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yeah standing up and using your arms helps tremendously
so I imagine really running would help even more
and having constraints so I don't run into a wall would probably be cool
haha yea
didn't you try to lean on an in game wall and fall on your ass once?
lol yes!
^ proof that shit works
yea, omni would solve that :P (I think)
It was called cover shooter
a game you actually move/crouch ect
fuck I have to get on reddit to see where I can demo the omni
if it works for me I'll order one same day
Most of the games I'd use the Rift with are sitting games
you have no idea how jealous I am of people who can see stereoscopic 3d
@allSublimeUsers You should definitely try using the ubuntu HUD with sublime! It is super fuckin useful!!!
But if someone invents a weightless simulator, I'm all for using it with KSP EVA
I guess it would be good for other code editors as well.
@KendallFrey do you care to be submersed in water? because we could make that work.
presumably my laptop would
well ofc custom hardware work be involved and some sort of custom controller / headset based on the rift
but water proof
I don't really care to go swimming just to get that much realism
besides, underwater weightlessness still feels way different
I would suggest magnets and electro magnetism but pace makers will disagree
@KendallFrey probably does, but if it is good enough for astronaut training it is good enough for you!
Anything in an accelerating reference frame just won't be the same
@rlemon bah
...it searches in chrome history and bookmarks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CapricaSix should run DogeScript
I have managed to do something in my jsFiddle that I cannot duplicate in my .net application. I am using Blocksit.JS plugin to organize divs on my page like the pinterest layout as well as some custom jquery to do a content filter. The trouble I am having is that when I run the program in my jsFiddle the items reorganize so that the scrollbar goes away. In my .net application the items do not reorganize, instead they stay in their original place. Why?
Here is my JsFiddle jsfiddle.net/nz72mofb
It'd be cool if full-immersion VR existed in our lifetime... though maybe I've just been watching too much SAO.
@Retsam holodeck is possible.
we are not there yet, but there is no reason to think we couldn't pull it off
It'd basically require a neural interface to do right, I think, which, yeah, I'm sure we'll get eventually but in the next 70 years?
filter still works though
@Retsam Depends what you mean by full-immersion. It's impossible to get full realism without it actually being the real thing, so it's all about what you define as realistic enough
@Retsam 65, tops
ahahahah youtube.com/watch?v=ooQjdpVQo6Y cc @jAndy @SterlingArcher
@Skullomania Because you haven't imported Blocksit.JS to your fiddle?
I checked the console before and after in my .net application to look for errors. I am currently getting none. so I took out the repeater I was using to generate the divs and used standard HTML and the items still will not reorganize
Your fiddle is erroring out.
@rlemon top comment ruined it
But I lol'd
youtube comment trolls are bad yea
at the video. Comment was retarded
I stopped reading comments due to them
some i will admit are quite hilarious
@Retsam lol...without blocksit the application does what I want it to do minus order them properly
knowing they are probably 2-3 people just chaining together with 10 accounts each to just take over youtube comments with often-shitty-trolling attempts.. makes me sad
Maybe you don't need BlocksIt, then?
I made the mistake of posting a sarcastic comment on a YouTube video once.
30 emails later of people not getting the joke... never again.
> Throughout human history, mosquitoes collectively have delivered more death and morbidity than any other factor, including war. - source
it's on the internet, it has to be true!
Yeah Malaria sucks
YouTube comments are the Auschwitz of the Internet. Full of disease, and nobody wants to go there.
@Retsam jsfiddle.net/nz72mofb/3 fixed but now it does not realign the items
@KendallFrey Youtube comments will set you free!
@Loktar If I think about it I expected the number to be high, but not the highest. damn. I always assumed we were the #1 killers of ourselves
there a messenger service which is extensible ?
and widespread ?
<Like a replacement of SMS>
@rlemon huh?
I thought of facebook messenger as an option
because XMPP Login to facebook
YouTube comments just follow Sturgeon's Law, except without any mechanism for separating the 10% from the 90%.
@Loktar Россия will set you free!
I dont want to google that I assume its the word porn?
@Skullomania It does when the window resizes
What, Россия?
Maybe Россия is word porn in mother Россия
in Russia everything is a word for porn
oh, you meant the literal word "porn"
yeah, no
@Retsam it does not...i drug the bars in and out and it goes back to where it was
If you see anything written in Cyrillic, there's one rule, which is it's never, EVER the word it reminds you of in English
@Retsam my hope is to make the scrollbar go away and it reorder the items to the top
Think и is just the Russian N? Think again, it's actually the Russian I
@Retsam I have noticed that the layout breaks if I remove the position absolute from blocksit.js but it does reorder the items
Hi guys . Is anyone using Sublime Text 3 editor? I want to get some plugins for it.
