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@DavidH indentation would help. Everything is flush within the function.
I suppose so but i've confirmed that createElement is the issue here although i'll try to comment the functionality more
Found the cause. Please inspect the DOM to see the cause yourself ;-)
Oh hm
Found the cause. Please inspect the DOM to see the cause yourself ;-)
I am although I don't see the issue in the code
hint: expand both #rec and #poly ;-)
Expand? That doesn't ring a bell honestly :P
How do you inspect the DOM?
Inspect element correct? Or are we talking about breakpoints?
!!tell david wiki document object model
Disclaimer: I'm lagging this morning pretty bad (rlemon just rebooted to try to fix the issue) -- if I am taking too long to reply or do not reply at all ping rlemon.
Yes, i'm getting it I suppose although i'm probably inspecting the wrong way
In short: you take the input, dump it into both #rec and #poly, then you find all rects in the document and convert them to areas, then you find all polys in the document and convert them to areas
That is exactly what i'm doing
How many rects are there in the document when there's one in the input?
Two using the paste in the fiddle and two polygons using that same paste
Can you see why?
Shouldn't the question be, can you see why there's 4 of each? Or is that what you're asking me? :P
Well using your words that'd probably be because i'm trying to find all the poly/rects out of the DOCUMENT when really it should be out of the #rec and #poly only? :P
Why have separate #rec and #poly at all?
All you want to use them for is to have the browser parse some HTML.
Oh yea because at first that was the request by the one asking for this, I forgot to remove it. But even then it'd be one div holding both
And I think that's wrong as well? When I really could do with getting from the textarea only?
If you want a cleaner solution, look at DOMParser
I've tried domparser but I couldn't get it to work with what i'm doing
If you want a quicker solution, just dump all shapes into one element and select from there.
I didn't really understand it
new DOMParser().parseFromString(..., "text/html")
returns a new document object in which you can select as you desire
Do you perhaps have an good example? I've been trying to work it out with what w3 shows which is: w3schools.com/dom/dom_parser.asp . It's so unclear to me
W3schools != w3c
Not using that terrible site will make things more clear.
W3schools sucks
Heh at my school they've thought us everything using w3 as source
!!tell david mdn domparser
@DavidH fail
@DavidH w3 or w3schools?
Your teacher sucks. Sorry.
Teacher? School*
The school doesn't teach; teachers teach. The school is just a facility.
Teachers* In that case
Used the wrong word as plurar in this particular situation heh
hey all :)
i'm tryin to do this :
The problem with the example there is that text/xml produces an XMLDocument, which is a slightly different beast. <rect x=1 y=2> is not valid XML.
They compose pdf's with assignments using that site and sometimes when we understand the subject they'll make more difficult assignments
Oh yeah I can totally know you have more than one teacher teaching w3schools..
on a svg element i created...
I get a "NameSpace Error" :

