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@rlemon hows the watch battery?
gets me almost all day
I'm at 58% right now
I think I had avg use
yea, I was at like 40% at 5pm
heh I found out something cool with google now reminders
then when I plugged it in, wouldn't charge until I reset it
> Remind me to get batteries when I go to walmart
you can do location based reminders
I may have gotten a lemon
so badass
@rlemon haha that would suck man
@Loktar those are so nice
"remind me to pay the bill when I get home"
heh yeah a really cool feature
it doesn't know the locations I want :P
'remind me to get filters when I'm at the fish store'
can't you just figure it out?!
Q: jQuery Won't Work in Adobe Brackets

Jasch1I know this has been asked before, but after looking for a while, I haven't been able to find any way to add jQuery to Brackets. I copied and pasted the code from my website into the editor and get many errors,even though my website works exactly like I would like it to. The live preview also doe...

what does that even mean?!
one question, why doesnt my code work? jsfiddle.net/etnYC/31
a div should follow the cursor when hovere over the link
@Demorus that div doesn't exist.
protip: hit Tidy Up before posting
hang on, let me try again
what do you say? any idea to make it more center to the mouse ?
Remove the margin?
stupid me XD
my choice was mouseenter instead of hover. Hope thats fine
no way
tekken is better
that's ridic!
it is cool wish they weren't just helping students
also didn't you see that earlier @copy was talking about it :P
he's already taken advantage of it I believe
ahh no I didn't
helping students is definitely awesome, but wish there were a way to help people less fortunate, like someone struggling to take care of a family working a retail job or something
I even searched the link to see if anyone else had mentioned it :P
is there a way to define a getter for undefined values on a object?
maybe offering a pack to public libraries
like 50 of those packs for example
that would be cool
@phenomnomnominal wrap it in a try :/ ?
catch the error and throw your own
Yeah, that might work. I wish I could just do Object.defineProperty(obj, /.*/, {})...
you can define your own events but I don't know if you can handle the undefined from a non existent property
at least i've never heard or such voodoo
Does Object.observe fire events on access?
you beat me to it
I'm just sick of getting undefined is not a function.... Something.something is not a function would be INFINITELY more helpful.
undefined = function () {};
Phone cases are getting so slim and tiny when all I really want is a giant rubbery brick
@SomeKittens why didn't I think of that!
Inb4 s/br/pr/
@phenomnomnominal jsh.zirak.me/1aap
Yeah I know you can do that, but the stack is still useless :(
KSP 0.25, Day 1 #PimpinMyRide
Totes wouldn't fly.
fuck you, it would fly to the Mun and back
Which I am about to do
f*ck me
very well played @Zirak
I literally jumped back and got frightened when I scrolled down
c question.

You're running through a queue looking to put a node either at the end, or before the node with a larger duration value.

I believe I'm having a misunderstanding of pointers..
is the queue implemented as a linked list?
my feeble attempt
So essentially, you're inserting an item into a linked list before an item that either meets condition X or is null
To insert an item before another item, you actually have to insert it after the item before it (code-wise).
So you need to remember the last node visited
(unless it's a doubly-linked list)
Another way to think of it is inserting the item after an item whose foloowing item meets condition X.
Insert-after is a simple linked list operation
Insert-before is not

It almost works, I believe. The remaining problem being that the tail of the queue seems to reference itself.

