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I noticed a chatroom called "Raynos". I never heard of the Raynos programming language, but I assume that it doesn't support class-based programming @Raynos
@JohnMerlino it was there for the lulz
Why would you want class based programming? :\
it seperates code into logical chunks, allows for flexibility (inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation) and has become an acceptable, fruitful means to develop enterprise level apps since the days of smalltalk
Refactoring is satisfying :)
@JohnMerlino well you can use objects for logical chunks
you can use objects for inheritance, polymorphism and encapsuliation
and "enterprise" is a joke "I hurd u liek over engineering so we put some architecture in your architecture"
As an aside you can also use functions for logical chunks
class based languages support prototype development, using functionality like "clone" and also callback functions present in procedural programming is also allowable in most class based languages.
that said, something like javascript is great for what its intention is. It sounds silly to write a class for something trivial like animations on web page. However, certain programs are more technical and need the weight of classes behind it.
"support prototypes" troll
"callback functions allowable in most class based languages" : list them
java, php, ruby, python, and should I go on?
@JohnMerlino javascript gives you every tool you need
How does java have callback functions
php, ruby and python are not classical languages, they are hybrids
You dont need classes when you can treat objects as classes
it supports interfaces
javascript is far more flexible then java / c#
and you create interface for a method that you want to invoke as callback
public interface MyCallback
public void myCcllabck ();
thats fucking ugly as hell
Your wrapping a function in an object, epic fail
Where are my first class functions
Anyway the point is, prototypical OO and classical OO are both valid
They are both inheritance constructs
what you really need is inheritance and polymorphism
and any mechanism that gives you that will do
well, it depends on what kind of polymorphism
You dont need polymorphism?
you do need it, im just saying that polymorphism is umbrella term for many different things
I mean you need a way to define a function which can accept an interface of some format
interfaces as a language feature and duck typing both satisfy that
So much Java!!!!!!! AAAH
no , this made no sense , whatsofakingever
RT @humphd: New post: Implementing Mouse Lock, part IV - http://vocamus.net/dave/?p=1382 - in which, we lock your mouse + demos/videos
RT @mozpub: [Quick Q] Which apps (desktop or mobile) do you wish were more webby? Reply to @davidascher @ronpiovesan or tweet with #make ...
RT @Paul_Kinlan: Developers! Please tell us what you want from the offline web https://plus.google.com/u/0/116059998563577101552/posts/jE4YgE8DBTt
good morning all!
Hello :-)
RT @miketaylr: Lots of XHR updates in latest Opera Next: http://my.opera.com/desktopteam/blog/2011/11/28/glyphs-and-plugins
RT @fjakobs: Vim on Cloud9 http://post.ly/448wi via @Cloud9IDE
> hacks work every day. Just look at jQuery.
Oh I do like my off hand insults
i thin jQuery originally had a /* fix this later */ on the top of the file
Did you read david marks comment?
link ? @Raynos
gist: 1401353, 2011-11-28 18:08:11Z
i skipped through it
there were few valid points
as a first step, for shaking the worshiping masses of jquery, it would be fine
... but the major part of the article was bullshit
which one
the response or the original?
wait . you meant the comment and not there article
@Raynos i am trying to translate it to chinese
1 hour later…
Kids these days...
A: Javascript to grab Javascript comments within <head>

alexThis will work in latest browsers but you will need to modify it to suit older browsers... var commentNode = [].slice.call(document.head.childNodes).filter(function(node) { return node.nodeType == 8; })[0], id = commentNode.data.match(/^\s*(\d+)/)[1]; To position it a...

One answer was all regex until I shamed him into deletion.
1 hour later…
Q: What benefits are there to native JavaScript development?

Is this because jquery has limitations or it is slow. I mean when jquery is so easy as compared to native javascript, what is it that makes people still go for pure javascript.

posted on November 29, 2011 by Vasilis

Responsive Image Hierarchy – Dave Rupert When your adaptive layout switches to one column unexpected things can happen to the visual hierarchy of images, depending on their aspect ratio. Here’s a good explanation of the problem and a decent solution too. responsive, images, hierarchy How to Destroy The Web // Speaker Deck People try to control the web on many ways, yet the ve

