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!!> var x=1; new RegExp("\b"+x+"\b","g")
Why do people keep doing this? :(
@JanDvorak "/\b1\b/g"
!!> var x=1; "10 1 1".split(" ").filter(el=>el==x).length
Protip: Double check with your console
hi @RokoC.Buljan :)
@JanDvorak 2
hi all!
@JanDvorak tipping intensifies thank you.
@MoshMage I'd use the split/filter approach. It's more readable and it might be faster
for some weird reason, my console's telling me that "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token =>" x)
enable the harmony flag
@JanDvorak Regex: 1 Jan Dvorak: 0
or use function(el){return el==x}
oh. found the problem - you forgot to escape the backslashes
!!> var x=1, c = new RegExp("\\b"+x+"\\b","g"); "10 1 1".match(c)
@JanDvorak ["1","1"]
@KendallFrey sorry :-\\
"\b" is the backspace character
@JanDvorak I thought \bwas boundrie and ooooooh. yeah.
@MoshMage in regex literals. You need to escape the backslash if you're in a string literal.
Who wants to make a jsperf test?
@ircmaxell I love the way your answers are worded haha
@JanDvorak Right. that kinda makes sense.
@Sippy example?
A: "Keep Me Logged In" - the best approach

ircmaxellOK, let me put this bluntly: if you're putting user data, or anything derived from user data into a cookie for this purpose, you're doing something wrong. There. I said it. Now we can move on to the actual answer. What's wrong with hashing user data, you ask? Well, it comes down to exposure su...

It was fun to read
I'm not that versed in web security cos I am shielded as an internal apps developer so far :)
Is it possible to access DNS information from javascript? I'd like to do if(nsLookup(host) === stackExchangeIP) ... in a userscript
What's wrong with checking the host?
It could be *.stackexchange.com, stackoverflow.com, superuser.com, ...
Sounds unreliable
Q: Can I lookup the IP address of a hostname from javascript?

Noah JacobsonI would like to use javascript to determine the IP address of a host, as seen from the clients computer. Is it possible?

@JanDvorak Does SE have a CDN? Because IPs could be different too
so, I should just hold a list of hostnames? fine then...
You can probably do something like system("dig stackexchange.com") and parse the result
@KendallFrey the IPs returned by tracert seem stable
@copy that sounds like a node.js thing
Ah, may not be available in userscripts
What do you get for nslookup stackexchange.com?
does everyone get
I do
the only useful thing in GM API seems to be GM_XHR.
I'll go with a list of hostnames then, thanks
should I use hoverIntent, or just delay manually?
@fstab Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I need to get the current stack trace in node.js
unfortunately if I use a SIGINT handler, it is called only when some heavy computation is completed (nextTick, I think)
any idea on how to solve this?
Q: getting *current* stack trace in node.js (via SIGINT, for example)

fstabI have a very cpu-intensive application. I wonder if it's possible to get the current stack trace in order to understand, via SIGINT termination, for example, in which specific function is the current computation. I tried adding the following handler: process.on('SIGINT', function() { log('...

Is there a way for a userscript to bypass 'X-Frame-Options' set to 'SAMEORIGIN'?
Should I just grab the content through GM_XHR and write it into an iFrame with an empty origin?
hi i have small Application built on HTML , Jquery Mobile and Sqlite and i publish it in cordova like mobile Application and i need to publish it like Desktop Application for both windows and mac platform i there any good technology help to achieve that ? thanks for support
@MRGharibeh Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@CapricaSix thanks
Cordova does desktop as well, doesn't it?
or a Chrome app, if you're that way inclined
This is not working :
"<label title='my title' id='myId'>dqsfsd</label>"
var element = document.getElementById("myId");
var title = element.attr('title');
title is "undefined"... any idea?
what's element.title?
@JanDvorak well i'd like to get the "title" attribute value... get or set it
Why use .attr?
@JanDvorak .title is not working, it returns undefined too
Just saw I can do this:

