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Personally I'd recommend Angular all the way. I never much liked Sencha.
But that's not something a random loon on internet should decide for you. It's up to you and your team preference to make an (semi-)educated decision, which depends on your prior knowledge, expertise, deadlines, and whatnot.
@Retsam The brilliance is that one can ask, "which ending?", because Steins;Gate iterates through all (or at least most of) the possible endings as described in the game (it's based on a visual novel). Dropping the smartassness, yes, I really didn't like that the American-esque pinky fluffy everyone's-happy-oh-joy ending even exists.
Ep22 was the ending the show deserved. If they dropped off the last two episodes, it would've left me with a "woah" feeling, like NGE did.
any android geek here ?
@MissNoob Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@MissNoob Here? In the JavaScript room?
I doubt it :)
but do anybody have android knowledge ?
1 min ago, by Caprica Six
@MissNoob Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@MissNoob It's a mobile OS... right?
Why are you asking anyone for android knowledge in the Javascript room?
I know PhoneGap runs on Android.
Hi, any mozilla addon developers here, ? if i declare a variable in main.js do i need to pass it to content Script file to use it there? or is it globally avialble ?
@Muhammet are you looking for unsafeWindow?
@JanDvorak i am not sure what it is, but i am trying to show desktop notifccation when certain url is loaded, with page mod
i have to require notifications sdk in main.js
i did
and can't use it in content script file
Off topic question , why don't you use jQuery ? — Royi Namir 1 min ago
@SecondRikudo are you tellin that to me ? I dont think Jquery will help here
@Muhammet require it there as well, then
@Muhammet he's not
@JanDvorak it can be required only in main js
@Muhammet how come?
please see this
Q: ReferenceError: require is not defined

Sriram SridharanI know that this question has been asked before, but it was never answered. It's slightly urgent that I get this done and hence I'm asking again. I'm currently working on a Mozilla Firefox addon. I have set up a panel and attached a content script to it. I need to communicate between the conte...

i can communicate using port.emit but i think that sends only strings
i pass notification variable through port.emit then when i try to notification.notify it says it is not a function
@FlorianMargaine nixos.org
It does have some interesting features, like packages living off in completely different trees.
@RoyiNamir I'd rather not argue for/against jquery in this comment section. If you'd like, do come over to the javascript room, me and others will be happy to discuss it. — Zirak 19 secs ago
Let's fight !
lol just kidding
@Zirak Yes. if it's only for removing element. but later on- you need to add/get data-* , and later you need to find via complicated selector and then ajax , and then you find your code with both vanilla js functions (which already exists in jq) and jq. and then you ask yourself - how did I get here? — Royi Namir 6 mins ago
I agree Zirak , not arguing , just asked him this question. nothing more :-)
Your examples are a bit off the track, as doing XHR is not difficult at all (and there exist at least seven billion xhr wrappers), and complex selection can be done with querySelector or XPath with document.evaluate
@RahulDesai As someone said in the answer to your Q, safari has many issues, one of which is the Audio API. I have very little experience working with safari, or the audio api, so I can't help you any further
But I'd argue that if you reach the point where you have to do complex selections against the DOM, your architecture is wrong
(not that I remember) but IMHO there are some psuedo selectors which querySelector doesn't provide....am I right ?
(and jq does provide)
It's not exactly that, jquery adds its own non-standard selectors
But again, misguidedness. You should have your own data structures where you keep important elements and their relationship.
I agree .
You might need complex selectors when you're scraping someone else's DOM in a userscript
Hi, I'm learning Promises, and I can't make chain dynamically several promises, for example I have data=[data1,data2,data3], I'd like to iterate data and make post(data1).then(function(){return post(data2)}).then(function(){return post(data3)}).then(function(d){console.log('done,'d)})... data.reduce or data map maybe? how can I chain multiple promises? here's my example jsfiddle.net/v057xd0o/8
@crl Yes, you want reduce.
map and all?
@SecondRikudo ok
@crl Wait, must the posting of data1, data2 and data3 happen in order?
@SecondRikudo yes
because it's the order of the textareas, from top to bottom
@crl So?