I am
but I used very few plugins for it
I want a JSLint plugin like in n++ editor. Sublime is great. Has snippets
but I am used to JSLint JavaScript sorting plugin and ST3 doesn't have it
does that kind of stuff
I use the SublimeLinter plugin and it works pretty well; though I'm using it on ST2.
I have decided to nuke my windows installation
well, now that I know removing position absolute fixes the filter. How do I fix the order onload?
and then only installing
Git for Windows, Chrome, ConEmu, ST 3 ofc.
if......... this hud was present on windows!!! OH MY ADOBE WHY YOU NO DEV FOR LINUX?
@rlemon yup. installed. works great. Is there this plugin prntscr.com/59sd8b
This one is more important to me
so now... my four most used keys are "alt", "super", "f12", and "esc"...
so my phone is sitting on my desk next to me, and I noticed the smudges from my finger outline my lock pattern. #fail.
@rlemon I think it would be a bit difficult to retrace the exact order if your pattern is not too simple..
@rlemon I love ribbing people about things my old BlackBerry does better than their modern phones
well I could use number or facial recognition
but the lock pattern seemed easier
@rlemon that's how i cracked my friend's phone
@rlemon Is there no option for a traditional password? :(
yea but iirc it is numbers only
4 digit
just wipe it after you unlock it
I do kinda like my security
my #1 security is "don't leave your phone laying around"
has worked well so far
just get an iphone for the thumbprint scanner
the lock pattern is a "just in case"
@eazimmerman those are so easy to crack
I don't use a phone... problem solved!
some of us have lives
Another thing, my brother brags about how he can read texts without unlocking or someshiz. I brag about how I can't.
I can! my watch gets em ;)
@rlemon lol in that case I also had a life about an year ago when I used to use a phone :P
I'm that guy that never texts
I never text someone just because I need something to do
@KendallFrey YOU'RE that guy!?
I've heard of you!
I don't text people unless I have something to tell them
I don't converse with many people outside the internet
I don't like people in real life.
I don't like people
I don't like
I don't
Basically the only time I'm on my phone is when I'm in the presence of other people, or on the throne.
Attention Room: Kendalls phone has been red flagged!
Neither my girlfriend nor I text socially, either. Communication can be an issue for us...
dat missing apostrophe
@Loktar :P i.imgur.com/CXKA0ei.jpg games today
its on bro
!!afk home time! @Loktar link me the audio when I get home
@rlemon haha great pic
also I think they misquoted my collection of games
they said 1700
pretty sure I said 1500, lol but oh well
if we are counting steam games its like 3k anyway
Hi! Even if I have read many times articles / SO answers about that, I never remember. Do you have a rule of thumb to remember that : When to use :
myfunc = function(e) { ... }
var myfunc = function(e) { ... }
function myfunc(e) { ... }
The only difference between the first two is that the first is creating a global variable; I wouldn't do that.
always use var when assigning.
@Basj The first two: global variable vs local - The last one: function hoisting
@phenomnomnominal s/assigning/declaring/
use named if you want the name in stacktraces/need to know the name of the constructor, and if you want hoisting.
^^ oops yep
@phenomnomnominal I've worked on code where the convention was literally to use var when assigning, for a certain variable
among these 3 function definitions, are there some that you NEVER use ?
Select an editor.  To change later, run 'select-editor'.
  1. /bin/ed
  2. /bin/nano        <---- easiest
  3. /usr/bin/vim.tiny
@Basj There's really only 2 function definitions, not 3.
@Basj I never use an implicit global variable (except for golf)
@Retsam what do you mean ?
@Basj you're also forgetting about anonymous functions
@phenomnomnominal I don't know. What is it ?
Forgetting, or never knew?
@Basj The first two are the same; you're changing the variable you're assigning it to, but you're not changing anything about the function itself.
[1, 2, 3].map(function (number) { return number * number; });
@SterlingArcher probably never really knew correctly, I confess :)
I always use function name(){}
the function there is anonymous. It has no name, and isn't assigned to a variable.
@phenomnomnominal the first two in his example are anonymous
@FlorianMargaine isn't it better to be able to reference the function via variable or do anons have some advantage?
Anyway, there is function declaration and function expression
Ok so between these 2 ways, which one do you use ?
function name() { } (as suggested by @FlorianMargaine)
var name = function() { } ?
@Basj Exercise for the reader: figure out exactly what var Foo = function Bar() { ... } means
The advantage of function declaration is hoisting
syntax error
@FlorianMargaine And as the phenom pointed out, stack traces
And there is no advantage to function expression over declaration. They both allow the same thing, except hoisting is only for declarations
@KendallFrey It means a local variable whose name is Foo, and which is a function indeed. Is it right ?