RT @EricssonLabs: Device Access Proxy: a new approach to handling local device access from web pages or webapps http://ow.ly/7GUst #w ...
2 hours later…
RT @mozhacks: The Relationship Between Firebug and Mozilla Developer Tools - http://blog.mozilla.com/devtools/2011/05/25/the-relationship-between-firebug-and-mozilla-developer-tools/
Does anyone know is it possible to make jQuery datepicker have a largeer range of year. Since I see only 20years range. Even if I place { minDate: '- 80y', maxDate: '+10y' } it still shows only 20 years range.
Sorry. Found it.
Some thoughts on the HTML5 command element: its problems & how to improve it http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/2011OctDec/1232.html from WebKit/Chrome developer @ryosukeniwa
RT @stshank: OpenGL certification gives a boost to Angle, Google's software for giving Windows browsers WebGL graphics help. http://t.co ...
RT @garethheyes: I've added StaticHTML support via js http://bit.ly/uoBRHv Demo: http://bit.ly/s6G2lj can you break it?
WebVTT spec (Web Video Text Tracks) http://dev.w3.org/html5/webvtt/ standard format for external text-track resources (captions, etc.) for HTML5 video
2 hours later…
any buddy is here
how i can call handler in multiselector extjs
@furqan: you might get a faster response asking on the main site. I don't think there are many experts here.
@AndyE u also dont have any idea?
@furqan: I've not really familiarized myself with .
@AndyE ok thanks buddy :)
hi all
Q: How to suppress browser generated alert boxes using Javascript

vikram kumar mishraI want to stop an alert box being popped up by the browser using Javascript.

@Feeds Went there to answer it. Turns out people from this very room had answered it already
A: can't play sound in JS

Peter BridgerI'd suggest using an existing library like Buzz, which in it's own words: Buzz is a small but powerful Javascript library that allows you to easily take advantage of the new HTML5 audio element. It degrades gracefully on non-modern browsers. API example: var mySound = new buzz.sound( "...

@someoneWithABlog - please write about it so I don't have to repeat, and just link to your post.
I'd assume @Raynos would've already written about innerHTML
He writes about it as inline-html, not as setting-text
I write about not using .innerHTML evar.
and my blog is down :3
down blog down
@Raynos Do you have a blog post about the harms of innerHTML?
@Raynos Here bloggy bloggy bloggy bloggy bloggy! Here boy!
nope nothing.
@Amaan I have a blog post about doing it fucking right
@Raynos Good enough. Link (if you have it somehow. Or when it's back up)
How I maek linux user?
Never mind I am stupid
A: What benefits are there to native JavaScript development?

RaynosIn the browser environment you need a cross browser normalization tool. Such a tool comes in two flavours wraps host objects with new objects which behave the same way across browsers extend host objects to implement the DOM API. Generally you can use these utilities in one of three ways u...

Yes, indeed you are
Who knew there was a dblclick event for elements?!
raises hand
I miss mah curly braces
#for example, spot the error:
def try_run
	puts 'You try to bravely run away.'

	if rand 100 < 20
		speak 'You successfully ran away!'

		speak 'You fail to run away, and endure many mockeries.'

Shalom Yiladiim!
If you had curly braces, the error would've been obvious...There needs to be an end after the else code-block
@Neal What's "Yiladiim"?
@Zirak wut?
end ?
What is this? VB ?
Glorious Ruby, of course
I have an ssh shell but it does not allow me to like tab for completing file names
as in the terminal is in dumb mode :(
@Zirak Children in hebrew
ילדים? Something like that, right?
Or it is ילאדים?
@Zirak this one is right
hehe. Google translate?
I know some Hebrew. Never certain about the hidden-vowels
@Zirak ahhh
Hebrew is an interesting language. It's semi-fake, since it was nearly reconstructed not long ago. That's interesting compared to spread-out languages like English or French.
I also like the amazing sparsity. One word can describe many things, and it makes some expressions powerful with double-meanings.
@Zirak ehhhh it was reconstructed, but most of it is over 3000 years old
Yep, that's why semi-fake. It's also interesting that Biblical Hebrew contains the same patterns that are used in "modern" Hebrew (the building blocks of words). I should really learn more of it.
RT @greenido: Convert Your WebSQL To IndexedDB http://wp.me/pB1lQ-xO
buzz.sound is from line 49 to line 544
hhmm, sit down for next 20 minutes and write long answer for something stupid, or go eat cake...?
meh, two other people wrote a one-line answer. Good enough. Oh, and the cake is a lie.
Anyone recommend software to play with SOAP apis?
So, I have this problem where if I hate the technology (architecture, language, organization, whatever) I'm supposed to be working with then I have to force myself to get work done.
Is that pretty common among devs?
RT @agektmr: Web Audio API how-to: Playing audio based on user interaction - Eric Bidelman http://ericbidelman.tumblr.com/post/13471195250/web-audio-api-how-to-playing-audio-based-on-user
@RyanKinal I have the same issue
like I am doing something morally wrong
itd be like me endorsing slavery or something.
@Incognito why u soap ;_;
@Raynos Because the third party company is using a soap API for a data export.
@Loktar It doesn't even have to be something horribad for me. But something like mixing HTML and PHP (i.e. no templating engine) can completely demotivate me
yeah same here
My main vice is using .net
Im just like ugghhhh
@RyanKinal :( it means you need a better job
I think its common in enterprise / government work because everything you work with is piece of shit / legacy
I did .NET for a year
and it killed my motivation :\
it just murders my morale.
yay .net really is retarted in many ways
My personal solution is to work for a nice shiny company that does it right
@Raynos It's not just my job, though. I'm working on a side-project with a designer... and he's writing all the HTML/CSS :-(
@jAndy well .NET isn't that bad, it's the [ASP].NET bit
anything to do with ASP is bad
@RyanKinal if he writes bad HTML tell him to fix it :\
I worked with asp and asp.net, both retarted
But yeah, I work with VB/ASP/.NET on a daily basis, and it bothers the hell out of me
if you need a templating engine that works with HTML and CSS use trinity
Seriously though, my solution is to get a better job
@Raynos Meh. I'll probably branch it and rewrite the whole thing with Smarty anyway
or rage quit life
I have plans ;-)
@Zirak lol at buzz.sound. It's like I hurd I no know prototypes
RT @Jangaroo: What we discussed (but failed to blog) months and years ago: Compiling ActionScript to JavaScript http://blogs.adobe.com/bparadie/
RT @stevefaulkner: updated Techniques for text alternatives http://dev.w3.org/html5/alt-techniques/developer.html modified/new examples + noted 'willful violations' with ...
Q: can we use of $this in closure for jquery plugin

