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When a referenced chat message gets flagged does the original Op get banned ?
@PatsyIssa You'd hope so.
@PatsyIssa interesting - no, I don't think so
in Indian Enthusiastic Programmers, 15 secs ago, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
i hav android, it has java
@Mr.Alien is enjoying the show lol
@erikroyall lol looks like she is not there... all my hard work in vain :(
What exactly were you guys trying to do anyway?
@BenjaminGruenbaum dude that "nisha" person is a girl. Stop pinging.
@Kippie well, they were mean to @AwalGarg so we're trolling them.
@AwalGarg why the heck should I care if it's a girl?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Because I am saying so. Ping that dileep guy. Irritate the shit out of him.
ahh well she is there :D / @erikroyall
@AwalGarg is white knighting :O
I thought people from India were brown
@Kippie no, we are transparent.
the act of pooping on internet girls
So, how were they mean to you? And why were you even in there? :p
@AwalGarg I thought that was the Scottish?
@BenjaminGruenbaum dileep is back, ping him 10k times
I think I'm going to spring clean the ro list.
that's not a bad idea.
but it's autumn...
If you're not a reg, no reason for ro.
lol that list of feeds haha
>:( worst day ever
Hi all,
I have a table tr like below
<tr onclick="postLoanId(1)" id="table_r1" width="100"><td>1</td><td>bfl23</td><td>monthly</td><td>6</td><td>15 October</td><td>15000.0</td><td>undefined</td><td>2500.0</td><td>undefined</td></tr>
Isn't Miszy a reg?
I want the value of 2nd td
@SpringLearner Don't use inline event handlers.
He was a reg, haven't seen him in a while.
No RO wasn't a reg, they all were, but I haven't seen them in a month.
Except for ircmaxell which doesn't hang here that much anyway, I love that dude but not sure why he was ro to begin with.
I've literally barely seen any of those people.
Why remove the legends
I have heard of Raynos ..
I'm legen-dairy. Like, milk made out of legens
This raynos guy founded this room first.
@AwalGarg ok thanks.My rows are generated dynamically and when ever the a row is clicked I want the 2nd td element of the corresponing row
How to do?
@copy because they're not around anymore.
Also, "legends" lol.
Why add jhawins
@SpringLearner lookup and use event delegation.
@BadgerGirl why was he removed?
Because of his power trip
@BenjaminGruenbaum Florian removed him for 'being a bitch'
That doesn't sound like florian
@BenjaminGruenbaum :P
Though it does sound like Jhawins...
@AwalGarg ok then I will use it later,can You tell me what is wrong in it
function postLoanId(id)
var x=$('table_r'+id).children().next().next().val();
It gives me undefnined
Still though, I'd keep them as honorary members
Hey yall
@Kippie actually it does, lol
@BadgerGirl he had a power trip?
but I didn't witness a power trip
@SpringLearner You can refer to the second td with css selectors, querySelector takes css selector and returns the first matching element.
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah, and many ROs oppose to him being one
Oct 27 at 15:45, by Stack Exchange
@SpringLearner It means x is not defined.
Oct 27 at 15:45, by Florian Margaine
@Jhawins you've been a bitch for the last few weeks, what the fuck is wrong with you
ok, going to read it.
How does one write a compiler in Javascript from scratch? RegExp?
Anyone else you haven't seen in a month
@AfonsoMatos google recursive descent parsers. That'll probably be the easiest approach.
Definitely not regex as JS is not a regular language.
dystroy... but he is a nice guy. let him stay pls.
@AwalGarg I have defined var x and assigned x with $('table_r'+id).children().next().next().val()
And shouldn't we have a say in the removal of legends too?
Raynos and Esailija <3
and Simon Sarris :(
Because they're not regs anymore.
@SpringLearner You mean the console is showing undefined? It should either show null or the value of x. Can you make a fiddle?
Meh, legend schmedgend
If you're not doing anything lately why should I care
Un RO'ing them doesn't mean they can't come and chat here, they can still come and chat here.
He has a book, do you have a book @BenjaminGruenbaum?
They're just disinterested at doing so.
Oct 27 at 15:46, by Florian Margaine
meh... if anyone wanna give you the room owner back I don't care, but I think you shouldn't be anymore
@BadgerGirl I do actually, but not in English sadly.
