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@KendallFrey Yeah but they legally expire so you don't have to disclose the information. If they're not expired, I think it's actually illegal for him not to?
@darkyen00 sure
a virtual cookie
@jAndy I no rite!
got +10 on SO
@Loktar meany
I believe its I aren't right
@Sippy "Hello my name is Dave and I'm a sexaholic"
@rlemon Node has a smarter way to do eval
bah my avatar needs to change
For that purpose
so that code isn't as bad as it looks?
@KendallFrey kindel plz u r not dave
Did you ever hear the story of Mrs. McCave?
Somebody double ping me ?
        vm.runInThisContext(code, path);
I didn't.
I do have to go home though.
Bye! :D
@Loktar get raped and sue because your employer didn't inform you of known risks.
She had 23 children and named them all Dave
Seriously your employer didn't know they'd hired a sex offender lol
@rlemon whats the problem with require whatsoever ?
@Jhawins just walk up to his cubicle/office and proposition him?
shit is getting serious
I was joking
my boss is talking to higher ups
I'm not lol
@jAndy I use require, but in this case I need to include the block of code to be executed in a scope
but we do have bring your kid to work day
just keeping code separated
stuff like that idk
Yeah your employer is liable if they don't inform you of known risks.
@copy yea reading it now. thanks :)
And I would argue negligence for not knowing.
I guess thats fine then.. but still feels weird somehow
I'd be worried if I were them lol
> The vm module has many known issues and edge cases. If you run into issues or unexpected behavior,
scary to read beyond that :p
one that I just read is that var fs = require('fs') won't work
in which case you have to use the eval solution
el = document.getElementById.bind(document);
however my files are just app.get/posts and shit
Wow the website
i am re-building
has ping disabled :o
I try not to judge it's just status' like that make it very very hard.
@Jhawins yea
yeah I agree man
I wonder how it does work though
like do they have to let adults know? Or just if he has the potential to be around children/teens?
@Loktar updated
hold on what is happening to everyone's avatar?
@AwalGarg mike did this
and mine was robert lemon corp
Sweeeet this is fucking badass I love this avatar
@Loktar where did he post em all ?
is it because everyone knew I am gonna change mine so did you all?
I have a couple questions
@Loktar I don't have a lot of experience with it... But I know it can be treated like any other occupational hazard. If there is a vat of molten iron that could tip over and incinerate you your employer is supposed to inform you of the risks involved for the same reason of a sex offender
@darkyen00 github
@SterlingArcher I only have 50
link is in webdesign iirc
@Jhawins yeah good point
@KendallFrey the amount of evens right now: I can't
Not a single even was can'ted that day
But whether they have to know about it is another story.. I don't think there's anything requiring them to run background checks and such on employees but this is why people do it, so they know who they're hiring haha
got it :-)
nice work
@mikedidthis i want a halloween avatar
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does my avatar qualify as a Halloween avatar?
qualifies for nursery exam of hindi.
right :D
but yeah looks good.
@Jhawins yeah its a weird situation
@SterlingArcher avatar is the best for halloween
he is actually a contractor
so we aren't his full time employer
I just learned how this gravatar.com thing works and thought I should use this one
@darkyen00 i own it. i think
@AwalGarg about damn time
now I believe you are a real person
i just don't have hosting on it
@eazimmerman gh-page it
@Loktar wait a minute.... what did you think I was prior to this? :P (other than a troll)
I was gonna be my avatar for halloween before I realized I'd just be wearing a shirt that says "got dick" on it
@Loktar oh lol idk dude that's weird
Just don't ask him to watch your kids and you will probably be fine.
@AwalGarg just a troll :P
@Jhawins hahah yeah for sure not
its crazy.. my son is 11.. the offense he has is < 14...
so thats my kid + 2, thats fucking disgusting
@Loktar </3 ;'(
Yeah it's best not to dwell on these things...
eh the only reason its so crazy to me is I have worked with the guy for months
I was in a... Hmm. A delicate situation with a man of similar reputation.
and its just like they say, the people you LEAST expect.
As soon as I knew what had actually happened I couldn't look the guy in the eyes anymore. Honestly. Except it was closer to me. It's just hard to process
Don't fuck people without permission
@eazimmerman sorry man, I don't think I will have time to get it out today. But I can do you a normal one if you like.
thats what she said
@mikedidthis that's fine c:
no rush
imgur.com/gallery/zO28n this artwork is simply amazing
@Jhawins The most dangerous thing about people like that isn't what they've done, but the fact that they can justify such actions to themselves in some form
They could potentially decide that they don't want to live anymore and decide to kill as many people as possible. Psychopathic logic
@SterlingArcher to me that looks like how Diablo3 design SHOULD have been
I'm blown away dude
@jAndy imagine a video game where all the graphics and animations were exactly like that? Would be so dark and trippy
@SterlingArcher It's interesting you know.. games were all about realism and creating the most realistic game ever, but nobody really ever thought 8-bit games would make a comeback
It seems that the latest trend is not to make a realistic game, but heavily influenced by, for lack of a better term, artistic appeal
You know who else had a good comback story? Kim Kardashian
Q: Media Queries for Elements

user3724994Media Queries for HTMl Elements. For example : .container(min-width: 500px) { .wid-sm {width: 200px;} } I want to make the element responsive like Media Queries. kindly provide me the solution.

