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git people, halp!
I can't push to origin master
it rejects my changes ;(
says something about a note on fast-forward
I can't find it in git push --help
git pull
and if I pull from origin master, my changes would be overwritten, no?
@SomeKittens ^
no, it's a merge
Pull the changes, fix any merge conflicts, then push.
damnit merge conflict :(
Q: How do I draw a pair of buttocks?

Simpleton JackI'm trying to develop a function which 3D plot would have a buttocks like shape. Several days of searching the web and a dozen my of own attempts to solve the issue have brought nothing but two pitiful formulas below. They have some resemblance to the shape I want, though not quite. Could you...

@SomeKittens That's old :)
Top answer is perfect tho
So I've got this jQuery UI widget here. I can get the instance of the object with $(".window").window("instance"), but I want to figure out the window size of that instance. I looked through the source code and I can't find it. Is there a way the console can help me stumble upon it?
Or maybe I'm looking at the wrong part of the source code?
Hello, someone can help me with an issue in Backbone-forms !
yay! fixed and commited! :D :D thanks @SomeKittens @SecondRikudo ;)
!!welcome elhoucine
@elhoucine Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@AwalGarg yaaaay
@AwalGarg yaaaaaay
Thanks you @SecondRikudo
@AwalGarg yayyyy
I want to send a picture to the server via my BackboneForm
I'm new to js and backbone
I wrote a code but I think I'm missing something
Time for more noob questions! m59 help vamp!
@elhoucine that sounds specific enough to be a question
What does browserify actually output?
That could be asked on the main sight.
Argh, english.
We were supposed to be friends.
@m59 Browserify wraps things in self invoking function
browserify the/things.js | what is going here?
Yes I dod posted it but no one replied yt
@elhoucine like upload a file?
@Seanny123 you can edit messages!
@SecondRikudo oh wait, I just answered my own question. It's a stream.
@SomeKittens right. Dope.
@SecondRikudo aye!
Here si the link to my question if it's better :)
@SecondRikudo Not that. I know how browserify works as far as that goes.
@m59 So what's the question?
@Seanny123 Also I'm absolutely clueless as to jQueryUI (Angullaaaaaaaarrr!), but @rlemon LOVES it.
@SecondRikudo since it can be piped, it's a stream right? But a stream of what? strings, I guess?
@ssube exactly
@AwalGarg Read up on CSRF and fix the post please
I'm so incredibly glad jqUI is no longer really relevant.
Do people these days still use xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); ?
@m59 I believe it returns a stream of the finished bundled file
@SomeKittens Can I do what I'm trying to do with AngularJS?
@nosille It's abstracted out
@SecondRikudo I don't really get what "file" means, honestly :/
@ssube What's the alternative to what I linked to?
@m59 concatenated JS code
@ssube so, outdated?
But I'm guessing here
aka, a long string?
@Seanny123 I'm not sure what you're trying to do.
I mean, it appears to me to just be a string
@AwalGarg it should be CW if you're building a canonical answer.
@nosille old IE needs it, but you usually use jQ or something to wrap that and native AJAX and stuff into one $.ajax func.
@Seanny123 heh?
@SomeKittens Making windows
@Seanny123 ew, just use Linux
I think it's not the right place to ask for help, it is ?
@SomeKittens umm, it is a kind of different canon. There is a meta post from second rikudo about that.
It does its thing, and outputs the results either to a file or to STDOUT
STDOUT can be streamed.
Right, I have to go.
@rlemon Yeah that's what I was thinking. It's not that hard but eh it's just welcome..
@someDoge rlemon is afk: need a break
@SomeKittens Because I'm trying to make a JS equivalent to this
So yeah, we had something on Linux, but we want something shareable and cross-platfrom and modular to go on top of Python.
@Seanny123 lol are you the one who was asking about that yesterday?
Sigh... Yes... Shame
Got stuck somewhere else and my lab doesn't know JS
@someDoge That window tip helped me a lot.
I've got it subsribing to events when the window resizes.
@SomeKittens I will stab you
I just can't find what the new size is
Why not?
@rlemon at least Seanny's a Canuck!
isn't he from Quebec?
@Seanny123 Use offsetHeight?
you know how I feel about Quebec...
@rlemon northern ontario
So French, but not "real" French
Or use jQuery lol
How can I quote a previous message I sent? I have a better explanation of this in the chat history.
See below
15 mins ago, by Seanny123