function Something() { }
Something.prototype = (function() {
return { constructor: Something() }

how would this work with arguments in the constructor?
@Julo0sS fiddle
@Julo0sS the hell is that
@KendallFrey lol
I didn't ask for any of that
@KendallFrey only check "current layer to edit" select
@KendallFrey this is where i have the "title" problem
short self-contained correct code example
@KendallFrey okay i will do this :P
@KendallFrey jsfiddle.net/9eohj1v5/1 is it better...?
@MirkoCianfarani so i have a problem somewhere... check last fiddle i sent pls
@Julo0sS still too long
@KendallFrey yes, but problem may come from the title applied to a <g> element, so it's important to let this code... i think... or problem may come from the getElementsByClassName("")... idk...
You think?
You should know :P
@KendallFrey well... imo... if i knew, i would not have asked this question^^ :D
well it's not hard to find out
Ok me again, jquery selector how would i count the number of visible rows in a given table
var numOfVisibleRows = $('tr:visible').length;
that should count all visible rows across all tables
!!tell custom jquery find
i used this instead $("#TableB tr:visiblity").length
:visiblity is a typo, right?
@MirkoCianfarani looks like "title" is not allowed heh...?
I am surprised and shocked.. if you show the id (function) and with title no!
@JanDvorak yup
@Julo0sS I create new example and function... jsfiddle.net/mrk1989/j0px8do7
$("#body").append("<img id='waitforever' src='..' class='spin' />");
how can I find if body still has image with id waitforever ?
using jquery find ?
i want to check if it doesn't exists in a if statement
Hello All.
is there a way to add a widget like jQuery currency spinner on dynamically added elements?

@MirkoCianfarani thx, i found where it came from... and i feel.. stupid :P
I know I can do it by binding spinner in the function adding the dynamic DOM elements but I was thinking of an alternate way if any?
that title is not defind in <g>?
also I solved
using inspect Element
:19842291 you just repeat the command:


//in your stuff you add another element, and right after it:
@MirkoCianfarani i can define title... the problem is i did not use getAttribute('title')... ^^
@towc there is no other way like using jQuery.ON or something
@techie_28 consider using the vanilla DOM?
anyway, why would you not want that?
No it is ok with me I was just thinking that there might be some other way which I dont know and hence wasting your time here.. :P
I am doing it that way right now.
Hi. I'm struggling with how javascript executes. I'm using JQUERY UI, the shake effect. What I want is, after the effect runs, I want to hide it. The problem is, the code

Using this, it hides, but the jquery ui effect never runs
$("#" +control.id).effect("shake", options, 700, makeItGo(control));
function makeItGo(control) {
$("#" +control.id)[0].style.visibility = "hidden";
Cos it's hidden.
yes, I know that, I was hoping the callback would execute after the effect is run
It probably does, just not 700ms after it's run.
$("#" +control.id).effect("shake", options, 700, function(control) {
    $("#" +control.id)[0].style.visibility = "hidden";
It's buggy but probably due to other reasons, but why does this work @FlorianMargaine
I mean, why didn't it work when I called a function
but when I create a new function it does?
you were calling the function
there, jquery ui calls it when it's done
it could work if you did this:
function makeItGo(control) {
    return function() {
        $("#" +control.id)[0].style.visibility = "hidden";
the effect function expects a function as argument, not the result of your function
Oh I see
wow, thanks, well explained :) :)
Hmmm, I had to make a slight change

$("#" +control.id).effect("shake", options, 700, function(CCCCCCCCCC) {
$("#" +control.id)[0].style.visibility = "hidden";

the CCCCCCC was undefined, but this works fine :D
Despite it working when I had makeItGo(control);
Thanks again @FlorianMargaine
$(control).effect('shake', options, 700, function() {
    control.style.visibility = 'hidden';
probably works too
well, yes, I just felt it could be missed :)
anybody knows, or already tried to build a "object handler" for svg objects with javascript? (such as svg-edit from google which makes brackets appear around an svg object when selected) ?
Hey Javascript!
posted on November 07, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} POW