NamespaceError: An attempt was made to create or change an object in a way which is incorrect with regard to namespaces
I wasn't trying to correct you in a bad way, moreso tell you what it's actually like here. Also Jan I've tried to use that although change XML into SVG in the application/xml
@Julo0sS I guess it doesn't like your namespace
"xlink:href" ?
Although Jan that one div holder really helped me!
So thanks for that
@Julo0sS definitely not a valid namespace
@DavidH try domParser with text/html. XML is really picky when it comes to well-formedness.
@JanDvorak xlink:href is an attribute for my <image tag...
@Julo0sS It almost definitely isn't
Alright I will, thanks!
xD so what is it then??
and if it is, it shouldn't be
A namespace is typically an URL that you own. I think it has to be exactly the URL of the DTD defining the XML structure.
@Julo0sS Let me copy verbatim from MDN:
var d = document.getElementById("d1");
d.setAttributeNS("http://www.mozilla.org/ns/specialspace", "align", "center");
ok, so why isn't it a problem to use it this way on svg elements :
(for example)
xlink:href is just an attribute for <image tag, like "src" is for <img tag
It's not just an attribute
xmlns is a very special attribute
...some kind of mysterious attribute...
not mysterious
I ran an xss vulnerability test on one of my forms, the test resulted in a vulnerability cause by '=' sign on a text field . I was wondering how an unprotected '=' sign can be a vulnerability ? I understand that these ; \ / < > " ' are sources of vulnerabilities if not protected but the equal sign ??
Show us the code?
@Joseph user input cannot cause a vulnerability. It's what you do with it that counts.
!!nudge 15
@towc Nudge #1 registered.
@towc Nudge #2 registered.
@KendallFrey Meh
@RyanKinal I haven't had lunch yet
I'm not even thinking about lunch... it's 9:13 am (here, at least)
I am, however, thinking about coffee
!!afk making coffee
I feel like the title of that photo set should be "The 23 most deadly foods in the universe"
nah, I'm exaggerating... some of them look decent.
!!are you alive
@towc Yes!
@towc nudge
oh, lol
Hey guys. How do you update yourself on js?
@ØrjanTufte Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@ØrjanTufte /r/javascript, I guess
It saddens me how bad some people are at making benchmark comparisons… :(
@ØrjanTufte Update.. yourself?
@poke Write a tutorial
@FlorianMargaine any news regarding the Contributors Army?
@SecondRikudo Well, it would be a one-liner… like “Include the most basic solution as well, and don’t jump to conclusions too early”.
So now we're discussing an "everything button" feature
@KendallFrey "everything button"?
"It's a button for everything"
I didn't quite catch what kind of everything
It must be a jQuery button then!
or the WPF equivalent
i set an eventListener this way :
    element.addEventListener("click",function(){...some code...});

can I remove it this way :
!!tell Julo0sS mdn removeEventListener
It appears the answer is no
@KendallFrey i have to "copy" the function again? i can't just "remove click listener" whatever it does?
No, that could have unintended consequences
ok thx
No, don’t copy the function. That would create just another function that does the same. Instead, give it a name or save it to some variable and pass that to add/removeEventListener.
I published yesterday evening CLI GitHub - A fancy GitHub client for command line. The funny part is that two guys from GitHub already starred it. :D
@poke what if I have to remove the eventlistener from another place in the code (in another "class")... i don't have access to this function directly... (if i store it as a variable)
It’s not the responsibility of some “other class” to remove another’s event listener anyway…
don't use anonymous functions
they cannot be removed
@SecondRikudo laziness, I guess
@towc nudge
@IonicăBizău The screenshots are not readable
Ah, my bad
You should link them to raw.github.com/... though
@BenjaminGruenbaum sorry, was afk all weekend, will read transcript
> Whoop whoop! You have just received an invite to purchase the OnePlus One.

To use this invite, please follow this link to claim it as yours (you have less than 24h to do so):
Wait what 6 entire months for an invite and then it expires in 24 hours?
Hey if anyone is actually still interested in JokePlus you can have my invite
@copy True, probably I should crop them... Linking to raw would be also a solution.
Hey guys question, there's a paste in this fiddle i'll show and there's some text beside the shapes that's supposed to be next to each area (like you paste it) but it shows up above the button.

I know that's because I didn't include it before the area in the function but i'm not sure how to fetch them out of the input and place them like the paste. Does anyone have any idea? http://jsfiddle.net/b9jfbbs5/3/
@someDoge to be fair, my co-worker has a 1+1 and it's pretty cool
Also, why'd you make a room for me and you?
Also, who are you?
@SterlingArcher it's me <3ro
I was tryna talk to you forever ago about something
Ahhh ok, I mixed it up I thought you were another
!!nudge 10
@towc Nudge #3 registered.
Bruh you have my cell phone # lol
But yeah sure 1+1 is pretty cool but I signed up to buy the phone like >6 months ago?
And they have been taking non-invite pre-orders
@rlemon sweet thanks man
I need to get my son a mouse
It's just hilarious. It's the funniest phone ever
Because of the marketing clusterfuck behind it
I'm really hungry but the grill place downstairs is closed :(
Maybe you should go jump a semi truck over an F1 car
Trying to determine what the motivation behind this was
That's cake dude
Did anyone look into my issue perhaps?
Stupid mondays
not logitech, but my kid will love it lol
so cheap too like $14
looks like a decepticon mouse
@Loktar Looks painful to hold.
I saw a mouse that had a built in vape over the weekend
Obviously no, it wasn't a good idea.
> Autobots, scroll down!
@towc nudge
@SterlingArcher haha
Sorry for rephrasing but could anyone help me?
I don't have the time right now at the moment, sorry. About to go to a meeting with breakfast.
@DavidH I don't understand what you mean unfortunatley
Do you mean my question?
do you want the word outcome to be to the left?
Did you paste the text into the textarea to confirm perhaps?
If so then you'd see those 5A, 5B strings come out above the button
But i'd want them next to the right area like you'd paste
posted on November 24, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} POW!