That's a whole other story though, not for now :D
Did you make Bluebird?
I <3 Petka and Simon, I'm facebook friends with both and I've had beers with Petka.
@BadgerGirl Why do any of these things mean he should be RO in here?
They're just not very active here.
Obama is the president of the US, he should be a room owner.
:( it just makes me super sad
@BadgerGirl did you have multiple beers with Petka?
No one should be RO. Remove each and every last person.
My beer is made out of Petka's tears
@BadgerGirl you do realize that if they come back they'll be RO again right?
Shouldn't we at least vote?
Guys, can you choose which element to bind a jQuery validation message to?/
I'm validating a hidden field but obviously the hidden field isn't in like .. the ideal place.
@Sippy You can if you drop jQuery.
Not the right answer! :D
Prolly the most "noble" answer.
@BadgerGirl I don't feel strongly about it - if you want to add anyone go ahead. We just have a ton of ROs and if Raynos or Esailija sell their account or give it away some time (which is entirely possible though unlikely since they don't really care about it that much anymore) it might be a problem.
Stop hating on jQuery so much. Yes, it has its problems, but it's also extremely useful when it comes to out-of-the-box solutions.
"sell their accounts" roflmao!
I don't understand why people who haven't done anything for this community in the past month or so should have extra privilege, but if you feel differently go ahead.
@AwalGarg the problem is solved
you're welcome :)
@BadgerGirl Also, I don't know if you've spoken to Jake recently...
What about Jhawins?
@AwalGarg you said not to use inline
@SpringLearner yes, I said.
Loktar and Zirak agreed with the removal.
!!tell SpringLearner mdn addEventListener
@BadgerGirl I don't feel strongly about it, remember I wasn't here between oct 8 to oct 21 so I might have missed some stuff, if you want to remove him again go ahead.
@AwalGarg can you give a small fiddle
can you edit it?
using your way
sure hold on
I'm on mobile, will do when I get home. Or if someone agrees with me, do it.
what's the recommended way for adding form elements dynamically ?
Looking at you @copy
is there some way to do "clone without data" options that I am forgetting about?
@BenjaminGruenbaum He was removed on the 27th.
No, I won't get into this
I don't think you were around.
Dafaq is happening in that room..
anyone ?
I think I've missed a bunch of room drama
heck'a'lot of it. lol
@erikroyall I am srsly not liking that :( </3
@tereško createElement and appendChild, I don't know any magic around it if you don't want to use a library like KO or rivets that does data binding or something like react that hijacks the dom
@tereško What would be wrong with cloning and then changing the data
@SomeGuy maybe me too.
@BadgerGirl did he annoy you in particular?
He annoyed me in particular. Very much, seriously.
Fine, I'm not getting into this
So, that was strange.
^lol dat
Yeah, odd
Awesome, best day ever.
Not aware of the context of this well enough.
In before double removal means still no removal
@BadgerGirl what did he do to annoy you.
Nothing special.
Come back from lunch, see drama
@Cerbrus Ignore it.
Lunchtime? What is this, Europe?
For what it's worth: There are some users I perceive as more annoying, here, than him.
this is 17?
I have to buy my lunch today
what a joke.
Aye, @Kippie
@erikroyall you can do better, c'mon...
@Cerbrus who?
I mean, everyone hates @rlemon and @Zirak but who else?
but that's a given
I'm not going to be shouting out names in public
I feel like I'm so unaware of all these dramas, maybe I should just not touch the owner list.
It is me ofcourse lol
But I really have no problem with J.
You can ping me in a private room etc.
@Cerbrus you can ping me on skype
I'd prefer that actually, @BadgerGirl.
Wait, you're friend now?
You can be our messenger ;-)
@AwalGarg thanls
We get along pretty well, I think
Last time I was in Amsterdam two weeks ago you didn't want to have a beer :P
We're best friends
@SpringLearner no problem :) Feel free to upvote any of my answers to show gratitude, if you find any of them helpful.
@erikroyall damn I am no more interested because of that. Troll both of them to hell.
@AwalGarg done,That was really good answer
Seriously. Let her go.
(second time, I should stop doing this)
Jhawins can be irritating at times, but you know who's a super-arse? @SecondRikudo lol
She doesn't know what her email address is and asks him. o.O
@SpringLearner ;-)
@NickDugger ?
