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Why do people think Dart fixes the DOM?
My understanding is that the DOM is build into the browser? What Dart would do is possibly create a consistency between browsers of how to manipulate the DOM.
@Paul writer a layer ontop of it
But people seem to have this "idea" that the DOM api is broken
This is mainly because they are stupid
Sounds like you answered your own question @Raynos
aren't dom manipulations reasonably consistent ever since ie5.5
appendChild etc
@Esailija yes pretty much
although I miss the DOM4 xElementy commands
those are great
node.firstElementChild, node.previousElementSibling
yeah otherwise you get text nodes which is pretty annoying
Damn right!
They are only annoying until you understand them
there also annoying if you use compressed html in production ;_;
@Raynos were you the one linking to that node vs jquery github watchers thing?
I linked to the node vs RoR
that was it
got the link?
or better yet - there was a repo that had two github social icons in it - good ones. I think that page uses them, that is really what i'm after.
nevermind... doesn't seem to have icons at all. what was i smoking
does anyone remember - someone linked to it.
fork and watch buttons?
found it
yea i'm not even that interested in the buttons as the icon
It would be cool if it worked
just gotta link to the raw
My photo is loosely based on octocat.
mines actually superman... the resemblance to me is just one of lifes strange mysteries...
Cool. You should help me make people give a damn about my git project @rlemon
IT's what superman would do.
If you don't feel like reading though, just try the live example at alexrohde.com/ALive%20Controls/example.php
ohh yea i already saw that
=P no, it's cool...
Some superman you are.
did you see that UI?!?!?! X-Ray vision can't even penetrate that!
I feel like i've flown around the world too fast and i'm back in 2001... looking at a webpage from '98
If you read the documentation, you'd see that this library doesn't touch the html at all, it loads data into controls, regardless of presentation. That criticism makes no sense.
i'm just teasing you man. I saw your conversation about it earlier. relax.
it's a cool little control/lib, i'm just not all that interested in something like that - or it's reliance on cowbell. but thats just me - it is cool and i'm sure if you didn't have such a (for lack of a better word) ugly demo it would gain more hype.
I understand what you are trying to prove by putting it in that setting however to a general audience - we want to be dazzled by the magic you have created. put a good cover on it and maybe slap that page somewhere deep in the 'demos' section.
Well, I'll take whatever feedback I can get.
All I know is I've seen a lot of crap on git that gets way more followers. What is cowbell?
thats just me. as soon as i open the page i don't see something i like. that is not a good pitch.
cowbell === jquery
Are you not a database guy?
As for jquery, nothing to be done about that, probably the most popular framework to rely on.
why rely on one at all?
DOM API when wrangled properly is elegant and graceful
i'm not getting into the whole anti/pro jQuery thing.
it was just my observation.
Well I make heavy use of it, so it's here to stay and I don't regret it.
i'm really good with jQuery, but can't replicate what I do with it with pure Javascript
which is where part of the issue lies
We were discussing my choice of relying on it in my project github.com/anfurny/ALive-Fields @Purmou
I personally think it's absolutely useful, and minute changes in load time is something I'm willing to compromise for the easiness of certain things in jQuery than in Javascript
I agree, but nobody really wants to get into a pros & cons of jQuery discussion/argument
i see
i'm just saying... demo page 700kb
2 controls.
@Purmou you know jQuery is javascript... so anything you can do with jQuery you can do with pure javascript
@rlemon Yes, of course I know that
implying jquery isnt pure javascript?
but, for example, animations?
depending on what you want to do, that's a whole slew of setTimeouts
why do you need an entire framework for animations?
there are many smaller libraries out there specifically for animations that work as well as jQuery without the rest of the bloat.
who will follow me on gh?
@rlemon What I meant by "but can't replicate it" is that I don't know the methods to do it with pure Javascript, or at least effectively
thats like writing a windows forms app to do something that can be achieved in 9 lines of batch
Yeah, animations can be difficult to get right.
i'm saying if you have specific small areas you are using jquery for, and you are for the most part competent with js. why not use a smaller library for animations and leave out the rest.
do you really use complex selectors?
The lack of modularity in jQuery is what mostly bothers me about it. If I want one part of it, I have to use all of it.
