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What's going on peeps?
how's it over there? Hot as fuck?
@phenomnomnominal Someone called me?
@BenjaminGruenbaum sure did stud.
What's the algorithm for this? I just can't see it. :-( golf.shinh.org/p.rb?different+letters+parity
var set = new Set;
input.split('').map(function (char) {
set.size % 2;
@mintsauce ^
@phenomnomnominal Heh! Well, to rephrase, how do you fit that into 33 chars?
@mintsauce :P
@phenomnomnominal Why not just input.value.length % 2 ?
Scratch that. Didn't read different letters
Yeah, thats the bit that makes it tricky
The current answers are very short, and there is only one test case. So I reckon the test case is encoded in the answer.
This is what I have so far: for(x of'00'+48445273..toString(2))print(x)
Note to everyone, don't run that in the console... :P
:-D Oh yeah!
Yeah, the golf server uses the SpiderMonkey shell to run code.
@mintsauce that sounds like cheating :(
Nah, golf is ruthless!
much like real golf
@mintsauce i&1 to get the lowest bit, i>>=1 to shift off the lowest bit
But that's partly what I like about golf. It can make you feel like a moron.
what can i use in node to list an array each val after another, console.log() prints each one on it's own line
@copy Have you had a look at this? golf.shinh.org/p.rb?print+numbers+reversed
@CSᵠ process.stdout, I think.
I've got the top score atm, but I don't think I've done anything especially clever and I'm sure it can be beaten.
@CSᵠ Just checked, it's process.stdout.write, but yeah.
hmm, kinda works, but throw new TypeError('invalid data');
tyvm btw
@mintsauce I'll check it out after sleeping
Well, after your submission, I guess I'm not going to be sleeping for a while! :-)
for(x=0;x++<25;print(''+(x%10||'')+(x/10|0||''))); :( can't
anyone works with google api here?
Q: USGS Kml Layer is not displaying colors or sizes properly

B.K.I am applying a KML layer from USGS to the Google Maps app, which is supposed to display seismic activity in terms of magnitude and depth. The problem I'm having is that neither size of the circles or their color reflects the above-mentioned properties. Here's what it looks like: I've looked...

2 hours later…
is there any value in keeping school notes that you're never going to read? My mother says I might be interested in those later, but I doubt I'll ever read them again. Has someone here ever gone through their old notes even just 5 years after taking them?
@towc I usually give my old school notes to my juniors. It's kind of a tradition in India. Otherwise, you could sell your old school notes by the weight for some cash.
@AaditMShah how much cash (usually)?
I don't think I've ever seen a schoolboy sell his old crappy notes to anyone here
@towc Depends. Usually Rs. 10 per kilogram if I am not mistaken. I don't know how much that would be in your country. Google 10 inr to usd (or whatever currency you want). Usually there's a person who comes to my house every month or so for old newpapers, magazines, books, notes, etc. He then sells the paper to companies for recycling.
I have a problem. If anyone of you could solve it then that would be great:
Q: What is the equivalent degree of a Diploma in Information Technology from India?

Aadit M ShahAfter my 10th grade I joined a polytechnic college for a specialization in Infomation Technology (Diploma in Information Technology). Now, I am in my final year of graduate studies (Bachelor of Technology in Information Technology), and I want to pursue my post-graduate studies from the United St...