hey, do yo guys know what ive done wrong here? jsfiddle.net/bk38w/87
the events kind of stack. When I click on home and from there want to change to products...
In 8-bit games defense, (not sure if this is 8-bit but whatevers) I still play the classic pokemons
Red/Yellow ftw
@Demorus Make your life simpler. When you click on a menu item, find all menu items and remove any class that shows it being clicked
Only then add classes on the clicked menu item
No need to toggle/untoggle and worry about state
@Neil I tried using jquery delegate and somehow affecting the siblings but it wont work for the blocks
@Neil I understand what you mean. Im trying to think how to achieve this without messing anything up again
@Demorus If the objective of this is to learn something, start from scratch until you can do it without problems
Don't fix something you've already written, because it is a scenario that won't happen when you've written it right the first time
Winner. #OculusRift http://t.co/1bFEOnET8H
^ @Loktar
user image
@Neil if I only knew what exactly is wrong. So lets say if users clicks on item A then all other click events are undone. Is there any jquery method of doing so?
@mikedidthis Do I get a halloween kitten?
haha thats awesome
fuck select2
hate it
they use it here..
it seems bloated as shit
How the hell does data in the exact same format as the previous select2 input fail when the first one is fine?
like good lord
@Demorus You shouldn't undo the events either
I mean you can, but you probably shouldn't
All you need to know is that if a menu item is clicked, all except the clicked menu item should have state "unclicked"
Without touching events or performing unnecessary toggling operations, you're really only left with 2 things you should do: remove "clicked" state on all items. add "clicked" state on clicked item
@SomeKittens This'll make you like KSP: youtube.com/watch?v=fJSef93DiKM
@Loktar it is a great idea
@KendallFrey I already like KSP?
Like it more
$a = md5(‘one');
$b = md5(‘222');
$a == $b; // true
@Loktar He's so happy
"A SHELF, yeah!"
Only works with hashes that end up as 0eXXXXXX...
inverse copy.. so paste?
Oct 24 at 17:05, by Awal Garg
@copy You have absolutely no paste
That joke
wow copy now got paste!!!
@rlemon correction eval.in/215458
I just found the most wonderful blackmail videos of my girlfriend. I love today.
link or it didn't happen
Wonderful blackmail?
you talkin to me lemon?
yea, I'm hoping for porn
it is in fact not porn
nvm then
just embarrassing... which i cant stop laughing about lol
my gf is SUPER embarrassed by my porn stache
why is that
it's a lot of fun :D
also noted you said stache not stash
@HatterisMad It's the Canadian version
@SomeKittens I don't believe you lol
!!urban stache
@rlemon stache a mustache (from an abbreviation of mustache)
yes i know you meant mustache
in Canada it is Moustache
Ahh i misspelled
no, mustache is also correct
depends on where you are
I know both is acceptable in the USA but i prefer moustache... just typed wrong that time
color vs colour kinda shit
in the USA mustache is correct
@rlemon I never knew this, TIL
moustache is british english
yeah im weird im an american that uses the longer way to type all of the words
you type in british english then :P
I type colour armour moustache favour
In Canada it's Moosetache.
my english teachers have always hated me lol
now you need to s/gas/petrol/ and s/trunk/boot/ and you're set!
i do not do that! lol unless i am talking about a british car and then i will :/
"I'm a special snowflake because I do something slightly different than everyone else" <- saying you're American after that is redundant.
i referred to the hood on the jaguar i was looking at as a bonnet
We just had an awesome halloween lunch on our floor of the office.
my boss just took me and a coworker out for lunch cause its our last day here (contract end)
No one in my office dressed up. what about your guys offices?
Yeah, people dressed up, but I didn't
that sucks man could have been fun
I dressed up like my boss today
did he notice?
> you should have told me, I would have made sure we coordinated our outfits!
New avatar threw me off
because it was so scary ?
I forgot it was Halloween
@SomeKittens future costume idea for your future child.
(whenever that happens)
hobbes and calvin
@rlemon Are you kidding? I'm dressing up as Hobbes.
No stupid dog is taking that
@NickDugger it's calvin and hobbes >=( wurr be ur childhood
brown charlie
I'm fucking dying
it is 28 degrees in my office
lucky you, its getting colder in Canada
... you don't say?
the AC went out in our office today
you can definitely feel it
stole a bunch of fans from the back shop
should be okay now
@rlemon how the hell is it that cold!?
@SterlingArcher lol yea man
it's hot
someone cranked up the heat
what was the website we all used
!!weather Waterloo Ontario
@rlemon Sorry, I couldn't get the data: Error: Not found city
@rlemon Waterloo: 5.46C (278.61K), light rain
to find who said the word how many times ?
try searching for fuck
i think sterling will win.
it's not real metrics
it only looks at the last few days or something
@darkyen00 I have been for years
@KendallFrey l;ol
@eazimmerman "I wonder what my finger tastes like"

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