Stack traces change?
@Basj weren't you the one who was once asking how to disable browser zoom? (just asking... got to know something)
5 mins ago, by phenomnomnominal
use named if you want the name in stacktraces/need to know the name of the constructor, and if you want hoisting.
(function () { throw Error(); })()
@AwalGarg yes, and it finally worked (in case you need it)
@FlorianMargaine I'd consider obj.func = function func() {}; an advantage of expression, no?
@Basj Yes, but that's no different from your example
(function Hello () { throw Error(); })()
@AwalGarg this is not a syntax error
@FlorianMargaine { ... } is
note to self
never run npm install --verbose
unless really needed.
@AwalGarg You know darn well what was intended
@AwalGarg are you serious?
Even though I would have said the same thing
Dont be a pedant bruh
@Basj I am curious what method you chose...
@Retsam obj.func = function (){};
(lol sorry guys :P)
@KendallFrey would have yelled at you too if you did that :D
@KendallFrey ;)
So my 3 choices are only 2 choices :

var name = function () {... }
function name () { ...}
@FlorianMargaine Is that different than my example, except I named mine?
named functions also offer some nice patterns:
@FlorianMargaine you would choose the second one ?
...is this a survey?
I would better get paid for that, then.
(function () {
    return {
        someFunc: someFunc

    function someFunc () {
@Retsam ah my bad, no. You're right.
So reliant on an IDE...
@AwalGarg I intercept the CTRL + keyboard shortcut and mouswheel, and use preventDefault(), etc.
That said, your code is useless...
@FlorianMargaine All of my code is useless :)
@FlorianMargaine is there a reason why use said you prefer function name () { ... } more than the other one?
btw @Basj in gecko browsers, setting zoom: reset for the document parent element's css would disable browser zoom. Works in IE, Chrome, Safari, etc... (but not FF).
Heh. No, I mean, the pattern is useful, but... Oh well.
@Basj yes, I expressed them
@Basj hoisting
@FlorianMargaine (I don't know who starred that message, btw; just so people don't assume I starred a message just because someone said I was right)
ugh, does anyone want to write unit tests for me
I want to eat maggi, @AwalGarg i failed to cook maggi :-(
@darkyen00 don't say that
@FlorianMargaine Is hoisting an important thing? (I'm just discovering it now)
I guess I have failed the universe today
In other words... you failed to boil water?
I was attempting that.
You makes me want to get up and eat...
@rlemon so I discovered that Tinder is intended as a dating site, but is horrendously exploited as a hooker finder.
@SterlingArcher rlemon is afk: home time! @Loktar link me the audio when I get home
@AwalGarg Hahaha that was the plan
@SterlingArcher found a tinderalla yet ?
@AwalGarg @AwalGarg
A couple, but they stopped responding and I'm not a persistent tinder-er
Mostly hookers
Like 90% hookers
> It's how people meet
@Basj also, you can use the meta viewport tag to set a zoom level.
There was one girl who was really cool, and she just stopped talking too. I was butthurt cause she was a tiny redhead but whatever.
@AwalGarg thats what i wanted to cook
chicken maggi --- i failed to even cook the normal one.
Not gonna let a online-dating app make me sad lol I'm too cool for that
@SterlingArcher Badoo ?
@AwalGarg what meta viewport tag ?
@Basj lookup
@darkyen00 get veg
@AwalGarg you are vegitarian
@SterlingArcher another like tinder
@AwalGarg oh that ok!
I am.
I'm not going to flood my phone with dating apps lol When the universe wants me to have a gf it will stop sending drunk bar chicks my way
It's a shame drunk bar chicks aren't smart. Even if I'm tanked I can still hold a semi-intelligent conversation
@Basj yeah... in other words, you can replace all that js with a css line and a meta tag. Super cross-browser, and much more effective.
@AwalGarg oh, then I haven't understood exactly what you mean. A small jsfiddle ?
@Basj I don't think meta tags work in jsfiddle... what browser are you on?
@AwalGarg FF or Chrome. Just drop a HTML page here gget.it ;)
@Basj nah, just run document.firstElementChild.style.zoom = "reset" through chrome console...
@Retsam don't worry, I know who starred this message :)
@FlorianMargaine you can clear stars, right?
@AwalGarg what should it do ? It does nothing
Yeah, on desktop...
@Basj ... run that, then try to zoom.
I don't really care tbh...
> It is too late to undo this operation
sorry dude :( :P
Um I can't install any native modules from npm
npm -- latest
visual studio is installed
it works fine if i clone the repo
and build them manually
but thats a PITA
any suggestions ?