Eg 1->2->3->4->3->4
I don't know if it's the headache I've had for 2 days, or I'm just retarded, but stepping through it in my mind seems to say it shouldn't do that
loops in linked lists are generally a bad thing
It's not supposed to be a loop
That is the Mun, stfu doubters
bonus reentry shots
@m59 fucks hard with the chat
esp if you scroll mid page
I would have posted a pic of the plane after landing, but the space centre was hit by a terrorist attack and the plane was destroyed.
Of course, Jeb survived.
What's that from?
the pictures? It's the Xavier Polnitski Rasimus III, or Paul for short
(KSP ofc)
so I got this ointment for my eye (dunno why it couldn't be a drop)
like i'm looking through a pop bottle from that eye
I feel strong temptation to change my wallpaper
That is the most badass ship I've ever designed
geeky-gadgets.com/… dayum thats cool
Oh, btw, KSP is 40% off to celebrate the new release.
@Loktar I think it's gone too far.. kickstarter.com/projects/mota/…
next... condoms!
thrust twice to tweet
tweets contain relevant but embarrassing telemetry concerning speed, force, distance, etc.
Why is my program returning 2+3 = 6
I don't want that to be my last message before I go to bed, so good night guys
@Cereal Did you try adding with an asterisk?
so pumped man
this custom watch face is working
although blue tooth debugging on the watch is killing the battery fast lol
working on a bunch of diff designs
going to throw that on the store just to have a halloween watch face
why are web apps so popular?
@Loktar fuck man I have no use for it kickstarter.com/projects/ionsmartscooter/…
but I want it
haha yeah that would be badass man
$399 + $100 shipping
why the hell am I browsing kickstarter, this is going to end poorly.
@user3388884 build once, run anywhere.
haha omg dude
so cool seeing the face on my watch
need to make the dimmed mode now
@user3388884 Who says they are? What's your definition of webapp?
Wow, call me a nübe, but how does the Feeds thing work?
(∩ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)⊃━☆゚. * ・ 。 ᵐᵃᵍⁱᶜ
now to package up for the app store
probably will do that tomorrow
That's a sexy wrist.
All I did was add a variable to a struct, and change a buffer size. Why does that warrent a bus error
such hair.
so when you type bot commands like this
Mar 18 '13 at 20:08, by Loktar
I've been to gay clubs more than regular clubs lol
it auto removes your post for you
updated, more reliable. ignores code blocks
!!> 1 + 1
@rlemon 2
@rlemon I awoke on Thu, 02 Oct 2014 17:23:19 GMT (that's about 5 days ago), got invoked 301 times, learned 317 commands, but forgotten 1 commands
@rlemon not a fan
I know, the code could use some work...
I'm not a fan of the concept
posting a command and then deleting it immediately is what bot abusers already do
I'm not saying use it
I was just pissing around
ok, then
i'm back
good morning all
hello good morning
wow its been 4days and now sublime is looking scary to me
...so I have to signup to github to get that education pack? Too bad ;(
y they no offer atom pre built on linux :?
Installing “[email protected]” failed.Hide output…

npm http GET registry.npmjs.org/emmet
npm http 304 registry.npmjs.org/emmet
npm http GET registry.npmjs.org/requirejs
npm ERR! not found: git
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed using git.
npm ERR! This is most likely not a problem with npm itself.
npm ERR! Please check if you have git installed and in your PATH.