Does the server care which textarea arrives first?
... sounds like a bad architecture
@SecondRikudo each data is a SQL request, so the order matters
@crl SQL injection vulnerabilities aside, can't the server sequence them instead of the client?
post("INSERT INTO Test (name) VALUES ('foo');").then(function(data){ return post("DELETE * FROM Test") })
is not the same than
post("DELETE * FROM Test").then(function(data){ return post("INSERT INTO Test (name) VALUES ('foo');") })
@crl Why are you letting your users submit SQL queries that are executed directly on the server..?
@SecondRikudo for the fun, I made the server
Okay then. As long as you know to never do that in production environment
yes of course :))
I have some points, and I'd like to have a bezier curve with at max n (number of points) control points to pass through all of those points without having anywhere 2 points from the curve on the same y
It turns out that I'm not lactose intolerant but I am intolerant to horrible code architecture. Now if you excuse me...
I tried something, but I don't think it'd work...
@JanDvorak no problem, I see :)) again, it's just for learning promises
@towc does it need to be a single bezier curve?
var allPostedPromise = dataArray.reduce(function(promise, data) {
    return promise.then(function() { return post(data); });
}, Promise.resolve());
I get the midpoint from the start to the end, and then make a projection towards all of the other points, and the control point chosen for that point will be at n * distance of the midpoint to the point in the curve...
@JanDvorak yes
Have the control points horizontally equidistant and compute their vertical positions using a system of linear equations
@crl After that ^ allPostedPromise holds a promise object that resolves when the last promise in the chain resolves.
@JanDvorak what's this system?
@SecondRikudo thanks, great
@towc polynomial interpolation
If you're using bluebird as a Promise library, you get helper methods that make this easier ^
For some reason, all of my custom functional objects are now named "i"...
@towc You require the bezier curve to be monotonic in x, which makes it plot y=f(x) for some f. That f might as well be a polynomial of degree {pts+1}
oh wait... It's because I'm using the minified version
@JanDvorak so you're suggesting I'd get the exact same result as trying to solve the problem with a polynomial thing?
@NickDugger Thanks, Nick. If you dont mind me asking, do you have any idea about this question? stackoverflow.com/questions/27885616/…
@towc unless you come up with a better way to select the control points...
The thing is, if you choose the control points non-equidistant... inverting x=f(t) isn't that easy if f is non-linear.
Since jquery provides $( function(){...} ) to indicate a function to run when the page is fully loaded, what might be a good way to run a function when all of these functions have run?
@JanDvorak but still possible... I'll have to ask the math guys when they come on
@Hamster You oughtta rethink your design
thanks anyway
@JanDvorak Normally, but this involves custom a dependency injector and such.
@towc polynomials above cubic don't have algebraic roots... and the roots for cubic polynomials are nasty
@FlorianMargaine I saw :)
@Hamster The thing is, you may not know when other functions are done attaching their handlers, but neither does jQuery.
My solution will be either a wrapper of that jquery feature to add an additional layer of queuing, or else $(function(){ window.setTimeout(<my_callback>,1);})
maybe attach your ready handler from within a ready handler? Not sure if it will work...
@JanDvorak It wouldn't.
Ready fires once
There's also a ready event that can be caught via on, but I don't remember if this handler fires before or after those attached normally
@SecondRikudo attaching a ready handler after ready has fired will fire it immediately
but I'm not sure if it's immediately immediately, or after all currently pending handlers have fired
still it's ugly
waiting one milisecond is also an option and it definitely wait for all ready handlers that attach themselves before the document is ready
(but not for their asynchronous stuff, ofc)
hmm, so i suppose setTimeout is bad form
it's not that bad, but what neccesiates it is
it's likely bad form, you mean
and I would agree, normally
I'd say that setTimeout is less hacky than the other hacks I've suggested
howdy folks
I'm working on my first angularjs app. It's a simple employee directory app and references a json file for data updates. What's the best way to have my customer update the data in the json file? Do I just simply give them the json file to update or is there an easier way for non-technical folks?
make them a web form?
@JanDvorak ok, what if they have to update a current item?