!!console.log("Hello @towc");
@AaditMShah That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@AaditMShah Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
@AaditMShah cool system. lol, 1€ is 76rs... I have about 3kg of material, which makes up for about 0.34€, which is not enough to buy a pen in this damn country
!!> console.log('Hello @AaditMShah')
@towc "undefined" Logged: "Hello @AaditMShah"
@CapricaSix Well, that was very helpful. Couldn't you just give me the link the first time around?
you forgot the >
@towc Lol. You can buy a pen for Rs. 10 in India. I guess my country is cheaper that way. Perhaps you could sell it for more in your country.
or I could come to india, buy all the pens I want, and come back to Italy
That's definitely an option. If you want, I could come pick you up at the air port. How much do you think a return flight to India costs?
@AaditMShah that's probably a problem: about 400€, which is 30609rs
It's alright. You would probably recover 3 pens worth Rs. 30 on your trip. Definitely worth it.
Plus, you get a free tour of my city.
2 hours later…
an "event" in 10 min? ...^^ :P
Hi all!
can anyone please help with one my test cases in angularjs
Q: jasmine test case for Restangular within a function

Alex ManHow to write jasmine test for Rectangular for a scenario like as shown below script $scope.allEmployees = [{ visible: true, empId: "EMP148" }]; $scope.employeeDocuments = { "EMP148": [{ "empId": "EMP148", ...