cooolI tried creating a quick tooltip plugin using the jquery and jquery ui position. Is the way I have used the enclosure are right and is the use of position right since in ff it seem to have some memory problem..it remembers the previous position when I refresh the page after the first time. below ...

I've come to the conclusion that I hate TEXT fields in databases -_-
what are text fields?
are they strings?
Yes. But they're of indeterminate length
And thus (at least, in SQL Server), you can't run functions on them.
Which is annoying as hell
I always convert them
im like text you are now varchar(max)
and then everything works nicely
Yeah. I'm always worried I'll truncate something, though
is text actually larger than varchar(max) in 2005>?
thats why I used to use text basically as a blob
wait no ok
I knew I wasnt crazy
"if you're using SQL Server 2005 use varchar(MAX). Text datatype is deprecated and should not be used for new development work"
so @RyanKinal convert convert convert! As long as your using 2005 or higher
I'm pretty sure we're using 2005. I'll suggest it.
yeah will save you a ton of headaches for sure
RT @html5doctor: New article: Video Subtitling and WebVTT by Dr @leads - http://html5doctor.com/video-subtitling-and-webvtt/
blog up o/
man that took forever
@RyanKinal @Loktar why use text and varchar(max) when you can just store everything as json >_>
I recommend you create a new table called Documents
and have a row <any> id and <any> json
@Raynos storing something as json sounds very similar to storing comma delimited lists in a field.
pretty much
I'm actually suggesting you emulate couchdb inside sqlserver
yeah I figured you were talking about one of those new fangled none relational db's :P
why use anythign but couch db
all it is is a list of json documents
and its great
RT @ODevRel: Guess what is new in the latest snapshot? CORS! http://my.opera.com/ODIN/blog/2011/11/28/what-s-new-in-opera-development-snapshots-28-november-2011-edition
Hi guys can anyone help me I've got a jquery sortable and having trouble placing items at the bottom. I've adding loads of padding-bottom (using the height of the item in the start function - and removing it in the stop) but still having trouble from time to time
could width be a problem?
“Web Components Explained” http://goo.gl/5JH3S from @dglazkov the four pieces: templates, decorators, custom elements, shadow DOM
@Raynos ... I've considered that for some smaller projects, but seriously, that would be so unmaintainable it would physically hurt me.
Not really
I find couch very maintainable
The secret sauce you need is map reduce views in the database
any clues on the sortable?
@RichardHousham No idea. Sorry.
A: What benefits are there to native JavaScript development?

Niranjan KalajQuery is a library written in and for JavaScript. The idea is it makes all the difficult / tedious JavaScript things simple, thus speeding up development time and making your scripts much more likely to work cross-browser. What makes jQuery to use : fast lightweight JavaScript library ...

@Raynos Sure, when you're actually using couch. But if you're emulating couch, then your environment isn't going to be optimized for that crap, and it's going to be slow.
@RyanKinal pretty much. I meant the answer is use couch >_>
Of course you did.
I'm not sure if this disturbs me or not... github.com/jes5199/brid.js
thanks for your help
any others got any ideas?
@RichardHousham You're not getting attention here because you haven't made it easy for others to help you. What might you do to actually better enable a total stranger who's never seen your code before help you find the problem with your code?
Posting your issue in a clean, trimmed down way that doesn't include an entire webite is a great start.
Using jsfiddle.net or jsbin are also great starts.
k - I'll give it a go. Thanks for your feeback.
I am fucked with pretty much any database?
Oh it's trying to sell me books
Q: Best and easy way to add video to website

