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I believe you are correct that no-one has ever said that @darkyen00
I have faith in humanity.
Typing in "favourite browser modern.io" here to Google brings up a first post that doesn't even contain modern.io
May I also enquire, as to why internet explorer is the only browser that is 64-bit? Although this may be off-topic.
@PopeyGilbert what benefit would 64 bit bring you in a browser that spawns a new process for each tab? Have you ever had a tab take more than 3GB of memory?
@BenjaminGruenbaum That's actually a very good point.
@PopeyGilbert that's what Google thinks too.
There are 64 builds of Chrome, they're just... pointless.
@BenjaminGruenbaum True.
Hi. I know it isn't possible but what is the closest to : (if any)
var x={
And I have to go, cya guys.
@RoyiNamir x.y?
(that wouldn't work :P)
Cannot read property 'y' of undefined
(Don't use a literal)
20 secs ago, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
(that wouldn't work :P)
var x = {y:1};
x.z = x.y;
Yes I guess... 2 lines is inevitable.. :-)
(Your code was 4 lines before btw, so two lines is an improvement)
    $scope.countDown = function (now) {
        $scope.intervalPromise = $interval(function () {
            now -= 1;
            $scope.count = now;
        }, now * 1000, 0);


    console.log($scope.intervalPromise); // getting undefined
(Yes I meant 1 atomic action VS 2 actions)
why that getting undefined ?
@Loktar , @SomeKittens , @SomeGuy , @rlemon youtube.com/watch?v=6d60v1OErEY
!!summon 43899
@samitha Well for one, you're declaring a function called countDown that defines intervalPromise, however when you call console.log, it hasn't yet been called
Think about it logically.. you're saying "when I run countDown, define intervalPromise" immediately followed by, "What is the value of intervalPromise?"
It's undefined since it hasn't been assigned yet
can anybody help me about grunt installtion?
i got error "-bash: /grunt: No such file or directory"
grunt is already install on path of usr/local/lib/node_modules/grunt
and grunt dirctory constains constributing.md, licenses-mit, readme, aaveyor.yml, internal-tasks, lib, node_modules, package.json
what i missing in it... how i install complete package of grunt?
i used command $ sudo npm install -g grunt
hey ! is there anything like -o-box-shadow ?
does it exist ?
@charger73 no, you have already been told this in the html room.
You linked to the document that shows it never existed: opera.com/docs/specs/presto2.12/css/o-vendor
I stll cant be sure
Hi there!
@charger73: If the HTML room tells you a css thing doesn't exist, it doesn't.
So there's no point in asking the JS room...
@Cerbrus "This is a CSS sting! Back away from the keyboard slowly and put your hands on the back of your head! NOW! If I see you type one more class selector, so help me God I will shoot!"
.criminal{ display:none }
@Cerbrus Got it.
@Cerbrus No! He got away! ;)
* { display: none }
Oh shi...
There's a way to do -o-box-shadow
Hello! If I want that some people use this service : bigpicture.bi/demo, is it mandatory to have a LOGIN/SIGNUP system ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum how would you test an API library? (i.e. a method like makeCallWithSomeParams)
@SecondRikudo what do you mean?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I wrote a small API library for the eBay API as part of the application
And I want to write tests for it
@BenjaminGruenbaum how so?
Not sure how to go about on it (since mocking it would achieve very little, I'm testing the call making after all), and I can't be sure that any item or search result I try would remain the same
@SecondRikudo pass request as a parameter and hook it.
@SecondRikudo how are you making API requests?
@mikedidthis just box-shadow works
@charger73 sorry if I came across an ass. After the op who said they were worried about sharing php via the view source button, I am a little sensitive.
@BenjaminGruenbaum \o/
@BenjaminGruenbaum http, but I've been meaning to refactor to request anyway
@mikedidthis that's how I steal all of my server side code
@SecondRikudo so do that, also wrap request into a nicer API like request and promisify that. Raw http isn't fun to work with.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm proimisifying the library itself, after I include it
@monners share all the secrets.
I wrote it callback based to be useful in context where you don't have/want promises, and then I promisify it on the application level.
Wait, you're trying to test code you didn't write?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I wrote the code.
