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$30/mo for cell, 5GB 4G data
@SomeKittens o/
@RyanKinal \o
how's the wife and kids?
Girlfriend and her kid, actually, but good!
How's the wife and lack of kids?
eh, close enough
Glad to hear it!
How can I fill gaps in what I have learned till now in JS?
1) Figure out what you don't know
2) Learn it
Or, alternately...

1) Build shit
2) Get it reviewed by folks who know what they're doing
Hello everyone!
@RyanKinal 1) is what I am asking... how?
Read more? Not sure.
@AwalGarg Read other's code
@SomeKittens ahh, nice... any recommendations?
The better method is probably the second method (build shit and get it reviewed)
Building shit is the best way to learn
... to "fill gaps"
You have to know what the gaps are. And the best way to do that is either to read code or to write code.
@monners I left my keyboard at home so I'm stuck with the silly Apple chicklet
Yeah dude, find a project, like, an ajax chat, and you'll be sure to find a gap in your learning
You can't know your gaps without finding them!
Can someone explain this?
{}["foo"] // => "foo"
({})["foo"] // => undefined
@MartinSvanberg Yes, it's been explained tons of times
The first is just an empty block, followed by an array
{} isn't an object literal, it's a code block
@Basj what is your backend programmed in?
Ah, how bizarre
Try {;}
Yeah, it is bizarre
So code blocks can be indexed?
@MartinSvanberg AFAIK, {}["foo"] /*should return*/ ["foo"]
it's not indexed
[] is an array
Hey guys, is there a way to "know" what language a user has chosen from the google translate widget?... say you don't want to build different pages per language, so the easy way is to use Google translate.. but the thing is that, say, you have a PDF's for download, and PDF's are in different languages, so, how do you know what files to give the user for download? ...
@MartinSvanberg {}['foo'] is equivalent to {}; ['foo'];
right, semicolon insertion
I'm in a love hate relationship with ASI
s/love //
@RyanKinal when it saves your ass you love it
So it should return ['foo'], but doesn't
when people abuse it you hate it
@MartinSvanberg does for me in Chrome and FF
@MartinSvanberg It does in my console
where are you seeing this
using a command line javascript repl called jsc
@Tanker drop down list and let them pick
Yep, chrome console gets it right
@MartinSvanberg blame the tools on this one
Ok, thanks guys
use node
@Zirak rlemon wants your server to crash
I think. Iunno
Aw shit, I always forget first instances
@AwalGarg what?
because I'm suggesting people use his software
are you stoned today?
in other news: Should I be concerned or impressed my co-worker has gone almost two weeks without opening his desk drawers
(I filled them with foam. still hasn't found it yet)
lmao what
I haven't opened my drawer for months
I bet the foam is now a lquid and you've ruined his drawers
nahh, packing foam
oh ok lol
@SterlingArcher That could be taken quite differently
@KendallFrey I saw it as well
@SterlingArcher As in, "I have taken your mom's virginity." Or... something.
That uh... not sure how to reply to that one.
Dan Prince, United Kingdom
1.9k 2 10 28
look, it's your face
loads gimp
is it advisable to use the script defer attribute?
(i haven't really seen it used at many places, that's why asking)
@ircmaxell Now do it with emoji
hardest wink yet
I had spicy pad thai for lunch. That shit's good.
I had that for lunch
That bizarre moment when you come back to find that someone has giffed your face...
cheese soup?
Spicy Chicken Thai Soup
@DanPrince ahaha
Huh, lots of thai for lunch.
it's kinda my thing
Thai is amazing
I wish I knew how to gif. I would out-gif you. noob.
@DanPrince shots fired bro, you gotta respond in kind now
start with your photo, make minor alterations and clone them for each frame
setup your timing between frames
Sounds like more effort than I'm willing to commit to
I should make more soups...
that was it
5 frames, and the (nms) is the time per frame
GIMP export uses those
@SterlingArcher when i'm talking about a gif, they are frames. smart ass
Gimp is for noobs
PS is for noobs.
Gimp takes skill.
Actually, after coming back to gimp after years (like 10) of not using it, it's a hell of a lot more complicated to use.
@rlemon lol I just saw layers on the side
yea PS is for sure easier. but it is way more robust
I used to be really good in gimp. Now it's hard for me to do anything
I don't know much about gimp or PS
GIMP is challenging to get into now. but the rewards are outstanding (not having to pay $1800)
I prefer illustrator over all
vectors > photo editing
yea I never got into the vector thing
illustrator intimidates me
This was done in illustrator: hostr.co/file/A0AChWSEXZ8W/zombiejim.png
took me a couple of days
Here's a closer shot of the zombie: hostr.co/file/FOFjeChs8IRK/zombiejim.png
yea I don't do any graphics that would take me more than 45 minutes
if I am in need of one, I'd sooner hire someone
I don't do graphics anymore... too much work
@BadgerGirl over and out
@rlemon where is the bot?
Uh oh, you gon' get dead now
Iunno, you don't fuck with Badger's dude
Number one rule about the bot; you don't ask about the bot
they'll rip out your brain through your bhole and you wont even know it
user image
Ooohhhh... nice
I like you, you can stay.
Captain Canuck reporting for maple!
dat wink
@DanPrince appears to be winning
if I told you that I liked your body, would you ask if you could watch?
this is why we need a bash.org clone for this room :P
@RyanKinal you good with cli? ssh ??
I wanna pipe the output of a sql query to my pc. not the machine i'm ssh'd into
I realize I can just scp it back when i'm done
You're just jealous of my ability to disconnect myself from reality.
but I wanna be fancy and do it in one command
@NickDugger cocaine is one helluvah drug
msyql <whatever> > file.sql; scp file.sql <wherever>; rm file.sql?
Semicolons, man. Semicolons.
if( blah ) {
how can I make this one line?
foo(); if( blah ) bar();
No problem ;-)
<=== winner
I uh... I don't get it.
I don't get you
Ooh! Better yet! sh sqlcopy.sh
That's quite common lol
Where sqlcopy.sh contains what I said above.

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