So I've got this jQuery UI widget here. I can get the instance of the object with $(".window").window("instance"), but I want to figure out the window size of that instance. I looked through the source code and I can't find it. Is there a way the console can help me stumble upon it?
Found the button. (:
yeah screw my life... to do research for the pokemon game I'm trying to recreate I've always googled for leaf green, and not much came up. It occured to me that I should also try googling fire red, and now tons of stuff come up!
Basically, with Python I just tab complete and use dir() to explore an object. But in JavaScript, despite printing out what I got with $(".window").window("instance") I still can't determine if that attribute is built-in or if I have to derive it from the css
git merge -s ours
automatically resolves all conflicts in the best possible way
@Seanny123 And Canadian, but not "real" Canadian.
@Seanny123 At line 771 simone.window.js ui.size seems to have the right values
@ssube Not quite.
@rlemon could be useful
Guys please review my code here: github.com/awalGarg/dommy
But I don't quite know what you're asking for lol
@someDoge you're totally right. And I'm sorry if you're confused. That's my fault. I was trying to find the balance between boring you to death and giving you something you could point me to easily.
So I did it?
@AwalGarg for what it is worth, you really don't need anything aside from QS/QSA
the speed differences are moot, and if it does make a difference I argue too many DOM updates
@AwalGarg basically a worse version of jQuery?
props = props || Object.create(null);
who told you to do it this way?
@someDoge Not quite yet.... :p I'll try explaining it one more time, but if you want to bail, that's totally fine.
Ok lol go for it
also @AwalGarg
!!> typeof null === "object"
@rlemon true
you're 'typeof type === 'object'' is pointless
@rlemon because previously when I used {}, Zirak pointed out a problem with passing hasOwnProperty as one of the property
@someDoge I want to put a D3.js graph in one of those windowy things that I linked to earlier. I can subscribe to the event that gets triggered when it resizes, but I can't get the new size. I don't even know how to start looking for the new size. That ui object looks nice, but I don't know how to get to it...
@AwalGarg it would be easier for the user to choose the name of their variable. Maybe make it an object constructor instead?
Wait a second...
and is that really a concern? knowing the difference is cool, but trying to solve problems you don't have is a headache
@rlemon erm, whoops
@Seanny123 ui.element?
@rlemon ok, noted.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Could you put December's challenges on the JS room org?
Wait I don't think that gets sent with the resizeStart event..
otherwise organize and commented code.
looks pretty good.
@AwalGarg on line 95 you should have used a switch
> you were reluctant to disclose your existing salary that shows lack of confidence in your decision making ability in terms of joining a new company.
@rlemon ok, but is there anything wrong with creating it that way? performance issues? bad practice?
"Not disclosing salary" is a fantastic decision.
@AwalGarg just seems pointless to me over object literal
unless you are hitting a case where it is not, follow KISS principal
@someDoge right. But to get ui what do I type? `$(".window").window("instance").ui isn't giving me anything.
@towc tbh, the sole reason I chose ifs was because I don't like switch :( bad me.
@AwalGarg it makes code hard to read I guess. Also ifs weren't made to be used like that, switches were
@rlemon ok. noted. Is there someway to make the make function better? Or is it alright as is?
@SomeKittens I read "you were reluctant to disclose your existing salary that shows you are about being compensated for your position in terms of joining a new company. So we can't afford you."
@Seanny123 Well you'll need to do it on that event? From the console at runtime you'll need to select a specific window if that's what you want, outside of the event.
@rlemon "You're too savvy for us to exploit"
@someDoge I think I figured it out by putting stuff in the event
I'll get back to you
Show codez
@towc ifs are alright, I think... but no problem in switching to switch anyways. Would do now :)
@someDoge and yes, if it goes to hell, I'll show codez
@AwalGarg also, do you usually use that much index?
Aww well that's no fun
@towc index as in? .indexOf?
8 char indexes! I this that's a bit too much
@SomeKittens wut
@towc he uses TABS
@AwalGarg as in code text index
Q: How should I reply to an email which feels non-professional after declining a technical interview/test?