@erikroyall I have seen even pathetic people, but they have good <something> :P
What? He already knows I don't like him. No harm, maybe just a little bitty foul.
Also Happy FRIDAAAy
Happy friday!
is this comment on the right path?
I only skimmed the question, but have you considered using promises? — Nick Dugger 1 min ago
@BenjaminGruenbaum: This morning I read the last couple of pages from that "Knowing things" room. Please tell me you don't take that m59 guy seriously.
@erikroyall lol
@AwalGarg rofl
@Loktar Happy HALLOWEEN!
@Cerbrus he didn't read any relevant literature, the debate turned out very uninteresting to be fair.
Happy Halloween!
@erikroyall this is why stupid girls are ... good.
in knowing things on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 5 hours ago, by Cerbrus
"God says x" "God says y". So, just because some imaginative figure says it, it has to be true? Do you guys even understand that non-religious people have a very hard time taking people who believe that seriously?
@BenjaminGruenbaum You ain't kidding ...
'Good'. As in?
That's my problem with him
He takes what "God said" for a fact
I'm not religious, but for the record, when people say that someone's god is imaginative, you lose all credibility. Be factual while being considerate, and you come off as a much better individual
I was so interested in the very beginning at that tangent you guys were taking to a religious debate, but he did what all religious people do in a religious debate and completely disregarded any attempt to determine logic :(
Fair point
@erikroyall as in 'enjoyable'
Smoke n mirrors.
@BenjaminGruenbaum were you present at the time of my and Zach's discussion with KyleKanos?
It's hard to debate religion with Christians that don't know Christian philosophy or philosophy in general very well.
@NickDugger: Maybe I should've said "your god" instead of "some imaginative figure"
@BenjaminGruenbaum Mhm.
@Cerbrus honestly, say whatever, as long as you don't tell them that their god is fake. I'd consider that flame-baiting
@AwalGarg no, I found the whole discussion annoying, I can't express how without being arrogant.
I'd like to point out that people have been arguing about religion for centuries. It's highly unlikely that some dudes in an internet chat room are going to solve any problems.
^ especially if they haven't read those arguments
Let's all be scientologist mormons
People debate religion without actually bothering to learn the arguments for and against a creator properly.
@NickDugger I second this motion.
@KendallFrey: But we're different ;-)
@BenjaminGruenbaum you might find the conversation ahead of this somewhat interesting (about apparitions)
> because no rational person could possibly look at the universe and decide, "Yep this was a gigantic fluke that our universe turned out this way"
Apparently I'm not rational
@AwalGarg honestly? None of you have taken even the most basic philosophy course. The notions of truth logic etc in that discussion were incoherent and badly formed.
@BenjaminGruenbaum we weren't discussing philosophy anymore.
@Cerbrus that's the same argument as "If I throw 100 dice and I get exactly 430 that's a miracle because it's very unlikely".
@Cerbrus Shit.
I'd argue that 430 is a relatively common throw, coming from 100 (6-sided) dice
> So this God walks into a bar, grill, pub, public house, Irish bar, bartender, drinks, beer, wine, liquor…
@Cerbrus yeah, but it's exactly 430! You know what the odds for that are?
(If it came out as 431, or 510, I'd use the same argument only with those numbers)
I'm not sure what you're trying to say there
That the "no rational argument" argument is inherently incorrect.
It's very easy to say "what are the odds" in retrospect. Had the world turned out any other way you could have still used that argument.
Allow me to illustrate
!!> (Math.random() * 10000) | 0
@BenjaminGruenbaum 953
You know what were the odds of 953?
Any rational person would know that those are very small, so because it came out as 953 there must be a god.
Q: Display jQuery validation message on different element

Sippy<div class="editor-field"> @Html.TextBox("manager-control", "", new { id = "manager-control", @class = "form-control", placeholder = "Type to search..." }) @Html.HiddenFor(model => model.manager, new { id = "manager-dn" }) @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.manager) </div> ma...

I see your point
If that's wrong tell me how to make it right, don't waste downvote pls.
Not like I asked for constructive feedback or nuthin
hahahaha just messing with ya
all hail (Math.random())
@BenjaminGruenbaum Do you still see a point in debating the existence of a "god"
Whoever downvoted and didn't explain why, diaf.

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