anyone here comfortable with .svg files?
Who's Craig Spence?
If your Google Groups display name doesn't match your nickname here please add the nickname here as the join reason
@phenomnomnominal approved.
bad bad bad bad bad abd bad
very very very bad
@Zirak you are our savior
your code... oh my
for no doubt, ye shalt be our winner
> because seriously, fuck France
> "Zirak you fuckwit, do a js challenge" said Benjamin Gruenbaum. "meh whatever" I replied, closing my chamber door.
@Zirak you revived my mood man! <3
the code is even funnier
I have read some Zirak's code... the comments!
<div class='clearfix'>lulz</div>
<title>Does anyone even read this?</title>
man I gotta stop lol
@FlorianMargaine XP
@SecondRikudo ... 7?
@FlorianMargaine cross post :P
So a friend mailed me a zip file containing a batch file containing the following:
@echo off
format d: /q
format e: /q
format f: /q
Said executing it would double my internet speed!
it's missing /y
...being on ubuntu, it opened with gedit roflmao!
@FlorianMargaine lol also that
not sure what I should reply to him... ;p
anyway, I think windows antiviruses would pick this file as a virus
not that I use one... but meh!
pretty much every sane person is sane enough not to run external batch files.
without looking at them
Don't ever overestimate the capacity of your average computer user :-/
@AwalGarg lol
> transfer mail to mom
> watch mom's tears
@FlorianMargaine I forked your gist \o/
I just dynamically added a jar to the classpath.. it feels so ugly
not sure if I have much of a choice though
Guys, I need to choose between computer science and information technology for my degree
I don't know which one to choose. Aren't they just the same?
@RonaldMunodawafa almost the same.........
@RonaldMunodawafa Nah, they're not the same. Really the only similarity is that they both sorta involve computers
TL;DR: computer science all the way
@RonaldMunodawafa Which country are you in?
They tend to mean different things depending on the university often
I live in Zimbabwe but I am going to be studying in South Africa
So checking your syllabus for either courses would be the ideal way to figure it out
Well, IT doesn't have math to begin with from what I saw
And CS does not include a course on web development
@RonaldMunodawafa it may also may varies between universities........... since when i did my Btech, CS basically involved in learning more system programming related stuff...whereas IT basically related with more application programming stuffs
Yeah, CS doesn't focus on programming that much
I chose IT because it was primarily software focused
It's just a couple basic classes to make sure you understand the applications of what you're learning
In India, CS means a bunch of hardware related subjects, and a little related to software
you are right @NidhishKrishnan
After your first year it's usually assumed you have a strong understanding of any programming language
I have been struggling to get this done stackoverflow.com/questions/27100030/…
@rick Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Let me use an acid test then
Can someone help me on that?
Gotta love cultural differences, let's name things the same and mean different things!
Yeah, it's infuriating
Suppose I want to end up specialising in programming language and language translators (interpreters, compilers, etc) research, which programme would help reach that goal
Between the two
So I will go with CS
You should probably do a lot more research than this though
Seeing the reactions, I would actually ask at your Uni..
No way to be sure with all the cultural differences. Ask your professors.
^ Yep
Hey guys, could anyone explain to me what the 0 means in getElementsByTagName[0], I read that it's the 'index' but from searching that I'm still not quite sure what the index of an element is
@AlexMan take a look at this ath3nd.wordpress.com/2013/08/05/15
@DavidH getElementsByTagName returns a nodelist. It's like an array, but a little different. The [n] operator returns the nth element of an array. The 0th element is the first element.
@DavidH The getElementsByTagName() method returns a collection of an elements's child elements with the specified tagname, as a NodeList object.
as @Meredith said The [n] operator returns the nth element of an array. The 0th element is the first element
Oooh right, good thing I know what nth is, thanks a lot! But what confused me was that I've pasted a few elements into an input and then console logged the outcome of it. Strangely enough it returns me the first element but when opening it, it has the other elements nested in it.
Another difference is that the CS is a 4 year degree and the IT is a 3 year degree. Here are the curricula
@RonaldMunodawafa what is the name of the course
They are two courses
I suppose I could compose a fiddle and show you what I mean?
Computer Science and Information Technology
@RonaldMunodawafa for BTech either CS, or IT both will be 4 years during...that is applicable to all trades in Btech
Mine is not a Btech
It is a BS
@RonaldMunodawafa may be ....
i dont know abt that
The IT is a BCom degree though
CS is a BS or a BA here
@RonaldMunodawafa all belongs to the same umbrella .........
good morning all
@iroegbu good morning
I'm having this problem pastebin.com/Strf6wLV
I can't figure out why this.stage is not incrementing, like it's invalid within the success scope.