@RyanKinal listen to @RyanKinal, i've been drinking and he's saying what i'm trying to articulate right now.
@Anfurny meh your alive fields thing is just some data binding. Yeah it's neat but nothing new
@rlemon i take so much advantage of complex selectors
actually, just yesterday i was making an add to cart feature with jquery
@rlemon i really dont think critiquing this guy's project based on the fact that it uses jquery or not is going to get him anywhere
Point me to other open-source interactive data-binding controls @Raynos
@Anfurny knockoutjs.com
knockout been rocking this boat for ages
do its learn tutorial
@rlemon I'm surprised I haven't been drinking yet. I mean, it's nearly 9:30pm where I am.
@ThomasBlobaum i'm not. i'm trying to convince someone that including jQuery in a project (i'm not even relating to his specific project anymore) because you want to utilize 10% of it's functionality is silly.
it's 9:23 on my clock
Thanks, I'll look into it @Raynos
@rlemon Mine just turned 9:24 :-)
6:24 here on the west coast
@RyanKinal where you from?
why are we talking about time?
@rlemon North-West Pennsylvania, USA
@Purmou Because I should have been drinking by now.
@RyanKinal heh
@rlemon check this out; jsfiddle.net/purmou/gDYpS/1
this is my JS code for the add to cart (also including my tablesorter code)
how easily do you think I could have achieved that without jQuery?
iGoogle is still around? pff
@rlemon Where are you from?
nothing is required in that script to be a live list. you can use QSA and vanilla JS and save yourself 93kb of load.
@rlemon 93 KB?
@Raynos Sleep is for the layperson - developers need no sleep
@Purmou that code makes my eyes bleed
@Purmou latest jQuery source compressed is still 93kb
That's classic jQuery code.
ijust checked.
@Raynos I know, it's a bit lengthy
Unreadable spaghetti
@rlemon I see
@Purmou not lengthy, just poorly written is all
@Raynos unreadable? I wouldn't go that far. I can read it just fine
@RyanKinal Kitchener, ontario
Not to mention the bad practices everywhere
@Raynos ah, can you point out a specific example? possibly?
@rlemon Oh, nice. Incognito is up that direction too, isn't he?
Do you really want scrutiny? :D
he's around TO
Or am I mixing up my SO personalities?
Anyone have extensive experience with checkstyles?
@Raynos was that to me?
but apparently was considering coming out this way. and in your defense he's maybe an hour drive from me
An hour drive is nothing. I regularly drive 1.5 to go dancing.
man. I wish my girlfriend would either learn how to salsa or not get jealous when i salsa with the little spanish hotties.
sorry, the dance topic got me thinking of last thursday
Well I think that's a really cool project, but it's not a replacement for what I made. Nonetheless I'm glad to know about it. @Raynos
Yeah, that's a problem. My gf got jealous when I went swing/blues dancing with other girls. She's no longer my gf ;-)
well i'm out of here
thanks for the insight guys :)
Coming home at 2am smelling like other girls' perfume is not good for a relationship ;-)
no it's not.
string search "WTF"
thats why you always put a shirt in the trunk dude
@Anfurny there's a shit ton of awesome projects out there nobody knows about
lol, fair enough
> $(".cart-item").click(function(e) {
Cool, I agree. Well if you know a lot of them, put up a blog about it, everybody's always looking for the "cutting edge." And throw mine on the list. @Raynos
@Raynos addToCart called multiple times cause when you go to the next page of the table, the addToCart doesn't work ;)
add it to the DOM, via innerHTML - then strip it back out of the DOM in the very next line.
style=\"display:inline-block;margin-top:5px;margin-right:10px;padding:8px;font-size:15px;width:auto;background-color:white;border:1px solid black;\"
man I fucking hate when someone does that
why?? why not just create the element, then insert it into the DOM. then use the SAME ELEMENT to control it in your code.
okay, i'm 14
can we be a little easy with the language?
@Purmou No Excuse
sorry :P
This is the internet.
@rlemon I get it, but you guys are supposed to be a knowledgeable group of people. doesn't help when you curse every other second.
I wanted to express frustration :D
@Esailija It's fine :)
@rlemon will you be here later tonight?
I wasn't cursing. however I do think you should be aware that profanity is common place. and when not directed towards you, really shouldn't be taken offensive.