npm ERR! System Linux 3.13.0-24-generic
npm ERR! command "/opt/atom/resources/app/apm/node_modules/atom-package-manager/bin/node" "/opt/atom/resources/app/apm/node_modules/atom-package-manager/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-cli.
any idea anyone? can't install emmet on atom (ubuntu 14.04 64x)
cat /tmp/apm-install-dir-11498-4952-xbxhxg/npm-debug.log
@AwalGarg Wait, you don't have a Github account?
cat: /tmp/apm-install-dir-11498-4952-xbxhxg/npm-debug.log: No such file or directory
@copy ^
@monners nope ;p I dun have much to contribute so I never made one
@copy not installed
Heh, classy edit on a closed question:
> I see that most of you dont get what i am asking and the people that have the authority to close topics arent helpful either, power drunk? (stackoverflow.com/questions/26238612/…)
#AtomEditor dude, y u no install all package urself?
Morning @ll
so... where should I get started with all this "git" thing? I never got the hold of that word.
Who's "ll"?
oh wait
!!google what is git
installation is real headache
!!tell AwalGarg google git step by step
Those should help
hmm nice, thanks :)
@Cerbrus how can you make jokes so early in the day... :P
Protip: get a decent gui for it. Sourcetree worked like a charm when I last used it
@Julo0sS: I'm at my best when I'm still sleeping.
@Cerbrus x) i need few hours before being @mybest (who's "mybest"?), my body is ok but my brain didnt wake up yet...
a funny sleeping wolf, lol
wtf git is so complicated
I just want to save files, ok?
@AwalGarg: Use DropBox
Disclaimer: that was a joke. Don't ever use dropbox for programming related uploads.
that git thing would be better suited when I work for some production thing
I am still learning and I am very happy with my localhost
SVN is better option for version controlling
@AwalGarg So do you use BitBucket, or any other source control system?
@monners dude... I have started real programming just 3 months ago (maybe less). I am just learning
I dun need any control system
Yeah ya do, otherwise you won't learn how to use a versioning system
That's kind of a massive requirement for... every development job ever.
Plus it's fun! You can make rainbows with branch merges
i using cornorstone kit for version controlling ... its awesome
Well, a lot of jobs can teach you if you're fresh on the market, but it's a big-ass pre
Rainbows? wut
hmm, kk I will try it out this weekend
Source tree shows ya a visual branch diagram. When a whole bunch merge at once it looks like a rainbow :D
so, all this git thing needs you to be online, right?
You can have a local git repo
ahh, that is very nice
Ya don't need a Github account to use Git
But if your local system dies you're kinda fucked if it's all on local :P
ok, so these repos are just folders on my system?
!!tell Awal google how git works
Git tracks changes
this calls for a try
And learn
It's important
ok sure
as you say
@AwalGarg would like to know if version control is important. Tell him.
Mwa ha ha ha haaaaaa
@monners haha nice
Expect to get pinged :P
wud luv to have @Zirak and @BenjaminGruenbaum tell
@monners thats fine. I hav just returned from a 4 day vacation, and I wud be on my pc all day long :D
wait.... is that... Abhishek?
wtf sis actually hapening in that image ?
@AwalGarg yeah :P
like the camoflauge.. eh ?
@monners explain the 3d alignment of the pen and the blocks ?
@darkyen00 Y U NO UNDERSTAND?
it is so simple
@darkyen00 Photoshop!
@AwalGarg explain that :P
@monners nope its not photoshop
it is a carefully arranged illusion
@tereško yeap i am trying to figure out the alignment.
@darkyen00 the size of the those blocks is not what you actually see
You three-dimensional beings are cute. Makes perfect sense to me.
(triple ping sorry)
also, dude, wat ya done with ur profile pic? ;p
the front pillar is actually horizontal (drawn on desk/paper)
and the "front black pen" is not a single pen .. it's a bit bent which makes think that it consists of two parts
@AwalGarg its camo
I must say, there is not much difference in your original pic and this one ;p
@AwalGarg hahaha
i accept that humour.
ahh it is so fun to type git init and hit enter xD
> 1.6 Committing
Notice how Git says changes to be committed? The files listed here are in the Staging Area, and they are not in our repository yet. We could add or remove files from the stage before we store them in the repository.

To store our staged changes we run the commit command with a message describing what we've changed. Let's do that now
I don't understand
Last night I dreamed that my boss was Satan, or at least a very powerful demon in disguise
Funny how such things never seem far-fetched while you're dreaming it
what is this "Staging" thing, if anyone can explain to me?
(as in, in this context, I don't get it)
it initially described that the stage is where git works under the hood, tracks changes, stores info and all. What does it mean by "files listed here are in the Staging area"?
nvm got it
Files to commit
Each source repository likes to have its own terminology in my experience
The first one I learned was svn, so I'm used to thinking in terms of commit, checkout, branch, etc.
so say I run the add command two times without running commit even once, and then I run commit, would it still log that I added files two different times or would it just bundle the changes in a single statement?
Hello fellows, I am Java developer and I have nearly no knowledge of Javascript (I know basics though). Is there any better way to write this:
http://pastebin.com/DXDb4rTd ?
I want to call esriMap() function after mapDiv element is created.
@kukis Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
oh wait there is a log command, ignore the above ;p
@kukis look up "mutation observer"s, or better yet have the code that creates the element notify you
Hi. I'm trying to replace what I have in my first square bracket with something else, but it doesn't replace anything (I get the original string back in Chrome Dev Tools). "article[x][vat]".replace('/\[(.+?)\]/g', 'foo') is what I tried to use. What am I doing wrong?
Thanks Jan, I will look into mutation observer . Unfortunately I have no control over the code which create's <div>
not even a function you could overwrite?
no. DOM tree is generated by Vaadin framework.
But MutationObserver's are good approach too right?
better than polling
@JanDvorak but it doesn't have good browser support?
not even safari (iOS) 6, IIRC
@AwalGarg better than mutation events
still a good point
TIL event objects contain timestamp info which is very useful :D
btw, I am the most learning person in this room. decodingweb.com/so-room-stats/17/TIL

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