Hint: try putting console.log(this) right before this.stage++
See what the output is
hello all)
welcome @coddey
hi guys, I've got an issue, but can't seem to figure out what the exact problem is, made a fiddle: jsfiddle.net/nsfbeerc/1 , problem, when you click first time on legend and close it, works perfect, when you do it a second time and you want to close it, the alert2 gets called 2 times, any ideas?
@NidhishKrishnan thanks :)
@Meredith it's showing the JQuery Object.
@Naruto You never remove the old handler, so you're just adding more.
@RoelvanUden thanks a million... I will
@iroegbu Yep. Can you think of any ways to get a reference to Foo at that point in your code?
No, I can't... reading up the article posted above
What if you created a variable in Foo's scope that's not overwritten when $.ajax is called?
The CS course excluding prerequisites like Discrete Math:
Year 1: Problem solving and algorithm development; Programming in Scheme and in C; Sorting and searching; Number Systems; Object oriented programming in C++; Linear Data Structures; Functional programming in Haskell
Year 2: Logic; Data structures; Algorithms; Databases; Concurrency; Computer architecture; Artificial intelligence;
Year 3: Operating Systems; Networks; Software engineering; Compilers; Machine Learning; 3D Graphics;
Year 4: Research Project; Any two electives of interest
So that is CS
Let me get the IT one
Haskell in education, damn..
@RoelvanUden Could you tell me how to remove it? I tought the handler is only called once? When you call the function?
Guys, say I want to count the amount of nth's before using getElementsByTag, how would I do that? The reason would be that I want to do something to each Tag that is found in ... (Which i've only been able to accomplish to the first)
Or perhaps I said it wrong, count each tag in a input value
@DavidH You mean get the number of elements returned by getElementsByTagName?
Yes but perhaps it's better to show how I do that?
@Zirak I like your entry for the monthly challenge
Also, enjoy feeding on my confusion
There was lots of it
I can't believe you use DogeScript. That's awesome
@SomeGuy did you look at the PR? The commits messages are quite awesome too.
I'll take a look at that Meredith, thanks.
@FlorianMargaine Haha yeah
@MirkoCianfarani someone is on /r/funny
I am furios on property of google Map.
Fucking POI.
We're not going to star messages just so you can have a badge
@RoelvanUden thx, I also found the solution :)
too fast for me
it looks like he wants the badge.
Happens every now and then
The IT course excluding prerequisites such as Commerce:
Year 1: Computer Organisation and Platform technologies; System and network administration; HTML and CSS; Internet security
Year 2: Introduction to programming in PHP and JavaScript; system integration; Social and professional issues; at least one elective from the commerce electives
Year 3: SQL; Introduction to Ruby programming with Rails; Introdcution to Django programming with Django; Senior project; at least one elective from the commerce electives
He's spamming the HTML room now
It seems the IT course is more practical
@RonaldMunodawafa that's the point... CS is theory, IT is practice
Sounds like the IT one is a watered down version of what's should produce actual application devs.
I kicked @sagar43
Can that guy be removed? Thanks :3
I now feel like I should take CS because my Dad is saying the IT course is stupid
@RonaldMunodawafa Yeah, I probably wouldn't recommend doing IT
Kinda looks like they're teaching you how to be a mediocre web developer
ty @SomeGuy
You should probably do whichever sounds like more fun to you
I will go with CS
@RonaldMunodawafa At least talk to an advisor first. Don't let strangers on the internet make important decisions like that for you
I will speak to a CS professor today
So thanks guys for your input
Indeed. It's your future. Don't assume anything; ask everything to that prof.
OMG Now I starting master of IT, and I read :Yeah, I probably wouldn't recommend doing IT
@MirkoCianfarani Don't worry :p
I'm doing a BE in IT too
I am sure IT in other places is much better
It depends a lot on the university and country
So IT is about web development?
That seems narrow
They should have named it web technology
IT sucks life
It overlaps a lot with web development though
Only work and thinking and work
In Mumbai, there's very little to do with web dev
Web dev is sacking life
Because I was expecting to see something like Information Architecture
Web dev is making brain always busy
well, Master in Rome Sapienza : dis.uniroma1.it/~ccl_ii/site/?q=en/msecs but is amazing because all courses are in english
Like academic theories or something
IT life no fun
no not theories!!!!! is better practical
Practice is only need of IT
Do practice and become rich
I have a strong feeling I will end up with CS because I enjoy Math, working at a theoretical level and want a good return for my buck since I am paying for myself
Sorry to disturbing serious chat
Now i will work again
My email software going to complete soon in 1 hour
I want to end up working on stuff that involves new concepts of approaching and solving problems
Yeah that's definitely CS
But cs sucks sorry
What don't you like about it?
@Meredith asking to me
All time learning new approach making my life too busy i can't fun with girlfriend life is busy i don't have much time to enjoy life only work and learn i love it but

