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@Jhawins fine
Good lord
@copy lol I like rlemon's idea better
Rip my shirt off yelling "revieewwwww!" as I go into his office
but... for someone who's new to the web, that's how you think things work
Every time this chick is getting yelled at down here I'm secretly chanting fire her, fire her, fire her
@dievardump Not if you've read any tutorials and actually paid attention
@Jhawins we haven't read the same tutorials...
took me a while to get this distinction
Read tutorials, you have to be very specific if you want one that really cover the basics
What is server interpreted, what is not, and what that means
No where is it ever hinted at that you could possibly run PHP inside of javascript hahahaha
But what must be hinted is that it is not possible
Idk. I mean, it's obvious to me that PHP is completed before the page loads. It's very very obvious.
That's not hinted neither
honestly though... JS is so 'eh whatevs. do what you want...' i wouldn't be surprised if you could run php in it somehow
For you, but for newbies, it's definitely not obvious
@Jhawins just tell him to wrap it in json_encode()
It's not knowing PHP won't run in JS, it's knowing that PHP is server-side.
that's a good point
As long as you'll see php querys in html code, than it won't be obvious
And I won't budge on that fact that it's incredibly obvious that PHP runs before the page loads and is not interpreted by the browser. Otherwise I should see PHP in the view source
To be fair, it wasn't that obvious to me
I started with back-end tho
That person probably copied another tutorial with JavaScript HTMl and PHP in the same example
And thought "oh simple so that should do it"
@dievardump Exactly!! He copied sparingly from a tutorial, he didn't read it and understand it.
3 mins ago, by dievardump
Read tutorials, you have to be very specific if you want one that really cover the basics
I read a lot of tutorials
my perception of JS: ¯_(ツ)_/¯
and only a few were clear about what runs where
lol idk. I know that PHP can exec BASH commands.
Follow the logic train... Fuck no that isn't in the browser, it's on the server.
You need to try to understand how people think before criticizing their code
lol no. I criticized that guys code rightfully.
He didn't read the tutorial he copied that from.
He might have read it, and then transform what he read and understand
The tutorial might have been bad
Or badly written
Or badly explained
So in other words, you feel Jhawins was too harsh in his code critique?
There is so much bad resources out there that I won't blame someone new to have follow and badly understood something that is bad
No matter the case, the user did not have a minimal understanding of the fundamentals of web technology. The difference between front-end and back-end is something you are expected to know and it is justified to say you are "bad and should feel bad" if you don't and pretend you do.
i think it's the last part that is critical if you don't and pretend you do
He might be learning, and so came here to have some help
Of course ^
how do you want him to learn anything if the first people who see their code react despisingly
I think despisingly is a harsh word for a case like this
@dievardump I didn't act despisingly, and I didn't say anything to the user.
Also despisingly isn't a word
But you understood what I meant, sorry for being a French currently learning German and so mixing up my English vocabulary
lol you're fine
"sorry for being a French" it's about damn time we got an apology for that
@FlorianMargaine your turn
lol @SterlingArcher
There is a very good answer on the differences between front-end and back-end, but I can't find it. Halp
I want to link it to that user
Maybe it's on Super User or Programmers?
@Jhawins only this following line is in html file.no other code,no othe js file attach <script> var menu = new cbpHorizontalSlideOutMenu( document.getElementById( 'cbp-hsmenu-wrapper' ) ); </script> — Shikhil Bhalla 2 mins ago
lol wtf
you are lying :(. In that case _openMenu is undefined and you have bigger issues. — Jhawins 5 secs ago
Yeah fuck it, I was gonna try to do something on Main today maybe actually answer a question but this is silly.
perhaps there's master index page that loads the page with the code shown, and that master page has additional code?
@Jhawins I believe he is using this: github.com/codrops/HorizontalSlideOutMenu/tree/master/js (He may not know it)
@mikedidthis Yeah looks like he is. I have no desire to help such a user
I asked him where _openMenu came from haha
@erikroyall beat me too it :D
^^^ About to type that.
@mikedidthis Kinda? Idk if that's what he was doing none of the code matches
He'd be missing damn near 90% of it
@SterlingArcher ?
lol he just pasted modernizr in as 1 massive line
@Jhawins no, he has just prettified the minified source, its all there.
@mikedidthis Ah
Just submitted a chrome bug: code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=421100 please tell me if it's even a bug or if I'm just retarded.
Well anyway, this is why I don't Main. It's ridiculous. How do you guys find decent questions?
@NickDugger would really help if there was an example to test against?
I love to help, but I feel like 9/10 the user can't be helped by me he is lacking fundamental understandings that he should have read and learned on his own is is making literally no effort like that second one. Half the questions I open I flag for deletion
was just going to ask that
@FlorianMargaine twas a joke ;)
a code example? Alright, I'll get one up after lunch
@Jhawins I only follow the Tumblr tag, so I am used to the quality questions.
hey @erikroyall Actually i also used this same menu.And i changed event from onclick to onmouseover.this menu works on click event.I want on hover and disappear on mouseout. — Shikhil Bhalla 1 min ago
@NickDugger I think it helps the chromium guys as well.
@Jhawins what @mikedidthis said, basically pick a tag and stick to it
I hang out in canvas when I feel like going on main
@erikroyall I told him to go steal the rest of the code then lol
@mikedidthis lol thank you
Node guys..
Who cares. I see his prob now
i love that he posted obfuscated code
(i know he copy/pasta'd, but still)
I think that is the best part.
That or @Jhawins straight up calling him out. :D
lol I call it like it is
@SomeKittens I am going to attempt to use a dockerfile to install dependencies for more complex code... Should I just not? There doesn't seem to be any documentation for runnable bro it's insanely frustrating :/
... at the very least, you are out of our hair
@Neil also not to mention that there is no spefication for among the stars. Even on earth we're still "among the stars" >.<
@SterlingArcher Technically true
So basically, "shoot for the moon, or you'll most likely die"
Ultimatum much? >:(
posted on October 07, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Woop! Sorry for the late update. Server issues.

