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ok I have to go for now... cya laters :)
!!afk witch hunt
Do you get 45 - and 61 + ?
@Basj yes. and the plus on the keypad is 43 I guess.
and minus keypad ?
I get 43 for shift and my + key, but I'm on a magical keyboard (azerty layout)
@Basj 45
@Kippie yeah that is the same
main - = 45, keypad - = 45, main + 61, keypad + 43, it this right @Kippie @AwalGarg ?
@Basj exactly.
I have no keypads :(
@Basj keep in mind that the 61 you are getting is because of the = sign attached as default to the main + key.
@AwalGarg oh right..... and is + attached to = on your keyboard as well ?
@Basj yes, but that doesn't matter.
browser operations themselves are based on charcodes and metacodes.
@AwalGarg it does matter because 61 is for = ..... so we listen for = and not +
@Basj exactly.
if one CTRL PLUS , in fact it is CTRL =
that's complex!
it is just complex to understand. I think you can use this for your case.
yesss ! thanks so much !
i'll implement this after lunch
are you here back in 1 hour to do a little test
if it works on my project ?
umm maybe
see you!
ya cya
!!afk witch hunting (in real this time)
var text = "Don't mess with me";

I want to replace all the occurences of ' with \' and I'm trying the following

var text = "Don't mess with me";
text.replace(/(?:(.*)(')(.*))*/, '$1\$2$3')