@SecondRikudo No you didn't. You stole it from my grandmother!
@monners Your grandmother codes? :o
I'm on to you, buddy
Well, my mother in law does. Does that count?
She was a punchcard dev
@SecondRikudo in that case why aren't you using promises in your request lib?
If you want to use callbacks externally you can still easily do that with nodeify.
I wasn't aware of nodeify. Sounds like it's time to refactor :D
And let's say I do that
Now how do I test it?
You have to pass the thing that makes HTTP requests in through DI and then mock it.
@BenjaminGruenbaum That would mean I'd have to pass it down several levels, I'm not sure that's good :|
@SecondRikudo I don't think you understand DI very well.
For example
makeFilteredCall = function (params, filters) {
    var defaultParams = {
    params = _.extend(defaultParams, params);
    return makeFindingAPICall(params, filters);
You should watch Anthony's videos about it.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I do understand DI, I'm not sure how it applies in this situation.
If your code makes HTTP requests, that should be explicit, passing that into the constructor is a useful positive thing.
I don't have a constructor.
How do you create your objects then?
FTR - I consider the following a constructor:
function Foo(){
    return {x:3};
@BenjaminGruenbaum I have a module.exports = (function() { ...... return {x:3}; }());
Pretty much
@SecondRikudo why are you wrapping your node functions in IIFEs?
So you mean I should module.exports = (function(request) { .... return {x:3}; }));?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Module pattern
holy shit dude.
commonjs already does that for you
@SecondRikudo that's not module pattern
Doesn't cargo culting bother you?
I mean, don't you want to know why people wrap things in those (function(){ })(..)?
@BenjaminGruenbaum thats not nice :|
its not obvious that commonjs already wraps things like that
@GorgiKosev I know @SecondRikudo in person, we had a beer last week, I'm pretty sure I can talk to him like that and he won't get offended :P
okay :)
still, I stand by my statement that its not obvious
It's only obvious if you ever used NodeJS :P
@GorgiKosev I actually like when people tell me I'm stupid to my face.
That's how I learn.
@SecondRikudo you're stupid
now learn
@FlorianMargaine And you're French.
... it doesn't work that way?
At least I can learn :P
@SecondRikudo you need to separate creating initializing objects from exporting them, export a constructor and then initialize it and use DI to pass it its dependencies.
@BenjaminGruenbaum it only becomes obvious once you have a syntax error on the first line of a module
also, you don't have to use DI, you can use github.com/thlorenz/proxyquire
@GorgiKosev well, when you try to use a global. I wonder if Node will switch to ES6 imports when it's possible.
@GorgiKosev you can, but that's missing the point and the problem DI solves :P
@FlorianMargaine As in 'No, that's not how it's done stupid! You should a. b. c.'
no they wont, and they're not really that superior to commonjs anyway :)
@ThiefMaster how can i contact so team ?
The whole point is making dependencies explicit, testability is just a plus because well... you know what your dependencies are.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm against using DI to make code testable
@SecondRikudo I know. I was just using the opportunity to call you stupid.
@GorgiKosev right, he should be using DI to pass his dependencies anyway, testing is just a plus.
@darkyen00 why oh why do you want to contact the SO team?
you either design your code for DI because thats whats needed in the particular case (swapping out implementations) or you don't use DI
why do you need to swap out implementations if not for testing?
@FlorianMargaine dev/prod, different deployments, different storage, different use case etc.
@GorgiKosev That's not what DI solves - it has a lot of other advantages but the point is making what your code needs explicit, and moving the responsibility of initializing it to where it belongs. (imo)
@BenjaminGruenbaum imgur thing :P
imgur replied saying its in i.stack.imgur so stack
@FlorianMargaine for example, if @SecondRikudo ever wants to use his code or parts of it on a browser or in a desktop app - he'd want to swap how HTTP requests are made - instead of using the HTTP module, he'd use XHR or a native api call.
@darkyen00 Oh, I can upload it to facebook if that'd make things better.
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah, but you don't know that before starting