Is JSBin Down?
Yay 2pts to my CF tag
"shoot for the moon; if you succeed, you are gone. if you miss a little, you are out of our hair. if you miss a lot, you die."
Q: How can I convert this from jQuery to standard javascript?

tbgeorgeI need to know how to do something very similar to this with standard javascript not jQuery. $('.tab-links a').click(function(){ $('.tab-links a').removeClass('selected') $(this).addClass('selected'); });

are questions like this on topic?
.. I wanna say no
I would say no
lack of effort (i'd say) could be turned around with "this is my half-assed attempt <insert bad code> "
I try not to answer requests for work
If it can be expressed as expected vs. actual behaviour, that's a good thing
if it's just expected, and no actual, well...
:19292992 [].forEach.call(document.querySelector(".tab-links a"), function(x) {
    x.addEventListener("click", function() {
        [].forEach.call(document.querySelector(".tab-links a"), function(y) {
    }, false);
this is the any sibling operator, right? ~
Would a nested forEach call be the proper way to remove the classes?
Or am I just brainfarting?
brain fart
Also, sometimes if it's just something that isn't easily googleable and requires specific knowledge (like regex), I'll sometimes just do it
How to return class in static function for chaining? I did return $this and it says undefined variable this
trying to make, again, a css only menu
a more fancy one
I'm having some quite small problems
like, I can't turn off the radio buttons (which will of course be hidden later)
I've put everything in just to be sure that something else isn't interfering
absolutely have no idea why
I did try putting them in a form, still a nope
I did try removing labels
@Stol3x wert?
@rlemon wrong chat group, sorry :)
@towc jsfiddle.net/rlemon/3nanfjzk/1 radios group by name
Return a class in a static function for chaining? What language allows that to happen?
@rlemon oooooooh, thx
I think Java or PHP (java based on the room mixup, php based on the $this)
@rlemon addEventListener only works on a specific element, not a NodeList, right?
@towc np
@SterlingArcher correct
and am I doing anything wrong about trying to target that green thing on line 44 of the css? My only thought is that I could have overwritten it on line 35.
Whenever you click on a different checkbox that green thing should move and change color
but my theory doesn't seem to be correct, since it should at least move
@rlemon brainfart aside it looks like my answer was correct
Though a nested loop seems horribly innefficient
@towc you need them to be on the same level
radio + labels for the links
then you can use the ~ and + operators in css
those controls are in purecss
@somekittens the dockerfiles on github/runnable seem to say redis, mysql, couchdb and more are already initialized in the Node template? However I have absolutely no idea how to access them. I get DNS errors :/
@MauricioMorales if it's only your code running there - what difference does it make?
rlemon do they? They aren't in my code and I seem to be able to access the inputs just fine. I just can't get to the #scroller from the inputs, which is the only thing I'm doing with them
Aww man, my croutons went soggy because of the turkey :(
"Provided answer of +20 score to a question of -5 score" 18 more upvotes xD
you're a soggy crouton
@SterlingArcher Always blaming it on the Middle Eastern country, you bastard.
turkey is a country
I thought turkey was more... ukraine-ish located
@SterlingArcher I think it's closer to Israel than Ukraine
it touches both countries :D
It's just south of the Ukraine
on the black sea
... almost
@SterlingArcher And just north of Israel
So it's the middle north-east? :P
@FlorianMargaine not even close
@SterlingArcher ffs, open maps.google.com
i dont even maps, bro :(
As you can see, Turkey is on the same chunk of non-water as all those other countries with wars and shit.
hello everyone :)
lol I give up. Not using any more dev platforms that don't have documentation.
Mobile keeps making me edit things instead of post?
Whatever mobile is borked
@erikroyall is that how you write touché?
There's no cedilla?
is there any easy way (built into html) way to get bookmarks (just like marked on the picture) oi61.tinypic.com/15yue4l.jpg ? :P
@erikroyall wouldn't think so
not sure
No, there isn't one below c in touché.
oh ok, though there was, i also tried to find smth like this built into bootstrap, but google answers me back with bookmarks - anchors (#) ;d