@rlemon that was my code, was it not?
and Esailija did it
well sorry but If I were to use that with a different style
also, SE is supposed to be a community appropriate for all ages
I would have to edit the code
or theme
what If i were offended by yellow smiley faces.. would you take down your pic???
heck, a 9 year old could come here and see f bombs all over the place
also I wasn't aware it was your code
:P dude, it's a couple swear words is all i'm saying.
you get them on late night TV
all right, all right
@Esailija it's not really the issue that it was my code, lol, but I too don't like that
ever watch the news? now that stuffs gonna make you demented
i'll replace all that CSS with classes
@rlemon ech, never
RT @annevk: Yay, IE10 implements a standard I have been working on for a long time (CORS as used by XMLHttpRequest). #mainstream
only the sad stuff everywhere
and yes that was your code.
the hard coded css is the only really bad thing about it
@rlemon ? yeah, i'm quite aware :P
like really bad
@Esailija I agree, thanks for the input :)
i'm gonna be off now
thanks again all of you for your input
you do something like $(selector).append("<div class='myclass'>"); $('myclass').blah();
otherwise it's just like any real world code you will have to work with when in a job
@rlemon do i?
nothing too bad
i wish i could trigger a big loud arena buzzer right now so you could feel the effects of how bad that it.
taken from raynos edit
    $("#cart").prepend("<div class=\"cart-item\" .....
    // WTF anyonmous functions spaghetti soup
    $(".cart-item").click(function(e) {
@rlemon lol. okay, i'll make some edits
and would you mind looking through it again after that?
lol who wrote all those WTF's :D
well, i gotta go
lol if you'd like. I may not be awake but you can @ me in the jQuery room
i don't like it.. but if people are going to write it, at least I can try to help them write it better
@Anfurny raynos.org I dont really talk much about new libraries and cool things
thats what google reader is for
i never understood why people think you can't store $ objects in local variables.
because jQuery is magical and don't obey js rules
didn't you know that
$("#id") repeats all over the place in most of the code i see
@Esailija >_> and inner html
@Esailija WAIT! ........................................................ jQuery is js?????
come on inner html is bad
@Esailija I wrote the WTFs ;_;
you are mean :P
he is 14 years old
I would have cried
@Esailija You have to work with real world code like that?
I'd cut myself
pretty much anyone works with terrible code when in job
I dont
I beat code into submission
and then make it awesome
And then everything is good.
that could work too
by innerHTML do you mean the inline html or the method itself (awesome html parser)
yes no inline html but that doesn't mean i won't use innerHTML
when would you use innerHTML ?
my templates spit out strings and I wouldn't like to make a parser for that
Give me the use cases because there are only very few of them
your templates should spit out dom fragments
that innerHTML should be baked into the template
anyways.. beers starting to hit me. time to watch some kungfu
night all.
not littered all over your code
Beers and wings time. Later all.
it comes with the templating class
RT @jedisct1: So IE10 introduces a new quirks mode in order to bring some compatibility with quirks mode from other browsers trying to w ...
doesn't jQuery support template now?
As for templating language, you know you want to use trinity ;)
@rlemon its not core
It's pretty popular though
before I click please tell me there is no custom syntax
like {{each}}
or weird stuff like that
@Raynos bahaha, because jQuery devs are afraid of another plugin
@Esailija ... Who do you think I am
trinity is the only templating system that embraces and promotes the trinity of HTML, CSS & JS
It's standards all the way down, no hacks, no DSL on HTML, no useless hooks in your markup to make your template system work
@Raynos Lol wut
@ThomasBlobaum what?
why do you need css inside the templates
it's just html and very dumb view logic if any at all
"the only templating system that embraces and promoties the trinity of HTML, CSS & JS"
@ThomasBlobaum I think it's true. Show me any other library that does that
looks similar to the 20-liner I use
that lets you write mustache or ejs
mine has bugged ' though
@Esailija The CSS is there for code organization
simple and the fastest alive
The idea is not to use trinity as a templating engine, but to write all your client side javascript code using it.
it's very alpha stuff though
does it return fragments
Well load returns a fragment
Integrate tmpl3 with plates or into non DSL format and call that trinity, and i'll use it

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