Re! Do you know where to find betatesters ?
@Basj Pahaha
They don't just hang out in betatester forums ..
@Sippy yes ;)
Short answer: go find users from your targeted usergroup.
@Sippy that is planned for beta release, but firrst I wanted to be sure everything works on various computers
Immediate connections are usually fastest for htat.
Colleagues, friends, family
Basically anyone with a device you can commandeer for a little while...
already done, but I wanted to have a broader base
Have your dog test it
If dog approved, you're good.
What if I don't have a dog?
@Unihedron Grandma then
Good morning!
I have a javascript/jquery question:
Hello then :)
should be an easy one
i have this html: <div><strong>Hello</strong> World</div>
i want to select World only
and discard Hello
tried a couple of selectors and none worked..
here's some of what i have tried: alert($('div').not('strong').text());
didn't work
you know those sites that have all those elements fade in and slide up on the screen as you scroll? How do they do that? IT seems really common... there must be a library
@corvid .style.opacity
@JoeSaad don't use alert for debugging, use the console man!
sure, i can do that, the reason i was using alert, just as i was working really fast on jsfiddle to try something out
Were your selectors even close?
What was the ouput?
not at all.. all were giving Hello World
Makes a bit of sense. .not is for css classes. The div clearly is not strong, it's a child style tag. Let me think for a minute
Q: Get the text after span element using jquery

Rash AmedI have this html code <div id="mydiv"> <div> <span>Text inside span</span> Text next to span </div> <div> Contents inside the 2nd div element... </div> </div> I wanted to get the "Text next to span". I tried this code JQuery code var a = $('#mydiv div')...