@Patryk those are tabs, not bookmarks
well, my english aint perfect as u have probably noticed
thank you very much :)
steam recommendations are awesome, finding so many new games
@Loktar I think I know how you'll die
You'll be in your late 80s, crushed by an avalanche of games and consoles.
The irony will be had.
uh? I predict this will be in his 40s
if this is his cause of death
so... in 2 years tops
That's... turrible D:
@Jhawins We've already picked the insurance we want, but thanks! Same goes for recruiters.
I've only had good experience with recruiters
@Jhawins that shouldn't happen. Example?
Also, I'm more sick now, so don't expect coherent bananas.
@FlorianMargaine likewise. They treated me well, only found me good jobs to apply for, and even fought to get me a higher pay (of course that's motivated by the more I get paid, the more they get paid)
But she was very nice. Red head, gamer, cool woman
@SterlingArcher that doesn't sound the greatest pitch to employers, tbh
"I get rewarded for gouging you for more money than you wanted to pay, lol"
It's what they do, it's not a secret
Employers know very well recruiters will fight tooth and nail for the best commission
(My brother is a recruiter)
@FlorianMargaine But... :(
I only visit the hot ones on linkedin
@Zirak dude, mu4e is awesome
And helm-imenu is IIRC Icicles, or something like that
dunno, imenu is default in emacs, helm-imenu makes it even better
helm overall is pretty great imho
@FlorianMargaine @SterlingArcher My experience is they shove you into the jobs where you're most likely to be hired, not where you want to be.
@Zirak and no, imenu is goto-function in your file
@SomeKittens really? My recruiter asked me what sort of jobs I was tending towards
renoirb is now making me feel guilty about not writing stuff on webplatform docs :(
Unfortunately, her game development job fell through, but she ran every company by me for approval, and made sure I researched them before saying yes or no
I was in so-chat mode so didn't think about private messaging Paul Irish
People, you need to stop making me feel guilty
@SterlingArcher same here, but then they didn't get me interviews at those jobs
Ah, my recruiter got me interviews there
I've read some of Paul Irish's posts. Can't remember if I liked them or not
Essentially, they treated me like a junior dev
Granted I was a junior dev tho...
Boss said I was the top candidate of 40 applicants the other day, thought that was pretty cool
Are we talking about recruiters? I got my current job via Cyber Coders. Couldn't be happier about the job. Good pay, full benefits, etc.
I did have to move across the country, though
cyber coders doesn't stop emailing me
I promised exclusive rights to me to my brother for my next job
@SterlingArcher recruiting companies pre-negotiate margins with companies prior to any recruiting, usually under whats called a Master Agreement
ive been contracting for years, many diff companies, many diff recruiters
I get very in depth recruiting chats with my brother when I get home everyday
Basically, I have all the knowledge of a successful recruiter in my head, I just don't like people enough to call them on the phone
Here is my newest question I ask during interviews.. "Show me your code"
Most of your job is working in the code base, if its ancient and sucks balls, the job generally sucks
@CharlieBrown How's that been?
@Loktar not for me -- all stupid minecraft / terraria clones :/
Show me your moves!
I've been thinking of going consultant for my next job
I like consulting overall, there are so many jobs you can pick what to work on
@CharlieBrown unless...
@TomW thats the great equalizer
what's your rate?
> Sid Meier's 10 Rules of Game Design

1. Choose a topic you have a passion for. Game Design is about creativity.

2. Do research after the game is done. Tap into the player’s brain.

3. Define your axioms, refine your axioms. Prototype, prototype, prototype; sit in all the chairs.

4. Double it or cut it in half. You are more wrong than you think.

5. Make sure the player is having fun, not the designer/computer.

6. Games should be easy to start playing, but hard to stop playing.

7. Simple systems work together to create complexity.
depends on the job, rates go from 70-100/hr USD for most contracting
@TomW tell that to Jennifer Lawrence
Choo choo! Chuggachuggachuggachugga... http://t.co/9MOQq7cuYu
KSP 0.25 is out

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