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!!afk home time @SterlingArcher I gotta figure out what to do with all that crazy shit still LOL
No @CapricaSix to mark you as away doe
doe? really?
ya wut
Come on, is it really that hard?
is wut
@rlemon, I tried to reproduce the problem here : stackoverflow.com/questions/26130051/…
@phenomnomnominal just likes big werds
Greetings and salutations
you ain't the boss o' me @phenomnomnominal
Hi, @monners
What's kickin'?
No, but it makes you look fucking stupid. And I wouldn't think you'd want that?
Nothing, just pondering transcendental philosophy and shooting the shit
Bro, do you even English?
My mother uses txt spk whenever she sends me an email, like she thinks there's a character limit or something, and she's a fucking lawyer!
There used to be
255 character limit, if I remember right
pre-optimizing English is just stupid
I worked for air2web back in the bronze age of telecom
@monners is she hot?
@taco Not on emails
Yeah, I stand by my remark. I'll take what I can get
@monners Oh, sorry, I thought we were talking SMS
@monners mother is very hot
...for a 55 year old
@TomW yeah, the key for this girl is she's easily upset by others poking fun at her
So I'm very hesitant to bring her here
@monners I assume she's in Australia too?
But she's showing signs of incredible capacity to understand and learn code
@SterlingArcher That'd be a none-starter for me
@phenomnomnominal Yessum
@monners huh?
@monners and your whole country is preeeeetty much a desert?
@SterlingArcher ooook, there is an intriguing convergence of circumstances here that obliges me to pay attention
ergo, hot.
on the left, delayed reaction RE @SterlingArcher's young protege. On the right, me making lewd comments about @monners's Mom
@phenomnomnominal We do have air conditioning
If I was single, I couldn't date any girl younger than 24... too many insecurities (for guys and girls)
Does !!fuckable still exist?
@phenomnomnominal the bot doesn't exist
@SterlingArcher she'll be your boss in five years. Probably most people out at work doing JS don't understand truthy/falsy
@TomW so true
IME teenagers tend to particularly hate explanations that are like "No, it doesn't make sense, but this is the way it is"
@Loktar Oh that's right, @rlemon should fix that.
I find the differences between men and women fascinating. The fact that the ratio of geek girls in IT vs men is just so curious
Protip: You don't have to be a 'geek' to work in IT
@TomW I was worried about bring up truthyfalsy so soon, but I figured the less time she had to be confused about the differences, the easier it would be for her
@SterlingArcher I'm pretty sure I don't understand it
really? what's not clear about it
> "'These were extremely sophisticated hackers.... Don't be fooled by their ages,' assistant US attorney Ed McAndrew said after a court hearing on Tuesday. ...
> In a statement, the Justice Department said the hackers used SQL injection and stolen usernames and passwords to access the networks.
is it unethical to wear sexy underwear to work?
Wow, so sophisticated
I couldn't tell you what all the relationships are
@monners all underwear is sexy underwear.
@Mosho RE JS, I r noob
@TomW I gave her a quiz with things like.. var x = 8; if (x === "8") //will this pass or fail, and why
and she aced it immediately
what's more impressive, she's doing it on paper. She doesn't have a computer, just her phone
@phenomnomnominal No underwear is the sexiest underwear
So she's not even cheating by running the code
ask her [] == ""
@SterlingArcher I have the general idea but I've not used JS enough to remember what's considered truthy/falsy...does one have to remember or is it just obvious?
also, what about these
@TomW Just don't mix types
Use ===
Ok, time to go to work. :le sigh:
It might still lead to bugs, because invalid operations don't fail early
@monners cya
@TomW falsey = empty string, false, 0, null, undefined, NaN
rest are truthy
Mosho beat me to it
You have all seen wat, right?