I mean, render the data into a table -> let them edit -> submit -> store?
@JanDvorak what if we have no access to a database nor can we set one up?
It doesn't matter for the front end where the data comes from. It can come directly from the JSON. All you need is the data to be structured.
@JanDvorak thats why i was thinking to give the customer the json file to update themselves...the key/value pairs seem easy for me....but can't really trust the non-techical custom to update the json file correctly...
@JanDvorak so there is some kind of json editor out there?
A simple labeled form = a set of key/value pairs
do you want them to be able to edit the keys?
here's what i created for front end...need a way to update the data : ogmda.com/angularjs-sandbox/index.html
@JanDvorak no, no editing of keys,..just values
Now just make the fields editable (conditionally - user.hasPrivilege("editUser")) and add a save button.
@JanDvorak thats what i was thinking...but i guess im wondering exaclty "how" to do that.
@JanDvorak ok so we will need some kind of user log in system?
@redshift unless you want to tinker with contentEditable (overkill), a styled input is the way to go.
@JanDvorak is there an example somewhere you can point me to?
@JanDvorak thanks i am looking for a tutorial to go from creating the form to submitting the data to the json file
don't worry, im getting there....lol
just started ng last week
@JanDvorak thanks for your help! off i go to learn more
@BenjaminGruenbaum You cheater!!! :D
How did you do it?
@RahulDesai vozme.com :3 they work pretty well
@darkyen00 lemme check
@darkyen00 Sorry, the sound quality is not as good as the other ones. This one seems very robotic to me.
Is there a reason why passing data between two controllers using a factory not working, when using side menu?
in angular, that is
you didn't specify you want Morgan Freeman reading your text ;-)
no thoughts on angular issue? :(
hey guys I need a small jquery help. Can anyone plz provide me a little help with my code?
!!welcome isaumya
@isaumya Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
actually in my html I have a img tag under a div with class name "intro" now I want to change the src value on mouse hover so I used this following code :

$("intro img").on({
 "mouseover" : function() {
    this.src = 'images/Market.png';
  "mouseout" : function() {
Any chance you should be using CSS :hover instead?
now I Want look it like it is fading in on hove. now like instant show up
no I cant use css
because I want to change the img src value
You can't transition a URL
is 6to5 stable enough to use in real apps?
then what is the alternative?
I cant change the default src value which already present in the img tag
unless by transitioning a URL you mean generating 60 FPS worth of data URL and swapping them real fast
Most badass designed website afonsomatos.com
so whats the alternative?
Preferred option: use a div and transition its background.
   so how to achieve what I'm trying to acieve?
Another option: stack two images on top of each other, then transition the opacity of one of them
the img tag already have a src value
I cant change that
Trying to share data between two controllers, one is for a sidemenu while other is for main page.
`$rootScope.event_type = {type:value}` is in sidemenu
`$scope.event_type = $rootScope.event_type` is in main page controller
How can I force DOM changes, without refresh button and etc?
Basically if i click something in sidemenu, it closes menu (done) and instantly force update on the page
Worst option: blend each frame from two images in canvas manually, then transfer the bitmap into an img element by means of data URLs. I can't imagine this having anywhere near any decent performance and it definitely won't work in IE
ok I have another idea
@iSaumya tell me
put a transperant png in the img
then do the rest by css
due to transperent image background image will work
i guess
trying it now
g2g, bye
nope didnt work
is the <img> the only thing in .intro?
posted on January 11, 2015

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Whee!

@iSaumya - there's only one way to create a cross-fading effect, and that is using two images. Using one image, the only thing you can do is fade out, change source, fade in.
@iSaumya Cool website cool design
@Feeds Feeds, stop time travelling
@Zirak what was that js console thing that you made?
@NickDugger jsh.zirak.me
ah yeah, thanks
@Zirak Did you write jsh?
Look at the domain and the introduction message
F12 or ⌘⌥ - I :)
@Zirak Pretty cool nice jb
what is it? cross-browser implemention of the console?
It's great for testing mundane parts of code, like trying to figure out if something works the way you think it does. I was just proven wrong in my test
@Luggage If you read the first line in the page it says what it is.