@AwalGarg I was trying on FF :) lol Of course it didn't work! Now on Chrome it works! Great!
@Basj use the meta tag with ff... I am too lazy to blow a full html page right now.
joining both, it works on each and every browser
...but it is not recommended to disable browser zoom.
(saying that as a user, not a dev)
@AwalGarg please ;) I don't see exactly what you mean, and how it works
@BenjaminGruenbaum she's a badass omg
err, poor choice of words. war isn't badass.
@AwalGarg it seems mandatory to disable default zooming for my project bigpicture.bi/demo (I need to use my own zooming)
Naa, she's a badass for sure.
@Basj ahh right... you had a good reason. Sure.
War is horrible but stepping up in her situation is badass nonetheless
@Basj lookup user-scalable none meta viewport on google.
@AwalGarg Here is the part for Chrome : gget.it/8tvyfkxp/testviewport.html
@BenjaminGruenbaum I think heroic might be better :)
@Basj that is.. fine. Except that you should not just copy paste the code we write here. The code is setting the css zoom property for the first element in the document to reset. So use css to do that. I gave that command so you can run it and see a demo.
Albeit it's terrible she had to do it, and she lost her son in the process
@AwalGarg I tested with <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" /> as suggested by stackoverflow.com/questions/6397748/…, but it doesn't work on FF...
@Basj It is for mobile FF only :p. For Desktop FF, I think there is prefixed version of the zoom property, which I can't exactly remember right now.
(or any mobile browser, for that matter)
imgur.com/gallery/sho8NmD with a title like that you're gonna get comments like that...
I knew there'd be a titanic reference...
@AwalGarg where in this code is it for mobile only? There is no mobile tag
@Basj the viewport tag is for mobile only. Read the docs.
!!tell Basj mdn meta viewport
@AwalGarg but you said I should use viewport meta for FF , didn't you ?
@SterlingArcher I actually had to click the comment links until I got to the nsfw one, it even said "nsfw" and I didn't believe it. :D
Yeah, just forgot adding the mobile word :P... lemme post the css for desktop versions. Wait.
Node should be able to simply do
if ws is installed in /node_modules/ws
right ?
in that case npm shouldn't re-install it again, right ?
Y'all know how borders are appended to the outside of an element? How would I make the border "internal" meaning it doesn't resize the element, it just throws a border on the inside?
@SterlingArcher box-shadow:inset .... ?
Also now that I think about it box-sizing:border-box; should do that IIRC
Oh I'll try that one
@Basj hmm, it won't work for normal FF versions. It works on the nightly builds... so I guess you would have to wait for some time until the max-zoom property is rolled out.
@PeeHaa ok that works, however, it also kind of resizes the image
Which isn't baddddd but it's not good either
@AwalGarg ok okay! Can you send me the code you tried ? So I will keep this until it works
@SterlingArcher kind of? :P
Haha basically it shrinks the img 3x3 pixels because the border replaces it
@Basj @viewport { max-zoom: 1.0; }
I was hoping to morhaps overlay the border on top of the image
(Don't get me wrong, this is good, thank you!)
@SterlingArcher hehe yw. Let me just post it in the html room. Those people would know hwo to do it if it is possible
I'll go join you in there
unsafe perm in lifecycle true
what does that means ?
@AwalGarg It also doesn't work for IE
@Basj which one?
the reset one would work in even IE6...
now nothing works anymore: http://gget.it/qlwci7ut/disable_zoom.html :(
Can I ask you a favor? Could you update this small document with the code you think that would work the best for as many browsers as possible (to prevent user from zooming)
@Basj uh... why?
@Basj why did you put the css that way?
@JanDvorak do you mean why to prevent from zooming?
@AwalGarg idk...
@Basj yes
@JanDvorak for this project : bigpicture.bi/demo I need to prevent "standard" zooming
@Basj remove the @viewport rule... and no need to set it for the body tag. The viewport rule should be put only in a separate stylesheet.
@AwalGarg sorry I don't get it... Could you modify it just a little and send it, I really don't see exactly how to do it?
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" style="zoom: reset">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
g'night guys
@AwalGarg just a last thing ;)
It doesn't work on Chrome :(
Good night!
lemme screenshot
@Basj ^
Super big mega ultra hyper good night!!!
@AwalGarg try this in Chrome : gget.it/0b0rj0fz/disable_zoom.html (it's your code)
doesn't work :(
@Basj ^
Yes... On windows, doesn't work.
Anyway have a good night!
One day god opened a computer.
Immediately screamed : "How on heck did windows get so popular ?"

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