The jquery source features uses of setTimeout with both 0 and 1 as second argument. I'm under the impression that they both mean "execute the function as soon as you can".
Is this correct? Is there a difference between the two?
@Raynos: it just looks like throwing hate to the lib or its devs, which infact are pretty smart. And you really can do that, but you at least need to provide a similar project (size + people + success) in order to be serious
might be, but it looks like a guy preaching how to do things right to other people who proved their success in a great project, without having done anything similar (not even close)
@jAndy I agree that "bad code" is harsh. But the simple answer to why they use both is that it's an accident, the fact both exist right now is a bad coding practice
once after all I don't get some people on blaming jquery as lib. saying it entirely sucks is like wearing a t-shirt ('I am a complete idiot') all day. It also implies that Resig is an incompetent idiot for the most parts, which again would lead to the t-shirt
A control character used to separate and qualify data logically; its specific meaning has to be defined for each application. If this character is used in hierarchical order, it delimits a data idem called a FILE.
@jAndy Don't get me wrong of course. You want a tool that's good enough to do the job and is production ready today you use jQuery (or MooTools). That's my pragmatic answer.
My purist answer, is screw this. I'm writing the DOM-shim, I will do it right
Guys, good day! Have a question. I use jQuery Datepicker, but I need to restrict it from apearing on focus. I have a picture and if I click on it then instance is created, but when I click on field I want to type myself without datepicker appearance. Is it possible?
@Raynos: no, not good, but inevitable. History prooves it, not only on meaningleass javascript projects, but also on operating systems API for instance
@Raynos: actually I don't really defend jQuery, I would defend any successful project of that size, which gets blamed from people who just hate to hate
# jQuery
`$` itself is a god object. Everything goes on it. The standard plugin / extension architecture that is recommended is to just bolt more methods on `$` itself!
Surely this is bad. An example would be how we have both `$.load` which is overloaded to do completely different things. If they were on two separate sensibly named objects `$Container.load` and `$EventTarget.load`. Personally I would deprecate the latter in favour of `.on('load'`
The animation should be it's own little modular thing, not bolted onto `$`. Ajax should be it's own little modular thing, not bolted onto `$`
# `$`
This is overloaded to three functions. It would be more sensible to have `select`, `construct` and `domready` as there seperate entities.
# `$.get`, `$.getJSON`, etc
We have some subset of `$.ajax` short cuts which are uneven. These should be removed.
# `$.attr`
What does it even do? It doesn't just set / get attributes. It does a whole bunch of weird logic for backwards compat.
# `:checked` `:button`
Useless, slow utility selectors. Having these things promotes bad and slow code. You wouldn't want to use them for performance penalities. They also make the CSS selector a joke by throwing propitiatory selectors in the mix.
At least split the selector engine into two, one that adheres to (a subset of) standards and one which have their own extensions.
# `.css`
css isn't bad as such. But it's overused, a lot. We do need a cross browser style manipulation utility but we don't need documentation recommending you use it everywhere.
The community seems to _forget_ the massive penalty that is causing re flows. editing in-line css is slow and should be avoided
# `.toggle`
Another overloaded method that shouldn't be overloaded, that's just plain confusing
# `.wrap`, `.live`
These shouldn't exist.
# `.each`, `.map`, etc
Doesn't match the `.forEach`, `.map`, etc signature. Massively confusing
Oh and I actually wrote up some critique so that the next time some troll comes in and says "Y U SAY JQUERY BAD" I can paste dump them :)
@jAndy the main reason I hate jQuery is not because of jQuery but because of the damned large amount of developers throwing jQuery around as a silver bullet to solve all your problems
You need someone to slap them across the face and stop spreading that bullshit
I do this by telling them jQuery is shit.
Again I have no objection to people using it because they need a production ready cross browser library
even if you write the PERFECT library in your opinion and you are so satisfied with yourself and did you did everything right.. the second its becomes so popular you need to make sure it stays backward compatible. if you don't do that, it wont become popular
I can making off hand insults at people that are clearly doing it wrong. And then I get shouted at for "no it's not clearly wrong, people don't know this" and then I get sad because everyone is stupid :(
I have a hotel client who is using a form that links to one of two booking engines (KCData or SynXis) on a different domain based on the selected values. However, the form isn't traditionally coded so to speak, as it does not contain an "action" to call - so using linkByPost for cross domain trac...