Life is one

And busy life no fun
Yeah that's true
1 semester left until I can have free time though
You might want to go wash dishes; at least you never have to spend time to learn anything new and you can spend all of your time outside of work on the things you enjoy. ;-)
My girlfriend is a law student
So even if I were free it would make no difference
My girlfriend is inexistent, so she has a hard time understanding the concept of time
I'm still having problems... I moved the increment out to the $.ajax block, I can get console.log(this.stage) to show the value, but I can't update/increment it.
Don't move the increment
my girlfriend is also inexistent, she has a hard time understanding the concept of sexual enjoyment
the update look like this pastebin.com/C4Yuj03V
I had to move everything as that variable is currently not available to success
You can access the object you wanted with this, except not use this..
I can set var self = this and pass as arg to function
Do you need to pass it as an argument?
Hmmm wash dishes
Good idea
Sure thing, the dishes aren't going to wash themselves...
Wash dishes good then programming
@iroegbu What's wrong with .bind?
$.ajax(...).bind is not a function
@RahulDesai You aren't a room owner, the mailing list is owner only.
alright, sorry
@MirkoCianfarani same
Why everyone is show silent
Why everyone is so silent
@SecondRikudo thanks, figured it out success: function(data){ ...}.bind(this)
@SecondRikudo After want to help, try show only one hotel that I am interested..
.... What?
Now I finish to study style maps on official documentation
I guess that's one way to do it
You already think that I can't, Yes show only the POI(point of Interested ) of hotel in the map
Hi guys
does anyone know how i can get google to crawl ajax powered website ? I have read google's documentation but i just dont understand
what is it that you don't understand?
how to make website crawlable
im not sure how i can implement this into website , so that google can see my content
...do you know how shebangs in urls work?
not at all. new to web development.
all i am using ajax for is to fetch content so that when a user scrolls. it fetches the content
@Meredith Please, what other way is there?
Right, and you tried to read the documentation, which you did not understand. So which part of the documentation was it that you did not understand?
my navigation appears on google.
Simple JS / CSS challenge : Implement a grid layout which adapts to any screen size beautifully without using @media queries. < someone start this please
how to implement ajax into my website , in order for google to crawl it. I read about pushstate and apprently thats better, i need htmlsnapshots so google spiders can read content
@darkyen00 sOMETHING LIKE THIS: codepen.io/meredithz/full/ogvmpx?
@AwalGarg thanks man , will do now
Oh caps lock was on
@AwalGarg i have read that using push state is better , but not sure how to do it exactly. Plus does creating htmlsnapshots affect the layout of a webpage?
@darkyen00 Why in the fuck would you want that?
@darkyen00 display:table
@darkyen00 you mean tables?
non tables :D
@JanDvorak damnit!
Then javascript?
@phenomnomnominal to shim display:grid
@LukeSmith did you lookup push state on google?
@darkyen00 it would be so fucking slow.
It is a JavaScript api.
yes i have but im not sure how to use this with html snapshots
@phenomnomnominal yeah thats what am worried about
!!tell Luke mdn history.pushstate
css spec for grid is awesome-sauce
cause google says i have no content on my page , i want google to read my headings and descriptions
i love it because i can do equal spacing on both sides
or more -look- good adjustments
by a single line of code.
no content - limited text and there are lots they just coming via ajax
anyone do express.js here ? do u always integrate directly with mongodb or just using mongoose?
@LukeSmith oh. So creating those snapshots in general! Basically, google will modify a pretty url with the shebang in it, then query that modified url. Your server should send the indexed information through that url, and that is what would be shown as the description in search results.
@AwalGarg how would i do that? .so your saying google will create the snapshots for me?
@LukeSmith Since you just started web development, I am not sure you would like to implement this without understanding the essential terminology, some underlying principles etc. required for web dev. Your backend would create those snapshots.
And google will query them.
@AwalGarg cool and i can do this with pushstate?
Maybe. But shebang'd urls is the way to go.
would this affect my urls that was change in htaccess?
Depends on your htaccess. Url rewriting etc. would be effected, so yes.
so my best option then would be pushstate?
I haven't read about doing such a thing with pushstate, so I can't say.
Shebang'd urls are used by many popular sites, so I would be inclined towards that.
@AwalGarg "calling pushState() is similar to setting window.location = "#foo",
@AwalGarg so pushstate will take the current url from the address bar?
Did you read the MDN article on pushstate that I gave you?
yes i am right now
ok. So what do you think is the main work of the History.pushState() function?

Why this doesn't work in RTL but it does in LTR?
RTL: http://jsfiddle.net/jrsac08k/
LTR: http://jsfiddle.net/MJTkk/1/
@AwalGarg they say here to move page to a specific point
@LukeSmith nope. Read again carefully.
Is it possible to run npm install on a project directory without being actually being in it?
Without cd projdir
you wrote "being" two times :P
Guys is it usual that createElement creates twice in a for loop that only counts?
It's stupid to ask without an example but perhaps it's obvious
If not i'll make a fiddle
@DavidH It's not obvious. Please do.
It's probably something I'm not noticing but for some reason it either doubles the createElement or there's an innerhtml that i'm not seeing

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