What'm I doing wrong here?
!!are you alive?
@rlemon Yes!
who keeps bringing her back online?
stop it
now I have to close the browser, which means if she gets patched while i'm afk you're all boned.
this is why we can't have nice things
what did I just say.
don't fuck around, I haven't had coffee yet.
I hate you all
I love you
@rlemon what's the deal with coffee? :D
He's not a morning person. He needs coffee to feel better
!!why doesn't @rlemon like you? :D
Coffee is a pretty standard thing. "What's the deal with [it]?" ... it's caffeine, what the hell do you mean?
no I'm actually a morning person. I just got like ten pings last night about the bot
and @KamranAhmed stop being annoying
jesus dude, I've interacted with you for all of ten seconds and you annoy me \
I love you @rlemon
@NickDugger he's trying to be Jerry?
@rlemon happens when it's your bad day..
Maybe Kamran is the latest iteration of Zigi
@Sippy I love you as well, only because you make me hum under the sea... under the sea... life is much better where it is wetter take it from me
@rlemon Woo!
@KamranAhmed happens when people are annoying ;)
@Kippie what's Zigi?
@Kippie I think you are. You so edgy!
rlemon enters Guys, Stop with the damn bot. it's broken. <Kamran continues to try to be a smart ass and fuck with the bot> <- Annoying!
Also, if lemon hadn't made that comment, I never would've realized you're that little mermaid crab. Sebastian, or what was its name?
@rlemon I doubt that.. It didn't happen with me even though I've been here with you for about 10 minutes now ;-)
@rlemon How exactly is it broken? She still does shit.
she has no concept of users.
thanks for backing me up caprica.
User interaction is broken.
some stuff works, other stuff is horribly broken and spammy
I see.
Has it been confirmed by SE that the changes are permanent? Or is it just a bug?
they are perm changes
they changed a few structures
someone used her tell command earlier and it worked, I guess that just works on a string literal?
@rlemon I didn't fuck with the bot.. I mean how can I? :P
So, what's the next step? Do we offer someone as tribute to fix the problem?
@KamranAhmed dis guy
stop pinging me please.
@Kippie I think we should offer @KamranAhmed
@Kippie Zirak has a fix. but "wanted to test it" and now is gone for the week
Blood sacrifice to the SO gods.
wait... SE actually made changes to the chat software?
@Shea Do the @username thing
@Shea long time no see
Like you are some Celebrity or a cute girl huh!! "@rlemon" :D
hi :)
@KamranAhmed She is. Now back off
@KamranAhmed I don't think you know what happens to trolls in here.
I asked you to stop pinging me. what do you do? ping me. piss off.
They get 20 2h bans, if I recall correctly
I could have just ignored. but fuck dude. I even said please
@Kippie Lololololol
He was a turdsmear
@rlemon under da sea ...
@NickDugger Osoeloquent
hums something about better and wetter
it's funnier this way
That's dirty.
Disney is so full of sexual frustration it's fantastic.
someone got kicked out of it
I hate routing in angular.
Can't make it work therefore it is shit.
Is there actually a decent list of all new tlds (which aren't arabic/asian characters) ?
namecheap has a nice list
rlemon my apologies. I didn't know you were serious..
Why is that domain thisismy.horse, and not lookatmy.horse, though?
ask @Cereal
@KamranAhmed This is the fucking javascript channel. We don't kid around here, only serious stuff
who here vapes? I always forget?
I maybe would if I didn't have to save up for christmas gifts for me parents
@Kippie please... I'm serious here. And the room name doesn't say FuckingOnlySeriousStuff
Srsly guise
are you sure ;)
@KamranAhmed Settle down, you're causing a scene
It's there now.. Good step ;)
yes, but what has this world come to when people need to be reminded of it?
@rlemon is the bot fixed yet? it was working earlier
@BenjaminGruenbaum please " * - OnlySeriousStuff"
I think if anyone pings him about the bot again he's gonna explode in fiery rage.
Excuse all but with github ... I can earn the money?
@MirkoCianfarani Replying baseless statement with equally baseless statement: Yes. Yes you can.
@BenjaminGruenbaum "working" !== fixed
no changes have been made, she would start bugging out again
> Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?
someone decided to bring her back online
after I upload and see
@rlemon ok then, why is there a call for help on the right if Zirak is fixing it?
no clue.
I've said it over and over again. Zirak has a fix. he's just AFK
and i'm really getting annoyed with the constant pings about the bot :P holy crap people. we survived without her before. we can go a week without her again.
can u pls help me kind sir?
I have a jquery problem
You want a bot? Here's your bot
Fire this problem benja...
@rlemon sorry
@MirkoCianfarani ?
If I can help you... and depends also about (from) case @BenjaminGruenbaum
@MirkoCianfarani ?
4 mins ago, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
I have a jquery problem
@BenjaminGruenbaum Roflmao
my jQuery problem is that jQuery exists
> Where a calculator like the ENIAC today is equipped with 18,000 vacuum tubes and weighs 30 tons, computers in the future may have only 1,000 vacuum tubes and perhaps weigh only 1½ tons. --Andrew Hamilton, "Brains that Click", Popular Mechanics 91 (3), March 1949
@NickDugger ?
@NickDugger jQuery is the best JS framework, I don't understand why people hate it. It's so much better than everything else.
@BenjaminGruenbaum he prefers unjustifiedHateQuery
framework :cringe:
@Neil that's why I love fallout - it's the world after nuclear war without transistors.
Did that cause you physical pain?
jQuery: the ultimate framework
@BenjaminGruenbaum Steampunk tech ftw
The banality is causing us pain.
Me and @rlemon have had this very discussion at this room at least a hundred times.
In addition, Swift doesn't like the concept of compilation.
yay poor server configuration
da pizzabot is broken
too many files open
well that isn't it
$ ulimit
@BenjaminGruenbaum plz hav prblm \
> Error: spawn EMFILE
and don't forget to spay and neuter your pets
@BenjaminGruenbaum why is this not in node?
@FlorianMargaine it's just for actual file ops, not sockets
Not sure why he's getting EMFILE that's hard to debug from afar as it's machine specific.
yes, it's a drop-in replacement for fs
Usually it's the descriptor limit.
That girl in the picture looks like she lost to a badger in a game of chess, and the fact she played a badger wasn't unusual
@FlorianMargaine written by isaacs
I know
hence my question: why not in node
The NodeJS FS module is designed to just be a wrapper on libc, it should behave as an async version glibc does when possible.
So open or readdir should succeed/fail at the same times they do when you call open in C for example.
@BenjaminGruenbaum is this my issue
that i'm not releasing the connection?
No, it's a readdirSync
It doesn't take any FDs anyway.
Well, it's a system call that goes to kernel space in C, if it's implemented in user level it might take some FDs but release them immediately too.
Check out how many FDs you have open when that error happens, that should be interesting.
Not sure how used you are to linux (or if you're on linux) , but it's at /proc/YOURPID/fd, you can get the pid by running ps -a.
ls -l /proc/pid/fd | wc -l
doesn't seem too bad
and yet, I get this error lorempizza.com/i/380/240
If it's 14, unless you config'd something very wrong it's not lack of fds
that's irrelevant
restarting the forever process fixed it
that is strange.
Yey the pizzabot lives
$routeProvider.when("/Responder", {
		controller: "responderController",
		templateUrl: "/Responder/DetailsForm"
Wrong one
Wrong pizzabot?
can anyone see a reason why url/Responder wouldn't link to DetailsForm?
It bypasses Angular and uses the MVC routing to go to the Index page :/
Every angular tutorial has minimal description and a "copy and paste this example" piece of shit explanation
@Sippy Documentation is like sex. When it's great it's really great, but when it's not, well, it's better than nothing at all.
@Neil Angular is so fucking hard to learn.
Been at this for like 3 days now and still no further than ng-app >_>
@Sippy It has a sharp learning curve for sure
It's the lack of decent shit on the internet I am struggling with
All the Angular material I've found is by and large useless because it's "copy and paste this code" shit
Angular is considered one of the better libraries actually
I didn't say it wasn't
My issue with most tutorials is that they start a few steps after what they should. When I was trying to learn javascript, most tutorials demand at least a basic understanding of what you're doing, but I was clueless. It made learning very hard, which is why I loved codecademy so much (because it made it easy)
Lack of tutorials you mean?
Not lack of tutorials
Lack of decent tutorials
Yes, that's what I meant
Is there a JS thing for if a == 1 || a==7 || a==18 like if a in [1, 7, 18] ?
If I wanna learn something for jquery I can usually find 20 different tuts that explain exactly how to do it in every context
if I wanna do something in Angular I can find 20 tutorials all of which do it in a different way and none of which are explained
So you only understand which context suits you if you already know angular, which I don't
That's what's hard lol
that's one of the things that I don't like about angular or any other framework.. they usually give you many ways of doing the same thing, most of which are not the "right" way
If you're going to be obliged to write a program in a specific way, don't allow many ways to do something if it can be helped
any idea @NickDugger ?
there should be one right way
is something like if a in [1,7,18,21,243,232] possible instead of if ... || ... || ... || ... ?
Granted, I think that's very much to ask for in a framework
Q: array.contains(obj) in JavaScript

