like punching a baby... or black hitler
and if there is, you don't want to see it
(reference to the tl;dr I posted, not being racist)
speaking of tl;dr
go away clooney
hah Im almost on my 7th reddit cake day
and that was just when I finally decided to sign up after Digg turned to shit
@Loktar yea but you're old.
@rlemon and apparently more hipster/cooler
finding the cool shit before its hot
wait no lol
the hot shit before its cool
there we go
Psh imgur > reddit
there we go. :P
@Retsam chicken > egg
check and mate.
/me had to remember the hipster pizza joke
@rlemon Toast > bread ?
yeah imgur blew up due to reddit, those guys are so lucky
it was created due to reddit iirc
imgur was built for reddit
yeah, and now the imgur guys are so rich
@SterlingArcher repost much
heh it even has an oldschool web 2.0 name
@rlemon cool
@rlemon yeah
@FlorianMargaine less graphics now :P
so easier?
well can only be :P
So why does imgur being built for reddit have anything to do with the argument of which one is better?
@Retsam because
@Retsam no one said one was better (besides you), just wonder if imgur can really exist without reddit
@Loktar I did
How do you search for keywords on chatrooms?
I've once seen that page but can't find it.
@rlemon didnt you say chicken > egg?
@Catgocat top right corner
@rlemon Thank you
@Loktar it can now
Look guys, I posted from imgur too :P
@Loktar touche. ok. I alluded to it being better
@Loktar I mean, imgur wouldn't exist without reddit, sure but that doesn't mean it can't be better than reddit.
@FlorianMargaine for a while
@Retsam different goals
I imagine if reddit died and there wasn't a focused place for imgur posts it would hemorrhage users after a while
once imgur added in its own comments/voting it could have been standalone
do you know a 'VISUAL STUDIO PLUGIN' for 'CTRL+P' ?
similar to what happens in 'SUBLIME TEST' ?
@Loktar imgur itself has comments et al y'know...
I know I pay for imgur yearly :P
@Loktar I really doubt that.
@amin resharper
@FlorianMargaine thanks
imgur is #11 in the us damn.
@amin hehe "Sublime Test"
Reddit #9 (according to Alexa for both)
@rlemon typo :D
still made me chuckle
@Jhawins I know that feeling :-D
@FlorianMargaine it is not free (right?) :(
it isn't
imgur.com/a/iJD8f I fucking love this
Adobe reader fixes all!
@rlemon da feels
@SomeKittens here?
Yeah, for a short bit
what's the appropriate hashtag for jeff goldblum-style logic?
@BenjaminGruenbaum just kidding - meeting started
Are you sure? I want to make sure I get my hashtags right before pissing off all of facebook.
@SomeKittens heh, wanted to know what you're doing with versioning.
1kg down, six to go :D
@rlemon nah, like the buckaroo bonzai/south park style "they said X, and X was in Y, and Y was made by the same people as Z, and Z was another term for W back during V, and V was..."
these meds are already working. I can move my wrist again
Nice, was it just a sprain?
I had that in my achilles once. Very painful
I blame myself. was lifting more weight than my wrists can handle and didn't have tape
Do you do wrist exercises?
not really.
I started too just before it started hurting bad, but I think it was already too late
needless to say, I will be now
Wrist pushups are what we did at circus school
I need to work on my hands as well. I can hold the weights, but they hurt my hands after 1-2 reps
padded gloves work, but I feel like I should be able to do it without them
It's always the boring muscles that give up first :P
for me it is the joints that cause issues
my hands hurt, but it isn't an issue per-say
!!afk need coffee
your grammar hurts me
Your words hurt me
Your face hurts me.
No more
@BenjaminGruenbaum Ok, back
@SomeKittens what do you mean by saving DB schemas?
The DB schema is on the DB, we have daily backups for the content and schemas from yesterday, the day before etc.
My current system is a init.sql file that drops everything and then rebuilds it. With that, I can add another column/table, run the file, and my schema is up to date.
obviously dropping everything on every commit isn't going to win me many customers.
Drops everything o_0?
We use an ORM so there's code (generated) that rebuilds the classes based on the DB. That's about it.