Although i'm not sure how to strip them out of the hold div to then make them appear next to the right area
Should I be more specific or do you get my idea? >.<
@Loktar was one day only
did you miss it?
@rlemon ah there are a bunch of sales still
@DavidH ok I see the outcome, not sure what you mean by right area?
if you can find me a good sale on a S5 white unlocked I would appreciate it
Ill keep an eye out
there is one good price on amazon but reviews talk about fake batteries
I got my s4 (locked) for 0.01
Well do you see the paste itself? It's like: 5a<rect>5b<poly> etc.
I want it to come out like that in the output as well
I only care for unlocked because I don't wanna fuss with finding canadian carriers
otherwise, Rogers
So say it finds a rect and before that rect it says '5a' then I want to include that in the output so that i becomes 5a<area>
But what I wasn't able to do is to strip it and place it before the area in my function
and I have no idea the validity of some sites. expansys.ca/…
that is a good price, but what if it is a ripoff and they don't send me what I expect?
I've so far only been able to get 5A out by using the nodeType function but I couldn't take the rest out of the textarea
@rlemon Claim your money back with PayPal :P
Or pay a little more for more "guarantee"
@FlorianMargaine stupid OSX was running bison 2.3 that was the only problem Friday trying to compile :P
@Loktar worse comes to worse can I order it to your place and you mail it to me (there is always better deals on amazon.com)
@someDoge ah :)
@someDoge you should bug report however... configure should've caught that
@FlorianMargaine Yeah it most definitely didn't catch shit
Oh dammit lol now I have bison version too new
I forgot you mentioned that
yeah... bison 2.7
Q: Install bison 2.7 in Ubuntu 14.04

BechirWhen I try to install bison on my ubuntu 14.04 using the command sudo apt-get install bison, the version 3 is installed. I would like to downgrade bison to use the version 2.7. How can I do it? Thanks.

@FlorianMargaine OSX
Just have to tell brew to use 2.7... But the ./configure output says it only supports to 2.6.4 and that is not available haha
good luck
@rlemon Jesus I always forgot how ridiculous phones are
@Loktar if you are uncomfortable doing it that's cool. I can try someone else :P
guys. Exists some method in Javascript for truncate a number not rounded
@user3678471 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@user3678471 Math.floor()
was at a meeting
jebus thats pricey @rlemon
I can mail it to you I dont mind
it's the cheapest I can find it to purchase it out right.
I'll look a little more, but I think that might be the winner. and my boss said I can ship from you to me on our corporate UPS account :P HA!
can you email me shipping details?
yes, but I need truncate a certain number of decimals
you guys have fedex there right?
I can go to either fedex/ups
@user3678471 number.toFixed(n)
mmmyumyum, new coding song finds its way into my playlist
those are both close/easy to ship from
@Loktar we have better rates with UPS I think
USPS is shit though id rather not ship from there
but I'll talk to the receptionist
ok cool
I can ship from UPS then
I pinged you in irc, forgot your email
actually.. its probably in my contacts
number.toFixed(n) rounded
example 123.45 => 123.4 to a decimal
Math.floor(((n) * 100))/100;
where 100 is the amount of sig dig you want ( 10*numberOfDigits )

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