vickyI recently got a telephone call regarding a new opportunity. We scheduled a technical Android test completion date on the coming Sunday/Monday. The other party asked me how much I was getting paid at the moment, I told him it was too early to disclose, and to let me think and proceed forward, ...

github defaults tabs to 8 spaces displayed
oh those are tabs
@rlemon ooooooh. Is there a way to turn it down? I don't like it
I use tabs of width = 3 spaces
@towc I think that's purely your opinion isn't it?
and tabs because I can change the width, or convert them to spaces reliably.
@someDoge yes
I feel like switches aren't getting the love they deserve
It might be better not to suggest it as "You should have done $this" if it's only an opinion :P
@rlemon wait... they've done it in css?
it's a CSS property
@someDoge I think that many would agree
@towc chrome defaults to 8 iirc
you can goto .blob-code { in the inspector and add tab-size: 4;
You mean with using the switch over if...else?
it's not like a standard and if you don't do it people will kill you, but I think that when they're supposed to be in some place, you put them in that place
@rlemon I'll do
Why are they supposed to?
For less than half a dozen comparisons, if-else or switch doesn't really matter
@someDoge because the language was built to have it there
I think he should've used a lookup table. Now what :P
@towc Well that's not very convincing idk.
@someDoge now I go and google what a lookup table it
The values should be constants though, not strings
@towc jsperf.com/if-switch-lookup-table // ignore the jsperf part I'm just pasting it to show you codez
@towc actually, switch is... meh. an object hash-map can replace switch too. switch has some use cases, but if..elses are fine.
I'm not arguing for or against any of the methods :P
I just think that switches look a lot more organized than ifs, if the only thing you check in an if-else is if some parameter is equal to something
@towc switch code is heavier than if code :p and one of my if has to check two conditions... so I guess I have to drop this change for now.
case 'default': stuff(); break;
case 'bottom': stuff(); break;
I think the time you've been spending arguing about this is greater than the time you'll save from either option.
@towc not good
@AwalGarg it is much better than what you have in my opinion
case 'default':
case 'bottom': stuff(); break;
@SomeKittens not caring about performance (even tho apparently switches are faster than ifs), I think it's just much easier to read
@AwalGarg ^^^
completely forgot about that
@copy what do you prefer using?
I'd use lookup table 99% of the time.
@AwalGarg On an unimportant matter, naming your function (and variable) Class with an uppercase C breaks convention
@towc you shouldn't have an option 'default' that isn't actually the default.
@SomeKittens right... tell that to Awal
I'm not sure I'd ever use switch at all.
On a more important matter, make does too many things. It both constructs an element and adds it to a tree.
@Zirak i know, but lowercase c is not good as well, right?
@towc Either if-elses or switch-case are fine in this case, lookup table would get convoluted
@AwalGarg For properties you can use lowercase c, for variables use className for instance.
@Zirak yes. SOC not followed, right?
@towc Well apparently a lookup table is fastest.. If you take the "performance" train you should at least go all the way to the end :P
@Zirak I actually did that, but then closure compiler raised a red spot. And there are ES3 browsers... well, you are right.
@someDoge Here is the source code. If you have Python and Tornado you can just run main.py, if you don't, open index.html in the static folder.
@AwalGarg I'd expect make to make an element, not make and append/prepend/whatever
@someDoge the jsperf thing you linked me to earlier says something else
@Zirak so if I change the name to something like new or create, then? (just trying to do the best...)
But other than that, it's pretty nice. Small and does what you said it does.
lol no dude. It doesn't
If you're not using Chrome idgaf lol
@AwalGarg Why does it need to also append it anywhere? Just have it construct an element
The point is that the difference is negligible. No big deal.
Nothing wrong with someElement.appendChild(make(...))
@someDoge oh... red is lookup table -_- I thought it was first, second and third test
The jsperf is also completely irrelevant and broken
ok, you proved me wrong, I now have to handle you 1 internet point, right?
@Zirak for added functionality like "top", "after" and "before"
@AwalGarg If you really want, make it a different function. make should make.
create should create.
What if you don't want to add it anywhere?
@Zirak it is an optional arguement.
It shouldn't be there in the first place
If you don't pass it, make would just return the constructed element.
@Zirak ok, noted.
@someDoge AH. I figured it out.
@Seanny123 You were close
Hi Zirak
lemme fix things up
function(event, ui)

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