bradWhat is the most concise and efficient way to find out if a JavaScript array contains an obj? This is the only way I know to do it: function contains(a, obj) { for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { if (a[i] === obj) { return true; } } return false; } Is ...

@Basj if (myArray.indexOf("something") > -1)
oh wait... I don't think that's what you were looking for
why not just do a loop?
if ([1,7,18].indexOf(a) > -1)
instead of
if a==1 || a==7 || a ==18
@Basj That's not what you're looking for.
Do a loop.
@Sippy what else then
Like Nick said :)
!!s/That's not what/These are not the droids/
plz come back cappy :(
If I have only 3 conditions, then it's easier to have
if a==1 || a==7 || a ==18
instead of doing a loop
@Basj Use an array if you're dealing with a potentially dynamic list or if you have way too many to list out in an if condition
Otherwise, just list it out. It's clearer
There is an easy way to check whether or not a character is an alphabetical character btw
You're not doing that are you?
no i'm not doing that
!!>p = 0; !p!==p;
@rlemon when will the bot get fixed?
@AwalGarg he's gonna kill you now
*puts up gore splatter plastic sheet*
@AwalGarg Hahaha you so fukin dead
@Sippy why what happened?
It'd be pretty ironic if rlemon came back at Awal with !!mute AwalGard 999d
@SomeGuy *Garg
Edit magic!
Sep 25 at 15:42, by rlemon
Bots down until the users bug is fixed. FYI (and stop asking / bitching about it).
it's been like 20 years... she is dead
"Stop asking"
You gon' get dead
how do I delete that older message ;p?
@SomeGuy you don't expect me to read those brackets, do you?
I don't really expect anything from you. Not after what you did!
You left us!
heh? Are you sober?
God dammit... every damn time I look on main about answering some questions, things like this appear
Q: Html,css: table overflow doesn't show in internet explorer

Shiro http://jsfiddle.net/p7ucpmk3/ CSS: table#ErrorLogTable{ display: inline-block; font-size: 13px; letter-spacing: 1px; font-family: "Trebuchet MS"; margin-left:30px; background: #EFEFEF; } table#ErrorLogTable tbody { display: inline-block; border:1px solid silver; height:105px; width:333px; ...

I think @rlemon might have gotten an aneurysm and died from all the people asking him about the bot..
@Sippy I srsly don't want that to happen until the bot is fixed.
u r gunna get deaded bro.
rlemon in angel of death form
gonna scythe ya head off
@NickDugger Non-js programmers don't know enough about javascript to know that they aren't using it
@Sippy do you think you can test if it works with CTRL PLUS and CTRL MINUS now ? (the link is in Favorite I see)
that's fine. When the bot does come back up I'm hard coding @AwalGarg into the ban list.
@Basj CTRL+ and CTRL- work but CTRL(hyphen) doesn't.
I blame @Sippy for all this.
And CTRL+ brings up an alert which is annoying lol
@rlemon Rofl
@Neil I know nothing about C++, but I'm more than sure I don't use it, lol
@NickDugger Yeah, not sure why it is that way for js
@Sippy can you reload and try with CTRL(hyphen) ?

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