BiboI want to add videos to my website. I want to click on images and then to show video in "window" and start playing (popups like lightbox). I just don´t know what is best way to do it. I think one of the way is jQuery. I know that there is easy way with video tag in HTML5 but I want that this coul...

hey all, I'm needing help optimizing this code. I'm trying to find the 'height' of a string, or rather, the height my div will be when I append my string. If the height is greater than 300 I want to hard set 300 in my dialog options to force a overflow-y in the dialog. jsfiddle.net/dfvSt
@sadmicrowave, does this work for you jsfiddle.net/dfvSt/1
@Esailija did you do anything different?
Not really, I just set it temporarily to absolute and -9999 so the height test doesn't affect document flow and affect flicker
Q: Using ASP.NET C# and Javascript

ctckI'm looking for the most efficient / standardized way of passing data between client javascript code and C# code behind in an ASP.NET application. Currently ive been using the following methods to achieve this but they all feel a bit like a fudge. The way i pass data from javascript to the C# co...

@Esailija that isn't the case anyways in this instance since dialogs sit on top of body and arn't affected by the addition of elements
my original code works, it just seems convoluted and expensive
but it should be faster to calculate it as absolute as it doesn't require reflow
I guess I was hoping I would get a response like: "Oh you don't need to add a hidden div in the dom then remove it to get the height....here's what you do....etc." :(
nothing wrong with it as long as it's absolute
yea in this case max-height would probably do
@RyanKinal awesome, let me try it
@RyanKinal is that only for FF though?
There's a compatibility table at the bottom
stewd.io/pong - not what i expected when i read the name
Integration of UPnP with HTML5 http://goo.gl/rogr5 access home network from Web apps; new browser API to discover & expose devices/services
> "I’ve been trying to lean a new technology (to me at least) called Regular Expressions." says a veteran developer at my company
Hey @Raynos, are you still using Google Web Fonts on your blog? Didn't you have a problem with a Flash of Unstyled Content a couple weeks back?
@RyanKinal pong
@RyanKinal i know they are shit, I need to fix it
Right now im keeping up with media then im writing RSS
then im fixing the dom-shim
maybe then ill fix the fonts :D
Audio API basic examples http://goo.gl/7ixPE looping sounds without gaps, low-Latency sound playback, filters: controlling bass & treble
@Raynos Really, I
I'm just wondering about your troubles with Google Web Fonts
In computing, a regular expression provides a concise and flexible means for "matching" (specifying and recognizing) strings of text, such as particular characters, words, or patterns of characters. Abbreviations for "regular expression" include "regex" and "regexp". The concept of regular expressions was first popularized by utilities provided by Unix distributions, in particular the editor ed and the filter grep. A regular expression is written in a formal language that can be interpreted by a regular expression processor, which is a program that either serves as a parser generator or exa...
> Started in the 1960s.
So, like, that "new" technology that's half-a-century old?
Anyone here have any experience with BlobBuilder?
@Raynos I'd suggest just dropping the fancy fonts, they don't really add value. If you have your heart set on something for a logo just make it an image such as SVG.
Makes sense @Incognito
@Incognito heh
And the logo's text is just SVG.
In the SVG file...

         style="font-size:61.47391129px;font-style:oblique;font-variant:normal;font-weight:bold;font-stretch:normal;line-height:125%;letter-spacing:0px;word-spacing:0px;fill:#4082ae;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;font-family:Trebuchet MS;-inkscape-font-specification:Trebuchet MS Bold Oblique"
(auto-generated obviously)
You can use inkscape and translate a png to a vector, which might be more suitable than loading the whole font set for six letters.
@Incognito Vi was made in 1976, and so was Emacs. C was made in 1972. The former ones continue to be new, and C can never grow old
@Incognito Don't worry, I'm going to make a new Turing machine.
@gsnedders Will it parse other TMs?
@Incognito If you find a long enough piece of tape, sure.
@gsnedders Nonsense, we'll just write a TM to auto-generate them based on monte carlo methods. (I realize that doesn't make sense)
Q: javascript - why do this: var something = some.something = some.something || {}

JoeM05I was reading this article: http://www.adequatelygood.com/2010/3/JavaScript-Module-Pattern-In-Depth I recommend it if you are a javascript developer and want to learn some variants of the module pattern. My question concerns one specific example in the article. Namely: var MODULE = (function ...

Q: How does SOPA threaten Stack Overflow?

UnicornaddictToday's Stack Overflow system message reads: SOPA is a dangerous law. It breaks the Internet and threatens sites like Stack Overflow. Protect the Internet! How is it a threat to Stack Overflow?

RT @frankolivier: New #IE10 Preview 4 with HTML5 <track> video captioning and WebVTT and TTML support: http://ie.microsoft.com/testdrive/Graphics/VideoCaptions/
00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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