Too much of it
@Basj i send an example for you
@SterlingArcher if she laughs, hire
using a callback function jsfiddle.net/Ltp2swk4
Just use TypeScript and all your problems will go away
@randiel you have jquery so what the fuck are you doing using createElement and addEventListener?
yeah @randiel, what the fuck man
@randiel Seriously mate?
is a suggest to the original problem: stackoverflow.com/questions/26130051/…
@randiel your site is down
@randiel it sounds like you're trying to make a really messy workflowy.com
i don't know the goal of the code, i only suggest use a callback function, not a setTimeout, for more explain read the question of @Basj stackoverflow.com/questions/26130051/…
@TomW I think she has potential, if I can get her to not be offended so easily
Unfortunately she had anorexia, so mixed with teen emotions, her weight is a sensitive topic
So if anybody has self-esteem subtle boosting tactics let me know
@SterlingArcher I guess that comes from being a teenager, and particularly a teenage girl, but still...she is going to have to get over it to be an adult, never mind a developer
^ exactly
Growing up will fix all that
I was the same way at her age
No harm in praising people when they do good stuff
I suppose
Yeah, she's an absolute delight when she's happy, and I smiled when I saw her reaction to acing my quiz
Never seen somebody so happy to be correct
Warmed my heart it did!
@SterlingArcher bro, in love much.
@SterlingArcher Consistency is key here - make sure you regularly compliment her on things she's self-conscious about.
@phenomnomnominal naw, I'm finding myself really enjoying teaching
@SomeKittens definitely, now that I know she responds well to praise, I know exactly how to motivate her
Wait, you're teaching now?
Nothing fancy, we just pmail each other in the game I'm coding for
ooh, ok
She expressed interest, showed dedication through the basics, so I agreed to tutor
I've had several "pupils" on that game, but none have gone past a couple days interest before giving up
So I make sure they prove they wanna learn before taking my time to teach
It feels good man
Passing on knowledge? I like it. Maybe someday I can get into teaching classes
Who knows what brilliant minds I can find
@randiel cache your selectors, and what is with the random block?
@phenomnomnominal dude, so false. SOOOOO false T_T
@SterlingArcher no way, you're just a hater.
cache selectors is a good advice!
Brah, bloomers
Is it kosher to ask/answer questions about code I've written?
@SterlingArcher FUCK YES
@SterlingArcher you're not into chicks from the late 1800's?
ankle gaps brah, i just dont diggem
@SomeKittens It's not haram.
@SomeKittens probably
@phenomnomnominal now the selectors are cached, stackoverflow.com/questions/26130051/…
thank you!
i suppose this best practice is for huge apps
@SomeKittens codereview.SE
@KendallFrey Nah, like "I do $thing with validate-dockerfile and it doesn't work" "Oh, you need to do X"
essentially using SO to host my FAQ's
oh, yeah, answer your question
not many people do it, and quite a few people misunderstand it, but it's designed to do that
@SterlingArcher have you touched on JS stuff that's not UI related?
with your student, I mean
What do you mean?
@randiel it's a bit of a convention to preceed store jquery results with a $, eg $maa
and again, why do you have the whole thing wrapped in a block?
So far, we've covered variable types, conditions, truthy falsy, and arrays today alone. Tomorrow, a quick re-cover, and then functions
I'm giving her everything she needs to know about the basics, so that she can hit the ground running when I give her a first assignment
Cool, well, that sounds like describing JS from the start as a general-purpose language
I'm not sure what I was querying was even relevant
@TomW Mind if I rant for a bit?
Yeah, I'm teaching it in a way that she knows what a JS quirky aspect is (such as arrays being objects), but she can still take the knowledge of variables, loops, etc and go teach herself PHP or Java
@SomeKittens would it make any difference if I did?
I'd love more input, so ping me with optimum topic order if you have suggestions!
I gotta go home though
I am total noob with js
@TomW Dunno, you seem to be having a lovely conversation. Wouldn't want to interrupt
Time for me to make use of these energy suppliments and get swoll
@SomeKittens <33
please don't ask me, anything I say about it will be mega wrong
@TomW stick around here :) We love teaching people who like learning
I like node. I write jQuery when it makes my life easier. I give it to someone else when jQuery doesn't do what I want
The new JS curriculum at RocketU is nothing but UI and DOM interaction. Just enough JS is taught to start working with jQuery, and then it's nothing but jQuery. I don't know why I'm even teaching this anymore. The slides didn't even cover objects until day 4 (I did an impromptu lesson earlier).
@SomeKittens that's so lame
@phenomnomnominal my finish version, i use this block because the original question share it on this way in JSFiddle, i remove now.