Looks like you want to find textNodes
ok, this i found yesterday and worked.. Thanks
but i was looking for a selector, is there any? you think?
Not that I know of. The div is just a div, and the strong tag is a nested child, and the textNode is not a child at all, so nth-child(2) wouldn't work to my knowledge
antlr.org - No love for Linux or Mac?
@SterlingArcher i see
@SterlingArcher thanks for your help
@SterlingArcher Sexist
Careful, I might tweet you and get you suspended
@JanDvorak github.com/moshmage/euromillionsgen/blob/master/js/main.js Thanks to you :) (and other, but I forgot their nickname)
trying to integrate that answer is not working
i still am looking for some generic function if there's not selector for that kind of case
or else a function where i can pass to it my element and it returns to me the contents which don't have <strong></strong> wrapping it
maybe use a regex to exclude <strong> and its contents
can i make a "onchange" listener on a global variable with javascript?
something like :
or look at getters/setters
if IE8, use manual getters/setters functions
ok... no "easy way" to do this, as $("body").on("change","selector",function(){}); with jquery?
Those are DOM events, not variable change events
@Julo0sS the easy way you mention has many many lines of code behind it.
you can build the easy way yourself :)
and btw, Object.observe is an easy way.
Guys, halp:
var opdrachtDict = {};
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
opdrachtDict["opdracht"+i]=function() {func(i); };
the problem is func(i) is func(10)
for all of elements.
or closure hack
@nicael What is the value of "i" when you run the function, in your opinion?
so, somewhere in code,
no idea, never used it
also, you haven't told us which browsers you have to support.
@FlorianMargaine any browser if possible^^
not a correct answer.
@Julo0sS then do the closure hack
any "recent" browser
@Julo0sS define "recent"
@JanDvorak the closure hack is for @nicael
at least
getters/setters then
!!tell Julo0sS mdn getters
@copy thanks, it works now!!!
var opdrachtDict = {};
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
@FlorianMargaine i know how to "get" my var value anywhere in my code when i do something, what i need is "the var onchange" to call a function, i need a "onchange" listener on the global var, i read your page and i do not understand how this could solve my problem... :/
!!> function test(num) { console.log(num); } var i=0; var func=function() { return test(i); }; var funcBound=test.bind(null, i); i++; func(); funcBound();
@Neil "undefined" Logged: 1,0
!!tell Julo0sS mdn setters
new turret sprites!
(idle / active)
for comparison:
I had to rework it a bit
so i think i'm going to match regex
if i want to write all in an element except that which is within <strong></strong>
@JoeSaad please don't use regexp for that
why not?
use document.querySelectorAll('p > *:not(strong)')
@JoeSaad that makes for really confusing to read code and the purpose of regex is surely not parsing html
using element selectors is much much cleaner and way more elegant
also a lot better perfoming, in case it was a problem
that one didn't work, remember i told you yesterday
@JoeSaad depends on what did you try to do with it
<div><strong>Hello</strong> World</div>
i just want to print "World" only
@JoeSaad tell me, what does the selector I've shown you do?
p > * :not( strong )
(you do know css, right?)
there is a much simpler solution still using css technically, but I'd like to explain this first
are you there?
Hey, I've invited regulars to dystroy.org/miaou/425?JavaScript_Room_Owners we're discussing room affairs and moderation. If you're a reg/owner and want in go there and request access.
@BenjaminGruenbaum am I a regular?
probably have no competence in moderation and affairs anyway
hey guys
how come my code doesnt animate within my toggle function?
what was the problem?
im using jquery easing for advanced animations for fallbacks if users have older browsers
@Demorus hey you were giving 0 value to timeout
so it was happening without animation
@towc i don't want to use CSS
i want javascript
hey Mr.Green, but how come? can you highlight the part you changed? I dont see a difference
but it works.
@JoeSaad always use css if you can and if it is semantically correct to use it
yeah I just removed 0
it's much faster than js and non-script blocking
there was a 0? never noticed
also some things may be a lot easier in css than in js
ah! yes
i just want to take the value of that HTML and put it in a JSON object
i'm not doing any layouts here..
you mean that 0. My bad. I wanted to add 1000 for timeout
haha ok
@towc here's what your script does jsfiddle.net/Lkf9809o
@JoeSaad inform yourself on what querySelectorAll does
Mr_Green do you think it is smart to do all animations with jquery or CSS3?
!!tell JoeSaad mdn document.querySelectorAll
for alot of stuff I add transition: Xs; then use jquery addclass and remove classes for animations
im aware of browser support for css3 animations though and jquery is more consistent
@Demorus use CSS3 if you are looking support for modern browsers
@Demorus css3 for simple animations.. Greensock or tweenjs for complicated animations.. no jQuery
@towc i did look at it..
@JoeSaad what did you understand?
@towc selects all elements of a certain type
@Neil this one? greensock.com
@towc you see the jsfiddle i sent you? you can modify that and let me know what you get
^ looks awesome, btw
greensock. never heared of it!
it's quick, they've got that going for them
@towc i hope you understand my question.. cause it seems that your reference to CSS and such makes me feel that you don't get what i want simply
@JoeSaad no, we need you to learn, not to get your work done with our hands
@JoeSaad you just want to not display anything in a strong, right?
@towc great.. complete agree on that.. but i have a feeling that you don't understand my simple question anyways
I was getting you through a step by step process, making sure you understood everything
@towc it's not a display thing.. basically i want to get that element.. it's not a display question
it's a select
@JoeSaad exactly!
now, what does querySelectorAll return?
@towc it returns NodeList
@towc you saw the jsfiddle i sent you?
the one with the suggestion you sent?
@JoeSaad it returns an array
an array containing all of the elements that fit that rule
you only want to get the strongs, right?
so, what's the css rule to get a strong child of div?
just trust me, you'll see why I ask this in a second
that's the whole thing..
i want to get anything except the strongs
getting the strongs can't be easier.. just type $('div strong').text() and you get it..
i want anything other than that
not working
@Neil i tried that and it is not working
@JoeSaad then I was right before: what's the css rule to get everything but a strong? Neil explained one part
@JoeSaad ffs: I'll just give you the resulting code but shut up ok? here it is:
$('div *:not(strong)').text()
it doesn't work!!

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