@BenjaminGruenbaum so I define all of my functions as regular local variables, and module.exports = {x:3}
@BenjaminGruenbaum please Dont !
it might get her grounded instead -_-
@darkyen00 whoops
@FlorianMargaine ce la vie, we don't know anything before starting :( though I wish we did.
In before tipranks.com/abishek.jpg
I'd probably change that into a function that accepts request, but then, how do I get it to the functions I'm including?
@GorgiKosev yeah, but then it means you never use DI with your argument
(I know I can do this with prototyping and whatnot, but I'd like to know if there're other ways)
If you guys remove that image
@FlorianMargaine you don't have to - again it's a byproduct. The problem being solved is making dependency explicit - the other wins are just a byproduct (like testability, swapping, configuring etc)
i will wear this avatar forever.
@FlorianMargaine there are legitimate disadvantages to using DI
@darkyen00 we don't care what avatar you use :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum I know, I'm arguing with Gorgi
@GorgiKosev like?
@FlorianMargaine the main arguement against it is that a lot of frameworks don't support it. That makes it impractical.
@FlorianMargaine like its undecidable what implenentation is currently in use until runtime
You need the framework to use DI internally, if it doesn't - that sucks.
which means tooling sucks more when you use DI :P
@GorgiKosev that's a good thing, it makes your constraints and dependencies explicit. The fact you rely on the interface provided and not the implementation is a good thing.
well know which framework you use before starting your project then
@BenjaminGruenbaum not even this one ?
@FlorianMargaine yeah, but sometimes it renders it impractical - for example I'm coding Swift atm and apple's framework doesn't use DI so I'm stuck with a global.
@BenjaminGruenbaum its a bad thing when someone is exploring the code. They have no idea where to find the current implementation
@BenjaminGruenbaum yes... ?
My code uses DI but the framework doesn't - so all the UI logic is initialized globally.
@GorgiKosev which is a good thing, they only have to find the interface, otherwise the implementation is broken.
@BenjaminGruenbaum not if they're trying to figure out where to find a problematic bit that needs debugging
@GorgiKosev debuggers run at runtime, so it's a good thing ;)
@GorgiKosev the debugger doesn't care how what implementation is used.
I really hate how some Java code does DI with spring, XML config files for implementations are a horrible horrible idea - but that's just a bad use for DI, it's not DI's fault.
you're not often able to step through the code in a debugger without the bug disappearing when you try to do that
Also, I agree with the tooling, when you're exploring the code an editor that's not aware of the DI will take you to the interface.
in any case, before you even start you want to know where to start
@GorgiKosev you generally want to separate the interface and the implementation anyway.
@GorgiKosev any stack trace will tell you the implementation...
You don't want users to have to think about which promise library you're using when you return a thenable from your code.
@darkyen00 or @AbhiskekHingnigar or whatever your name is - check out your FB profile page :D
thats pretty much a non-issue in a dynamic language or a language with structural types
@darkyen00 Oh wait, still uploading.
@GorgiKosev we're talking about js there, a very dynamic language
@GorgiKosev how so? It's all about making dependencies explicit, you can monkey patch instead sometimes but that's hiding the dependencies.
@BenjaminGruenbaum so you're saying that to use url.parse, I need to add it as a DI dependency?
@darkyen00 Grounded? How old is she?!
how much do I add? Only that function? The entire url module? A subset of the URL module that I use? What is the contract for that subset? How much of it am I using?
what do I tell my tooling?
where should it "find" the url parameter?
@GorgiKosev obviously not everything has to be a dependency, parsing a URL will likely never change, it doesn't carry state and it's small enough. In theory though -yes.
I do pass log for example.
And it has made my life easier, several times.
@ThiefMaster wait, @darkyen00 you can get your fiance GROUNDED?
@BenjaminGruenbaum well that was my original point - not using DI unless you anticipate you will need it :)
@GorgiKosev you can anticipate you might want to change HTTP requests are made though, or how stuff will be logged, or how DB connections will be made etc.
(because DI is not free)
Q: Grunt installation in mac os