@Luggage See the README in the project
In a few of word: Shareable console sessions
how do i get back to that? even a new tab doesn't show the message anymore
ah, shareable.
delete localStorage.introduced and refresh
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of null jsh.js line 20
if that's not done, then ignore
when clicking save. new session. no code typed
Yeah I know. There are several sore spots. It's far from complete, just barely usable. You can't even inspect nodes yet.
that's cool.
@Luggage Do you have any projects? Github?
i have some junk on github but any work i'm proud if is private
i work for companies that don't oen source their own work
Anybody lives in Hamburg ?
@Luggage xerox is the name of the company?
github.com/luggage66 if you care to judge me
@darkyen00 are you going in hamburg?
yes. Xerox. the peopel that make copy machines... though the part of xerox i workfor does healthcare auditing.
why hamburg? If I may ask
@Luggage My cousin worked at xerox. I don't know if it's the same company xerox.com/index/ptpt.html
hm, i should clean up all the repos i spent < 1 hour on that are junk
hah. or putting a black cat in a box with a bit of radioactive material, a detector, a hammer and a vial of poison.
We shan't talk about that incident, eh Schrodinger?
just realized metaphysics is not a branch of physics 0.o
It's ok. only imaginary cats were harmed.
Pretty good music
@Neil I was just going to say.. schrodinger cat? :P
Ironically Schrodinger used his example to try to to disprove quantum physics and has served as a model example
Not disprove quantum physics. To point out the obsurdity of one interpretation
An interpretation that required a conscious human observer
Well yeah, if I try to point out the absurdity of an idea, I'm trying to disprove it
quantum physics it real and used every day.
an interpretation (copenhagen) said that a human would need top open the box to see and only then the cat was alive or dead. in reality that resoution happens at the detector
and the cat is never in any supoerposition
well yes and no
The fact that it is a probability wave collapse is what quantum theory suggests
That the state of things is in a range of possibilities with a tendency towards the most likely possibility
it's a probability and unpredictable. but it collapses when the radioactive decay triggers the detector that releases the hammer.
no 'brain' is required
what is this, the matrix?
Well we know how the mechanism works, but that doesn't mean we can determine whether or not the cat is alive or dead
A small doubt in jQuery, anyone here to help
@mastermind Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@mastermind Don't ask to ask just ask.
It is one or the other, but quantum theory would seem to suggest that it is neither until you check, which is weird
Yea. It really does. Only some people thought that you needed a conscious observer and this thaought experiement was to point out how crazy that was.
to say otherwise is gettinginto metaphysics and unprovable
it says a lot about the usefulness of a theory afterall
any claims that the world is only 'rendered' when we can perceive it can't be proven and don't really 'matter'.
Quantum theory is proven very accurate, though it really says nothing about why it works as it does
My Prob is : i want to get the data of a table in jquery , i have the rowid available, but i dont know to get it.
but no one 'believes' the copenhagen interpretation' anymore.
$('#rowid') will get the row. You'll need to .find() the 'td's to get their contents form that
you don't have a JS form of the data that was used to populate the table? or did the table come pre-formed html from the server?
I read this article which mentions the decay of energy of particles in a vacuum which shouldn't happen, and how that is an indicator of roundoff error
Which seems to suggest that everything is simulated
I'm unfamiliar with that Neil and can't speak on it.
Probably the truth is a lot more bland than this, but it is interesting to think about
ohh, i've heard interesting simulation thoeries and and experiment that supposedly proves it
but.. i'm not sure it can reall be 'proved'.
- Its just a html table popluated from php. But then...can u show me an example of using it
yea. lemme try to find it. I can't speak for how accurate it is or if it's already been proven false
it's a form of the two slit experiment where they entange the photons and show that one side is effected by the other..