A: Cannot give .focus() to an element of a dropdown menu

randielAn example using callback function. Man avoid to use setTimeout() function, because the results are unpredictable. http://jsfiddle.net/v62tdn9z/ var $maa=$('#maa'), $ha=$('#ha'); $maa.mousedown( function () { $ha.val('Bonjour'); $maa.mousemove(function () { $ha.focus(); }); });

If it doesn't need to be run in the browser, there are better alternatives out there (language-wise)
thank you, i learn more js coding here than any course in Perú
So apparently the new Windows OS coming out is Windows 10?
yes, 7 8 9
so it's dead
I think they just wanted to put some distance between it and 8, personally.
No, 7 ate 9
Oh Microsoft
lol want to see a nasty ass bugfix I just did so I can gtfo
@-moz-document url-prefix() {
    .smooth-form .input span span select {
too many plugins being used here
select boxes looked fucking crazy in mozilla
/me goes home
Select boxes are a bitch though
@Loktar dude, how lame is that. I expect more from you bro. shame really.
(that joke will never get old)
@SomeKittens While sniffing causes a lot of problems for everybody, I don't think it was the motivator behind Windows 10. We discuss bad patterns pretty often, and never has anybody (in any of the meetings I've been in) suggested we should skip version 9 due to poorly-written JavaScript on the web :)
1 message moved to Trash can
@JonathanSampson Dunno why you assumed that snipped was JS
It's totally valid JavaScript; but you're right, could be something else :)
For what it's worth, problems like those do exist - this may be why Windows 8 reports itself as 6.2? internally.
Relevant: "Operating system version changes in Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2" msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/…
@JonathanSampson string.StartsWith looks more like .net?
Microsoft has always been insanely careful about backward compatibility
Well, not careful, but they try to be compatible with really old software
@phenomnomnominal Could definitely be; or, could be a version object with a StartsWith method on its prototype chain ;)
@phenomnomnominal ECMAScript 6 has a StartsWith proposal on String.prototype if I'm not mistaken too. But you're right, I doubt that code is JavaScript.
I immediately went to "JavaScript" given the similarity in the syntax, and the fact that I look at JavaScript almost all day :D
And how prevalent poorly-written version-sniffing scripts are in the JavaScript community :(
@rlemon haha
you're right it doesn't
s/version-sniffing //
can't believe he even said that to begin with man
it's Abhishek dude
of course you can
@copy Golf-clap.
@rlemon whenever I start to view him as normal again, he goes full indian
no man, don't judge indians from him
he's just nuts
Amaan is a proper indian
@JonathanSampson You know anyone on the Azure team?
don't get me wrong, I like the guy. he's a good guy. but he's crazy
@SomeKittens Possibly. Never really sure what team some people work on :)
like cross-dressers
@JonathanSampson I agree, if it's JS it would more likely be startsWith
@phenomnomnominal to be fair, it was offered as an example of a poorly-written script
@JonathanSampson aww
this is true
@phenomnomnominal actually I retract my last statement.
if( OS.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf('windows 9') === 0 ) { ...
@rlemon so you don't like the guy. he's not a good guy, but he's not crazy?
ohhh that last statement.
Huh; yeah the .startsWith("windows 9")bit makes sense; though I'm surprised they didn't just come up with a non-numeric name for it, then.
Windows One
"Vista", "7", "8", "Something", "10" would have made more sense than "7", "8", "10"
I'd call it "Windows Nueva", personally.
I don't know what was wrong with naming them after the years
I like the code-names we come up with; but those don't always fly in the end :)
Windows Massive Cock?
Windows Aww, Fuck it.
Windows Suck-It-Torvalds
I never understood the "life without walls" ad campaign. wouldn't a window without a wall just crash? ohh wait....
Gotta run. Tomorrow is a big day :) Take care, all.
later o/
good luck tomorrow (w/e it is)
...crash... I see what you did there ;)
xp was a simpler time
I'm MCP in XP!
ahahaha @Steam
> dear user, prices will soon be displayed in Canadian
thanks steam. appreciate it
Civ: Beyond Earth $49.99 eh
Socket.IO people: How do I ensure an event was only emitted serverside?
what do you mean?
Think SPACESHIPS - right now I can type socket.emit('exploded', {name: 'rlemon'}) into the console and you explode
so on the server you have an
@SomeKittens You're forwarding things from the server to all clients, aren't you?
ah, wait
figured it out
XY problem, move along
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star wars?
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