Tirthi want to create angular js app using bootstrap, for that i installed node.js pkg file in my mac. Afterward i install yeoman ($sudo npm install --global yo). Doc says if we install yo then we get automatically install grunt and bower. In my case grunt and bower not installed. So decide to install...

@GorgiKosev It's free in Angular :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah, it does depend on the project though.
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah thats crap that I have to live with until we completely replace it with react :)
luckily ternjs understands angular DI and gives me tooling to work with it
have you noticed however that most angular examples don't separate the wiring from the implementation? :)
Guys better way please? (There has to be one)
@GorgiKosev how would react replace Angular anyway?
They do orthogonal things :P
var request;

module.exports = (function (requestLib) {
    request = requestLib;
    return {
        makeFilteredCall: makeFilteredCall,
        findItemDetails: findItemDetails
I'd use a constructor and a prototype, but that could work.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Feels dirty though
@SecondRikudo or use proxyquire
@GorgiKosev That looks nice, but I do want my app too look good too
@SecondRikudo there is no good or bad, there are just reasons to do things one way or another :P
the DI sample I'd simplify by just making request a parameter of the function instead of declaring it outside the function and assigning to it
and you dont need the surrounding ( and ) :P
(because you're not invoking the function)
infact I'm not even sure if you need them even if you do
i just checked and you don't. you only need them if the line starts with "function"
as the parser is expecting a function definition rather than a function expression
and you can also use a default to cater to users who don't like to wire everything manually
if (request == null) request = require('request')
(although that may lead to a default parameter hell in the future if you add more dependencies)
you can give both a try I guess?
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah, the reason I was staying with angular was the automatic databinding freeing me of worrying about event listeners and cycles and whatnot.
however... if I can't make them perform well, then what good are they? :/
I'm stuck on a bug at work, will work on it later :P
Angular Question: I am getting the error call to eval() blocked by CSP. What should I do?
@RahulDesai: we need more info than that.
@Cerbrus I am using angular for an app for Firefox OS. Firefox doesnt like eval, timeouts, etc
How do I resolve this?
The same code works on desktop FF browser running on Windows.
Simple. Don't use eval. ever.
Also, Firefox OS?
Yeah, Firefox OS.
Geez, it's a year old already and I haven't heard of it
Mozilla recommended Angular.
Mozilla has a sense of humour.
@mintsauce ?
you dont like angular?
angular and its dependency is really shit
@RahulDesai eval has some serious security issues
Which is why you shouldn't use it
I like Angular as much as anyone who thinks writing code in strings to be evaluated according to arbitrary rules is a useful way to program.
@Tirth I am really new to angular, man. Not yet good enough to answer your question.
when i run command yo angular [app name] i got error
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/S‌​DKs/MacOSX10.9.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Ca‌​rbonCore.framework/Headers/FSEvents.h:290:1: note:
stupid angular violates xcode framework class
I found out that the only way to add a column at a specific spot in SQL Server is by opening up their graphical editor
Why couldn't they just support "AFTER" keyword?
It means you could never programmatically add a column unless it is at the very end.
Would someone have a design idea for the top right dropdown menu : bigpicture.bi/demo ? Some example of websites who have such a Login/Sign up dropdown?
In relational DBs elements of a tuple are accessed by name, not by ordinal position. Order is meaningless.
Kinda like an object in JS.
^ that @Neil
@mintsauce Order isn't meaningless if your entire application hinges on a specific table ordering
@(removed): deleting a column
Bad application!
hey guys can you please help me with stackoverflow.com/questions/26233392/… on nodejs
@Neil Heard of ORDER BY?
If adding a column at the end means changing your entire application, even if to fix select statements, it is kind of important. And, as in our case, if the framework your application is dependent on breaks on improper column ordering, worse still.
@copy I think he meant column ordering
@copy Talking about column ordering, not row ordering
@Neil The framework is terrible
oh, your software does SELECT *...
You're never supposed to do a SELECT * anyway.
afaik even if you do select * you get column names
Yeah, you do.
I still don't get what meaning column order has anyway, why would you need it or depend on it?
It's like depending on the order of a for... in loop iteration, or Object.keys results it just doesn't make very much sense.
if your db access layer returns a list of columns and a list of lists representing the rows
and you just go ahead and ignore the list of columns...
Is it true that NoSQL is not as scalable as SQL databases?
@BenjaminGruenbaum yet some software do rely on this
@FlorianMargaine yeah, it's just bad
@GorgiKosev haha, sounds hideous
bad software everywhere
is it really the software's fault? :)
in a statically typed language, you don't have that many options
you could use a dictionary though
@Neil create new views with the correct ordering. Include comments about how ashamed you are.
Angular question: There is a functionality that I need to implement in my app. There is a button on the home screen "Shop by Department". On clicking this, the list of departments needs to be displayed. What is the best way to implement this using angular? Should I be using states?
you should probably be using the router
^ @RahulDesai
can you please elaborate? I am fairly new to angular.
how do you POLYFILL html imports?
@RahulDesai oh do you mean a dropdown with the list of departments?
in that case yes, use a state
is there a cdn for require.js ?
@copy Agreed
@FlorianMargaine No, it was a for instance
@BenjaminGruenbaum Agreed, thanks for the best practice. Always refreshing hearing it from you guys.
@mintsauce No thanks, I think I'll just assume MySQL is superior than SQL Server because they allow it
how does mongoose maintain same connection reference even when it is on different modules but is connected only in the root module
@RyanKinal what was your startup again, something related to phones ?
how does mongoose maintain same connection reference even when it is on different modules but is connected only in the root module. can any one reference me to the methodology used(not mongoose repo)
any contractors here?
@SuperUberDuper I sort of do contract work, if that's what you mean
is that good? given that they don't care that I've not used it
@KendallFrey Good Morning !
@RyanKinal what do you use to send them messages ?
@Neil MySQL is very much inferior to SQL Server, at least since 2008
@SuperUberDuper wait what?
@BenjaminGruenbaum MySQL works on Linux
@SecondRikudo and?
They don't switch the OS just to run SQL Server over MySQL
@VineeshTrivandrum Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Anyone help me for this question
Q: How to get data/content from Squarespace to my website?

Vineesh TrivandrumI have a website on Squarespace, I want to get a content from Squarespace to my website. If I change any content on Squarespace that content should be reflect on my website. Is there any API/AJAX response or any other solution for this? Thanks in advance..

@GorgiKosev not a dropdown, just <li> elements

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