@Luggage sorry man didnt work for me. I cant place background image for the imtro
i have to put it for the img tag
You also can't change the image tag. soo.. you are stuck
i'm not sure why you have all these arbitrary limitations
hmm using css content is working
but I cant use transition with content
I've heard about that maybe
The weirdest thing about the double slit experiment is that by far
Hey, a little help here... New here , dont know the rules
You shoot the photons one at a time, and they still act like as if they were interacting with each other
yea, but that's understandable, almost. it travels through as a wave until it 'hits' a material that it interacts with.
but... only 'almost' :)
@mastermind You seem to be new to javascript. I suggest you learn about the language before you try using it; head over to codecademy.com
@mastermind can you get the row through jquery, yet?
i have the id number of the corresponding row in my jQuery, but then how to get td of that tr
Show me the one line of code to get the tr with the id
Can i not force CSS change from Angular controller? I am trying to set size of the object dependent on size of the mobile device screen
@Luggage stop helping him and just point him to tutorials and documentation. H e clearly doesn't understand the language
i'm not writing it for him, i'm trying to tell him where to go from where he's at.
@mastermind get the child of the element you need
aka look into child selector
ok.. i got the id of the row using a check box. when its clicked , i can get the row id :
if ($('.cbox1:checked').length) {
var id = '';
$('.cbox1:checked').each(function () {
id += $(this).val();
but if we can't show that he can get ANY element from jquery, then yes, ti the docs he goes.
@mastermind You should really save the result of $('.cbox1:checked')
ok, so you can get a checkbox, you just need to get the row (and then td). use css-style selectors. # is for ids, so '#myId'.
he should, neil, but that's another issue. he shouldn't optimize before hw knows the basics
@mastermind Maybe I'm missing something here.. if only one can be checked, you shouldn't need to use each
If more than one can be checked, have you considered about what to do in that case?
That's not an optimization. It's using variables
ohh, id += .. not sure what that does..
yea.. missing even more basics than i though.
$(this).val() is going to return true or false
Appending it to a string repeatedly is going to get you a string like "truetruefalsefalsefalsetrue"
@Luggage a +=b is the same as a = a + b
I know what it does but there is no readon to ADD ids
i can get the row id in the id of my multislect chcekbox
so I don't know it's purpose HERE, i should have said.
Ah, ok
But thanks for helping me understand that :)
@mastermind w3schools.com/jquery/jquery_selectors.asp has most/all the info you need to complete your task
if you get close, make a jsfiddle and one of us may help you fix it
Yes, make us a jsfiddle which does something and a comment that states "I expect this to happen instead"
back to converting my nodebacks to promises (lesson learned)
@Luggage relax, too many programmers with imposter syndrome in here
Ever hear of imposter syndrome?
I'm making assumptions about it's meaning right now but I don't get what i'm relaxing about.
Just your comment about "lesson learned"
reading.. yea. I have that.
Yeah, don't. I think everyone gets that from time to time
I have lots of issues I know about. It's odd how one part of your brain can be objective and watch the rest act like an ass.
I think it is too easy to look back afterwards and say, "what an awful thing you did/said"
well, yes. that's pretty normal.
but to know that you are being way too nervous / hard on yourself.. to KNOW it's all ok, but still keep acting liek it's not
I think it's the tendency to correct others in our field in combination with that that makes it so that you eventually begin to think you don't belong
I just have to remind myself how much my company would be in the shit if I weren't around to realize that I'm no imposter :)
This channel is pretty rough, there. Many many questions are answered with more questions like 'why are you doing it that way?'.
Sometimes legitimately, sometimes not.
Yeah, I think the general attitude is a little caustic, but nobody means bad by it
I think it is just that even if they are different people making the question, if it is the same question, it feels like nagging
So the tendency is to be fed up and respond badly, even to those who have never asked a question in this room before
been there.
It took me a while to realize this, but you don't learn anything if you don't ask
So the truly best way to learn is to ask questions, even if it makes you look like you don't know anything
Eventually you ask questions that stump the experts
I don't see anything wrong with wanting to learn something new
That just makes them angry
If someone is caustic, I just know that I won't be getting my answer from them
the jQuery situation is a good example of this room's problem. Sure.. some of us have realize dthe jQuery isn't all great and we'e moved on. but if someone comes in with a quersion they shouldn't be told how horrible they are for usign it.
I agree. jQuery is useful, if nothing else to write something up quickly

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