@Sim Are you required to leave a link to HTML5UP at the bottom of every page? Or can you just create a dedicated "open-source stuff used" page that has a link to it?
is it possible to launch a php script, client side, using a html web page?
Please help.
If not, is there a way to embed the php into the html so it can run client side?
@Raynos to be fair when I get to choose between C# and node for most web services I go with C# and asp.net because of the usually better tooling and drivers. That said when I do write Node I'm not a huge express fan either.
It's just very common and easy to start with so most people do - most people don't develop interesting stuff
For the 10000 people writing the same database skin express works :P
It's really not, I think a lot of people use node.js for things it's not the best at. I can totally see why it's a very good fit for a company like Uber but for most people who don't need a lot of state that depends on more than a single request on the server - it's more complex to use.
I don't like like 10 things in C# though and they're driving me crazy.
@Raynos Honestly, I'm writing less and less web servers and use try to use node as a node - writing several small units and make them talk over tcp or the like.