@SomeKittens Say that you've optimised db access
@SomeKittens have a version number in the db and in the code. If the versions don't match (i.e. the db version < code version), run upgrade scripts to get up to the correct versions. These upgrade scripts have ALTER TABLE and the likes.
Yeah. Handy for rapid iteration and testing.
I think the problem is more relevant when there is only one app using the data - but we have maybe 100 different projects interacting with those entities.
if code version < db version, something's wrong
@FlorianMargaine Right, I'm looking for a tool for upgrade scripts like github.com/theoephraim/node-pg-migrate
In practice, breaking the schema is very hard if possible and doing so requires a lot of work.
The "single point of truth is the DB itself though, and there is a shared "DataObjects" and "DBManager" project.
@BenjaminGruenbaum in practice, breaking the schema is something I do at every delivery in my projects
@FlorianMargaine Adding more tables is fine, adding columns to existing tables is also usually fine - removing columns on the other hand is very rare.
Then I can just add pg-migrate up to my post-merge hook.
@BenjaminGruenbaum not for me...
Why would your code dictate the schema though?
@FlorianMargaine maybe when you have one or two projects running on the DB
@SomeKittens There's a liquibase equivalent called Mongeez that I've tested once or twice
it's still fairly limited, tho
@BenjaminGruenbaum ah, if you have many apps using the same db yeah, it's not the same
@ssube I'm on postgres
oh, missed that. nvm.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Why wouldn't it?
@SomeKittens because more than a single piece of code uses the DB
Not in this case.
hey all
Put your whole DB in version control instead :D
We use liquibase as well
Hey guys, asked a question on SO, no comments or answers, offered a +100 bounty, still nada. Would really appreciate any help you could give either answering the question or helping me reformat it to be more answereable stackoverflow.com/questions/27842605/…
@JaredSmith Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Firefox has already implemented most of the ES6 features. Interesting, Chrome doesn't even support default arguments.
Sorry if that qualifies as 'spam' by the room's pseudo-rules
@JaredSmith I think what you said is fine. (Caprica is a bot, same message to all new people)
@taco we have a dev here that "uses" liquibase, but instead of using the real tags, every changeset was a raw SQL statement.
none of them had undo statements, either. That dev no longer contributes to the schema.
Cool beans. @Catgocat I'm most surprised by IE preview, looking at kangax's tables
That's pretty booty
They were also the same person who managed to create so many trigger-less foreign keys that the DB caused a kernel panic and Oracle couldn't figure it out from the schema.
@JaredSmith would love to help.. but its really hard to help without a reduced test case.
Also have you looked into using something like cocoonjs for mobile
@JaredSmith I hope Chrome doesn't let us down when ES6 is fully released.
docs.npmjs.com/… - 404's. But really the best way to keep things private is to not put them up on the internet. It sounds like link is the best option as well ... except npmjs.org/doc/link.html 404's as well. Got to love link rot. — Pat 34 mins ago
I think asking Devs to be de facto DBA's can also be a bad idea
@taco agreed
@taco absolutely
here's the actual site jaredadamsmith.com/level_editor I'm deliberately avoiding a framework because I'm trying to learn the mechanics of canvas. I'm also interested in the performance for more serious uses
I disagree :P
taco tuesday
Most apps have trivial DB structure.
Yeah. I know how to normalize a db and indexes and triggers... Ask me more, I'm clueless
Even someone who knows nothing about DBs can get it right.
@Catgocat I'm still waiting for proper calls
*tail calls
@JaredSmith oh cocoon isn't a framework
@FlorianMargaine I hate triggers with a passion, indices are simple enough to understand.
it basically wraps your code in an apk/and file for IOS that does opengl calls for canvas related stuff
making it really damn fast
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'd say at least a few of our apps aren't trivial
/me looks at link
@taco I'd say the vast majority of apps are pretty trivial
I don't disagree @BenjaminGruenbaum
But it's also trivial to make a DB run like poo
@Loktar ah got it. Yeah, I probably will use phonegap/cocoon/whatever eventually, but I'm mostly interested at this point from a mobile web perspective
my databases are fueled by poo. You're being shitist
Even if the app starts out trivial, it's easy for devs to add in more tables until it isn't, without noticing.
Usually poo is good enough for most cases. DBs are designed to handle load masses that are way bigger than most people need.

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